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{{Infobox fictional race
|name              = Succubi (Felarya)
|image              = FelaryaFaldhatée.jpg
|image_alt          = The Fire Succubus Queen Faldhatée
|caption            = The Fire Succubus Queen Faldhatée
|leader            = [[Faldhatée|Queen Faldhatée]]
|homeworld          = Felarya
|seriescharacter    = [[Alice (Felarya)|Alice]]<br>[[Arale]]<br>[[Chalyssea]]<br>[[Faldhatée]]<br>[[Iridan]]<br>[[Kallisti]]<br>[[Menyssan]]<br>[[Zycra]]
|physicalaspects    = Female demons with a tail, bat-like wings and horns
''For other uses of the word [[Succubus]], see [[Succubus (disambiguation)]].''
''For other uses of the word [[Succubus]], see [[Succubus (disambiguation)]].''

'''Succubi''' in the ''Felarya'' universe  are female demons with the appearance of women adorned with various demonic features such as a tail, bat-like wings and horns.

The following information is taken from the Felarya Wiki website. The main page link to that Wiki is  [http://felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page here].

The Felarya universe deals with the fictional world of Felarya. In this universe most of the beings such as Succubi are gigantic in size. '''This universe deals with vore and as such may be uncomfortable for some to read.'''
There is no single definitive depiction of succubi, as their appearance can varies widely from one specimen to another, however, there is one fact about succubi that is universally agreed upon: they are extraordinary beautiful. Their features look perfect and their alluring body seem created to make mortals, both males and females, fall under their charms.  

As demons, succubi are spiritual beings. They can exist in physical realms, although maintaining their forms in that unnatural state takes a great deal of energy and is a constant drain on them. Physical worlds naturally reject the presence of spiritual beings to varying degree, thus most succubi will typically visit physical worlds only for limited period of time. This time varies widely from one succubus to another though. Generally speaking, the more powerful the succubus is and the more adept she is at managing her energy, the longer she will be able to remain on a physical world. There are succubi who have become very good at that exercise, being able to remain virtually indefinitely in a physical world and rarely coming back to Hell anymore. The opposite is also true with succubi who seldom left Hell in their existence, feel very uncomfortable in physical worlds and would only manage to stay there for one hour at most.

== Description ==
Succubi are women with demonic features such as horns, fangs, bat-like wings, etc.

There is no single definitive depiction of them, as their appearance varies widely from one species to another. However, there is one fact about succubi that is universally agreed upon: they are extraordinary beautiful. Their features are perfect and their alluring body is made to make mortals, both males and females, fall under their charms.
Many succubi use their attractive appearance to seduce, manipulate and corrupt mortals, in order to eventually draw their souls to Hell when they die. A succubus of that type will usually act as a normal woman to establish herself in a community, seducing her way to a high profile. Little by little her influence will start to be felt in various ways depending on the succubus' personality. this can manifest itself in people's inhibitions for sex, lust and desire being lowered and them competing to win the succubus's attention and favors, slowly becoming her slaves. More ruthless succubi prefer to sow discord and poison the mind of their victims with lies and deceit in order to push them to violence, turning neighbors against neighbors, eventually ending in tragedy and sometimes large scale slaughters. If left unchecked, some succubi can corrupt whole cities, countries or even entire worlds.  

A lesser known fact about succubi is their true size. When they appear in peoples dreams to lure and tempt them, they usually show themselves human-sized. However, most succubi are actually about 80 feet tall on average! This lesser known fact remains so because few people come back alive to report the succubi's true height.
If some hero comes and manage to find the exact source of the corruption to confront it, they soon discover another interesting fact about succubi: their true size. When they appear in physical worlds, succubi usually show themselves human-sized. However, on average succubi measure actually about 110 feet tall. This fact remains little known because few people come back alive from a live encounter with one of those giant demoness in their true form to tell the tale. Succubi are very dangerous and deadly beings that should never be taken lightly under any circumstances. Most of them are good warriors and excellent spell casters. Even an average succubus is a master of her element and knows the basics of dimensional magic. Succubi are also usually very voracious, rarely vegetarians and their large magic-proof stomachs can digest just about everything.

Succubi are very dangerous and deadly beings. Their alluring bodies hide their martial skills; they are are good warriors and excellent spell casters. Even an average succubus is a master of her element and knows the basics of dimensional magic. Succubi are also extremely voracious, and their large magic-proof stomachs can digest just about everything.
Moreover, like most demons, succubi are very difficult to kill under normal circumstances on a physical world. Most of the time, destroying a demon's body in a physical world will only result in the demon being sent back to hell to its native realm, albeit in a permanently weakened state. A demon "killed" in that fashion may still return to the physical plane to seek revenge after it recovers and gathers enough power. An unwise move though, as the demon will most likely be weaker than during the first encounter and more prone to suffer even greater damages. but demons in general are not known for their wisdom. If you really want to kill a demon once and for all, the surest way to do so is in its home in Hell which is, needless to say, very dangerous.  

Succubi are pretty rare in Felarya. They are rather uneasy in nature, surrounded by living things, and so prefer more mineral places, such as caverns or deep underground in some dungeons and temples. Most of them don't actually live in those places, but instead come to Felarya often to visit, as Felarya offers great hunting grounds and possess many hidden wonders.
The motives of a succubus in a physical world can vary widely however. Some succubi are not at all interested in that corruption business and just grow fascinated and attached to a particular world, living relatively normal lives undetected for centuries.  

Like all demons, succubi show no mercy to their enemies or to their prey. They are deceptive, prone to anger and they have a temperament that can only be described as chaotic. But contrary to Heaven's propaganda, not all succubi are innately evil, nor are all demons. Indeed, it is easy to find some friendly and amiable succubi.

It's very difficult to fully earn a succubus's trust, but once you do, they usually makes excellent friends, loyal to the death.
==Soul Devourers== 
Succubi love to feed on damned souls in Hell. Souls in spiritual realm becomes just as solid and tangible as a person of flesh in a physical world. The darker the soul is, the better. The succubus [[Menyssan]] once declared that ruthless rulers and brutal warlords were her personal favorite, with their "tangy, spicy aftertaste". On the other hand, most succubi will disregard and avoid pure souls which simply resonate badly with them and are distasteful and somewhat dangerous. The taste -or distaste- of a soul is greatly increased if the succubus herself is in her natural form and in a spiritual world at the time she eats it.

However, things are not as clear cut on a physical world. For example, if a succubus eats a human in Felarya, after she digest the body of her prey, their soul will attempt to go either to Hell or Heaven. Since the succubus is neither in a completely physical nor spiritual state, it makes the retention of the soul somewhat difficult. With some training most succubi are able to eat and consume both the body and soul of their victims in one go, but young or unexperienced ones might not. This confront a man-eating succubus with a couple dilemmas:

A succubus loyal to Hell will mostly eat evil or corrupted individuals and let their dark souls find their ways in hell where they are needed. She might or not attempt to eat and digest pure souls in the purpose of weakening Heaven but it's a very unpleasant experience. Moreover, since the end of the Tenebris War, peace accords have been signed between Hell and Heaven and deliberately digesting a particularly pure soul in order to harm Heaven could cause some diplomatic incident and even an official scolding back to Hell. There has been some rare cases of offending succubi being handed to Heaven for punishment, a perspective that make most succubi shiver. Succubi are sometimes known to try and corrupt mortals into committing evil acts in order to darken their souls, before eating them. That's because eating a creature with a pure soul basically means strengthening Heaven a little, as, unless eaten, the soul of the prey would most likely find its way there. Many succubi aren't ''that'' loyal to Hell though, and simply don't bother with that lengthy and troublesome step, not caring which soul goes where, as long as they can fill their stomachs.

=== Known Succubi ===
On the other hand, a succubus who feel little loyalty to her realm would gobble any evil humans whose soul she finds appetizing enough, and digest body and soul for her own enjoyment, weakening her camp in the process. Hell may look the other way if it's done just from time to time but if the succubus start to devour entire enemy armies aided by her followers and digest their souls, she could find herself in serious troubles at home. The same if she devours a very dark, high caliber soul without any sort of permission. As a result, it's generally frowned upon for a succubus to not let the souls of her prey pass on.
*[[Alice (Felarya)|Alice]]

== Fire Succubi ==
==Summoning and Banishment==
Contrary to what peoples may think, all succubi don't have an affinity for fire. Since they live in Hell most of them are used to high temperature, but fire is as damaging to them as it is for any other being. The major exception to this are the fire succubi. For a fire succubus, walking through flames is as natural as breathing. It is hard to understand how completely immune from being damaged by fire these succubi are. For example, Faldhatée, the fire succubus queen is said to live deep in the fire plane of Hell, in the Everburning palace, situated on top of the fiery mountains of Erebus, enveloped by eternal flames of tremendous size. The mountains themselves stand in the middle of an endless ocean of lava, and the temperature of the air here is hot enough to liquefy iron. The combinations of hellish heat and a remote, difficult to reach location makes this an excellent spot for a fortress. However, this palace was not placed here because it would be an unassailable fortress. The palace was placed there because the queen merely liked the spot for its "beautiful view" and the pleasant air... the so called "Everburning palace" is actually a vacation residence !
Succubi are formidable opponents and fearsome creatures but like all Demons or Ceiciels, they suffer a big weakness: banishment. Because they are not physical beings, physical worlds reject them. They can maintain themselves but only at the cost of energy and some efforts. "Banishing" a demon is basically a matter of making it too difficult for them to maintain a physical form, which results in them being ejected back to their natural realm, dizzy and out of commission for a while. Some demons describe the sensation of being banished as being "a little less pleasant than being punched repeatedly in the face". While successfully banishing a demon largely depends on the power of the banisher and that of their target, banishing is ''much'' easier for the banisher to perform than for the demon to resist. Most common demon banishment spells are cast either with Holy or Dimensional magic.

Obviously, the temperature of a fire succubus's body is very high, though not to the point of being painful for others to touch. They love fire and heat but can also live without it for a while. Fire succubi are prone to anger and sudden fits of rage, though they are less chaotic than most other demons and hold honor and courage in high esteem. A fire succubus will also always try to keep her word.

One remarkable trait of fire succubi is their very, very long tongue. They can literally wrap it around their prey, or use it for very sensual kisses...
==Succubi in Felarya==
Succubi are a pretty rare sight on Felarya. They tend to be rather uneasy when surrounded by too much nature, and prefer more mineral places, such as caverns, underground tunnels, dungeons, and temples. Most of them don't actually live in those places though, only visiting Felarya as it offers great hunting grounds and possesses many hidden wonders. Like most demons, succubi show little mercy to their enemies or to their prey. They are deceptive, prone to anger and they have a temperament that can only be described as chaotic.  But contrary to Heaven's propaganda, not all succubi are innately evil, nor are all demons for that matter. Indeed, it is not that difficult to find some friendly and amiable succubi among them and, while It's very difficult to fully earn a succubi's trust, once you truly do, they can make excellent friends, loyal to the death.

Fire succubi are born fire spellcasters. A newborn fire succubus already knows most of the fire spells that a human mage would know only after studying fire magic for long years.

== Known Succubi ==
*[[Alice (Felarya)|Alice]]
===Known Fire Succubi===
== Frost Succubi ==
They are mostly found in the frost plane of Acheron in the 9th circle of Hell.
The place is little more than a hostile frozen desert, battered by relentless slashing winds. Acheron is peculiar in that it borders on another dimension, a largely unknown and unexplored one that leads out of Hell, although no one has ever figured where. These wastelands are full of incredibly dangerous creatures that could easily attack -and devour- even an arch devil lord. Several demon kings have lost their entire army to this desert.
Thus, frost succubi and other demons in Acheron tend to regroup in huge cities. This suits the frost succubi perfectly, because they are more of a urban race anyway. They are fascinated by crowded places, full of life, commerce, intrigues and political schemes. Frost succubi are often seen as the most refined species of succubi. They deeply despise war; loving art, diplomacy and politics. Because of their love of politics, they are known to lie a lot.
It's quite hard to read a frost succubus: using others is second nature to them. However, the point of the game is to have others do their part willingly, through bribes, diplomacy, bargains or seduction, never resorting to violence... or at least never *be seen* resorting to violence. Murder is perfectly acceptable as long as you are not caught.
It's quite risky to deal with a frost succubus. They are usually very clever and know how to bend a seemingly straight-forward pact into virtually anything they desire through subtle interpretations, much like a genie.
Frost succubi have usually a blueish or purple skin. They makes very powerful cold-based spellcasters.
===Known Frost Succubi===
== Silver Succubi ==
Their name comes mostly from their long, shiny silvery hair. The way light plays on it is fascinating. Silver succubi are usually smaller than other species about 70' rather than the average 80' for other species. They have pale white skin, delicate features, and are masters over their facial expressions, able to display a look of perfect innocence in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Silver succubi are famous for this, its as if they were constantly wearing a mask, able to change to a new one anytime they wished. A Silver Succubi will show true expressions only to a very close friend, making them incredibly good at bluff and deception.
With their wings folded and hidden by their long hair, they could easily be mistaken for an angel, if it weren't for their goat horns. While they may look like how people typically imagine an angel, they act far differently. Silver succubi are commonly known in Hell for being naughty, obsessed by pleasure and very provocative, even by succubi standards. They never wear much clothes ( or only suggestives ones, like garter belts, transparent bustiers or so XD )
They also have a very big appetite. They are ravenous, and anything that crosses their path and is small enough to be gulped down is considered food. While their stomach is smaller than other succubi's, they can't stand having it empty for very long.
Silver succubi master a strange magic based on metal and magnetism. Their most common trick is to spread their wings before fight, making them act like magnets, instantly attracting any metallic weapons or armor to them. Once the piece of metal hits the succubus's wings it sticks, giving them a ready source of ammo for another one of their tricks: reversing their magnetic polarity. When they do that all the bits of metal that are stuck to them is violently repelled at very high speeds. A skilled silver succubus can literally make piece of metal dance around her like it's living, just by varying the magnetic flux of her body. Also, the skin of a silver succubus is totally immune to any kind of metal, magical or otherwise. Should a metal weapon strike a Silver Succubus it either breaks, or bounces off harmlessly.

===Known Silver Succubi===

==Succubi Sub-Types==
*[[Fire Succubi (Felarya)|Fire Succubi]]
*[[Frost Succubi (Felarya)|Frost Succubi]]
*[[Silver Succubi (Felarya)|Silver Succubi]]
*[[Demenita Succubi (Felarya)|Dementia Succubi]]
*[[Domino Succubi (Felarya)|Domino Succubi]]
*[[Phantom Succubi (Felarya)|Phantom Succubi]]

==Other Succubi Types==
*[[Demenita Succubi (Felarya)|Dementia Succubi]], a type of Succubus in this universe created by Wildthing on the Felarya Forums.
*[[Domino Succubi (Felarya)|Domino Succubi]], a type of Succubus in this universe created by gwadahunter2222 on the Felarya Forums.
*[[Phantom Succubi (Felarya)|Phantom Succubi]], a type of Succubus in this universe created by Sean Okotami on the Felarya Forums.

== External Links ==
== External Links ==
*[http://felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Succubi The original source of this page]
*[http://felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Succubi The original source of this article at the Felarya Wiki]
*[http://felarya.com/ Felarya.com]
*[http://felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page FelaryaWiki Main Page]

Revision as of 14:55, 23 November 2014

Succubi (Felarya)
The Fire Succubus Queen Faldhatée
The Fire Succubus Queen Faldhatée
Current leader Queen Faldhatée
Home world Felarya
Character in Series Alice
Physical Aspects Female demons with a tail, bat-like wings and horns

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Succubi in the Felarya universe are female demons with the appearance of women adorned with various demonic features such as a tail, bat-like wings and horns.


There is no single definitive depiction of succubi, as their appearance can varies widely from one specimen to another, however, there is one fact about succubi that is universally agreed upon: they are extraordinary beautiful. Their features look perfect and their alluring body seem created to make mortals, both males and females, fall under their charms.

As demons, succubi are spiritual beings. They can exist in physical realms, although maintaining their forms in that unnatural state takes a great deal of energy and is a constant drain on them. Physical worlds naturally reject the presence of spiritual beings to varying degree, thus most succubi will typically visit physical worlds only for limited period of time. This time varies widely from one succubus to another though. Generally speaking, the more powerful the succubus is and the more adept she is at managing her energy, the longer she will be able to remain on a physical world. There are succubi who have become very good at that exercise, being able to remain virtually indefinitely in a physical world and rarely coming back to Hell anymore. The opposite is also true with succubi who seldom left Hell in their existence, feel very uncomfortable in physical worlds and would only manage to stay there for one hour at most.


Many succubi use their attractive appearance to seduce, manipulate and corrupt mortals, in order to eventually draw their souls to Hell when they die. A succubus of that type will usually act as a normal woman to establish herself in a community, seducing her way to a high profile. Little by little her influence will start to be felt in various ways depending on the succubus' personality. this can manifest itself in people's inhibitions for sex, lust and desire being lowered and them competing to win the succubus's attention and favors, slowly becoming her slaves. More ruthless succubi prefer to sow discord and poison the mind of their victims with lies and deceit in order to push them to violence, turning neighbors against neighbors, eventually ending in tragedy and sometimes large scale slaughters. If left unchecked, some succubi can corrupt whole cities, countries or even entire worlds.

If some hero comes and manage to find the exact source of the corruption to confront it, they soon discover another interesting fact about succubi: their true size. When they appear in physical worlds, succubi usually show themselves human-sized. However, on average succubi measure actually about 110 feet tall. This fact remains little known because few people come back alive from a live encounter with one of those giant demoness in their true form to tell the tale. Succubi are very dangerous and deadly beings that should never be taken lightly under any circumstances. Most of them are good warriors and excellent spell casters. Even an average succubus is a master of her element and knows the basics of dimensional magic. Succubi are also usually very voracious, rarely vegetarians and their large magic-proof stomachs can digest just about everything.

Moreover, like most demons, succubi are very difficult to kill under normal circumstances on a physical world. Most of the time, destroying a demon's body in a physical world will only result in the demon being sent back to hell to its native realm, albeit in a permanently weakened state. A demon "killed" in that fashion may still return to the physical plane to seek revenge after it recovers and gathers enough power. An unwise move though, as the demon will most likely be weaker than during the first encounter and more prone to suffer even greater damages. but demons in general are not known for their wisdom. If you really want to kill a demon once and for all, the surest way to do so is in its home in Hell which is, needless to say, very dangerous.

The motives of a succubus in a physical world can vary widely however. Some succubi are not at all interested in that corruption business and just grow fascinated and attached to a particular world, living relatively normal lives undetected for centuries.

Soul Devourers

Succubi love to feed on damned souls in Hell. Souls in spiritual realm becomes just as solid and tangible as a person of flesh in a physical world. The darker the soul is, the better. The succubus Menyssan once declared that ruthless rulers and brutal warlords were her personal favorite, with their "tangy, spicy aftertaste". On the other hand, most succubi will disregard and avoid pure souls which simply resonate badly with them and are distasteful and somewhat dangerous. The taste -or distaste- of a soul is greatly increased if the succubus herself is in her natural form and in a spiritual world at the time she eats it.

However, things are not as clear cut on a physical world. For example, if a succubus eats a human in Felarya, after she digest the body of her prey, their soul will attempt to go either to Hell or Heaven. Since the succubus is neither in a completely physical nor spiritual state, it makes the retention of the soul somewhat difficult. With some training most succubi are able to eat and consume both the body and soul of their victims in one go, but young or unexperienced ones might not. This confront a man-eating succubus with a couple dilemmas:

A succubus loyal to Hell will mostly eat evil or corrupted individuals and let their dark souls find their ways in hell where they are needed. She might or not attempt to eat and digest pure souls in the purpose of weakening Heaven but it's a very unpleasant experience. Moreover, since the end of the Tenebris War, peace accords have been signed between Hell and Heaven and deliberately digesting a particularly pure soul in order to harm Heaven could cause some diplomatic incident and even an official scolding back to Hell. There has been some rare cases of offending succubi being handed to Heaven for punishment, a perspective that make most succubi shiver. Succubi are sometimes known to try and corrupt mortals into committing evil acts in order to darken their souls, before eating them. That's because eating a creature with a pure soul basically means strengthening Heaven a little, as, unless eaten, the soul of the prey would most likely find its way there. Many succubi aren't that loyal to Hell though, and simply don't bother with that lengthy and troublesome step, not caring which soul goes where, as long as they can fill their stomachs.

On the other hand, a succubus who feel little loyalty to her realm would gobble any evil humans whose soul she finds appetizing enough, and digest body and soul for her own enjoyment, weakening her camp in the process. Hell may look the other way if it's done just from time to time but if the succubus start to devour entire enemy armies aided by her followers and digest their souls, she could find herself in serious troubles at home. The same if she devours a very dark, high caliber soul without any sort of permission. As a result, it's generally frowned upon for a succubus to not let the souls of her prey pass on.

Summoning and Banishment

Succubi are formidable opponents and fearsome creatures but like all Demons or Ceiciels, they suffer a big weakness: banishment. Because they are not physical beings, physical worlds reject them. They can maintain themselves but only at the cost of energy and some efforts. "Banishing" a demon is basically a matter of making it too difficult for them to maintain a physical form, which results in them being ejected back to their natural realm, dizzy and out of commission for a while. Some demons describe the sensation of being banished as being "a little less pleasant than being punched repeatedly in the face". While successfully banishing a demon largely depends on the power of the banisher and that of their target, banishing is much easier for the banisher to perform than for the demon to resist. Most common demon banishment spells are cast either with Holy or Dimensional magic.

Succubi in Felarya

Succubi are a pretty rare sight on Felarya. They tend to be rather uneasy when surrounded by too much nature, and prefer more mineral places, such as caverns, underground tunnels, dungeons, and temples. Most of them don't actually live in those places though, only visiting Felarya as it offers great hunting grounds and possesses many hidden wonders. Like most demons, succubi show little mercy to their enemies or to their prey. They are deceptive, prone to anger and they have a temperament that can only be described as chaotic. But contrary to Heaven's propaganda, not all succubi are innately evil, nor are all demons for that matter. Indeed, it is not that difficult to find some friendly and amiable succubi among them and, while It's very difficult to fully earn a succubi's trust, once you truly do, they can make excellent friends, loyal to the death.

Known Succubi

Succubi Sub-Types

External Links