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{{infobox DnD character class
| name              = Seductress
| image            = [[Image:Sed.jpg|250px]]
| caption          =
| role              = Spy<br>Information Gathering<br>Seduction
| secondaryrole    =
| power            = Sexual<br>Beauty
| alignment        = Any Non-Lawful<br>Any Non-Good
| editions          = 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
| standardeditions  = 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
| alternateeditions = 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
| source            = D&D Wiki
| first            = D&D Wiki
| mythical          = [[Succubus (Traditional)|Succubus]]
| based            = [[Succubus (Dungeons and Dragons)|Succubus]]
| OGL_stats_URL    = http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Seductress_%28DnD_Prestige_Class%29
''For other uses of the word [[Succubus]], see [[Succubus (disambiguation)]].''
'''Seductress''' is a character class option which can be used for player characters in the 3rd edition ruleset of the ''Dungeons and Dragons'' role playing game. Such characters use their female wiles to gain ground on their male counter parts, in a similar fashion to that of a [[Succubus (Dungeons and Dragons)|Succubus]]. Many seductresses are spies, using their social charms to disarm their opponents without a fight, and leave them vulnerable to exploitation and the extraction of information.
==Class Features==
''All the following are class features of the Seductress:''
*'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' The seductress is proficient in the use of all simple weapons, the sap, scourge (Complete Warrior), whip, net, and no armor.

''For other uses of the word [[Succubus]], see [[Succubus (disambiguation)]].''
*'''Poison Use:''' When the seductress tries to coat her weapon in poison, she has no chance of accidentally poisoning herself.
*'''Seduction (Ex):''' You can add your Seductress levels to any Cha based skill check if you are interacting with a person of the opposite gender.
*'''Sneak Attack Progression:''' Your rogue Sneak Attack damage increases as if you were continuing to take levels in rogue.
*'''Seductress Kisses (Su):''' A seductress applies various effects to another it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim.  If the target is not willing to be kissed, the seductress must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The seductress' kiss or embrace has the following effects (choose one at the time of the kiss):
:*'''At Level 1''': You may apply the effects of a Charm Person spell with your Charming Kiss.  The save DC is (11+Cha) Will.
:*'''At Level 4''': You may apply the effects of a Suggestion spell with your Suggestive Kiss.  The save DC is (13+Cha) Will.
:*'''At Level 7''': You may apply the effects of a succubus Energy Drain with your Draining Kiss.  The victim must save or gain one negative level.  The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from the seductress.  The save DC is (15+Cha) Will to negate the effects of suggestion.  It is also a (15+Cha) Fortitude save to remove the negative levels.
:*'''At Level 10''': Your kiss becomes deadly.  You may choose to either paralyze your victim for 1/minute per Seductress level, or slay them instantly.  For either it is a (17+Cha) Fortitude save.  You may only use this ability 3/day.

*'''Spellcasting Abilities (Sp):''' As the seductress levels, they gain several spells.  They have a special pool of spell energy they can cast from.  At 2nd level they can spontaneously cast any of their class gained spells 1/day.  At the end, they may cast any of their spells 5/day.  All spells are Cha based, and are subject to arcane spell failure.  As per a sorcerer, metamagic feats may be applied by increasing the casting time.

The '''Seductress''' is a user of female wiles to gain ground on her male counter parts, as a succubus. Many seductresses are spies, using their social charms to disarm their opponents without a fight, and leave them vulnerable.
From 2nd level onward you gain one new spell per level you can cast. You eventually have 9 known spells and 5 casts a day.

*'''Secret Alignment (Su):''' Being an expert at hiding your true intentions, you gain the effects of a constant Undetectable Alignment spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.
'''Gender:''' Female.

'''Alignment:''' Any Non-Lawful, Any Non-Good
*'''Silver Tongue (Su):''' Your ability to seduce anyone gives you the power to communicate your feelings, however false.  You get the benefits of a constant Tongues spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.  In addition, you get a +4 competence bonus to saves vs attempts at detecting lies by magical means.

*'''Hidden Mind (Su):''' Your mind and intent truly hidden, you gain the effects of a constant Mind Blank spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.
* Bluff: 8 ranks.
* Diplomacy: 5 ranks.
* Perform (Act, Dance, or Oratory): 5 ranks.
* Sense Motive: 5 ranks.

'''Feats:''' Persuasive

'''Special:''' Sneak Attack +1d6
''The following statistics are required for a player character to obtain the Seductress character class:''

*'''Gender:'''  Female.
*'''Alignment:''' Any Non-Lawful, Any Non-Good
:* '''Bluff''': 8 ranks.
:* '''Diplomacy''': 5 ranks.
:* '''Perform''' (Act, Dance, or Oratory): 5 ranks.
:* '''Sense Motive''': 5 ranks.
*'''Feats:''' Persuasive
*'''Special:''' Sneak Attack +1d6

{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="d20"
|+ style="text-align: right;" | <div style="float: left;">'''The Seductress'''</div> '''Hit Die: d6'''
{| class="wikitable"
|+ '''The Seductress - Hit Die: d6'''
! Level
! Level
Line 31: Line 74:
! Ref<br/>Save
! Ref<br/>Save
! Will<br/>Save
! Will<br/>Save
! style="text-align: left;" | Special
! Special
| '''1st'''|| +0|| +0|| +0|| +2|| Poison Use, Seduction, Sneak Attack Progression, Charming Kiss
| '''2nd'''|| +1|| +0|| +0|| +3|| Alter Self spell, Spellcasting 1/day
| '''3rd'''|| +2|| +1|| +1|| +3||| Secret Alignment, Glibness spell
| '''4th'''|| +3|| +1|| +1|| +4||| Suggestive Kiss, Detect Thoughts spell, Spellcasting 2/day
| 1st
| '''5th'''|| +3|| +1|| +1|| +4||| Charm Monster spell
| +0
| +0
| +0
| +2
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Poison Use, Seduction, Sneak Attack Progression, Charming Kiss
|- class="even"
| 2nd
| +1
| +0
| +0
| +3
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Alter Self spell, Spellcasting 1/day
| 3rd
| '''6th'''|| +4|| +2|| +2|| +5|| Silver Tongue, Dominate Person spell, Spellcasting 3/day
| +2
| +1
| +1
| +3
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Secret Alignment, Glibness spell
|- class="even"
| 4th
| +3
| +1
| +1
| +4
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Suggestive Kiss, Detect Thoughts spell, Spellcasting 2/day
| 5th
| '''7th'''|| +5|| +2|| +2|| +5|| Draining Kiss, Mass Suggestion spell
| +3
| +1
| '''8th'''|| +6|| +2|| +2|| +6|| Modify Memory spell, Spellcasting 4/day
| +1
| +4
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Charm Monster spell
|- class="even"
| 6th
| +4
| +2
| +2
| +5
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Silver Tongue, Dominate Person spell, Spellcasting 3/day
| 7th
| '''9th'''|| +7|| +3|| +3|| +6|| Hidden Mind, Permanent Image spell
| +5
| +2
| +2
| +5
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Draining Kiss, Mass Suggestion spell
|- class="even"
| 8th
| +6
| +2
| +2
| +6
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Modify Memory spell, Spellcasting 4/day
| 9th
| '''10th'''|| +7|| +3|| +3|| +7|| Kiss of Death 3/day, Trap The Soul spell, Spellcasting 5/day
| +7
| +3
| +3
| +6
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Hidden Mind, Permanent Image spell
|- class="even"
| 10th
| +7
| +3
| +3
| +7
| style="text-align: left; white-space: nowrap;" | Kiss of Death 3/day, Trap The Soul spell, Spellcasting 5/day
| colspan="6" style="text-align: left; border: none;" |
| colspan="6" style="text-align: left; border: none;" |
'''Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level)'''<br/>Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope.
'''Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level)'''<br/>Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate,<br>Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive,<br>Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope.

===Class Features===
''All the following are class features of the Seductress:''
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' The seductress is proficient in the use of all simple weapons, the sap, scourge (Complete Warrior), whip, net, and no armor.
'''Poison Use:''' When the seductress tries to coat her weapon in poison, she has no chance of accidentally poisoning herself.
'''Seduction (Ex):''' You can add your Seductress levels to any Cha based skill check if you are interacting with a person of the opposite gender.
'''Sneak Attack Progression:''' Your rogue Sneak Attack damage increases as if you were continuing to take levels in rogue.
'''Seductress Kisses (Su):''' A seductress applies various effects to another it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim.  If the target is not willing to be kissed, the seductress must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The seductress' kiss or embrace has the following effects (choose one at the time of the kiss):
*At level 1, you may apply the effects of a Charm Person spell with your Charming Kiss.  The save DC is (11+Cha) Will.
*At level 4, you may apply the effects of a Suggestion spell with your Suggestive Kiss.  The save DC is (13+Cha) Will.
*At level 7, you may apply the effects of a succubus Energy Drain with your Draining Kiss.  The victim must save or gain one negative level.  The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from the seductress.  The save DC is (15+Cha) Will to negate the effects of suggestion.  It is also a (15+Cha) Fortitude save to remove the negative levels.
*At level 10, your kiss becomes deadly.  You may choose to either paralyze your victim for 1/minute per Seductress level, or slay them instantly.  For either it is a (17+Cha) Fortitude save.  You may only use this ability 3/day.
'''Spellcasting Abilities (Sp):''' As the seductress levels, they gain several spells.  They have a special pool of spell energy they can cast from.  At 2nd level they can spontaneously cast any of their class gained spells 1/day.  At the end, they may cast any of their spells 5/day.  All spells are Cha based, and are subject to arcane spell failure.  As per a sorcerer, metamagic feats may be applied by increasing the casting time.
From 2nd level onward you gain one new spell per level you can cast.  You eventually have 9 known spells and 5 casts a day.
'''Secret Alignment (Su):''' Being an expert at hiding your true intentions, you gain the effects of a constant Undetectable Alignment spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.
'''Silver Tongue (Su):''' Your ability to seduce anyone gives you the power to communicate your feelings, however false.  You get the benefits of a constant Tongues spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.  In addition, you get a +4 competence bonus to saves vs attempts at detecting lies by magical means.
'''Hidden Mind (Su):''' Your mind and intent truly hidden, you gain the effects of a constant Mind Blank spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.
A male version following the path of the incubus is likely.  To do so change the name to something like "Seducer" and alter the names of the abilities.  The flavor of a corrupting sexual influence remains the same.

A male version following the path of the incubus is possible. To do so change the name to something like "Seducer" and alter the names of the abilities. The flavor of a corrupting sexual influence remains the same.

== External Links ==
== External Links ==
*[http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Seductress_%28DnD_Prestige_Class%29 The original source of this article at DandDWiki.com]
*[http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Seductress_%28DnD_Prestige_Class%29 The original source of this article at the D&D Wiki]

Latest revision as of 06:17, 25 June 2014

Role Spy
Information Gathering
Power source Sexual
Alignment Any Non-Lawful
Any Non-Good
Publication history
Editions 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
(as a standard class) 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
(as an alternate class) 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
Source books D&D Wiki
First appearance D&D Wiki
Mythological origins Succubus
Based on Succubus
Stats OGL stats

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Seductress is a character class option which can be used for player characters in the 3rd edition ruleset of the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game. Such characters use their female wiles to gain ground on their male counter parts, in a similar fashion to that of a Succubus. Many seductresses are spies, using their social charms to disarm their opponents without a fight, and leave them vulnerable to exploitation and the extraction of information.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the Seductress:

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The seductress is proficient in the use of all simple weapons, the sap, scourge (Complete Warrior), whip, net, and no armor.
  • Poison Use: When the seductress tries to coat her weapon in poison, she has no chance of accidentally poisoning herself.
  • Seduction (Ex): You can add your Seductress levels to any Cha based skill check if you are interacting with a person of the opposite gender.
  • Sneak Attack Progression: Your rogue Sneak Attack damage increases as if you were continuing to take levels in rogue.
  • Seductress Kisses (Su): A seductress applies various effects to another it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the seductress must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The seductress' kiss or embrace has the following effects (choose one at the time of the kiss):
  • At Level 1: You may apply the effects of a Charm Person spell with your Charming Kiss. The save DC is (11+Cha) Will.
  • At Level 4: You may apply the effects of a Suggestion spell with your Suggestive Kiss. The save DC is (13+Cha) Will.
  • At Level 7: You may apply the effects of a succubus Energy Drain with your Draining Kiss. The victim must save or gain one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from the seductress. The save DC is (15+Cha) Will to negate the effects of suggestion. It is also a (15+Cha) Fortitude save to remove the negative levels.
  • At Level 10: Your kiss becomes deadly. You may choose to either paralyze your victim for 1/minute per Seductress level, or slay them instantly. For either it is a (17+Cha) Fortitude save. You may only use this ability 3/day.
  • Spellcasting Abilities (Sp): As the seductress levels, they gain several spells. They have a special pool of spell energy they can cast from. At 2nd level they can spontaneously cast any of their class gained spells 1/day. At the end, they may cast any of their spells 5/day. All spells are Cha based, and are subject to arcane spell failure. As per a sorcerer, metamagic feats may be applied by increasing the casting time.

From 2nd level onward you gain one new spell per level you can cast. You eventually have 9 known spells and 5 casts a day.

  • Secret Alignment (Su): Being an expert at hiding your true intentions, you gain the effects of a constant Undetectable Alignment spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.
  • Silver Tongue (Su): Your ability to seduce anyone gives you the power to communicate your feelings, however false. You get the benefits of a constant Tongues spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level. In addition, you get a +4 competence bonus to saves vs attempts at detecting lies by magical means.
  • Hidden Mind (Su): Your mind and intent truly hidden, you gain the effects of a constant Mind Blank spell of a caster level equal to your seductress level.


The following statistics are required for a player character to obtain the Seductress character class:

  • Gender: Female.
  • Alignment: Any Non-Lawful, Any Non-Good
  • Skills:
  • Bluff: 8 ranks.
  • Diplomacy: 5 ranks.
  • Perform (Act, Dance, or Oratory): 5 ranks.
  • Sense Motive: 5 ranks.
  • Feats: Persuasive
  • Special: Sneak Attack +1d6
The Seductress - Hit Die: d6
Level Base Attack
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Poison Use, Seduction, Sneak Attack Progression, Charming Kiss
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Alter Self spell, Spellcasting 1/day
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Secret Alignment, Glibness spell
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Suggestive Kiss, Detect Thoughts spell, Spellcasting 2/day
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Charm Monster spell
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Silver Tongue, Dominate Person spell, Spellcasting 3/day
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Draining Kiss, Mass Suggestion spell
8th +6 +2 +2 +6 Modify Memory spell, Spellcasting 4/day
9th +7 +3 +3 +6 Hidden Mind, Permanent Image spell
10th +7 +3 +3 +7 Kiss of Death 3/day, Trap The Soul spell, Spellcasting 5/day

Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level)
Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate,
Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive,
Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope.


A male version following the path of the incubus is possible. To do so change the name to something like "Seducer" and alter the names of the abilities. The flavor of a corrupting sexual influence remains the same.

External Links