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[[Category:Film and Media]]
[[Category:Film and Media]]
{{Infobox fictional race
|name              = Satyri
|other_names        = Lillithian Satyri / Soap Satyri
|image              = Satyri.jpg
|image_alt          = An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist DPRagan
|caption            = <small>An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist [http://dpragan.deviantart.com/ DPRagan]</small>
|seriescharacter    =
|appearance        = DPRagan's ''Magic School'' Storyverse
|physicalaspects    = Similar in most aspects to Succubi
''For other uses of the word [[Succubus]], see [[Succubus (disambiguation)]].''

''For other uses of the word [[Succubus]], see [[Succubus (disambiguation)]].''
'''Satyri''' are a form of Succubi created by online artist [http://dpragan.deviantart.com/ DPRagan, who's works can be found on ''Deviantart''.] Initially, the Satryi were created as an independent character type that DPRagan drew, but he has expanded and codified these Satyri into a variety of different types, as well as created a story universe called the "Magic School Universe" in which these beings are somewhat more well defined.

'''Satyri''' are a form of Succubi created by online artist [http://dpragan.deviantart.com/ DPRagan, who's works can be found on Deviantart.com.]
[[Image:Satyri.jpg|thumb|right|150px|An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist [http://dpragan.deviantart.com/ DPRagan.]]] Initially, the Satryi were created as an independent character type that DPRagan drew, but he has also created a universe called the Magic School Universe in which these beings are somewhat more well defined.

==General Description==
==General Description==
A form of transformed human, Satyri are half human, half succubus mortals.  Created via one of three ways depending on the exact story setting, the most common Satyri are "Soap Satyri" -- Virgin men turned into Satyri via a cursed object (the most common being a particular brand of bodywash).
Satyri are a form of half human, half succubus mortals.  Universally created from the transformation of an unwilling human victim into their current form, there are three variants of the "Satyri" depending exactly on how they were changed into their current form: "'''[[Satyri/Soap Satyri|Soap Satyri]]'''", "'''[[Satyri/Lillithian Satyri|Lillithian Satyri]]'''", and "'''The Exiled'''".  The first two Satyri variants are both contained in the "Magic School Universe", a story universe that DPRagan has created, whereas the Exiled take place in their own unique storyline.

This bodywash, often sold door to door or hidden in with other soaps, causes an instantaneous melting of the skin, revealing fresh Satyri skin underneath.  This continues up until the victim's face, which is left alone, except for a horrific, torturous itching.  If the victim, who is likely unaware of the peril at the time, does not resist the urge to scratch, the face skin falls away, completing the transformation and making it permanent.  Victims who do resist have their human skin regrow over the course of several weeks -- all victims, whether they resisted or not, are left female and with the Satyri's unique form of brain alterations.
All Satyri, despite their variant origins, share similar physical features -- they all look like shiny, rubber skinned Succubi.  This is mostly a cosmetic effect; for the most part they remain human on the inside.

Alternate versions of Satyri include human men who are abducted by true Succubi and have their "male essence" consumed and replaced with a small fragment of the Succubi's essence. Called Lilithain, the resulting half-human half-succubus is cosmetically similar to Satyri, with one change: these Satyri have black sclera (the "whites of the eyes") and at least partially yellow irises.  The amount of yellow in the irises is an indicator of how much of their original humanity is left, when their irises go completely yellow, they lose their humanity (and souls) entirely to the growing Succubus soul inside them, becomming true Succubi themselves.
One specific quirk that most Satyri share is that the Satyri transformation almost exclusively involves some form of permanent and involuntary gender changing -- Satyri may look like Succubi, but originally were human men.  The Exiled are an exception to this and most other "rules" about the Satyri. <ref>http://dpragan.deviantart.com/art/Satyri-The-Exiled-FaQ-162888172</ref>

Yet another version of Satyri are humans who refuse to join the legions of the antichrist, they are forcibly transformed into something vaguely demon-like in order to ruin their credibility amongst other humans, although this particular variant ("The Exiled") is not as fleshed out as much.<ref>http://dpragan.deviantart.com/art/Satyri-The-Exiled-FaQ-162888172</ref>
Regardless of transformation style, all Satyri are fully functional (read: fertile) in their resultant bodies.
Satyri are almost universally female, male Satyri -- the result of an Incubus doing something similar to a female victim -- do exist, but are exceedingly rare.  All Satyri are fully functional (read: fertile) in their new forms.

Whether transformed by Lilith Brand Bodywash or kidnapped and drained/transformed by a hungry succubus, these human men -- now mostly-human girls -- have to live with the result.
Whether transformed by Lilith Brand Bodywash or kidnapped and drained/transformed by a hungry succubus, these human men -- now mostly-human girls -- have to live with the result.
[[Image:Satyri_2.jpg|thumb|right|400px|"Alexa", a typical Soap Satyri, shortly after her change.]]
=== Physical Description ===
All Satyri, as a rule, are extremely attractive; This is a result of the Succubi influence on their creation.  Satyri invariably lose any excess weight, scars, tattoos, and other such minor imperfections during their change, leaving them in prime beauty and health.  Some Satyri are also age regressed as a result of their change, although this is rare and little is known about it.
Satyri victims are easily recognized by their skin, which is more akin to latex than flesh.  This rubber pelt is invariably a bright, inhuman color with Crimson Red being the most common tone, although "Cobalt Blue," "Bubblegum," "Jade," "Royal Purple," "Eggshell white" and other variants are also common.  This skin is universally very shiny, as if treated with some form of leather or latex polish, this is due to a natural form of oil the Satyri secrete.
Outside of the effects of the shine Satyri skin is near monochrome, although some areas such as the areola or lips experience a different coloring, similar to natural human pigmentation.
This color, shine, and "rubberness" extends to the Satyri's hair, which is almost always the same color (albiet a darker shade) as their skin; a pair of small horns is always found peeking out from the hair, these are invariably a still darker shade of their skintone, and tend towards being roughly 2 inches long, with the occasional rare animal style.  These horns regrow if removed or damaged.
Outside of this hair and their eyebrows, Satyri are hairless under the neck, the vast majority of Satyri skin lacks hair follicles to grow hair with.
Satyri eyes are slit and catlike, this is universal even in universes without the black sclera effect.  Some Soap Satyri do gain the black sclera, this seems to be random and has no effect on the Satyri's standing in the afterlife.  Satyri with a black sclera also gain a band of golden color, similar to the effect seen in some hazel eyes, around their iris, which does reflect light.  The function of this is unknown.  Some Satyri, during periods of extreme stress and duress, gain the black sclera eye modification, this continues until the source of the agitation is removed or resolved.
Lilithain Satyri can tell how close they are to becoming true Succubi by the colors of the their irises, the more they sin the more yellow their eyes become -- although this is not common knowledge, even to them.  "Fallen" Satyri instinctively seek out virgin males to transform, and the cycle repeats.
Similarly to the eyes, Satyri ears are long and elf-like externally.  Internally they are unchanged but the ability to move them and the extra size allow Satyri to pick up more sounds than standard human hearing.
Satyri tongues are split like a viper's, and are roughly as maneuverable and stretchy as a frog's.  They appear normal (sans a small notch in the middle) at rest, but a Satyri can stretch their tongues out to a full foot, as well as "smell" the air with the tongue like snakes.  Similar "snakelike" changes occur to Saytri teeth, which have much more prominent canines.  Despite these changes, Satyri remain as omnivorous as humans.
All Satyri also have unguligrade legs, similar to a Satyr of Greek myth (hence the name) or a Draenei from the popular "World of Warcraft" MMORPG.  These legs end in cloven hooves (technically Satyri toenails) and are slightly longer than normal legs, but are folded inward slightly to compensate -- a Satyri's height is relatively unchanged after their transformation.  Satyri do require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk after their changes, however after this training they are as mobile as a human.
Satyri universally have a thick tail ending in a heart or triangle shaped spade, this tail is fully prehensile, but remains under the control of the Satyri's subconscious, not conscious, mind.  Satyri emotions are easily discerned by the motions and posturing of the tail; the tail also acts as a natural counterbalance, helping the Satyri walk on their new legs.
Some Satyri, particularly those who have "fallen" to full demonhood, have wings, although this is exceedingly rare.  No Satyri can fly without magical assistance, although this magical assistance is instinctive to fallen Satyri.

==== Satyri Subtypes ====
==== Satyri Subtypes ====
Three known variants of Satyri exist, the Soap Satyri and the Lillithian Satyri (or Lillithian for short) in the Magic School Universe, and the Exiled in the Revelations Universe.

Three known variants of Satyri exist, the Soap Satyri, the Lillithian Satyri (or Lillithian for short), and the Exiled.
'''[[Satyri/Soap Satyri|Soap Satyri]]''' are by far the most common form of Satyri.  These are Satyri that have been transformed passively by cursed objects, most commonly "Lilith Brand Body-Wash."  Soap Satyri are left with few changes other than their physical change to their resultant body.

'''Soap Satyri''' are by far the most common form of Satyri.  These are Satyri that have been transformed by cursed objects, most commonly "Lilith Brand Body-wash." Aside from the typical physical attributes all Satyri have, the most obvious attribute of the Soap Satyri is their penchant for nudity; all Soap Satyri have a form of damage or modification to their ventromedial frontal lobe, the part of the brain that handles decision making, risk assessment, and fear responses, which permanently prevents them from understanding the concept of clothing or body shame.
'''[[Satyri/Lillithian Satyri|Lillithian Satyri]]''' are the other, lesser known type of Satyri.  These are Satyri who have been actively transformed by a "mother" Succubus, not unlike how a Vampire or Werewolf can transform human victims into thralls.  In addition to their physical change, Lillithians are given a fragment or seed of a Succubi soul in their own, resulting in them gaining the same instinctive urges that a true Succubus has.

Chocolate is highly appealing to Soap Satyri, to the of near addictionThey metabolize chocolate in any form very quickly and excessively, causing a pointed sexual arousal when they consume itThis effect is enhanced the more cocoa the chocolate contains, excessively dark chocolate is rumored to be enough to overcome any and all Satyri inhibitions about sex.
'''The Exiled''' are a group of Satyri from another worldUnlike the main series Soap and Lillithian Satyri, Exiled are typical humans who have been transformed into Satyri by magic, which is still a secret on their worldAs a rule they retain human modesty and have completely human souls, merely gaining the physical appearances of Satyri.

Holy items and relics such as blessed holy water or religious icons also cause a certain amount of arousal and, in the case of holy water, a natural disrobing effect -- in other words, being exposed to religion tends to leave a Satyri naked and horny. This appears to be a remnant of whatever magical effect causes the transformation; it is suspected this effect exists mostly to cause strife between religious authorities and Satyri victims.

Bits and pieces of these effects are somewhat commonly known, for example it is well known that if you wish to bribe a Satyri, bring chocolate. Holy water especially is a common prank to use on unsuspecting Satyri. Upon being splashed with holy water, any clothing the Satyri is wearing has a tendency to disintegrate, one piece at a time, depending on the amount of water used. As the affected Satyri is unable to recognize nudity as a problem, it is very common to splash a Satyri with stolen or black market holy water and then watch as the Satyri makes a naked fool of themselves over the next few hours.
== Physical Description ==
All Satyri are, as a rule, extremely attractive, this is a result of the Succubi (or male wizard, in the case of the Exiled) influence in their various transformations. Satyri invariably lose any imperfections such as excess weight, scars, or tattos after their change, although they do retain their general individuality and non-cosmetic flaws, such as the need to wear glasses.

'''Lillithian Satyri''' universally have black sclera (the "whites of the eyes"), this is a result of their transformation processUnlike Soap Satyri, all Lillithians were personally transformed by a mother Succubus -- like vampires, Succubi feed on men, in this case rather than blood they feed on "Yang" or male essence.  This feeding takes the form of sexual contact, a Succubi who feels up to doing so can forcibly steal their lovers' entire yang essence, replacing it with a fragment of their own demonic essence.  The result is a newborn Lillithian Satyri.
Satyri are easily recognized by their skin, which is far closer to a form of latex than human fleshThis rubber pelt is invariably a bright, inhuman color like Crimson Red, although "Cobalt Blue," "Bubblegum," "Jade," "Royal Purple," "Eggshell White" and other variants are also common.

Lillithian Satyri gain some instincts from the small fragment of a Succubus soul they carry with them.  Fortunately, unlike Soap Satyri Lillithian Satyri ''do'' understand nudity, clothing, and the societal ramifications of such; ''unfortunately'' the instincts they gain from their transformations put a constant pressure on them to ignore these ramifications and act like the pop culture version of a Satyri -- constantly nude, lewd, and on the prowl for men. These urges build constantly until Lillithians succumb and feed (read: have sex with) a man, whereupon they regain some form of willpower...  only to have the cycle repeat, endlessly.
This skin is universally very shiny, as if treated with some form of polish; this is due to a natural form of oil the Satyri secrete instead of sweat that constantly polishes and treats the skin. This "polish" also leaves the Satyri's skin feeling somewhat slippery and slick to the touch at all times, although this varies between each Satyri and over time.

'''The Exiled''' are a group of Satyri from another world.  Unlike the main series Soap and Lillithian Satyri, Exiled are typical humans who have been transformed into Satyri by magic, which is still uncommon on their world.  As a rule they retain their own gender and their nudity taboos, but are ostracized by humanity due to the work of the villains who perform the transformations.
Outside of the effects of the shine Satyri skin is near monochrome, although some areas such as the areola or lips experience a different coloring, similar to natural human pigmentation.

===Satyri and Nudity===
The color, shine, and "rubberness" of the skin extends to the Satyri's hair, which is frequently the same color (albeit a darker shade) as their skin.  Satyri hair takes dyes and other hair treatments about as well as human hair; many Satyri bleach and then dye hair various "human" colors in an attempt to fit in better.

It's well known (and often joked about) that Satyri have issues remembering to wear clothing after their change, although most people are not aware as to how severe this effect really isOriginally thought to be a quirk of the transformation, it is in reality a form of damage or modification to the decision making part of the Satyri brainThis manifests in a complete lack of ability to understand the concept of nudity, modesty, or body shame.
A pair of small horns is always found peeking out from the hair, these are invariably a still darker shade of their skintone, and tend towards being fairly straight and about 2 inches longThe occasional rare animal style (ram, goat, etc) can be seen, although they remain purely decorative on all Satyri despite their shapesThese horns regrow over time if removed or damaged.

Satyris are completely unable to understand why people wear clothing, nor are they able grasp that people are offended, shocked, or titillated by nudityThey feel perfectly comfortable in the nude at all times and in the presence of other naked people, and are unable to understand why everyone else isn't.  No amount of work can make a Satyri fathom alternate viewpoints on this, the modification to their minds permanently prevents any and all understanding.
Outside of this hair and their eyebrows, Satyri are hairless under the neckIndeed, the vast majority of Satyri skin lacks any form of hair follicles and simply cannot grow hair in any form.  This includes the arms, legs and genitals, which are permanently denuded.

Satyri must be constantly reminded to wear clothing, left to their own devices they will disrobe and forget that other people take umbrage with thisAs Satyri cannot understand that nudity is an issue for most people, they tend to react poorly to suggestions to dress, especially from strangers.  They are far more likely to assume demands that they cover up or leave an area as some form of persecution against Satyri or confirmation of personal fears of being found unattractive than grasp that it is the nudity that is the issue.  It takes a significant amount of time and effort to convince a Satyri that people somehow have an issue with their nudity.
Satyri eyes are slit and catlike, although they retain standard human eyesight (albeit with slightly better night vision)Some rare Soap Satyri gain a black sclera (the "whites of the eyes"), although this this is significantly more common in Lillithians (who always have this effect manifest).

However, this is not to say that Satyri will never dress on their own without pressure from friends and family.  Some Satyri can, after a time, train themselves to dress before entering certain situations (leaving the house, attending school, work, etc), but this should not be confused for a restoration of the nudity tabooRather, Satyri frequently learn that some people will harass them if they walk around nude in certain situations, so they have to cover up seemingly arbitrary (and constantly changing) parts of their body to mollify those people.
Satyri with a black sclera also gain a slightly golden band around their irises, similar to the effect seen in some hazel or animal eyes.  This band reflects light but has no bearing on visionIt is heavily implied that all True Succubi have this black sclera effect as well, although this is not common knowledge in the settings.

It is more apt to say that Satyri ''learn to avoid being annoyed'' rather than ''learn to wear clothing.'' Even those Satyri that do learn to put clothing on have extreme difficulty recognizing and remembering situations that covering themselves is appropriate, and can never grasp exactly why they have to bother doing so.
Some Satyri, even those without this change, manifest black sclera during periods of extreme distressIt is implied this is a defense mechanism of some kind, and this continues until the source of the agitation is removed or resolved.

====Lillithian Satyri Instincts====
Similarly to the eyes, Satyri ears are long and elf-like externally.  Internally they are unchanged but the ability to move them and the extra size allow Satyri to pick up more sounds than standard human hearing.

Lillithian Satyri are an exception to the rule about Satyri and the nudity taboo, although most Lillithians agree they do not come out ahead in the dealWhereas Soap Satyri lose the ability to understand nudity and it's cultural implications, Lillithian Satyri certainly ''do'' understand it, but are also given unbearable Succubus instincts that manifest as an intense disliking of clothingThis urge never goes away entirely, instead growing ever stronger as the Lillithian goes between bouts of feeding on "essence", a process that requires physical and/or sexual contact with members of the opposite sex.
Satyri tongues are split like a viper's, and are roughly as maneuverable and stretchy as a frog's.  They appear normal (sans a small notch in the middle) at rest, but a Satyri can stretch their tongues out to a full foot, as well as "smell" the air with the tongue like snakesSimilar "snakelike" changes occur to Saytri teeth, which have much more prominent caninesDespite these changes, Satyri remain as omnivorous as humans.

This instinct takes the form of feeling uncomfortable in any and all clothing; Lillithian can only be physically relaxed or comfortable when utterly nude, any clothing agitates and disturbs themAfter scant days from fully feeding (or their initial transformation), this has grown in strength such that even the most comfortable, light clothing feels stifling and unbearably warm, any break in willpower or concentration at this stage causes the Satyri's instincts to take control; a full week since becoming fully fed causes these feelings to become so overpowering that they simply cannot bring themselves to put any clothing on, no matter what.
All Satyri also have unguligrade legs, similar to a Satyr of Greek myth (hence the name) or a Draenei from the popular "World of Warcraft" MMORPGThese legs end in cloven hooves (technically Satyri toenails) and are slightly longer than normal legs, but are folded inward slightly to compensate -- a Satyri's height is relatively unchanged after their transformation.  Satyri do require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk after their changes, however after this training they are as mobile as a human.

Worse still, around this point their "hunger" for essence begins to manifest as a persistent, ever growing sexual arousal.  This cannot be sated by "normal" means, only feeding on male essence will grant them relief.  As these feelings constantly grow without end Lillithan inhibitions begin to break down -- between the point where Lillithians lose the ability to wear clothing and eventually surrender to their urge to feed they act more and more outrageous and sexual -- subconsciously flirting, teasing, and generally playing into the "Satyri as Succubi" stereotypes.
Satyri universally have a thick tail ending in a heart or triangle shaped spade, this tail is fully prehensile, but remains under the control of the Satyri's subconscious, not conscious, mindSatyri emotions are easily discerned by the motions and posturing of the tail; the tail also acts as a natural counterbalance, helping the Satyri walk on their new legs.
After feeding the urges their instincts force upon them go back to a manageable level, although even when they are compulsively feeding Lillithians do not feed to fully sated levels, meaning that post feeding a Lillithian could be at nearly any point along their cycle; it's more likely that a post-"feeding frenzy" Lillithian will still be unable to dress nor even have their arousal fully retreatThe only way to feed completely is to voluntarily feed themselves, it is only by doing so that they can reach a sated level of essence and gain a precious few days of relative peace.

As feeding can take the form of any sexual contact, even something as relatively innocent kissing (although the more sexual the contact, the better), many Lillithians choose to feed with less "extreme" measures more frequently, dancing a fine line between having their urges overcome them and ruining their reputations.
Some Satyri have wings, although this is exceedingly rare.  No Satyri can fly without magical assistance, although this magical assistance is instinctive to most Satyri.

Unfortunately, Yang essence takes time to regenerate, longer than the "feeding cycle" of a LillithianThis means that not only are Lillithian Satyri trapped in this constant cycle of nude -> lewd -> sex, they must find fresh partners almost every time they give in.  They cannot simply feed repeatedly on one or even a small group of partners, attempting to feed too frequently on a particular lover leaves the Lillithian just as hungry as before.
Satyri that are not in the "prime of life" invariably find themselves in their prime post-change; as part of the change all Satyri tend to lose a few years of physical ageThe vast majority of Satyri victims, those adult age or beyond, find themselves physically a young adult again (roughly equivalent to a 21 to 25 year old human woman), those victims who are in their teens may find themselves regressed to as young as 13 years old, left to grow up again and acclimate to their new life.

Thus the cycle repeats, endlessly -- A Lillithian Satyri's life is a constant, losing battle against an incessant and growing need to act like stereotypical Succubi -- going around naked, titillating everyone they can, and feeding off of any men they can get their hands on.
This regression effect is permanent; Satyri grow and mature until they appear as young adults, at which point physical maturity stops.  While most Satyri have the same lifespan as humanity (Lillithians being an important exception), Satyri will ''appear'' young until the very end of their lives, whereupon they will appear to physically age very rapidly.

While the source of the Lillithian Satyri's instincts is well known -- the Queen of the Succubi finds this permanent sexual torture to be amusing -- It is unknown as to why the modification of the Soap Satyri mind comes into play, although several theories exist.
Rarely, and seemingly at the incomprehensible whim of whatever force causes the change, older Satyri victims can be regressed as far back as 13 years old, leaving them not only to deal with their physical transformation, but also the indignity of having their rights and responsibilities of adulthood stolen from them.

One popular theory is that whatever demonic essence causes the transformation resides in the Satyri's mind at or around that point during the transformation process, causing the damage. Another popular theory is that this change causes Satyri to inadvertently tempt mankind, increasing the ambient level of lust in the world and making the Succubi's jobs easier.  Still another theory is that the Satyri's appearance heralds the return of other magical races such as Elves, Fae, and Were-creatures, none of which are traditionally viewed as having similar cultural nudity taboos as humanity.
This is always a regression effect: Satyri never gain physical maturity due to their change, and the exceedingly rare pre-pubescent victims invariably retain their current physical age.

=== Satyri Fashion ===

Soap Satyri tend to have a somewhat "pragmatic" feeling towards fashion — As their choices in clothing are motivated towards keeping people from harassing them rather than any shame at people seeing them nude, Satyri are just as likely to wear something wildly inappropriate as they are to wear something of typical human fashionTo a Satyri there's no functional difference between a sports bra and a t-shirt, and if you have to wear a shirt making sure it's long enough means you don't need to bother with pantsIn all three cases the same arbitrary body parts are covered, and the Satyri would consider the outfits equivalent.  Regardless of the reasoning, Satyri choices in clothing tend towards low cost, ease of putting on (and taking off), and low maintenance.
== Satyri and Society ==
After their transformation, new Satyri are left to their own devices to re-integrate themselves in their previous livesThey retain all their previous memories, although this is colored by their changes -- for example, a Soap Satyri can remember wearing clothing, but no longer feel the modesty that led them to dress as a humanLillithians retain their previous opinions on things, but can "smell" male essence, and find themselves attracted to it despite themselves.

Outside of clothing, some Satyri find enjoyment in jewelry and other forms of accouterments.  Any urges towards fashion that the Satyri may have had in their human lives are typically lost post-transformation, although those that aren't are transposed towards this form of decoration.  These decorations typically take the form of piercings, jewelry made out of semi-precious metals, and the occasional decorative bodypaint design, although this is colored by the Satyri's lack of understanding about modesty; a Satyri is equally likely to wear a pendant as a part of a necklace or tail decoration as they are to wear it as attached to a nipple or clitoris ring, seeing no inappropriateness in the latter.
Enough people are aware of the situation that Satyri usually do not have any problems getting new ID and their identities switched over; the biggest challenge Satyri experience immediately after their change is the need for physical therapy to learn how to walk on their new legs.

=== Satyri and Society ===
=== Satyri and Humanity ===
Satyri are generally, as a whole, well accepted in most of the societies DPRagan has described.  While some bigotry has been mentioned -- Fundamentalists harassing or even killing Satyri victims, for example -- a few stories also involve a high school aged boy being turned into a Soap Satyri and still going to his old school.  This suggests at least some level of common acceptance.

After their transformation, new Satyri are left to their own devices to re-integrate themselves in their previous livesThey retain all their previous memories, although this is colored by their changesEnough people are aware of the situation that Satyri usually do not have any problems getting new ID and their identities switched over; the biggest challenge most Satyri experience immediately after their change is the need for physical therapy to learn how to walk on their new legs.
The source of the Satyri varies wildly as the rumor mill spins alongSatyri have any number of supposed origins -- from being minor demons that have gotten away from spellcasters, to being redeemed demons escaping hell, aliens on vacation, evil people being cursed for their wickedness, or even Satyri supposedly being a form of magically enhanced fetish subcultureThe rumors that Satyri used to be human men has not traveled as far, although most occult and legal experts know about it; most Satyri themselves do not openly discuss this matter, seeking to reduce any further attention to themselves.

==== Satyri and Humanity ====
The Soap Satyri's predisposition towards casual nudity and the Lillithian's "nude week" have both entered common wisdom, because of this "everyone knows" that Satyris of all types are nudists.  Similarly, the Lillithian "frenzy" and the Soap Satyri's reaction to holy items are also commonly whispered about; many people assume all Satyri are easy lays, or at the very least extremely sexually liberated.  In each case, the Lillithian and Soap Satyri are quick to correct this misunderstanding.

Satyri are generally, as a whole, well accepted in most of the societies DPRagan has described.  Most humans are mostly preoccupied with the Satyri's obvious physical changes -- a sub-race of extremely attractive nudists generates many jokes and much good will, especially on late night talk shows.  Many humans believe that Satyri are minor Succubi or other form of demons or aliens, although this varies with how ignorant the audience is.  The overall consensus seems to be that these strange, possibly-demonic girls are mostly harmless, and are probably only after little more than a "good time" with poor innocent human men... and that's ''perfectly ok'' to the average poor innocent human men involved.
Most humans are preoccupied with the Satyri's obvious physical changes more than anything else.  A sub-race of extremely attractive, sexually active nudists generates many jokes and much good will, especially on late night talk shows.  The general consensus, as much as one can be formed, is that Satyri are more harmless than anything else.  If they are a form of demon they aren't the fire and brimstone type; if they are a subculture of magic using sexual deviants they really aren't harming anyone.

The knowledge that all Satyri (barring the occasional Succubus in disguise) used to be men is not very well known to the public at large and is considered a strange Internet rumor by most; Most Satyri tend to be reserved about discussing this fact with strangers who did not know them pre-change.
Fortunately, the Satyri have appeared in an age post-sexual liberation, meaning that a person occasionally forgetting to dress or seeking out consensual recreational sex partners is not terribly shocking.

Satyri that learn they must put on clothing before entering certain situations get re-integrated with human society much faster; Satyri that cannot grasp this concept usually find some form of support (friends, family members, posters on the door, etc) that remind themDue to all Satyri being almost as attractive as true succubi, many people (particularly men) are willing to overlook (or even encourage) this quirk; as the number of Satyri in the world grow the occasions of Satyri getting away with staying undressed in public for increasing amounts of time is steadily growing.  It's not unheard of in more liberal or more Satyri-heavy areas to see the occasional Satyri dining out or making quick shopping trips in the nude, with the locals not batting an eye.
==== Satyri Spirituality ====
The spirituality of a Satyri, as a whole, is not directly affected by their change:  A Christian Human becomes a Christian Satyri, a Buddhist Human becomes a Buddhist Satyri, et ceteraAll Satyri are effectively normal humans as far as spirituality is concerned -- they have mortal (and redeemable) souls, they remain on the path of the dharma, et cetera.

Lillithian Satyri remain a tragic exception to the rule; they understand (and generally want to) dress in order to fit in with human society, but are constantly bouncing between normal (if somewhat sexualized) behavior and bouts of compulsive, hypersexualized nudity that can only end with the Lillithian finding a random sexual partnerMost rumors about Satyri being perpetually naked, uninhibited sex creatures are the direct result of Lillithians publicly losing control; this is made all the more tragic as Lillithian Satyri fully understand how their actions are perceived and the reputation they gain by acting the way they do, but are helpless to change their behavior past a few short days into their cycles.
However, It is not uncommon for a Satyri to have a crisis of faith post-change, particularly if they are a member of a Judeo-Christian faith;  Eastern religions tend to lack the "demon" arctype that would prompt such a crisis in the first place.  The magnitude of this crisis of faith is dependent entirely on what support (if any) they receive from their religious communityThe opinions on the Satyri in religious circles are legion; Satyri are just as likely to be politely asked not to return as they are to be welcomed back with open arms.

Even more frustrating is the fact that even at the best of times the instincts Lillithians feel are constantly pushing them towards acting like the stereotypical media representation of Satyri;  as most people are not aware of their constant struggle against these urges Lillithian Satyri are frequently tortured not only by their own sexual impulses, but by friends, family and coworkers who simply do not understand how hard Lillithians have to work at not giving in to these urges far more oftenMany Lillithians give up hope, instead choosing to embrace the lifestyle their instincts force upon them, relying on the well known yet incorrect "facts" about Satyri to get away with acting like perpetually naked, uninhibited sex creatures.
Religious people are more likely to react poorly to unknown Satyri presences, and the feeling is generally mutual.  Immediately following the introduction of the Satyri to the world, many Satyri were the target of hate crimes, up to and including assault and murderWhile instances of this are now extremely rare in most civilized countries, it is not uncommon for a Satyri to be harassed or insulted by ignorant people.

Ironically, this is actually the best solution to the Lillithian's instinctive trap -- by choosing to embrace their instincts on their own terms, the instincts lose much of their power over themLillithians who choose not to wear clothing most of the time are far more able to resist the constant urge to strip when they do; those that find regular sex partners have no need or hunger for fresh essence.
Unfortunately, many "Fire and Brimstone" style Fundamentalist religious leaders, particularly those in more rural areas, use Satyri as an easy target for hate speech.  In addition, even the most open minded of religious people have some difficulty coming to terms with the Satyri's appearance and their quirksIt takes only one or two times of a Soap Satyri forgetting to dress before Church, or a Lillithian's willpower breaking in public before someone will pull the unfortunate victim aside and invite them to no longer participate.

===== Satyri Spirituality =====
Ironically (or perhaps intentionally) this also cuts off Satyri from the one group that could possibly find a cure to their situation -- occult and quantum researchers with the various religious organizations throughout the world.

Religious people are more likely to react poorly to Satyri presences, and the feeling is mutual -- as part of their transformation, the presence of religious items tends to leave Soap Satyri with a vague feeling of sexual arousal, furthering or cementing the impression that they are Succubi in the minds of bigots.  Satyri, as a whole, are not affected spiritually by the change; a Christian Human becomes a Christian (albeit somewhat more guilt ridden) Satyri.
In the story settings that have magic, Satyri tend to be more magically attuned than the average human, but this is not a hard and fast rule.  As mentioned above, all Lillithians can shapeshift and "sense" essenceA few rare Satyri have wings (and Lillithians who have trained their natural shapeshifting skills can create them at will), which require magical power to use, as they are not sized properly for natural flight, only gliding.

All Satyri are mornal with mortal (and redeemable) souls, Lillithians with their implanted fragments of a Succubus soul are the only ones in direct danger of damnation by their mere existence.
=== Satyri and Super/Pseudo-naturals ===
Succubi and Fallen Lillithians (themselves effectively Succubi) tend to be very protective of all Satyri, although this is almost always in the form of anonymous support; a Succubus is far more likely to hide as a normal human and offer help to a Satyri than approach them in Succubus form.  This can be taken to quite the extreme, it is suggested that some of the more "Meta-Human Progressive" charities and organizations were founded or managed by Succubi in disquise.

In the story settings that have magic, Satyri tend to be more magically attuned than the average human, but this is not a hard and fast rule.
Satyri that experience extensive harassment can usually count on any Succubi in the area retaliating in some fashion; many a Satyri that has been harassed or attacked by someone will find the attacker has either vanished (consumed outright or banished to hell) or gained themselves a karmic transformation into a Lillithian Satyri.  Lesser punishments can involve the Succubus using her powers of seduction to humiliate or blackmail the harasser into submission.  Unfortunately, this only adds to the distrust and mystique around the Satyri.

==== Satyri and Demons ====
Those Satyri that remain or are trapped in hell are usually used as clerical personnel by the true Demons; one particular reoccurring storyline involves a temp agency that is actually working for a Demonic social services company in hell, all workers hired for this position are transformed into Satyri for the duration of their work shifts.  Satyri share the Succubi's near unique disposition that they can survive equally comfortably in pocket-dimensions that are similar to Hell as well as on Earth, the lack of a taboo about nudity may be related to the temperatures in Hell (which preclude all but the briefest and resistant of clothing).

Succubi and Fallen Satyri tend to be very protective of Satyri, although this is almost always in the form of anonymous support; a Succubus is far more likely to hide as a normal human and offer support to a Satyri than approach them in Succubus form.  Satyri that experience extensive harassment can usually count on any Succubi in the area retaliating in some form; many a Satyri that has been harassed or attacked by someone will find the attacker has either vanished outright (their souls and bodies consumed outright or given a one way ticket to hell), or otherwise were left with their own karmic transformation into a Satyri.  Unfortunately, this only adds to the distrust and mystique around the Satyri.
Satyri of all types tend to cluster in support groups and their own neighborhoods, similarly to cultural specific areas in the real world like New York City's Chinatown or gay bars.  These "Satyri friendly" areas such as dance clubs, bars, stores and apartment buildings are much more accepting of Satyri instincts and nonsexual nudity, although they are extremely rare and often targeted for harassment by bigots and pervertsThe fact that the Satyri transformations are taking place in the age of the Internet has been very good for them, Satyri usually can count on some measure of acceptance online, where forgetting to dress before logging into a chat room means nothing.

Those Satyri that remain or are trapped in hell are usually used as clerical personnel by the true Demons; one particular reoccurring storyline involves a temp agency that is actually working for a Demonic social services company in hell, all workers hired for this position are transformed into Satyri for the duration of their work shifts.  Satyri are of the unique disposition that they can survive equally comfortably in pocket-dimensions that are similar to Hell as well as on Earth, the lack of a taboo about nudity may be related to the temperatures in Hell (which preclude all but the briefest of clothing).
Satyri gatherings are the stuff of common Internet jokes, as Satyri certainly see no need to wear clothing when in the company of their own kind.  Satyri membership in naturist organizations such as the [http://www.aanr.com/ American Association for Nude Recreation] or the "Satyri Society for Body Acceptance" is incredibly high; these organizations have active outreach programs for newly transformed Satyri and their families, including therapy, brochures, legal help and posters to try and help Soap Satyris remember the nudity taboo.

Satyri tend to cluster in support groups, the fact that the Satyri transformations are taking place in the age of the Internet has been very good for them.  Satyri gatherings are the stuff of common Internet jokes, as Satyri certainly see no need to wear clothing when in the company of their own kind.
=== Specific Satyri Storylines ===

== Specific Satyri Storylines ==
The Satyri exist in a multitude of DPRagan's works, being somewhat of a mascot character type of his.  Originally in their own storyverse, most Satyri material has been merged with the Magic School Universe setting (detailed below).
The Satyri exist in a multitude of DPRagan's works, being somewhat of a mascot character type of his.  Originally in their own storyverse, most Satyri material has been merged with the Magic School Universe setting (detailed below).

==== The Exiled ====
=== The Exiled ===
One particular Satyri storyline, "The Exiled", involves humans being forcibly given computer implants by a particularly charismatic leader who turns out to be the Antichrist -- these chips turn out to be the mythical "mark of the Beast."  Those that refuse are magically transformed to Satyri to ruin their credibility with humanity.  Those that survive the procedure are usually killed by the Antichrist's army as a PR ploy, those that escape join communities of like minded individuals in the destroyed areas of the United States.  Unlike standard Satyri, these Exiled Satyri retain human modesty and are, as a whole, not gender swapped, retaining a mostly human ratio of male to female Satyri.
One particular Satyri storyline, "The Exiled", involves humans being forcibly given computer implants by a particularly charismatic leader who turns out to be the Antichrist -- these chips turn out to be the mythical "mark of the Beast."  Those that refuse are magically transformed to Satyri to ruin their credibility with humanity.  Those that survive the procedure are usually killed by the Antichrist's army as a PR ploy, those that escape join communities of like minded individuals in the destroyed areas of the United States.  Unlike standard Satyri, these Exiled Satyri retain human modesty and are, as a whole, not gender swapped, retaining a mostly human ratio of male to female Satyri.

A similar storyline involving the main universe's "Soap Satyri" being placed into concentration camps was dropped outright when the Satyri storyline was merged with the Magic School Universe.
A similar storyline involving the main universe's "Soap Satyri" being placed into concentration camps was dropped outright when the Satyri storyline was merged with the Magic School Universe.

==== Hellhouse ====
=== Hellhouse ===
A "slightly darker" take on the Satyri, Hellhouse revolves around experienced succubus Morrigan infecting a human embryo much like how a Lillithian Satyri is created.  18 years later, she came to collect, activating the demonic seed that had grown up in equal parts with the human part of Carson's existence.  Caitlin, or rather the young Succubus Caililth, must now learn the ropes of being one of the lustful and damned...
A "slightly darker" take on the Satyri, Hellhouse revolves around experienced succubus Morrigan infecting a human embryo much like how a Lillithian Satyri is created.  18 years later, she came to collect, activating the demonic seed that had grown up in equal parts with the human part of Carson's existence.  Caitlin, or rather the young Succubus Caililth, must now learn the ropes of being one of the lustful and damned...

==== Soap Story ====
=== Soap Story ===
An early multi-parter, Soap Story told the story of "Alexa", a high school boy who was transformed as a result of Lilith Brand Bodywash.  Some highlights of this series include the revelation that chocolate affects Satyri as an aphrodisiac, that the world the Satyri are in is aware enough that the authorities have procedures in place for handling victims of the bodywash, and that Soap Satyri require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk.

An early multi-parter, Soap Story told the story of "Alexa", a high school boy who was transformed as a result of Lilith Brand Bodywash.  Some highlights of this series include the revelation that chocolate affects Satyri as an aphrodisiac, that the world the Satyri are in is aware enough that the authorities have procedures in place for handling victims of the bodywash, and that Soap Satyri require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk.

==The Artist's Original description of Satyri==
==The Artist's Original Description of Satyri==
''The following is a slightly cleaned up explanation of Satyri as written by the artist DPRagan and posted on his Deviantart page.<ref>http://DPRagan.deviantart.com/art/Satyri-FAQ-57029229</ref>''  The Magic School Universe document is considered more up to date than this, and most information has been adjusted and included in the above description.
''The following is a slightly cleaned up explanation of Satyri as written by the artist DPRagan and posted on his Deviantart page.<ref>http://DPRagan.deviantart.com/art/Satyri-FAQ-57029229</ref>''  The Magic School Universe document is considered more up to date than this, and most information has been adjusted and included in the above description.

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*Race: Latex Skinned Demi-Succubus
*Race: Latex Skinned Demi-Succubus
*Type: Mortal
*Type: Mortal
[[Image:Satyri-Comparison.jpg|thumb|right|200px|A comparison of Satyri and Human physiology.  Note that despite the Satyri leg being much longer, the overall height of the person is unchanged.]]
[[Image:Satyri-Comparison.jpg|thumb|right|200px|A comparison of Satyri and Human physiology.  Note that despite the Satyri leg being much longer, the overall height of the person is unchanged.]]

The internal organs of Satyri are identical to those a human if only slightly tougher. The skin of the Demi-Succubus bears a strong biological resemblance to that of natural latex. The hide covers nearly the entire body, with the only exception of where it meets the hooves, at which point it sometimes becomes scaly. Satyri have no whites in their eyes, there is only a dark shade that seems to absorb most light. The irises vary in shade from the human normal color range to exotic colors. However, all have to some degree yellow near their slit pupils. Satyri have smallish to medium sized horns and they regenerate if broken or sawed off. Demi-Succubae have a three to four foot long fully prehensile tail capable of grasping objects with their spade shaped tip. The tails have clusters of "knot-like" neurons that can cause it to behave erratically at times, usually in a manner that is annoying to the owner, however this can be controlled with practice.
The internal organs of Satyri are identical to those a human if only slightly tougher. The skin of the Demi-Succubus bears a strong biological resemblance to that of natural latex. The hide covers nearly the entire body, with the only exception of where it meets the hooves, at which point it sometimes becomes scaly. Satyri have no whites in their eyes, there is only a dark shade that seems to absorb most light. The irises vary in shade from the human normal color range to exotic colors. However, all have to some degree yellow near their slit pupils. Satyri have smallish to medium sized horns and they regenerate if broken or sawed off. Demi-Succubae have a three to four foot long fully prehensile tail capable of grasping objects with their spade shaped tip. The tails have clusters of "knot-like" neurons that can cause it to behave erratically at times, usually in a manner that is annoying to the owner, however this can be controlled with practice.

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Demi-Succubae are still mortal in that they are living breathing creatures that eat food just like the rest of us. They do have special physical dietary needs that can be taken care of in their home "pocket" realm. They still possess Agency or free will, and their finale fates are determined by their actions. The yellow of their eyes gives them a good indication of their position on the path towards becoming demonic in nature. The more yellow seen indicates the worse off they are, and how likely they are to cross over into being a True demon. No one knows what happens if the yellow disappears, but there is speculation, ranging from returning to being a normal human to transforming into an angel, or possibly nothing.
Demi-Succubae are still mortal in that they are living breathing creatures that eat food just like the rest of us. They do have special physical dietary needs that can be taken care of in their home "pocket" realm. They still possess Agency or free will, and their finale fates are determined by their actions. The yellow of their eyes gives them a good indication of their position on the path towards becoming demonic in nature. The more yellow seen indicates the worse off they are, and how likely they are to cross over into being a True demon. No one knows what happens if the yellow disappears, but there is speculation, ranging from returning to being a normal human to transforming into an angel, or possibly nothing.

===Other interesting info===
===Other interesting info===
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*She finds that now she is Hetrosexual in her new gender. She might still like females, but the sexual drives are no longer there.
*She finds that now she is Hetrosexual in her new gender. She might still like females, but the sexual drives are no longer there.
*The new Satyri has all the memories and personality of her former life, otherwise it wouldn't be delicious torture on the part of the True Succubus that began the transformation.
*The new Satyri has all the memories and personality of her former life, otherwise it wouldn't be delicious torture on the part of the True Succubus that began the transformation.

===Explanation of Satyri Eyes and their color changes===
===Explanation of Satyri Eyes and their color changes===
Satyri eyes really are windows into their souls.  That is why they are worried about the amount of yellow in their eyes. It is, in its most simplest form, a "Sin Gauge" for them. Normal feeding, even if the guy they feen upon ends up a girl, won't do anything.  Sins of higher order, such as  murder, rape, theft, blasphemy, turning another boy into a succubus, will cause the narrow band of yellow in their eyes to expand. Once the eyes are completely yellow, they become full demons and cannot be saved. If they should die before that, then they are judged as any other mortal. If they somehow make the yellow band dissappear...no one knows, they might become human again of become a demi-cherribi or Living angel?
Satyri eyes really are windows into their souls.  That is why they are worried about the amount of yellow in their eyes. It is, in its most simplest form, a "Sin Gauge" for them. Normal feeding, even if the guy they feen upon ends up a girl, won't do anything.  Sins of higher order, such as  murder, rape, theft, blasphemy, turning another boy into a succubus, will cause the narrow band of yellow in their eyes to expand. Once the eyes are completely yellow, they become full demons and cannot be saved. If they should die before that, then they are judged as any other mortal. If they somehow make the yellow band dissappear...no one knows, they might become human again of become a demi-cherribi or Living angel?

===Latex Demi-Inncubae===
===Latex Demi-Inncubae===
Latex Demi-Inncubae are made in a similar process involving virgin females being simialry tainted by a Parent Incubae.
Latex Demi-Inncubae are made in a similar process involving virgin females being simialry tainted by a Parent Incubae.

===Satyri Offspring===
===Satyri Offspring===
When a Male and Female Satyri have intercourse, there is a slightly higher then average chance of producing a satyri offspring. The offspring are born having the physical traits of a Satyri except that they don't gain the starter yellow ring in their eyes until age 8, and they don't have to start feeding until they reach sexual maturity.
When a Male and Female Satyri have intercourse, there is a slightly higher then average chance of producing a satyri offspring. The offspring are born having the physical traits of a Satyri except that they don't gain the starter yellow ring in their eyes until age 8, and they don't have to start feeding until they reach sexual maturity.

==Magic School Universe==
==Magic School Universe==
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Some churches condemned the usage outright, others embraced it, but for most of the faiths the jury is still out. However, as irresponsible magic users and crimes involving magic rise, more and more churches are leaning toward condemnation other then certain disciplines that seem to mirror the Kabalaah and Theurgy or Monk-like feats.
Some churches condemned the usage outright, others embraced it, but for most of the faiths the jury is still out. However, as irresponsible magic users and crimes involving magic rise, more and more churches are leaning toward condemnation other then certain disciplines that seem to mirror the Kabalaah and Theurgy or Monk-like feats.

===Magical Phenotypes===
===Magical Phenotypes===
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===Known Syndromes and Curses===
===Known Syndromes and Curses===
==== Quantum Hypersensitivity Syndrome (QHS) ====
==== Quantum Hypersensitivity Syndrome (QHS) ====
More Commonly called Magical Sensitivity Syndrome or MSS, Humans with this syndrome are especially sensitive to the fluctuations, in the local Quantum fields aka Mana.  
More Commonly called Magical Sensitivity Syndrome or MSS, Humans with this syndrome are especially sensitive to the fluctuations, in the local Quantum fields aka Mana.  

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===="Lilith Brand Body-wash"====
===="Lilith Brand Body-wash"====
First sold door to door then later using a glamour to make it appear as a brand name body-wash in stores. This "soap" seems to effect human male virgins the most, followed by in rarity female virgins and very rare cases non-virgins.  Authorities are trying to track down the person or persons responsible for this terror wave.  
First sold door to door then later using a glamour to make it appear as a brand name body-wash in stores. This "soap" seems to effect human male virgins the most, followed by in rarity female virgins and very rare cases non-virgins.  Authorities are trying to track down the person or persons responsible for this terror wave.  

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=== The Lefay Academy ===
=== The Lefay Academy ===
One of the more prominent magic schools, this a once private academy has been forced to become a public school for those in the school district that pass a significant magical benchmark. (One that many teachers think said benchmark is too low) It has also been forced to accept male students, a decision that rubs many of the teachers the wrong way.
One of the more prominent magic schools, this a once private academy has been forced to become a public school for those in the school district that pass a significant magical benchmark. (One that many teachers think said benchmark is too low) It has also been forced to accept male students, a decision that rubs many of the teachers the wrong way.

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Production test for a new generation of sex-slaves that are normally powerful but the power is in mental chains and can be directed at the will of the owner... (Human trafficking-NOT B&D which is consensual)
Production test for a new generation of sex-slaves that are normally powerful but the power is in mental chains and can be directed at the will of the owner... (Human trafficking-NOT B&D which is consensual)
==See Also==
*[[Satyri/Lillithian Satyri|Lillithian Satyri]]
*[[Satyri/Soap Satyri|Soap Satyri]]

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==External Links==
==External Links==
*[http://dpragan.deviantart.com/ DPRagan's Deviantart.com website]
*[http://dpragan.deviantart.com/ DPRagan's ''Deviantart'' website]
*A gallery of DPRagan's Satyri works can be seen [http://dpragan.deviantart.com/gallery/#Satyri here].
*A gallery of DPRagan's Satyri works can be seen [http://dpragan.deviantart.com/gallery/#Satyri here]

Latest revision as of 09:45, 3 November 2015

Lillithian Satyri / Soap Satyri
An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist DPRagan
An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist DPRagan
Appearance DPRagan's Magic School Storyverse
Physical Aspects Similar in most aspects to Succubi

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Satyri are a form of Succubi created by online artist DPRagan, who's works can be found on Deviantart. Initially, the Satryi were created as an independent character type that DPRagan drew, but he has expanded and codified these Satyri into a variety of different types, as well as created a story universe called the "Magic School Universe" in which these beings are somewhat more well defined.

General Description

Satyri are a form of half human, half succubus mortals. Universally created from the transformation of an unwilling human victim into their current form, there are three variants of the "Satyri" depending exactly on how they were changed into their current form: "Soap Satyri", "Lillithian Satyri", and "The Exiled". The first two Satyri variants are both contained in the "Magic School Universe", a story universe that DPRagan has created, whereas the Exiled take place in their own unique storyline.

All Satyri, despite their variant origins, share similar physical features -- they all look like shiny, rubber skinned Succubi. This is mostly a cosmetic effect; for the most part they remain human on the inside.

One specific quirk that most Satyri share is that the Satyri transformation almost exclusively involves some form of permanent and involuntary gender changing -- Satyri may look like Succubi, but originally were human men. The Exiled are an exception to this and most other "rules" about the Satyri. [1]

Regardless of transformation style, all Satyri are fully functional (read: fertile) in their resultant bodies.

Whether transformed by Lilith Brand Bodywash or kidnapped and drained/transformed by a hungry succubus, these human men -- now mostly-human girls -- have to live with the result.

Satyri Subtypes

Three known variants of Satyri exist, the Soap Satyri and the Lillithian Satyri (or Lillithian for short) in the Magic School Universe, and the Exiled in the Revelations Universe.

Soap Satyri are by far the most common form of Satyri. These are Satyri that have been transformed passively by cursed objects, most commonly "Lilith Brand Body-Wash." Soap Satyri are left with few changes other than their physical change to their resultant body.

Lillithian Satyri are the other, lesser known type of Satyri. These are Satyri who have been actively transformed by a "mother" Succubus, not unlike how a Vampire or Werewolf can transform human victims into thralls. In addition to their physical change, Lillithians are given a fragment or seed of a Succubi soul in their own, resulting in them gaining the same instinctive urges that a true Succubus has.

The Exiled are a group of Satyri from another world. Unlike the main series Soap and Lillithian Satyri, Exiled are typical humans who have been transformed into Satyri by magic, which is still a secret on their world. As a rule they retain human modesty and have completely human souls, merely gaining the physical appearances of Satyri.

Physical Description

All Satyri are, as a rule, extremely attractive, this is a result of the Succubi (or male wizard, in the case of the Exiled) influence in their various transformations. Satyri invariably lose any imperfections such as excess weight, scars, or tattos after their change, although they do retain their general individuality and non-cosmetic flaws, such as the need to wear glasses.

Satyri are easily recognized by their skin, which is far closer to a form of latex than human flesh. This rubber pelt is invariably a bright, inhuman color like Crimson Red, although "Cobalt Blue," "Bubblegum," "Jade," "Royal Purple," "Eggshell White" and other variants are also common.

This skin is universally very shiny, as if treated with some form of polish; this is due to a natural form of oil the Satyri secrete instead of sweat that constantly polishes and treats the skin. This "polish" also leaves the Satyri's skin feeling somewhat slippery and slick to the touch at all times, although this varies between each Satyri and over time.

Outside of the effects of the shine Satyri skin is near monochrome, although some areas such as the areola or lips experience a different coloring, similar to natural human pigmentation.

The color, shine, and "rubberness" of the skin extends to the Satyri's hair, which is frequently the same color (albeit a darker shade) as their skin. Satyri hair takes dyes and other hair treatments about as well as human hair; many Satyri bleach and then dye hair various "human" colors in an attempt to fit in better.

A pair of small horns is always found peeking out from the hair, these are invariably a still darker shade of their skintone, and tend towards being fairly straight and about 2 inches long. The occasional rare animal style (ram, goat, etc) can be seen, although they remain purely decorative on all Satyri despite their shapes. These horns regrow over time if removed or damaged.

Outside of this hair and their eyebrows, Satyri are hairless under the neck. Indeed, the vast majority of Satyri skin lacks any form of hair follicles and simply cannot grow hair in any form. This includes the arms, legs and genitals, which are permanently denuded.

Satyri eyes are slit and catlike, although they retain standard human eyesight (albeit with slightly better night vision). Some rare Soap Satyri gain a black sclera (the "whites of the eyes"), although this this is significantly more common in Lillithians (who always have this effect manifest).

Satyri with a black sclera also gain a slightly golden band around their irises, similar to the effect seen in some hazel or animal eyes. This band reflects light but has no bearing on vision. It is heavily implied that all True Succubi have this black sclera effect as well, although this is not common knowledge in the settings.

Some Satyri, even those without this change, manifest black sclera during periods of extreme distress. It is implied this is a defense mechanism of some kind, and this continues until the source of the agitation is removed or resolved.

Similarly to the eyes, Satyri ears are long and elf-like externally. Internally they are unchanged but the ability to move them and the extra size allow Satyri to pick up more sounds than standard human hearing.

Satyri tongues are split like a viper's, and are roughly as maneuverable and stretchy as a frog's. They appear normal (sans a small notch in the middle) at rest, but a Satyri can stretch their tongues out to a full foot, as well as "smell" the air with the tongue like snakes. Similar "snakelike" changes occur to Saytri teeth, which have much more prominent canines. Despite these changes, Satyri remain as omnivorous as humans.

All Satyri also have unguligrade legs, similar to a Satyr of Greek myth (hence the name) or a Draenei from the popular "World of Warcraft" MMORPG. These legs end in cloven hooves (technically Satyri toenails) and are slightly longer than normal legs, but are folded inward slightly to compensate -- a Satyri's height is relatively unchanged after their transformation. Satyri do require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk after their changes, however after this training they are as mobile as a human.

Satyri universally have a thick tail ending in a heart or triangle shaped spade, this tail is fully prehensile, but remains under the control of the Satyri's subconscious, not conscious, mind. Satyri emotions are easily discerned by the motions and posturing of the tail; the tail also acts as a natural counterbalance, helping the Satyri walk on their new legs.

Some Satyri have wings, although this is exceedingly rare. No Satyri can fly without magical assistance, although this magical assistance is instinctive to most Satyri.

Satyri that are not in the "prime of life" invariably find themselves in their prime post-change; as part of the change all Satyri tend to lose a few years of physical age. The vast majority of Satyri victims, those adult age or beyond, find themselves physically a young adult again (roughly equivalent to a 21 to 25 year old human woman), those victims who are in their teens may find themselves regressed to as young as 13 years old, left to grow up again and acclimate to their new life.

This regression effect is permanent; Satyri grow and mature until they appear as young adults, at which point physical maturity stops. While most Satyri have the same lifespan as humanity (Lillithians being an important exception), Satyri will appear young until the very end of their lives, whereupon they will appear to physically age very rapidly.

Rarely, and seemingly at the incomprehensible whim of whatever force causes the change, older Satyri victims can be regressed as far back as 13 years old, leaving them not only to deal with their physical transformation, but also the indignity of having their rights and responsibilities of adulthood stolen from them.

This is always a regression effect: Satyri never gain physical maturity due to their change, and the exceedingly rare pre-pubescent victims invariably retain their current physical age.

Satyri and Society

After their transformation, new Satyri are left to their own devices to re-integrate themselves in their previous lives. They retain all their previous memories, although this is colored by their changes -- for example, a Soap Satyri can remember wearing clothing, but no longer feel the modesty that led them to dress as a human. Lillithians retain their previous opinions on things, but can "smell" male essence, and find themselves attracted to it despite themselves.

Enough people are aware of the situation that Satyri usually do not have any problems getting new ID and their identities switched over; the biggest challenge Satyri experience immediately after their change is the need for physical therapy to learn how to walk on their new legs.

Satyri and Humanity

Satyri are generally, as a whole, well accepted in most of the societies DPRagan has described. While some bigotry has been mentioned -- Fundamentalists harassing or even killing Satyri victims, for example -- a few stories also involve a high school aged boy being turned into a Soap Satyri and still going to his old school. This suggests at least some level of common acceptance.

The source of the Satyri varies wildly as the rumor mill spins along. Satyri have any number of supposed origins -- from being minor demons that have gotten away from spellcasters, to being redeemed demons escaping hell, aliens on vacation, evil people being cursed for their wickedness, or even Satyri supposedly being a form of magically enhanced fetish subculture. The rumors that Satyri used to be human men has not traveled as far, although most occult and legal experts know about it; most Satyri themselves do not openly discuss this matter, seeking to reduce any further attention to themselves.

The Soap Satyri's predisposition towards casual nudity and the Lillithian's "nude week" have both entered common wisdom, because of this "everyone knows" that Satyris of all types are nudists. Similarly, the Lillithian "frenzy" and the Soap Satyri's reaction to holy items are also commonly whispered about; many people assume all Satyri are easy lays, or at the very least extremely sexually liberated. In each case, the Lillithian and Soap Satyri are quick to correct this misunderstanding.

Most humans are preoccupied with the Satyri's obvious physical changes more than anything else. A sub-race of extremely attractive, sexually active nudists generates many jokes and much good will, especially on late night talk shows. The general consensus, as much as one can be formed, is that Satyri are more harmless than anything else. If they are a form of demon they aren't the fire and brimstone type; if they are a subculture of magic using sexual deviants they really aren't harming anyone.

Fortunately, the Satyri have appeared in an age post-sexual liberation, meaning that a person occasionally forgetting to dress or seeking out consensual recreational sex partners is not terribly shocking.

Satyri Spirituality

The spirituality of a Satyri, as a whole, is not directly affected by their change: A Christian Human becomes a Christian Satyri, a Buddhist Human becomes a Buddhist Satyri, et cetera. All Satyri are effectively normal humans as far as spirituality is concerned -- they have mortal (and redeemable) souls, they remain on the path of the dharma, et cetera.

However, It is not uncommon for a Satyri to have a crisis of faith post-change, particularly if they are a member of a Judeo-Christian faith; Eastern religions tend to lack the "demon" arctype that would prompt such a crisis in the first place. The magnitude of this crisis of faith is dependent entirely on what support (if any) they receive from their religious community. The opinions on the Satyri in religious circles are legion; Satyri are just as likely to be politely asked not to return as they are to be welcomed back with open arms.

Religious people are more likely to react poorly to unknown Satyri presences, and the feeling is generally mutual. Immediately following the introduction of the Satyri to the world, many Satyri were the target of hate crimes, up to and including assault and murder. While instances of this are now extremely rare in most civilized countries, it is not uncommon for a Satyri to be harassed or insulted by ignorant people.

Unfortunately, many "Fire and Brimstone" style Fundamentalist religious leaders, particularly those in more rural areas, use Satyri as an easy target for hate speech. In addition, even the most open minded of religious people have some difficulty coming to terms with the Satyri's appearance and their quirks. It takes only one or two times of a Soap Satyri forgetting to dress before Church, or a Lillithian's willpower breaking in public before someone will pull the unfortunate victim aside and invite them to no longer participate.

Ironically (or perhaps intentionally) this also cuts off Satyri from the one group that could possibly find a cure to their situation -- occult and quantum researchers with the various religious organizations throughout the world.

In the story settings that have magic, Satyri tend to be more magically attuned than the average human, but this is not a hard and fast rule. As mentioned above, all Lillithians can shapeshift and "sense" essence. A few rare Satyri have wings (and Lillithians who have trained their natural shapeshifting skills can create them at will), which require magical power to use, as they are not sized properly for natural flight, only gliding.

Satyri and Super/Pseudo-naturals

Succubi and Fallen Lillithians (themselves effectively Succubi) tend to be very protective of all Satyri, although this is almost always in the form of anonymous support; a Succubus is far more likely to hide as a normal human and offer help to a Satyri than approach them in Succubus form. This can be taken to quite the extreme, it is suggested that some of the more "Meta-Human Progressive" charities and organizations were founded or managed by Succubi in disquise.

Satyri that experience extensive harassment can usually count on any Succubi in the area retaliating in some fashion; many a Satyri that has been harassed or attacked by someone will find the attacker has either vanished (consumed outright or banished to hell) or gained themselves a karmic transformation into a Lillithian Satyri. Lesser punishments can involve the Succubus using her powers of seduction to humiliate or blackmail the harasser into submission. Unfortunately, this only adds to the distrust and mystique around the Satyri.

Those Satyri that remain or are trapped in hell are usually used as clerical personnel by the true Demons; one particular reoccurring storyline involves a temp agency that is actually working for a Demonic social services company in hell, all workers hired for this position are transformed into Satyri for the duration of their work shifts. Satyri share the Succubi's near unique disposition that they can survive equally comfortably in pocket-dimensions that are similar to Hell as well as on Earth, the lack of a taboo about nudity may be related to the temperatures in Hell (which preclude all but the briefest and resistant of clothing).

Satyri of all types tend to cluster in support groups and their own neighborhoods, similarly to cultural specific areas in the real world like New York City's Chinatown or gay bars. These "Satyri friendly" areas such as dance clubs, bars, stores and apartment buildings are much more accepting of Satyri instincts and nonsexual nudity, although they are extremely rare and often targeted for harassment by bigots and perverts. The fact that the Satyri transformations are taking place in the age of the Internet has been very good for them, Satyri usually can count on some measure of acceptance online, where forgetting to dress before logging into a chat room means nothing.

Satyri gatherings are the stuff of common Internet jokes, as Satyri certainly see no need to wear clothing when in the company of their own kind. Satyri membership in naturist organizations such as the American Association for Nude Recreation or the "Satyri Society for Body Acceptance" is incredibly high; these organizations have active outreach programs for newly transformed Satyri and their families, including therapy, brochures, legal help and posters to try and help Soap Satyris remember the nudity taboo.

Specific Satyri Storylines

The Satyri exist in a multitude of DPRagan's works, being somewhat of a mascot character type of his. Originally in their own storyverse, most Satyri material has been merged with the Magic School Universe setting (detailed below).

The Exiled

One particular Satyri storyline, "The Exiled", involves humans being forcibly given computer implants by a particularly charismatic leader who turns out to be the Antichrist -- these chips turn out to be the mythical "mark of the Beast." Those that refuse are magically transformed to Satyri to ruin their credibility with humanity. Those that survive the procedure are usually killed by the Antichrist's army as a PR ploy, those that escape join communities of like minded individuals in the destroyed areas of the United States. Unlike standard Satyri, these Exiled Satyri retain human modesty and are, as a whole, not gender swapped, retaining a mostly human ratio of male to female Satyri.

A similar storyline involving the main universe's "Soap Satyri" being placed into concentration camps was dropped outright when the Satyri storyline was merged with the Magic School Universe.


A "slightly darker" take on the Satyri, Hellhouse revolves around experienced succubus Morrigan infecting a human embryo much like how a Lillithian Satyri is created. 18 years later, she came to collect, activating the demonic seed that had grown up in equal parts with the human part of Carson's existence. Caitlin, or rather the young Succubus Caililth, must now learn the ropes of being one of the lustful and damned...

Soap Story

An early multi-parter, Soap Story told the story of "Alexa", a high school boy who was transformed as a result of Lilith Brand Bodywash. Some highlights of this series include the revelation that chocolate affects Satyri as an aphrodisiac, that the world the Satyri are in is aware enough that the authorities have procedures in place for handling victims of the bodywash, and that Soap Satyri require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk.

The Artist's Original Description of Satyri

The following is a slightly cleaned up explanation of Satyri as written by the artist DPRagan and posted on his Deviantart page.[2] The Magic School Universe document is considered more up to date than this, and most information has been adjusted and included in the above description.

Race Summary

  • Race: Latex Skinned Demi-Succubus
  • Type: Mortal
A comparison of Satyri and Human physiology. Note that despite the Satyri leg being much longer, the overall height of the person is unchanged.


The internal organs of Satyri are identical to those a human if only slightly tougher. The skin of the Demi-Succubus bears a strong biological resemblance to that of natural latex. The hide covers nearly the entire body, with the only exception of where it meets the hooves, at which point it sometimes becomes scaly. Satyri have no whites in their eyes, there is only a dark shade that seems to absorb most light. The irises vary in shade from the human normal color range to exotic colors. However, all have to some degree yellow near their slit pupils. Satyri have smallish to medium sized horns and they regenerate if broken or sawed off. Demi-Succubae have a three to four foot long fully prehensile tail capable of grasping objects with their spade shaped tip. The tails have clusters of "knot-like" neurons that can cause it to behave erratically at times, usually in a manner that is annoying to the owner, however this can be controlled with practice.

Satyri legs are comparable to humans, and identical to the point of the kneecaps. Below that point, the calves and bones of the lower legs are half the size of a human's and unguligraded, with long foot bones that end in cloven hooves. The mouth of the Demi-Succubus has several diffrences from that of a human. Both the upper and lower canines are elongated and pointed. Demi-Succubus tongues while appearing normal, other then a short slit along the last quarter inch of the tip, are actually elastic like a frog's, but with more control and are able to taste the air similarly to that of a snake's.


Demi-Succubae are still mortal in that they are living breathing creatures that eat food just like the rest of us. They do have special physical dietary needs that can be taken care of in their home "pocket" realm. They still possess Agency or free will, and their finale fates are determined by their actions. The yellow of their eyes gives them a good indication of their position on the path towards becoming demonic in nature. The more yellow seen indicates the worse off they are, and how likely they are to cross over into being a True demon. No one knows what happens if the yellow disappears, but there is speculation, ranging from returning to being a normal human to transforming into an angel, or possibly nothing.

Other interesting info

Demi-Succubae don't really sweat. The shininess on their latex skins is produced by the skins excreting oils to keep the latex shiny. But that has little to do with temprature regulation of their bodies. (That being less than 2%.) They displace heat through their spade shapped tailfin (5%), and their horns and ears (10%). This can make them a little on the warm side, so the rest is absorbed into their "Mana" pool. (At least that is what the author is going with at the moment.)

The Process

The transformation process starts with a True Succubus choosing a virgin male of generally upright moral standing. Changing someone who is already doing evil is redundant to them. She then forces sexual activity with him in her realm. She can even take over his peripherial nervous system to make him preform for her if needed. She draws the yang energy out while replacing it with a part of her dark essence.

Then the transformation goes through several stages:

  • The boy first transforms into a girl, and then morphs into a Satyri or Latex Demi_Succubea. Throughout most of the transformation, the male is likely unconcious from pain and pleasure, mostly pain.
  • He wakes up now a girl, and no longer human, but still alive and mortal.
  • She finds that now she is Hetrosexual in her new gender. She might still like females, but the sexual drives are no longer there.
  • The new Satyri has all the memories and personality of her former life, otherwise it wouldn't be delicious torture on the part of the True Succubus that began the transformation.

Explanation of Satyri Eyes and their color changes

Satyri eyes really are windows into their souls. That is why they are worried about the amount of yellow in their eyes. It is, in its most simplest form, a "Sin Gauge" for them. Normal feeding, even if the guy they feen upon ends up a girl, won't do anything. Sins of higher order, such as murder, rape, theft, blasphemy, turning another boy into a succubus, will cause the narrow band of yellow in their eyes to expand. Once the eyes are completely yellow, they become full demons and cannot be saved. If they should die before that, then they are judged as any other mortal. If they somehow make the yellow band dissappear...no one knows, they might become human again of become a demi-cherribi or Living angel?

Latex Demi-Inncubae

Latex Demi-Inncubae are made in a similar process involving virgin females being simialry tainted by a Parent Incubae.

Satyri Offspring

When a Male and Female Satyri have intercourse, there is a slightly higher then average chance of producing a satyri offspring. The offspring are born having the physical traits of a Satyri except that they don't gain the starter yellow ring in their eyes until age 8, and they don't have to start feeding until they reach sexual maturity.

Magic School Universe

In August of 2009, DPRagan posted an FAQ on a setting he called the Magic School Universe.[3] That outline is reproduced here for completeness with the Satyri, and recent updates to the document have incorporated updates to the "Urban Fantasy" version of Satyri.

General Concept

Early in the 21st Century quantum physics experimented with feedback techniques, this lead to the discovery that humans with the proper training could manipulate reality to a small degree.

Unfortunately while studying it under controlled conditions, environmental terrorists, through a sympathetic researcher, used the research to create quantum-charged bacteria. This bacterial-culture was based off of the Wolbachia parasite came to be called called Q1T1 through Q1T8 parasites, or collectively known by slang names such as "Cat Scratch Fever" or "Neko-jin Syndrome".

The release of the Quantum-Altered bacterial strains into the general population opened Pandora's box. Once "Magic" re-entered human culture, people incidentally found that manipulating reality became easier and easier as belief that magic didn't exist quickly eroded.

Magic, as Quantum Manipulation is more popularly called, is now quantified as part of Quantum Physics.

Some churches condemned the usage outright, others embraced it, but for most of the faiths the jury is still out. However, as irresponsible magic users and crimes involving magic rise, more and more churches are leaning toward condemnation other then certain disciplines that seem to mirror the Kabalaah and Theurgy or Monk-like feats.

Magical Phenotypes

Endo-Magic: Magic that involves strengthening the human body in some way, either that of themselves or others. These skills seem to be much like the classic classes such as the Monk or Bard. 90% of Endomages are Male, Female Endomages seem to gravitate towards Dance as an expression of their magic or seem naturals at shape shifting.

Endomages can use Exo-magic but it requires more concentration and power usage, and feels like trying to use their off-hand to write.

Exo-Magic: Magic that involves the projection or manipulation of forces, matter or energy outside the human body. These skills are what most think of when Magic is mentioned. 90% of Exomages are Female. Males who are Exomages talents seem to run more toward combat magic.

Exomages can use Endomagic but it requires more concentration and power and feels like hot and cold flashes.

Meso-Magic: It is rare that mages are proficient in both, but either through natural talent or practice some mages can utilize both styles. 3% of all mages are Mesomages, this breaks down to 2% female and 1% male. Many Mesomages suffer from QHS/MSS

Known Syndromes and Curses

Quantum Hypersensitivity Syndrome (QHS)

More Commonly called Magical Sensitivity Syndrome or MSS, Humans with this syndrome are especially sensitive to the fluctuations, in the local Quantum fields aka Mana.

Symptoms include:

  • Glowing and hyperactivity during times of cresting levels of mana
  • Lethargy and even depression during waning levels of mana
  • Sympathetic reactions to nearby spells
  • Headaches and Body aches
  • Sudden Mana Discharge

Most suffers of QHS/MSS are Mesomages, some "non-mages" have also been known to suffer from the syndrome. Current theory is that they might be more in denial of their hidden talents then true non-mages.

Cat Scratch Fever

This quantum-mutated bacteria was originally created to take "useless" (in they eyes of the group) Humans and transform them physically into endangered cats thereby making infected humans less of a burden to mother Earth.

Indeed the first generation of the parasite did just that, luckily for humanity it was only capable of infecting 0.1% of the population, which ironically included 100% of the research staff that created it.

Once it got loose both the parasite and the curse quickly "mutated" gathering in domestic felines, leaving more human features and increasing the infection rate to 5% of the human population. It is now rare that someone devolves to full animal from the curse.

Symptoms Include:

  • Body fur long/short
  • Feline like feet
  • Semi-prehensile tail
  • Feline ears
  • Whiskers
  • Slight snout
  • Extra mammary glands (rare)
  • Twice yearly "heat/rut"
  • Transgender shift (more common in males then females)
  • Claustrophobic-Feral-mental regression (Extreme cases cause a partial or full devolve into a feline body type)

Emotional/Quantum Resonance Event(aka Angst Storm)

People with magic are, well people, and like anyone else can have issues.

The difference being is that powerful emotions (usually negative but sometimes hyper-positive ones also cause the issue but tend to be less destructive) can cause a warp in the local quantum field which can feedback into immediate surroundings with the emotions causing the laws of physics to warp and bend.

The size of the storm is relative to the power-level of the patient suffering the "Emotional Meltdown".


  • Cat-1 This is the most common and least dangerous, usually only temporary, caused but short term issues. (Being Dumped, failing a test, sometimes drastic hormonal shifts)
  • Cat-2 Caused by strong emotions can can be seen by non-quantum sensitives in the form of a poltergeist. (Being dumped in public, failing and important test)
  • Cat-3 Usually a stronger version of a Cat-2 caused by sustained versions of the emotions that cause a Cat-2 (Several bad events happen one after another, Being Dumped-Father Died-and failed a test in a week)
  • Cat-4 (aka "Carrie") Very rare, looks like a small hurricane with the patient in the eye, usually caused but a lifetime of abuse (lifetime social outcast, very public humiliation, long-term physical or sexual abuse) the difference here is that patients like these are good at hiding their feelings, even from themselves. Sometimes even the true trigger is missed even by the patient experiencing the emotional feedback.

"Lilith Brand Body-wash"

First sold door to door then later using a glamour to make it appear as a brand name body-wash in stores. This "soap" seems to effect human male virgins the most, followed by in rarity female virgins and very rare cases non-virgins. Authorities are trying to track down the person or persons responsible for this terror wave.

Once unwittingly (usually) applied, the user's human skin begins to dissolve and slough off, this process is painless and some users don't even notice, some have even been known to have an erotic reaction to it and begin pulling it off believing that it is a hallucination.

The exception to this is the face, the skin there does not automatically slough off, however it does become increasingly irritated and people have to show great mental self control not to rip the facial skin off.

Under the skin is a rubbery hide, with Red is most common followed by Green, Blue, Violet, Pink, and Egg-White in the effected population

The user almost universally change genders (99.5% M2F) gains a fully prehensile tail and unguligrade cloven-hoofed feet.

Note: There are rare cases where no gender-shift occurs but these are isolated cases and usually in places of heavy conflict, theorized that the heavy adrenalin levels might inhibit this trait for some unknown reason.

Satyri, as the suffers of the transformation are called, have physically "forked" tongues. Much like a pit viper, although with elasticity of a frogs, the tongue is semi-prehensile. At rest, the tongue looks much like a normal human tongue only with a slight notch at the tip, it can however stretch to a length of a foot (30.48 cm). Satyri are omnivorous, with they same dental alignment of normal humans, with the notable exception of their upper and lower canines being more prominent.

95% of Satyri seem to have normal human eyes (with feline slit pupils) but some rare ones seem to have "black" sclera's and a small band of gold along the split pupil black sclera eyes are also reflective.

It has been noted in Medical communities that extreme biological stress (Starvation or massive injuries) can cause Temporary Umbral Sclera to develop. Usually this fades once the stimulus that cause the condition has been corrected, During this time sexual encounters are discouraged without both parties consulting a SRS Specialist.

Satyri have elf like ears, while their hearing is the same level as that of a baseline humans, their ability to move their ears more easily and their enlarged pinna allow for picking up sounds that most humans would miss.

All Satyri have at least vestigial horns with the average being about an inch and a half to three inches long, and the largest horns usually resembling a ram, goat or cows with the rare gazelle in both shape and size. Larger horns occur more in the rarer male satyri.

Satyri also appear to have odd reactions to holy items; Most items cause them to become sexually aroused, with Holy Water demonstrating the most interesting effect in that it literally dissolves their clothing, usually underwear first!

It should be noted that Satyri with permanent umbral sclera tend to have the classical allergic reaction to the quantum elements behind holy symbols and Holy water.

Satyri like chocolate, nearly to the point of addiction! It also causes arousal that is twice as intense as experience by a human woman, tales of "Sexual Berserkerism" are unfounded however, and are later proven to be psychosomatic in origin.

While uncommon, some satyri develop vestigial wings thus form along the clavicle/shoulder-blade line, They are not capable of sustaining a satyri in flight, nor are they large enough to glide effectively. While it is very rare, some satyri are actually "reborn" with wings.

The wings are large enough to act as "oars" when combined with levitation runes tattooed on the outer patagia.

While it is not instinctive, satyri can shape-shift, however it takes a lot of discipline and more advanced changed feel uncomfortable. Most can only hold a form for a few hours before having to revert and rest:

  • 92% of Satyri have no idea how to even learn how to shape-shift and those who stumble upon how have trouble teaching others.
  • Hide or Eye Color is easiest and usually produce no discomfort although they tend to revert when asleep.
  • The classic faun/satyr form is often an intermediary form for a satyri and they can hold this form the longest usually eight to ten hours or until the fall asleep.
  • Human form is more difficult and opposite gender is nearly impossible and the known record for holding a human form is just eight hours with four being the more common limit and fifteen minutes for opposite gender.

Up until recently it was unknown why Satyri tend to have a noticeable lack of modesty when it comes public nudity, MRI scans of several satyri brought in for other reasons have detected brain damage in the exact same spot in the ventromedial frontal lobe, neurosurgeons liken the damage to a part of the brain that has been electrocuted and/or scarred over.

Theory's are abound on the subject, but the leading one is whatever is causing the transformations usually takes up residence in that part of the brain for the transformation then leaves.

It is an urban legend that those with umbral sclera have no such limits to their transformational abilities.

  • Among those in the know those with Umbral Sclera are artificial Half-demons. Sometimes called Latex-Demi Succubi the proper term for them is Lilithian.

The Benefactors of the Lilithian are trying to find those that are to be sealed during the Time of Revelations, neutralizing and marking in one stroke so far their success rate has been zero. Those turned seem to be "decoys".

Sexdoll Spell

Sometimes shortened to 'Doll or dispersively Fuckdoll, Fucktoy.

There are actually two different types of this spell the more commonly seen TG-01P which is used by the mob to force delinquent debtors to pay them back (much more profitable then standard Legbreaking and if the girl can never be a guy again, who cares it'll teach the next bum)

The TG-01P however is infertile and does not menstruate. Oddly the TG-01P is the least mentally stable of the sexdoll morphs.

The TG-02.5S Is exactly the same as the TG-01P except that it is fertile and used more in the slave trade.

Traits of the "Sexdoll" package include:

  • Whatever the real personality is they have an implanted subconscious desires Usually Hereto-Bisexual and nearly always Submissive to the point that if you slip a collar around one of their necks they become very obedient. If not used the implanted desires and sub-persona will fade over a period of nine months to a year.
  • Skin-tone and hair-color and breast-size can change if she senses a preference in her SO's desire, these changes take about a week start to finish. This includes rubber-skinned forms that are popular enough that this is where the Sexdoll tag has come from.
  • While the spell seems resistant to them becoming a male again, it seems the person who originally created the spell was odd and if they since the desire in their SO (this usually happens when the SO is female as well) they can grow their clitoris (incorporating the urethra) into a "penis". Testis never form and the seminal fluid has no spermatozoa. this form is often called the futanari form.

This process is easily reversed and can happen overnight.

  • Sense of Smell and touch are heightened, they are much more sensitive to pheromone scents and tactile stimulation then an normal girl.
  • Subjects that have any magical ability also begin to produce a low-grade glamour making them sexually desirable to both genders (This can easily be overcome by strong emotions).
  • Apparently there are safety features included the safe-word RED can be used if there is a life and death situation or if the 'Doll is not "owned." They however have to know about the safe-word.

Magic Primer

All actual "magic" is an act of will, however to keep the person who cut you off in traffic from being splattered against a hill by a mage's unfocused will, people are taught to use spells.

It sounds archaic, or something like summoning a demon. (That is also possible and illegal, using one to commit a crime carries the same penalty as a terrorist act.) In actuality it's a mnemonic/trigger/emergency stop system. This allows one to shape the spell as needed.

Scientists have pushed for Latin to be the language of Quantum Manipulation due to it's status as a dead language, surprisingly, those who follow the more...paganistic paths, agreed. They have already been doing so as well for some time. The reason for Latin? Someone who uses common words and phrases for a mnemonic will find that the mere act of talking casts wild spells.

Certain sub parts or objects in a spell are assigned a Latin word with an action often ending up as a phrase. By practicing each word while practicing that part it becomes fixed into the mind. Stringing the words together creates a more complex "Quantum Program" as the process is called in scientific circles.

Speaking or singing works best for quantum manipulation, while a person could do it in their mind, things can get garbled as stray thoughts cross.

The Lefay Academy

One of the more prominent magic schools, this a once private academy has been forced to become a public school for those in the school district that pass a significant magical benchmark. (One that many teachers think said benchmark is too low) It has also been forced to accept male students, a decision that rubs many of the teachers the wrong way.

So when male students began to spontaneously become turned into fully functional members of the feminine gender it caused some controversy, here are the most popular theories.

Making the leading theory behind the sudden transformation the simplest,...someone did not like the school becoming coed nor where they comfortable with so many boys with POWER that should be best left to females. (A Sexist Elitism)

Other ideas include producing powerful yet submissive concubines/wives/bodyguards for well connected political figures. (Political Maneuvering)

There are even "no-fault" theories, such as the culmination of the disgust some students and faculty have created a subconscious consensual reality on the school premises. However the booby-trapped items and places seem keyed to specific individuals.

Production test for a new generation of sex-slaves that are normally powerful but the power is in mental chains and can be directed at the will of the owner... (Human trafficking-NOT B&D which is consensual)

See Also


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