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[[User:TeraS|TeraS]] 15:43, 25 August 2010 (UTC) | [[User:TeraS|TeraS]] 15:43, 25 August 2010 (UTC) | ||
Response Howl Back To: TeraS | |||
Shining Up By: Twinkling Arousal | |||
Hey TeraS, thank you for the nice welcoming comment for letting me join this lovable spooky sexy magical website!!!!!!!! I've browsed through some of the devilish "scoops" on this site and I'm astonished to see a wealth of bad battys influenced by Saturn's evil rings. Just to understand me in my Virgo-ish birthsign terminology, in astrology they say Saturn is the slow planet, and that it influences by the planet of Saturn are selfishness and deceit, and ironically the only fictional character that I, know who fits that magical profile isssssss.... Angelica Pickles from the classic Rugrats cartoon. There should be more characters in fiction like her even, in the paranormal book genre markets because one can never get, enough humor from a GOOD villianess who shouts "I WANT MY REPTAR BAR!!!!", when 10/31/???? gets spoiled by her adversaries Tommy, Chuckie, Phil&Lil, and Suzie.On my very first post on this SuccuWiki website I, made a small typographical error about my fabled succubus "Digimon" trading card of some sorts. I posted down that I have an Pixiemon succubus digimon card. I realized my mistake a little later after I posted my silly but true all the way message and meant to say I have a Rosemon succubus digimon card that is a heavenly/hellish rare trading card. At the bottom of that card it says she is a Pixie-Mega Level Digimon, and for a female darkness sexy digimon creature that, has got to be steamy hots. Although I've heard from various anime websites that Digimons like demons doesn't have a specific gender like male or female and can be either male or female when around human beings whose spirits resonates with the Digimon's agendas of world salvation or chaotic damnation. I'll take up your offer on posting messages on the SuccuWiki articles in the coming days ahead. In that Abaddon novel by Bob Larson the succubus goddess Lilith made several appearances that were scary GOOD that got me saying "What's This?!?! A confounded romantic confession of parallel chaos?". Before I leave for the day TeraS I wonder if succubi could transform into super demon dragons forms called Letterlust Novas Dragons by, altering the color of their bat wings on the spot when sucking the life force out of their male victim's sexual intercourse. I think I remember seeing something similar to that on a Johnny Quest new adventures cartoon years ago. Well, have a tempting cool day TeraS and may the twinkling arousal of the succubi open the path to Set Connect(a succubus terminology for enduring many niceys with dangerous spicyies.). | |||
== The Succubus Prophecy of Cha-Dammdees == | |||
Good sexy evening fellow succubi and inccubi! Sorry to post a new message so late in the evening of the date of August 26, 2010 in the U.S. of A. I've been copying down the forum rules of Succubus.net just about the latter half of the afternoon in my journal, I keep to hold any strange and interesting information about mythology, books, and other such creepy good facts that twinks an arousal to those, who has a flinging flying interest in those subjects. Just like my headline says I'm thinking of writing a story on Succubus.net to see if I have the style, humor, and Hi-C Boos as in scary silly suspense to start, my Virgo-ish career as a well made paranormal book writer. I'm not giving all the details unless of course our queen of this website named, the lovable hot riser TeraS has the powers of the Oracle,Matrix Mode can see my works before I post them on this website, I'll just say that the setting of my succubus story takes place in a modern fictional version of my vision of Beverly Hills, Calliefornia. Why? Because I lovvvvvve going shopping in supermalls with moolah on hand, and exploring to see new discoveries is the heart of life and death. And yes, I'm naming California differently because to me or perhaps others who dig it as cool, it represents the strength and mystery of some, super-secret succubus queen who made some geeky geeks believe in themselves, plus she has two other sisters by blood-relation who rocked that, state back years and years ago. About that life and death comment above, I have this really scary and I hate to say this, TOO beyond true astrology book in my book collection that "is the one one one". By know, anyone reading my other posts should have guessed I'm a male Virgo, young adult, and yes I am single looking for a girlfriend sometime in the yonder yonder future. In this astrology book I was reading up on my love matches for my sign which are Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus. You're probably analyzing that my first amateur story has something to do with the zodiac, in some ways it is and with the elements of "Twist of Fate" I will try to keep my readers guessing to the very end. The love match I pick for now anyways is an adventurous Scorpio female, being either succubus young adult woman or a nymph young adult woman, or just plain human young adult woman. They say Scorpios are the negativity of all the zodiac yet, some small few of them use their bad behavior for the forces of good and greater deeds for mankind, and probably demon/nymph kinds too! What I read in this book which I'm not giving out the name of the author and book title because, I want fellow succubi and inccubi to search out this legendary astrology book for themselves, is that a typical female Scorpio is like a revenge-obsession cheerleader who's charming, a sponge-soaker for details, and can make any person pronounce macaroni and cheese in 1,000,000 different languages. Her favorite video game would be a gem from said Calliefornia. And no she is not a cheerleader in my story, however she once tried it out and flunked, but a couple years later this young adult girl loss on the team became spicy treats in the forerun of my story!?!? Plus the info says that Scorpios are the embodiment of Death and Rebirth like the mystical phoenix of Egyptian and Chinese legends. Well I gotta get me some shut-eye for the night, but a really good book to read at night-time is called Smart vs. Pretty by Valerie Frankel. Its feminine and cocky, but boy its a whale of a tale. Virgos and Scorpios approved. Have good sweet and sexy dreams tonight out of sight. (chuckles). | |||
== Hot Rocker, Mon Sneezer, More Pleaser, Yowl Teaser?!?!?! == | |||
Good early morning fellow succubi and incubi on this day of August 30, 2010. I've been splashing a crimson wave of the freaky badder gooders in my pre-Succubus.net forum story. This past weekend I found out that there are EXACTLY book writers who have my style of writing and these book writers, varies from children ages 9 to 16 years of age to, adult-themed ages. If ya'll succubi and incubi have a female friend/girlfriend/sister/mother/etc. named Amy, treat her like that super-secret California goddess I mentioned in my last post because, in my own opinion I think Amys are a person being human beings, demons, nymphs, or silly magic kittenpeoples, best defense against any sort of wild emotions are icky predicament that would make one get either colder for a swick of revenge, or fall deeper into depression, where most likely the outcome wouldn't be all roses and butterflies. I always wonder why succubi have to dress in their clothing in either forms, ULTRA-SUPER SEXY, just to get a naive male human being to sleep with them, seduce the poor sappy, yes I said sappy because it sounds quirky, hot, and puzzling all in one, suck all the man's life force through dark sexual intercourse that's not mentioned in any biblical quotes that I know of, then send said near-death poor sappy man to the singeing hot pits of Hell where all damnation awaits him for all eternity, or so says The Bible King James Version. The succubi have I admit a pretty novelty reputation for being legendary demonic seductresses but I, Twinkling Arousal may have thought up of something better than that. I won't exactly tell ya'll how it goes in my Virgo-ish approach but, I give small hints to increase your entertained minds or sexual orgams. Stupid bullies flaming your bones? Your overly obsessive friend that lives for video games crating your dog on who's the best whippersnapper of Japanese Media? Then look for a book by a funny theorist named Damien Graves. Hint its a children book series that definitely any Virgo-ish or Scorpio-ish person would read with satisfaction!!!! The closest that I can give to revealing the answer to my theory of improving the succubi is this quote of mine, that is highly silly and fickle to the soul's hippidy-hopedity, "Yammi is sooo spooky I gotta deem myself by hottie cookies." To make it easier for ya'll since I'm a pretty nice guy, go to just about any Salvation Army Thrift Store and find a girl or woman named Amy in the flesh or spirit and viola, Ritual of Salvation(that's also the name of a Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's trading card of special importance). Well queen of the succubi TeraS, if you're reading this new post of mine can you give me a response back on what kinds of curse words one can use in a adult-themed story on your Succubus.net forum page. I always liked to hear a angry woman say, "GD-it!!! How DARE YOU mock me?!?!", to her unresponsible male lover who is wondering if kittens can or could inflict happiness on a scornful but nice lady. And like Yusei Futo says in the new Yu-Gi-Oh! anime cartoon, "Going FAST my heartbeat beats ALIVE, Destiny chooses." | |||
== Wild Twist of Fate!?! Baddy Mistress Calling of Change == | |||
Hey fellow succubi and incubi beings! I, Twinkling Arousal, had a frightening good time on my Labor Day weekend vacation in the state that, ultimately specifies itself as the "state that is for Lovers". While in that so-claimed romantic state only found in the U.S. of A. good bad things came upon me in great loads of incredible resources. This past Friday I found and purchased a legendary video game strategy guide book of, great importance to me so greatly that yes, don't be cruely-oogie fellow succubi and incubi beings, that I've decided to scrap my Succubus.net forum story for a much MORE ALIVE HEARTBEAT story in my mythology journal. Don't fret TeraS queen of the succubi, for this book I purchased features 1 good and bubbly futuristic elf-succubi for the Greater Gooders, and 2 bad and colorful cool futuristic elf-succubi for the Wicked Ticking Orse. This past Saturday I went to some flea market on a road named Freedom Stretch or something like that, and boy and girls some Baddy mistress is calling of change for me. I was looking for some cool items to buy that would tickle my fancy and I hit paywhammie Part 1 that is. A young blonde Caucasian woman was selling books for 50 cents apiece. I said hi to her and asked her nicely if I could see what books she offers to sell for said 50 cents apiece. She agreed and I went book snooping for a great read to take home with me. In her "book box" of sorts I saw a lot of Star Wars novels, a book about a young country female mage woman who is exacting her revenge on, the warriors who killed her family when she was just a little child, a book about some Faery Convention I think if I remember well that it has something to do about Washington D.C. culture cross-over with the realm of fairies and other strange twinks, but the one I, Twinkling Arousal purchased was a dark covered relationship book that was published somewhere famous in the state of Calliefornia. Let's just say it has something to do with avoiding the wrong right lover being and/but either/or in a very humorous approach, plus it offers weird sex tips to turn on your mate. The name of this book is called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating & Sex. The authors are Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht, and Jennifer Worick. An interesting note is that I wonder if that San Bruno fire in California was actually started by a deranged axe murderer who, always carrying packing sheets in his or her dramas. I got even more cool items like a spy comedy DVD tale, a Xbox video game that is incredulous rare to find in mint condition, and some more books that tickles my fancies. If there are any romantic succubi out there on this planet we call Earth, you might want to read this hot,sexy,and funny book called Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. My paywhammie Part 2 involved them cool cookie Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's trading cards. I got a very interesting trap card that either/or saves you little much and/but destroys your opponent into a heap of stardust frenzy. Well I'm going to start work on a story of great epic epical standards that would appeal to those who seeks out adventures with saucy bang-a-netics!?!?!? | |||
== Monster Rancher Pixies' Strange History Linked To NYC?!?! U.S. of A Government Poisoned Us Years Ago??? == | |||
Hot diggety dog! It's me the lovable romantic and geeky Twinkling Arousal!!!!!! Sorry fellow succubi and incubi, but I've been busy working on that bigger scary cooler story that, some mysterious baddie mistress of unwhelming power wants me to publish out, into the book market to start her baddie empire into fruitation, and yes I think she may have ulterior motives but for some strange reasons unknownth to me, this mysterious baddie mistress is lending me some very VERY unknown intriguing information from books and of course Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime show. The other reason why I'm doing this apology because I recently just celebrated my 26th birthday on September 16, and I went shopping at The Salvation Army thrift store and ate some yummy Chinese food with my lovable and greatly good parents. The strangest thing happened in New York City on the day of my birthday, a hyper-super-weirdy-pOw-o-Wowwer of a freak storm nearly demolished Man. Brook. and Queens. in a short 15 minutes. Some scientists claim it was caused by a medium-powered tornado 70 miles away across the Hudson River in the state of New Jersey, which seems to me a little far-fetched. Others claim that God and Devil forces were throttling for supreme control for those three famous NYC islands. I, Twinkling Arousal think otherwise. I think the Monster Rancher Pixies'type-monsters created that mini-Twilight Zone occurance in NYC September 16, 2010 around late afternoon hours when weirdly enough I, was birthday shopping at The Salvation Army thrift store. TeraS might have heard of these sneaky and mysterious creatures from video gamers who, digs the unusual theory of Pokemon and Digimon delving into greater mysteries pertaining to the REAL world around us. In the Monster Rancher zodiac Pixies starts off as the leaders of all the monsters in the Monster Rancher world. They are mainly bat-winged girls with horns on their head and a devil's tail coming out of their butt or beautiful fairies that are really shy and nosy. The main breed of Pixie monsters(Pixie/Pixie) have dark red hair, is a demoness, have nice-sized breasts, and has pinkish fur on its body. They are said to be a hellish spoiled bratty monster to raise and that they love to Manu, Manu, Manu. Does this look and sound familiar to what happened in NYC on September 16, 2010? The Monster Rancher zodiac also said that Pixie loves to abuse male breeders and make that male breeder her pet dog, although some male breeders wants to be treated like a dog by their own pet purebreed Pixie monster. The subspecies of Pixie-type monsters are really unique because, each has their own baking hot flair. Futurity which is a Pixie/Metalner catches my fancy because, the Monster Rancher zodiac says its appearance may be what humans look like in the future plus she can peak 1,000 years into the future and see the downfall and rise of numerous civilizations effected by the elements of Ice and Fire. So perhaps them Pixies were celebrating their birthday on September 16 and some unknown male guy, told the birthday girls that their chic clothes looked UGGGGGGLY and boom, Major Lightning, Insanic Winds, Unholy Destruction, yes its a bit ironic but it did actually happen. If you fellow succubi and incubi don't fully understand what I am getting at then read these two Pixie books I, purchased from The Salvation Army thrift store on my 26th birthday. Party Girls by Roz Bailey, the bookcover details high-end Pixie women adventure and the first three chapters were great,especially the part about the evil computer spirit that mocks and harasses hot-shocking divorced Pixie women by appearing at any location where a electronic device is, and telepathically induce desperation and frighty fears when these women were talking to someone to help cure their situation. Did I mention its pink lemonade, hint, hint? She Said, He Said by Cheryl Kusher is another Pixie book that is a must-read because it tells the romantic comedy story in two viewpoints. One view from Megan the Pixie who is an Aries and hates being wrong when she means yes as to be pleased, and the other view from Jack the infamous NYC actor who is acting real silly to earn Megan's love relationship back. | |||
The second part of this post is much much scarier than the sinking of The Titantic. There is a book I purchased not too long before my birthday named Reefer Madness and Other Tales From The American Underground by Eric Schlosser from get this a Pawn Shop out of all places. This book got me seriously thinking about things that you would normally find, in a anime cartoon that is X-rated and full of slickety twists. I've only read several or more pages from this book but GD-it could this be why, there are so many as Yusei Fudo would say it, The Crazies out there in our own country of the U.S. of A? A long long time ago there was this man named Harry J. Anslinger who was a central figure in the history of American drug policy. In the 1940's he was in cohorts with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime precursor of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), on various mind control experiments using narcotics. After several attempts to create a "truth drug", Anslinger later worked closely with the CIA on MK-ULTRA(not some android from Phant. Star), a notorious mind control program in which hundreds of people were given lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) without their knowledge or consent. George White, one of Anslinger's top agents, ran bordellos for the CIA during the late 1950s, observing the behavior of customers after their drinks were spiked with LSD. This is The Crazies part coming up that makes me wonder if the drug-free program of our country really means DRUG FREE as in open for allers allers allers. George White not only dosed unsuspecting men and women with a variety of powerful psychoactives, but he also took the drugs himself in order to gauge their effects. I know you can't believe everything you read from a book, but more zammy that tops the cake of the icing iceburg. Plus it sounds like something a totally silly silly good South Korean comic book writer would print as a anti-government tabloid. Read a Korean manga book series named Witch Class by Lee Ru to get a puzzling point at what this means, for there is a villainous Ice Queen succubus chick to be found in that manga. Eric Schlosser's theory is really heart-wretching but I believed it actually did happen. SPOO-KKY!?!?! | |||
Before I go for this morning of September 20, 2010, check out this old young political activity book named Revolution X: A Survival Guide For Our Generation by Rob Nelson and Jon Cowan. I pretty much say it damn hit our country like mighty gooey honey flow about the wars to come, the future generations of U.S. of A being "borrowed" ceasing to exist, and former U.S. Senator Wyche Fowler infamous speech on October 19, 1992 on Capitol Hill. He kind of reminds me of the new villian from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds anime named The Ghost because most people never heard of this senator and like a ghost can't kick ass unless the ghost grilled someone inside a haunted capital, sounded off by shrieking screaming people. | |||
== Is There Such An Existence Of Succubi-Mages? If So, Do They Love Playing The Baku-Baku Game With Virgos? == | |||
Wild screams and kissy teases to the rascally explosive Letterlust Novas Succubi Dragons!!!!! Good day fellow succubi and inccubi its me, the lovable and sparkly Twinkling Arousal. My interesting post message this time is, a rather strange and unusual one that's been quite nagging my noodles for quite some time lately. In most mythology involving a succubus she is portrayed as a young, attractive woman that is devilish in many natures having highly HIGHEST powers of seduction and manipulation while sucking men(males) souls as, the next big evolution to a super-chilled max out ice cream treat with the cherry treat on top. But to my Virgo-ish knowledge, a succubus seems not to have a cool bizarre metamorphose into a cooler, sexier, and perhaps sweeter kisser creature in parallel to, looking at the full moon or better yet, gazing up at "twinkling stars in the sky" while thinking of the mate or mates she the succubus wants to do IT with with her breasts jiggling wildly on her body. Another is that the succubus may have large bat wings that gives her the definite look of bad goody sex appeal however, she can only "fly soar glide blaze through the sky" only if her demon rank of bad beaty is high among The Demon Lords. If you're wondering what "The Demon Lords" I'm talking about you might want to read a book by Raymond E. Feist called Rise of a Merchant Prince Book Two of The Serpentwar Saga, the first book was called Shadow Of A Dark Queen by the same author Raymond E. Feist. In the World of Warcraft computer game that the Chinese people(their food and cooking is the YAMMY-GOODS!!!!!!!!!) have a huge love and obsession for, the developers have mages(class of people that I call the Spellza-Shizzers) ranging from the undead zombie clan, to the magic obsessive eaters that can kick butt and blaze many many wolves known as the Blood Elves to the regular Merlins of supergeeks with magical abilities of sorts or kinds or types if you get the idea. Their all OK in my eyes, but in all of mythology why isn't there Succubi-Mages out there? The closest I can get to this question is with a Walt Disney book series named W.I.T.C.H. It is kind of a new spin on the classic magical girl theory of Japanese Cartoons fame, but its hip, chic, Scorpio-ish, and original in terms of storytelling and artwork if you fellow succubi and inccubi happen to stumble upon the very very rare graphic novel series. The regular book series of W.I.T.C.H. is sorta easy to find in a used book store like me and the Amy's favorite reading dig, The Salvation Army. But what if Succubi-Mages did exist not only in fictional writings but in the world that we live in!!!!!!! Would vampires be the least of the leastest glamourized creatures of The Dark, or would evil sexy cat-women with shadow-stealing powers best The Devils of Deja Vu in a contest to see who's the best Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's storyteller of allers time. The evil sexy cat women are like Yami Burkura only sexier and funny playful like a cat and can be found in a book by Douglas Borton called Shadow Dance. The cooler thing is that they are Egyptian and love teaseing law enforcers and unsmart lawyers, its the TRUTH I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Succubi-Mages should if they truly exist have a "Guardian Code Number-Super Stylin" to express her views and opinion of what the world should be like in the present and birthday hours of ones lifestyle. An example would be a succubus mage who seeks the power of love onto all creatures enlightening, a pretty sexy sauce of yearning and cuddylies in hopes of saving the universe from the Deepy Darkies. Her number would be Enchanting Jot Hottie-Love Truckin'S Mage-2 In Leaps, 3 In Thrice Charms. And she would probably be working at Subway fast healthy food restaurant where the greasy is out and the positive is IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! If Succubi-Mages read many magic books would they dare to play Baku-Baku. Its an old puzzle video game involving the Chinese Zodiac of sorts. Its pretty charming like a succubus, oddly weird like a inccubus, and all-out fun for all ages. But I wonder what would be their very first "animal block" to fall on their side of the video game screen? Mine was a Panda Bear so I guess my wife would be as strong and cute as the infamous animal from the Asian country of China, lucky me?!?! A great read for that is a children book by Anne LeMieux called Fruit Flies, Fish & Fortune Cookies. I haven't really read this book of mine yet however, I have a strange feeling that a Chinese Fortune Lady is dwelling in this story. Until next time, Bake the Great Bakeneko, SHOW ME THE WAY!!!!!! And you too TeraS with love and kisses!!!!!!!!!!!! | |||
== Can A Rarity From Certain Video Games Improve A Sexier Touch Of Mastery Onto The Gamers Or Is It A Dating Rush To Ninetaipans? == | |||
Yippie-yah, soul on a roll pops! Good morning for it is I, Twinkling Arousal writing up another hot-eared post to entertain those, looking for a hot feely read to thirst their verge to pulling out the internet form out of the twenty-first century, or is it really the twenty-fourth century in DISGUISE of the twenty-first century? I recently bought some cool video games pertaining to my previous post about the Succubi-Mages plus this cool computer game strategy guide book that coincides with this post I am writing about. I have four Playstation 2 video games of rare qualifications and they are Dark Cloud 2, Rogue Galaxy, Kingdom Hearts 2, and my favorite out of the Playstation 2 bunch named Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria. Dark Cloud 2 and Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria charred up my soul the most because, those two video games showed what a Role-playing video game is all the better than any other video game genre, and YES that goes for war and blood video games like God of War and No More Heroes. The story in Dark Cloud 2 is ingenious and I just started chapter 2 the night before last night. It involves this devil emperor beastman named Griffon who is attempting to time-travel from the future into the past to destroy a resistance group of good angels who, had in his time thwarted his plans to rule over all of time and space, plus wealthiest of civilizations all in one silver platter of delicious domination. The only thing this devil emperor needs to complete his plans into fruitation just like that mysterious baddie mistress who is secretly helping me out for some mysterious reason unknown to me, is a magic pendant known as get this The Red Atallmellia that enables the wearer of this magic pendant, the ability to time-travel into any "specific historical spot" in the future such as, a wooded area full with gnomes who loves potato pies to death and worship their missing nymph goddess in awe and fascination to the highest form of loyalty. A french boy named Maximillian has this magic pendant and he gets thrust into a epic plot with a french warrior princess from the future named Demonica who is attempting to save her time and Maximillian time from the forces of darkness and some evil BA castle building thing that is so evil that when someone walks up to this evil BA castle entrance gates the walls splurts out crimson blood in huge gushes to scare them off of the cursed premises. Ingenious? Definitely Yes,Yes. Spooky? As the name of this video game says Dark Cloud 2 is chock fill with surprises in a strange kid warrior sci-fi themed element style that A-OK if you have a hulk of, a beast of a machine named Ridepod Steve that punch zowers into towering monsters of evil intentions!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't grasp what in the H Demonica was trying to explain to Maxillian that she is The Past and he is The Future and when they meet Into One Origin, the heavens and hells will Glee Into Harmony throughout untold generations in time and space. It sounded cheesy and scary rolled all in one, yet I wonder if Demonica is a good bad valkyrie who is the mistress of all magic and kick butt sword-slashy style plus she can transform too!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have much time to finish this post so I will have to conclude for today and maybe I will explain what Ninetaipans is although, it has fox chicks, tiger mans, and a Japanese environment bunched in nine different means of means means locations. Bye-Bye for now. Oh I almost forgot ya'll might want to read this book named The Birthday Book: Celebrations for everyone by Ann Druitt, Christine Fynes-Clinton, and some french woman named Marije Rowling. We Virgos are actually female snakes that have the powers of 'ear of wheat'. | |||
== At Long Last! The Ultimate Girls' Zodiac Book Revealith!!!!! And Lilith, The Black Isis of The Dark Moon!?!?!? == | |||
Good golly, great Molly, sure like to ball! Hi! I, Twinkling Arousal have got cool information for those eager to suck up or should I say succubus up some valuable information that may save ya'll succubi and inccubi one day in the near future or a Rogue Galaxy, a far far far away(._.) Before I give out this incredible information on the SuccuWiki website, has anyone been watching Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's lately. I think the show is getting SPICEY THRICEY!!! Yusei Fudo has finally met has own maker and at his own "REV IT UP!" card-dueling play style by a young hottie frenchwoman card duelist who practically warped Yusei's sense of Destiny. She then offered Yusei the chance to form an alliance with her so that, they can both exact their divine revenge against the Allilaster Organization for snatching away their Past. Since that very memorial Turbo-Duel various key characters have slip word out on Yusei,Jack,and Crow to perfect a new form of monster-summoning known as "The Synchro-Solution" before tackling an new and improved "GHOST" villian. Plus, the older girl Signer who wields The Blackrose Dragon Card is feeling unsure of herself if she can really get into Turbo-Dueling without losing her sense of Destiny, she is the last of the Psychic Duelist who can do some pretty wicked freaky things with Duel Monsters Cards!!!!!!!! This past Monday of October 11,2010 I bought 2Tru books that will make one heavily heavily heavily question their life, well in a girls'kind of way(-o-). The first one is named The Girls'Life Must-Have Guide To Making And Keeping Friends by The Girls'Life Magazine ladies who are funny like a icy creamer sundae with a side of Banana Milkshake on tops. It has The Ones found in these perky pages. There are 4 Girl Personality Groups that would definitely help flesh out my Succubi-Mages character development. The groups are The Thinker, the one girl or young woman who thinks SHE'S PERFECTO-GOODIE, The Socializer, the girl or young woman who is practically a strawberry pink hedgehog romantic who wields a highly indestructible-destructible giant toy hammer weapon of fiery passion against evil-doers, The Dominator, the girl or young woman who are probably trying to win government votes in the very MAJOR U.S. of A Senate and House Government Election this November 2010, and The Relater, the girl or young woman who might become a good-hearted bunny rabbit in the future. It even talks about these girls, little or young teens about their goals and dreams. One very funny one is this: Twenty years from now, you'd most likely hear your friend say a."The rainforest is safe now." b."That's Madam President to you,Bub." c."I want to thank the Academy." d."Would you like fries with that?" I kinda think that baddy mistress who is secretly helping me would be a c. just which academy is she supporting? Star Wars or maybe but highly unlikely Neopets?!?! Plus there is even a "Thou Shalt..." 10 Sacred Rules Of Friendship list such as ...make her feel like a million bucks which is another form of the cheerleader friendship pact. This book is soooooooooooo rare its practically out-of-print. I checked out Amazon.com and found out that only a few copies of this book is up for sale. Spooky! Yes! Magical girl/young woman? Maybe. The second book I bought named Moon Magic by Dion Fortune is very strange indeed. It tells the tale of a doctor named Malcolm something other who feels that life has thrown him a bad spell after his ex-wife got terribly ill. But then one fateful night he meets a mysterious attractive woman named Lilith Le Fay who claims to have known Malcolm unending anguish since he was a little boy. She tells him a great Destiny awaits him, but he mustn't push this chance too far for she Lilith was once very evil and could revert back to it if, he doesn't watch his extreme brashness in this journey!!!!!!!!!! I'm in part 2 of this odd but cool book titled, The Moon Mistress. This Lilith woman claims to have astral/cosmic powers and when she used to be evil in past days, they called her The Black Isis of The Dark Moon. Spooky! Yes! Crazy weird beyond repairing the clue? Only The Heavens Knownth. So far this Lilith seems in my opinion to be The Relater unlike the Lilith in the book called Abaddon by Bob Larson who I know was The Dominator, with a benefit of the doubt. Another great video game to check out if you feel that Playboy is getting rather old is called Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (hmmmmm... sounds a bit French?!? Wee wee.) for Xbox 1. It is almost as good as a Meow Blixess but with the "L" which I weirdly have a Yu-Gi-Oh! card sorta relating to that LUST in Destiny Chooses. Perhaps we all should play some Baku Baku and impress that hot lovable animal princess who caters greatly to mouses, the number one house pest with the legendary Keyblade! Well gotta go for Hrist Valkyrie is calling me for the video game version of Ragnarok with kittens and Pixies. Good Fin. | |||
== Is Time Travel Possible In Our Days Of Age? Or Is Friendship The Key To The Space-Time Continumem! == | |||
Its two more days and nights before creepy crawlies and boogie woogies on that infamous night of the year, known as HalloWEEN!!!!!!!! Hi! Twinkling Arousal here ready to magically surprise you fellow succubi and inccubi with more spooky wooky info that may tickle ya'll bat wings into flapping 360 mach speeds. I've been acquiring some new media goods as of lately and quite frankly its a little two bizarre beyond the realm of too real, or something heading in that direction of sorts. That baddy mistress must have some grand master blaster hyper-tistic plans in store for me because this past weekend I got a Pure Silver Nintendo Gamecube Console System with a Nintendo Gameboy Advance Player "bolted hardways" onto the video game system with a Nintendo Gamecube video game titled WWE Wrestlemania XIV. But on that same day I bought a highly interesting book that will shock the rockings outta ya. Please note I acquired these two items in a yard sale that was magical and sorta uncommon if you count food items as a selling profit within a yard sale. I'm beginning to believe why some critics call hospitals,"The Gateway To Hellena" and that the workers aren't your lovely angels, their your deathly frenemies that will poke poke your fluids for secretive world-bending means. Why? If you read a classic medical thriller book by author Robin Cook named Godplayer (hint...hint)and wonder why freaky things are happening in hospitals nowadays,this book will scare the fluids out of your pants or pantees for them batwomen. Here's what can be found on the back cover of this classic medical thriller book by author Robin Cook. "Nerve-Wracking Hospital Horrors." -Chicago Sun-Times Working with her husband, a respected cardiac surgeon, at Boston Memorial is a dream come true for Dr. Cassandra Kingsley. Until a series of mysterious deaths rocks the preeminent hospital-and Cassandra's most frightening suspicions are realized...Only Robin Cook could portray with such terrifying brilliance what happens when the one place dedicated to saving lives starts taking them... "A tissue-tingling thriller... keeps you poised on the sleek points of steel pins and flashing hypodermic needles." -Detroit News Dr.Robin Cook, a graduate of Columbia Medical School, finished his postgraduate medical training at Harvard. He is the author of Vector, Toxin, Chromosome 6, Contagion, and numerous other bestselling novels. To me the prologue chapter is frightening at best if read in the nighttime hours! The heading for my topic for this post is quirky yet maybe a bit true if my facts are right. I was at the Gamestop video game store looking to buy some cool video games for my Nintendo Gamecube. I bought Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs. New Generation which is a cel-shaded anime wrestling video game. I was thinking about purchasing Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, however, for some strange reason, something goddess-like was drawing me into the "New" PSP Video Games Section. My first thought was to look for a new copy of Class of Heroes made by the Atlus video game company since the trailer video looked interesting on the Gamestop website. Yet, a eye-catching video game title that goes by the name of Disgaea Infinite grabbed me like a girl bat outta hell. I looked on the back cover and saw that this video game has some very unique features about it. For starters, you the video game player CONTROLS THE ACTUALLY STORY!!!!!!!!! Time Travel is the key element of this video game, but so is Body Possessing and Mind Control but not in the norm way. Some video gaming websites say that Disgaea Infinite is only for Hardcore Fans of the series, and it is quite a rare video game all in itself. So I bought it too and got more Nintendo video games like Metroid Prime and BloodRayne although there was a big strange mark on the front cover of my BloodRayne video game....hmmmm? The first video game I played was Ultimate Muscle. What struck me as odd onto playing this was this video game slogan: "Friendship is like the mighty redwood. When it is bonded together, it is practically invincible. But it must go through many harsh seasons to get there!" In that Girl Zodiac book that I own I, remember something in it talking about friendship dilemmas and how to handle them. It said every friendship has those tricky, sticky situations that pop up when you least expect(or want!) them. Its a good read chapter, and it is helping me with the creation of my fictional Succubi-Mages too!?!?!? On that day I was watching the local news and saw a story that depicted a real-life time travel mystery. Ya'll probably seen it on Youtube or heard small talk about it but boy, 1992 cellphone man in 1928 California? Well they say friendship is like the test of Time so it could probably happen. I think my baddy mistress is a Frenchwoman because I got a very rare French-Chinese Astrology book called Chinese Astrology: Plain and Simple by Suzanne White. Most of the time, you would not want to cross paths with a French Madam Dragonlady for she will serve YOU up a many meal of DOOM and they are not the kid friendly, Puff the Magic Dragon types either. It is a really funny and well likable book to own, and kinda follows the same humor found in the Disgaea videogames but with new twists in the zodiac market. Another book to check out is Mind & Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia Of The Mysterious And Unexplained by Francis X. King. It is like information pertaining to a pre-Disgaea Infinite and October 31st all bonded together to form the ultimate zodiac tagteam!!!!!!!!!! Don't be a Laharl like that French Dragonlady was to Suzanne White, and don't hurt any females feelings or they will put a bad mother curse upon ye olde soul! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's talk of mine. | |||
== U.S. of A Noblemen And Nobleladies Condemns Circulation Of The Country Reading Books! Perhaps The Great Ancient Ones Foreseen This Like A Woman's Scorn! Call In The L.L.N.S. Dragons!!!!!!!!!! == | |||
Allie Allie Oxzenfree! Boy and Girls, this post from the one and only Twinkling Arousal is going to be a suzie, not doozy of a weird and strange post. I overheard on the "regular" CNN cable network television program yesterday morning that, the super-rich people class of the U.S. of A. is forcing our new elected government officials to disinegrate our paper and print books, magazines, newspapers, and get this family talk/secret admirer letters we exchange to the local U.S. of A Post Office. Now I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's and good golly great molly there, sure must be a insidious organization that rivals The Alliester organazation here in our Milky Way Solar System. I'm beginning to believe that this new incarnation of the infamous anime/trading card/videogame series is just a small focus front to lure little kids, and young adults like me, the Virgo-geek to value a card over your family, friends, and soul; although getting mad like a hellish woman's scorn to merge with that card is the hottie pretzzie if you can keep your sanity in the due process of a wild and scary Turbo Duel!!!!!!! Could there be a shadowy elite group of societies that wants to warp the whims of humans,angels,fallen angels,nymphs,ghost cats, evil Japanese video gaming female fatalles,etc to resurrect a being so ruthless that, even the said resurrected ruthless being of whoaey bad nature can't remember the REAL DETAILS of his or perhaps hers LOLLIPOPISH PLANS TO EVER RULE the ordinary and super-extraordinary. Damn, and I can't even remember the exact hi-score video gaming points I acquired on the exact very first video game, console or handheld, I've ever played in my entire life! To catch my drift, the succubi and inccubi that don't denounce Christianity might on their own choice read a book called, Dark Secrets Of The New Age: Satan's or perhaps Satanna's Plan for a One World Religion by author Texe Marrs. The book cover looked pretty interesting and although its quite ancient in terms of years, it totally outdo Reefer Madness in every form and style. When you really think about it, the super-rich absolutely doesn't care if our reading material gets embroiled into a super-hyper-BA-volcano crater, and we Virgos, Scorpios, and other "reading" people signs of the zodiac say, "Oh My God! Is this the endtheth of our free creations of burning laugh out louds! Maybe Helena is going to get her revenge against the health goddess by hiring evil people to create more Kindle E-Books to arecken our imaginations into the depths of hell!" Regular books, etc will never go out like the JFK assassination conspiracy theory and perhaps my secret baddy mistress should put Helena in the world of the worst video game ever, which would be Magic Pengel: The Quest For Color, for the Playstation 2 Video Game System. Its overly too cute for its own good, doodles are your living unoriginal "pet fighters", and what kind of school does these video game characters go to in that video game? O.K. TeraS here are some nice book reads that should heat you up for a good several weeks or so it may be... Heiress for Hire by Erin McCarthy its quite devilish funny and oddly weird in fashion sense, and speaking of fashion sense, read Chic on a Shoestring by Annette Swanberg & Leigh Charlton for this book greatly immortalized women's fashion sense many years ago and it is giggly with wild getters._. And lastly a book named Speaking of Divorce: How to Talk with your Kids and Help Them Cope by Roberta(that's a legendary girl acara Neopets name!!!!!!!!!!)Beyer & Kent Winchester it may be a children's book but its a sure like to ball with exciting extreme knowledgeable one for the ages. Until then have a nice and lovely aki magical day! | |||
== U.S. of A Noblemen And Nobleladies Condemns Circulation Of The Country Reading Books! Perhaps The Great Ancient Ones Foreseen This Like A Woman's Scorn! Call In The L.L.N.S. Dragons!!!!!!!!!! == | |||
Allie Allie Oxzenfree! Boy and Girls, this post from the one and only Twinkling Arousal is going to be a suzie, not doozy of a weird and strange post. I overheard on the "regular" CNN cable network television program yesterday morning that, the super-rich people class of the U.S. of A. is forcing our new elected government officials to disinegrate our paper and print books, magazines, newspapers, and get this family talk/secret admirer letters we exchange to the local U.S. of A Post Office. Now I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's and good golly great molly there, sure must be a insidious organization that rivals The Alliester organazation here in our Milky Way Solar System. I'm beginning to believe that this new incarnation of the infamous anime/trading card/videogame series is just a small focus front to lure little kids, and young adults like me, the Virgo-geek to value a card over your family, friends, and soul; although getting mad like a hellish woman's scorn to merge with that card is the hottie pretzzie if you can keep your sanity in the due process of a wild and scary Turbo Duel!!!!!!! Could there be a shadowy elite group of societies that wants to warp the whims of humans,angels,fallen angels,nymphs,ghost cats, evil Japanese video gaming female fatalles,etc to resurrect a being so ruthless that, even the said resurrected ruthless being of whoaey bad nature can't remember the REAL DETAILS of his or perhaps hers LOLLIPOPISH PLANS TO EVER RULE the ordinary and super-extraordinary. Damn, and I can't even remember the exact hi-score video gaming points I acquired on the exact very first video game, console or handheld, I've ever played in my entire life! To catch my drift, the succubi and inccubi that don't denounce Christianity might on their own choice read a book called, Dark Secrets Of The New Age: Satan's or perhaps Satanna's Plan for a One World Religion by author Texe Marrs. The book cover looked pretty interesting and although its quite ancient in terms of years, it totally outdo Reefer Madness in every form and style. When you really think about it, the super-rich absolutely doesn't care if our reading material gets embroiled into a super-hyper-BA-volcano crater, and we Virgos, Scorpios, and other "reading" people signs of the zodiac say, "Oh My God! Is this the endtheth of our free creations of burning laugh out louds! Maybe Helena is going to get her revenge against the health goddess by hiring evil people to create more Kindle E-Books to arecken our imaginations into the depths of hell!" Regular books, etc will never go out like the JFK assassination conspiracy theory and perhaps my secret baddy mistress should put Helena in the world of the worst video game ever, which would be Magic Pengel: The Quest For Color, for the Playstation 2 Video Game System. Its overly too cute for its own good, doodles are your living unoriginal "pet fighters", and what kind of school does these video game characters go to in that video game? O.K. TeraS here are some nice book reads that should heat you up for a good several weeks or so it may be... Heiress for Hire by Erin McCarthy its quite devilish funny and oddly weird in fashion sense, and speaking of fashion sense, read Chic on a Shoestring by Annette Swanberg & Leigh Charlton for this book greatly immortalized women's fashion sense many years ago and it is giggly with wild getters._. And lastly a book named Speaking of Divorce: How to Talk with your Kids and Help Them Cope by Roberta(that's a legendary girl acara Neopets name!!!!!!!!!!)Beyer & Kent Winchester it may be a children's book but its a sure like to ball with exciting extreme knowledgeable one for the ages. Until then have a nice and lovely aki magical day! |
Latest revision as of 11:51, 9 November 2010
Welcome and hello!
Just wanted to say hi and I hope that you find things that interest you here.. If you do manage some writing, I'd love to see it, you could join the forum if you like for that, and if you do manage to have ideas for the SuccuWiki articles, please do post them!
TeraS 15:43, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
Response Howl Back To: TeraS
Shining Up By: Twinkling Arousal
Hey TeraS, thank you for the nice welcoming comment for letting me join this lovable spooky sexy magical website!!!!!!!! I've browsed through some of the devilish "scoops" on this site and I'm astonished to see a wealth of bad battys influenced by Saturn's evil rings. Just to understand me in my Virgo-ish birthsign terminology, in astrology they say Saturn is the slow planet, and that it influences by the planet of Saturn are selfishness and deceit, and ironically the only fictional character that I, know who fits that magical profile isssssss.... Angelica Pickles from the classic Rugrats cartoon. There should be more characters in fiction like her even, in the paranormal book genre markets because one can never get, enough humor from a GOOD villianess who shouts "I WANT MY REPTAR BAR!!!!", when 10/31/???? gets spoiled by her adversaries Tommy, Chuckie, Phil&Lil, and Suzie.On my very first post on this SuccuWiki website I, made a small typographical error about my fabled succubus "Digimon" trading card of some sorts. I posted down that I have an Pixiemon succubus digimon card. I realized my mistake a little later after I posted my silly but true all the way message and meant to say I have a Rosemon succubus digimon card that is a heavenly/hellish rare trading card. At the bottom of that card it says she is a Pixie-Mega Level Digimon, and for a female darkness sexy digimon creature that, has got to be steamy hots. Although I've heard from various anime websites that Digimons like demons doesn't have a specific gender like male or female and can be either male or female when around human beings whose spirits resonates with the Digimon's agendas of world salvation or chaotic damnation. I'll take up your offer on posting messages on the SuccuWiki articles in the coming days ahead. In that Abaddon novel by Bob Larson the succubus goddess Lilith made several appearances that were scary GOOD that got me saying "What's This?!?! A confounded romantic confession of parallel chaos?". Before I leave for the day TeraS I wonder if succubi could transform into super demon dragons forms called Letterlust Novas Dragons by, altering the color of their bat wings on the spot when sucking the life force out of their male victim's sexual intercourse. I think I remember seeing something similar to that on a Johnny Quest new adventures cartoon years ago. Well, have a tempting cool day TeraS and may the twinkling arousal of the succubi open the path to Set Connect(a succubus terminology for enduring many niceys with dangerous spicyies.).
The Succubus Prophecy of Cha-Dammdees
Good sexy evening fellow succubi and inccubi! Sorry to post a new message so late in the evening of the date of August 26, 2010 in the U.S. of A. I've been copying down the forum rules of Succubus.net just about the latter half of the afternoon in my journal, I keep to hold any strange and interesting information about mythology, books, and other such creepy good facts that twinks an arousal to those, who has a flinging flying interest in those subjects. Just like my headline says I'm thinking of writing a story on Succubus.net to see if I have the style, humor, and Hi-C Boos as in scary silly suspense to start, my Virgo-ish career as a well made paranormal book writer. I'm not giving all the details unless of course our queen of this website named, the lovable hot riser TeraS has the powers of the Oracle,Matrix Mode can see my works before I post them on this website, I'll just say that the setting of my succubus story takes place in a modern fictional version of my vision of Beverly Hills, Calliefornia. Why? Because I lovvvvvve going shopping in supermalls with moolah on hand, and exploring to see new discoveries is the heart of life and death. And yes, I'm naming California differently because to me or perhaps others who dig it as cool, it represents the strength and mystery of some, super-secret succubus queen who made some geeky geeks believe in themselves, plus she has two other sisters by blood-relation who rocked that, state back years and years ago. About that life and death comment above, I have this really scary and I hate to say this, TOO beyond true astrology book in my book collection that "is the one one one". By know, anyone reading my other posts should have guessed I'm a male Virgo, young adult, and yes I am single looking for a girlfriend sometime in the yonder yonder future. In this astrology book I was reading up on my love matches for my sign which are Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus. You're probably analyzing that my first amateur story has something to do with the zodiac, in some ways it is and with the elements of "Twist of Fate" I will try to keep my readers guessing to the very end. The love match I pick for now anyways is an adventurous Scorpio female, being either succubus young adult woman or a nymph young adult woman, or just plain human young adult woman. They say Scorpios are the negativity of all the zodiac yet, some small few of them use their bad behavior for the forces of good and greater deeds for mankind, and probably demon/nymph kinds too! What I read in this book which I'm not giving out the name of the author and book title because, I want fellow succubi and inccubi to search out this legendary astrology book for themselves, is that a typical female Scorpio is like a revenge-obsession cheerleader who's charming, a sponge-soaker for details, and can make any person pronounce macaroni and cheese in 1,000,000 different languages. Her favorite video game would be a gem from said Calliefornia. And no she is not a cheerleader in my story, however she once tried it out and flunked, but a couple years later this young adult girl loss on the team became spicy treats in the forerun of my story!?!? Plus the info says that Scorpios are the embodiment of Death and Rebirth like the mystical phoenix of Egyptian and Chinese legends. Well I gotta get me some shut-eye for the night, but a really good book to read at night-time is called Smart vs. Pretty by Valerie Frankel. Its feminine and cocky, but boy its a whale of a tale. Virgos and Scorpios approved. Have good sweet and sexy dreams tonight out of sight. (chuckles).
Good early morning fellow succubi and incubi on this day of August 30, 2010. I've been splashing a crimson wave of the freaky badder gooders in my pre-Succubus.net forum story. This past weekend I found out that there are EXACTLY book writers who have my style of writing and these book writers, varies from children ages 9 to 16 years of age to, adult-themed ages. If ya'll succubi and incubi have a female friend/girlfriend/sister/mother/etc. named Amy, treat her like that super-secret California goddess I mentioned in my last post because, in my own opinion I think Amys are a person being human beings, demons, nymphs, or silly magic kittenpeoples, best defense against any sort of wild emotions are icky predicament that would make one get either colder for a swick of revenge, or fall deeper into depression, where most likely the outcome wouldn't be all roses and butterflies. I always wonder why succubi have to dress in their clothing in either forms, ULTRA-SUPER SEXY, just to get a naive male human being to sleep with them, seduce the poor sappy, yes I said sappy because it sounds quirky, hot, and puzzling all in one, suck all the man's life force through dark sexual intercourse that's not mentioned in any biblical quotes that I know of, then send said near-death poor sappy man to the singeing hot pits of Hell where all damnation awaits him for all eternity, or so says The Bible King James Version. The succubi have I admit a pretty novelty reputation for being legendary demonic seductresses but I, Twinkling Arousal may have thought up of something better than that. I won't exactly tell ya'll how it goes in my Virgo-ish approach but, I give small hints to increase your entertained minds or sexual orgams. Stupid bullies flaming your bones? Your overly obsessive friend that lives for video games crating your dog on who's the best whippersnapper of Japanese Media? Then look for a book by a funny theorist named Damien Graves. Hint its a children book series that definitely any Virgo-ish or Scorpio-ish person would read with satisfaction!!!! The closest that I can give to revealing the answer to my theory of improving the succubi is this quote of mine, that is highly silly and fickle to the soul's hippidy-hopedity, "Yammi is sooo spooky I gotta deem myself by hottie cookies." To make it easier for ya'll since I'm a pretty nice guy, go to just about any Salvation Army Thrift Store and find a girl or woman named Amy in the flesh or spirit and viola, Ritual of Salvation(that's also the name of a Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's trading card of special importance). Well queen of the succubi TeraS, if you're reading this new post of mine can you give me a response back on what kinds of curse words one can use in a adult-themed story on your Succubus.net forum page. I always liked to hear a angry woman say, "GD-it!!! How DARE YOU mock me?!?!", to her unresponsible male lover who is wondering if kittens can or could inflict happiness on a scornful but nice lady. And like Yusei Futo says in the new Yu-Gi-Oh! anime cartoon, "Going FAST my heartbeat beats ALIVE, Destiny chooses."
Wild Twist of Fate!?! Baddy Mistress Calling of Change
Hey fellow succubi and incubi beings! I, Twinkling Arousal, had a frightening good time on my Labor Day weekend vacation in the state that, ultimately specifies itself as the "state that is for Lovers". While in that so-claimed romantic state only found in the U.S. of A. good bad things came upon me in great loads of incredible resources. This past Friday I found and purchased a legendary video game strategy guide book of, great importance to me so greatly that yes, don't be cruely-oogie fellow succubi and incubi beings, that I've decided to scrap my Succubus.net forum story for a much MORE ALIVE HEARTBEAT story in my mythology journal. Don't fret TeraS queen of the succubi, for this book I purchased features 1 good and bubbly futuristic elf-succubi for the Greater Gooders, and 2 bad and colorful cool futuristic elf-succubi for the Wicked Ticking Orse. This past Saturday I went to some flea market on a road named Freedom Stretch or something like that, and boy and girls some Baddy mistress is calling of change for me. I was looking for some cool items to buy that would tickle my fancy and I hit paywhammie Part 1 that is. A young blonde Caucasian woman was selling books for 50 cents apiece. I said hi to her and asked her nicely if I could see what books she offers to sell for said 50 cents apiece. She agreed and I went book snooping for a great read to take home with me. In her "book box" of sorts I saw a lot of Star Wars novels, a book about a young country female mage woman who is exacting her revenge on, the warriors who killed her family when she was just a little child, a book about some Faery Convention I think if I remember well that it has something to do about Washington D.C. culture cross-over with the realm of fairies and other strange twinks, but the one I, Twinkling Arousal purchased was a dark covered relationship book that was published somewhere famous in the state of Calliefornia. Let's just say it has something to do with avoiding the wrong right lover being and/but either/or in a very humorous approach, plus it offers weird sex tips to turn on your mate. The name of this book is called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating & Sex. The authors are Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht, and Jennifer Worick. An interesting note is that I wonder if that San Bruno fire in California was actually started by a deranged axe murderer who, always carrying packing sheets in his or her dramas. I got even more cool items like a spy comedy DVD tale, a Xbox video game that is incredulous rare to find in mint condition, and some more books that tickles my fancies. If there are any romantic succubi out there on this planet we call Earth, you might want to read this hot,sexy,and funny book called Heartbeat by Danielle Steel. My paywhammie Part 2 involved them cool cookie Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's trading cards. I got a very interesting trap card that either/or saves you little much and/but destroys your opponent into a heap of stardust frenzy. Well I'm going to start work on a story of great epic epical standards that would appeal to those who seeks out adventures with saucy bang-a-netics!?!?!?
Monster Rancher Pixies' Strange History Linked To NYC?!?! U.S. of A Government Poisoned Us Years Ago???
Hot diggety dog! It's me the lovable romantic and geeky Twinkling Arousal!!!!!! Sorry fellow succubi and incubi, but I've been busy working on that bigger scary cooler story that, some mysterious baddie mistress of unwhelming power wants me to publish out, into the book market to start her baddie empire into fruitation, and yes I think she may have ulterior motives but for some strange reasons unknownth to me, this mysterious baddie mistress is lending me some very VERY unknown intriguing information from books and of course Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime show. The other reason why I'm doing this apology because I recently just celebrated my 26th birthday on September 16, and I went shopping at The Salvation Army thrift store and ate some yummy Chinese food with my lovable and greatly good parents. The strangest thing happened in New York City on the day of my birthday, a hyper-super-weirdy-pOw-o-Wowwer of a freak storm nearly demolished Man. Brook. and Queens. in a short 15 minutes. Some scientists claim it was caused by a medium-powered tornado 70 miles away across the Hudson River in the state of New Jersey, which seems to me a little far-fetched. Others claim that God and Devil forces were throttling for supreme control for those three famous NYC islands. I, Twinkling Arousal think otherwise. I think the Monster Rancher Pixies'type-monsters created that mini-Twilight Zone occurance in NYC September 16, 2010 around late afternoon hours when weirdly enough I, was birthday shopping at The Salvation Army thrift store. TeraS might have heard of these sneaky and mysterious creatures from video gamers who, digs the unusual theory of Pokemon and Digimon delving into greater mysteries pertaining to the REAL world around us. In the Monster Rancher zodiac Pixies starts off as the leaders of all the monsters in the Monster Rancher world. They are mainly bat-winged girls with horns on their head and a devil's tail coming out of their butt or beautiful fairies that are really shy and nosy. The main breed of Pixie monsters(Pixie/Pixie) have dark red hair, is a demoness, have nice-sized breasts, and has pinkish fur on its body. They are said to be a hellish spoiled bratty monster to raise and that they love to Manu, Manu, Manu. Does this look and sound familiar to what happened in NYC on September 16, 2010? The Monster Rancher zodiac also said that Pixie loves to abuse male breeders and make that male breeder her pet dog, although some male breeders wants to be treated like a dog by their own pet purebreed Pixie monster. The subspecies of Pixie-type monsters are really unique because, each has their own baking hot flair. Futurity which is a Pixie/Metalner catches my fancy because, the Monster Rancher zodiac says its appearance may be what humans look like in the future plus she can peak 1,000 years into the future and see the downfall and rise of numerous civilizations effected by the elements of Ice and Fire. So perhaps them Pixies were celebrating their birthday on September 16 and some unknown male guy, told the birthday girls that their chic clothes looked UGGGGGGLY and boom, Major Lightning, Insanic Winds, Unholy Destruction, yes its a bit ironic but it did actually happen. If you fellow succubi and incubi don't fully understand what I am getting at then read these two Pixie books I, purchased from The Salvation Army thrift store on my 26th birthday. Party Girls by Roz Bailey, the bookcover details high-end Pixie women adventure and the first three chapters were great,especially the part about the evil computer spirit that mocks and harasses hot-shocking divorced Pixie women by appearing at any location where a electronic device is, and telepathically induce desperation and frighty fears when these women were talking to someone to help cure their situation. Did I mention its pink lemonade, hint, hint? She Said, He Said by Cheryl Kusher is another Pixie book that is a must-read because it tells the romantic comedy story in two viewpoints. One view from Megan the Pixie who is an Aries and hates being wrong when she means yes as to be pleased, and the other view from Jack the infamous NYC actor who is acting real silly to earn Megan's love relationship back.
The second part of this post is much much scarier than the sinking of The Titantic. There is a book I purchased not too long before my birthday named Reefer Madness and Other Tales From The American Underground by Eric Schlosser from get this a Pawn Shop out of all places. This book got me seriously thinking about things that you would normally find, in a anime cartoon that is X-rated and full of slickety twists. I've only read several or more pages from this book but GD-it could this be why, there are so many as Yusei Fudo would say it, The Crazies out there in our own country of the U.S. of A? A long long time ago there was this man named Harry J. Anslinger who was a central figure in the history of American drug policy. In the 1940's he was in cohorts with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime precursor of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), on various mind control experiments using narcotics. After several attempts to create a "truth drug", Anslinger later worked closely with the CIA on MK-ULTRA(not some android from Phant. Star), a notorious mind control program in which hundreds of people were given lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) without their knowledge or consent. George White, one of Anslinger's top agents, ran bordellos for the CIA during the late 1950s, observing the behavior of customers after their drinks were spiked with LSD. This is The Crazies part coming up that makes me wonder if the drug-free program of our country really means DRUG FREE as in open for allers allers allers. George White not only dosed unsuspecting men and women with a variety of powerful psychoactives, but he also took the drugs himself in order to gauge their effects. I know you can't believe everything you read from a book, but more zammy that tops the cake of the icing iceburg. Plus it sounds like something a totally silly silly good South Korean comic book writer would print as a anti-government tabloid. Read a Korean manga book series named Witch Class by Lee Ru to get a puzzling point at what this means, for there is a villainous Ice Queen succubus chick to be found in that manga. Eric Schlosser's theory is really heart-wretching but I believed it actually did happen. SPOO-KKY!?!?!
Before I go for this morning of September 20, 2010, check out this old young political activity book named Revolution X: A Survival Guide For Our Generation by Rob Nelson and Jon Cowan. I pretty much say it damn hit our country like mighty gooey honey flow about the wars to come, the future generations of U.S. of A being "borrowed" ceasing to exist, and former U.S. Senator Wyche Fowler infamous speech on October 19, 1992 on Capitol Hill. He kind of reminds me of the new villian from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds anime named The Ghost because most people never heard of this senator and like a ghost can't kick ass unless the ghost grilled someone inside a haunted capital, sounded off by shrieking screaming people.
Is There Such An Existence Of Succubi-Mages? If So, Do They Love Playing The Baku-Baku Game With Virgos?
Wild screams and kissy teases to the rascally explosive Letterlust Novas Succubi Dragons!!!!! Good day fellow succubi and inccubi its me, the lovable and sparkly Twinkling Arousal. My interesting post message this time is, a rather strange and unusual one that's been quite nagging my noodles for quite some time lately. In most mythology involving a succubus she is portrayed as a young, attractive woman that is devilish in many natures having highly HIGHEST powers of seduction and manipulation while sucking men(males) souls as, the next big evolution to a super-chilled max out ice cream treat with the cherry treat on top. But to my Virgo-ish knowledge, a succubus seems not to have a cool bizarre metamorphose into a cooler, sexier, and perhaps sweeter kisser creature in parallel to, looking at the full moon or better yet, gazing up at "twinkling stars in the sky" while thinking of the mate or mates she the succubus wants to do IT with with her breasts jiggling wildly on her body. Another is that the succubus may have large bat wings that gives her the definite look of bad goody sex appeal however, she can only "fly soar glide blaze through the sky" only if her demon rank of bad beaty is high among The Demon Lords. If you're wondering what "The Demon Lords" I'm talking about you might want to read a book by Raymond E. Feist called Rise of a Merchant Prince Book Two of The Serpentwar Saga, the first book was called Shadow Of A Dark Queen by the same author Raymond E. Feist. In the World of Warcraft computer game that the Chinese people(their food and cooking is the YAMMY-GOODS!!!!!!!!!) have a huge love and obsession for, the developers have mages(class of people that I call the Spellza-Shizzers) ranging from the undead zombie clan, to the magic obsessive eaters that can kick butt and blaze many many wolves known as the Blood Elves to the regular Merlins of supergeeks with magical abilities of sorts or kinds or types if you get the idea. Their all OK in my eyes, but in all of mythology why isn't there Succubi-Mages out there? The closest I can get to this question is with a Walt Disney book series named W.I.T.C.H. It is kind of a new spin on the classic magical girl theory of Japanese Cartoons fame, but its hip, chic, Scorpio-ish, and original in terms of storytelling and artwork if you fellow succubi and inccubi happen to stumble upon the very very rare graphic novel series. The regular book series of W.I.T.C.H. is sorta easy to find in a used book store like me and the Amy's favorite reading dig, The Salvation Army. But what if Succubi-Mages did exist not only in fictional writings but in the world that we live in!!!!!!! Would vampires be the least of the leastest glamourized creatures of The Dark, or would evil sexy cat-women with shadow-stealing powers best The Devils of Deja Vu in a contest to see who's the best Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's storyteller of allers time. The evil sexy cat women are like Yami Burkura only sexier and funny playful like a cat and can be found in a book by Douglas Borton called Shadow Dance. The cooler thing is that they are Egyptian and love teaseing law enforcers and unsmart lawyers, its the TRUTH I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Succubi-Mages should if they truly exist have a "Guardian Code Number-Super Stylin" to express her views and opinion of what the world should be like in the present and birthday hours of ones lifestyle. An example would be a succubus mage who seeks the power of love onto all creatures enlightening, a pretty sexy sauce of yearning and cuddylies in hopes of saving the universe from the Deepy Darkies. Her number would be Enchanting Jot Hottie-Love Truckin'S Mage-2 In Leaps, 3 In Thrice Charms. And she would probably be working at Subway fast healthy food restaurant where the greasy is out and the positive is IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! If Succubi-Mages read many magic books would they dare to play Baku-Baku. Its an old puzzle video game involving the Chinese Zodiac of sorts. Its pretty charming like a succubus, oddly weird like a inccubus, and all-out fun for all ages. But I wonder what would be their very first "animal block" to fall on their side of the video game screen? Mine was a Panda Bear so I guess my wife would be as strong and cute as the infamous animal from the Asian country of China, lucky me?!?! A great read for that is a children book by Anne LeMieux called Fruit Flies, Fish & Fortune Cookies. I haven't really read this book of mine yet however, I have a strange feeling that a Chinese Fortune Lady is dwelling in this story. Until next time, Bake the Great Bakeneko, SHOW ME THE WAY!!!!!! And you too TeraS with love and kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can A Rarity From Certain Video Games Improve A Sexier Touch Of Mastery Onto The Gamers Or Is It A Dating Rush To Ninetaipans?
Yippie-yah, soul on a roll pops! Good morning for it is I, Twinkling Arousal writing up another hot-eared post to entertain those, looking for a hot feely read to thirst their verge to pulling out the internet form out of the twenty-first century, or is it really the twenty-fourth century in DISGUISE of the twenty-first century? I recently bought some cool video games pertaining to my previous post about the Succubi-Mages plus this cool computer game strategy guide book that coincides with this post I am writing about. I have four Playstation 2 video games of rare qualifications and they are Dark Cloud 2, Rogue Galaxy, Kingdom Hearts 2, and my favorite out of the Playstation 2 bunch named Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria. Dark Cloud 2 and Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria charred up my soul the most because, those two video games showed what a Role-playing video game is all the better than any other video game genre, and YES that goes for war and blood video games like God of War and No More Heroes. The story in Dark Cloud 2 is ingenious and I just started chapter 2 the night before last night. It involves this devil emperor beastman named Griffon who is attempting to time-travel from the future into the past to destroy a resistance group of good angels who, had in his time thwarted his plans to rule over all of time and space, plus wealthiest of civilizations all in one silver platter of delicious domination. The only thing this devil emperor needs to complete his plans into fruitation just like that mysterious baddie mistress who is secretly helping me out for some mysterious reason unknown to me, is a magic pendant known as get this The Red Atallmellia that enables the wearer of this magic pendant, the ability to time-travel into any "specific historical spot" in the future such as, a wooded area full with gnomes who loves potato pies to death and worship their missing nymph goddess in awe and fascination to the highest form of loyalty. A french boy named Maximillian has this magic pendant and he gets thrust into a epic plot with a french warrior princess from the future named Demonica who is attempting to save her time and Maximillian time from the forces of darkness and some evil BA castle building thing that is so evil that when someone walks up to this evil BA castle entrance gates the walls splurts out crimson blood in huge gushes to scare them off of the cursed premises. Ingenious? Definitely Yes,Yes. Spooky? As the name of this video game says Dark Cloud 2 is chock fill with surprises in a strange kid warrior sci-fi themed element style that A-OK if you have a hulk of, a beast of a machine named Ridepod Steve that punch zowers into towering monsters of evil intentions!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't grasp what in the H Demonica was trying to explain to Maxillian that she is The Past and he is The Future and when they meet Into One Origin, the heavens and hells will Glee Into Harmony throughout untold generations in time and space. It sounded cheesy and scary rolled all in one, yet I wonder if Demonica is a good bad valkyrie who is the mistress of all magic and kick butt sword-slashy style plus she can transform too!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have much time to finish this post so I will have to conclude for today and maybe I will explain what Ninetaipans is although, it has fox chicks, tiger mans, and a Japanese environment bunched in nine different means of means means locations. Bye-Bye for now. Oh I almost forgot ya'll might want to read this book named The Birthday Book: Celebrations for everyone by Ann Druitt, Christine Fynes-Clinton, and some french woman named Marije Rowling. We Virgos are actually female snakes that have the powers of 'ear of wheat'.
At Long Last! The Ultimate Girls' Zodiac Book Revealith!!!!! And Lilith, The Black Isis of The Dark Moon!?!?!?
Good golly, great Molly, sure like to ball! Hi! I, Twinkling Arousal have got cool information for those eager to suck up or should I say succubus up some valuable information that may save ya'll succubi and inccubi one day in the near future or a Rogue Galaxy, a far far far away(._.) Before I give out this incredible information on the SuccuWiki website, has anyone been watching Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's lately. I think the show is getting SPICEY THRICEY!!! Yusei Fudo has finally met has own maker and at his own "REV IT UP!" card-dueling play style by a young hottie frenchwoman card duelist who practically warped Yusei's sense of Destiny. She then offered Yusei the chance to form an alliance with her so that, they can both exact their divine revenge against the Allilaster Organization for snatching away their Past. Since that very memorial Turbo-Duel various key characters have slip word out on Yusei,Jack,and Crow to perfect a new form of monster-summoning known as "The Synchro-Solution" before tackling an new and improved "GHOST" villian. Plus, the older girl Signer who wields The Blackrose Dragon Card is feeling unsure of herself if she can really get into Turbo-Dueling without losing her sense of Destiny, she is the last of the Psychic Duelist who can do some pretty wicked freaky things with Duel Monsters Cards!!!!!!!! This past Monday of October 11,2010 I bought 2Tru books that will make one heavily heavily heavily question their life, well in a girls'kind of way(-o-). The first one is named The Girls'Life Must-Have Guide To Making And Keeping Friends by The Girls'Life Magazine ladies who are funny like a icy creamer sundae with a side of Banana Milkshake on tops. It has The Ones found in these perky pages. There are 4 Girl Personality Groups that would definitely help flesh out my Succubi-Mages character development. The groups are The Thinker, the one girl or young woman who thinks SHE'S PERFECTO-GOODIE, The Socializer, the girl or young woman who is practically a strawberry pink hedgehog romantic who wields a highly indestructible-destructible giant toy hammer weapon of fiery passion against evil-doers, The Dominator, the girl or young woman who are probably trying to win government votes in the very MAJOR U.S. of A Senate and House Government Election this November 2010, and The Relater, the girl or young woman who might become a good-hearted bunny rabbit in the future. It even talks about these girls, little or young teens about their goals and dreams. One very funny one is this: Twenty years from now, you'd most likely hear your friend say a."The rainforest is safe now." b."That's Madam President to you,Bub." c."I want to thank the Academy." d."Would you like fries with that?" I kinda think that baddy mistress who is secretly helping me would be a c. just which academy is she supporting? Star Wars or maybe but highly unlikely Neopets?!?! Plus there is even a "Thou Shalt..." 10 Sacred Rules Of Friendship list such as ...make her feel like a million bucks which is another form of the cheerleader friendship pact. This book is soooooooooooo rare its practically out-of-print. I checked out Amazon.com and found out that only a few copies of this book is up for sale. Spooky! Yes! Magical girl/young woman? Maybe. The second book I bought named Moon Magic by Dion Fortune is very strange indeed. It tells the tale of a doctor named Malcolm something other who feels that life has thrown him a bad spell after his ex-wife got terribly ill. But then one fateful night he meets a mysterious attractive woman named Lilith Le Fay who claims to have known Malcolm unending anguish since he was a little boy. She tells him a great Destiny awaits him, but he mustn't push this chance too far for she Lilith was once very evil and could revert back to it if, he doesn't watch his extreme brashness in this journey!!!!!!!!!! I'm in part 2 of this odd but cool book titled, The Moon Mistress. This Lilith woman claims to have astral/cosmic powers and when she used to be evil in past days, they called her The Black Isis of The Dark Moon. Spooky! Yes! Crazy weird beyond repairing the clue? Only The Heavens Knownth. So far this Lilith seems in my opinion to be The Relater unlike the Lilith in the book called Abaddon by Bob Larson who I know was The Dominator, with a benefit of the doubt. Another great video game to check out if you feel that Playboy is getting rather old is called Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (hmmmmm... sounds a bit French?!? Wee wee.) for Xbox 1. It is almost as good as a Meow Blixess but with the "L" which I weirdly have a Yu-Gi-Oh! card sorta relating to that LUST in Destiny Chooses. Perhaps we all should play some Baku Baku and impress that hot lovable animal princess who caters greatly to mouses, the number one house pest with the legendary Keyblade! Well gotta go for Hrist Valkyrie is calling me for the video game version of Ragnarok with kittens and Pixies. Good Fin.
Is Time Travel Possible In Our Days Of Age? Or Is Friendship The Key To The Space-Time Continumem!
Its two more days and nights before creepy crawlies and boogie woogies on that infamous night of the year, known as HalloWEEN!!!!!!!! Hi! Twinkling Arousal here ready to magically surprise you fellow succubi and inccubi with more spooky wooky info that may tickle ya'll bat wings into flapping 360 mach speeds. I've been acquiring some new media goods as of lately and quite frankly its a little two bizarre beyond the realm of too real, or something heading in that direction of sorts. That baddy mistress must have some grand master blaster hyper-tistic plans in store for me because this past weekend I got a Pure Silver Nintendo Gamecube Console System with a Nintendo Gameboy Advance Player "bolted hardways" onto the video game system with a Nintendo Gamecube video game titled WWE Wrestlemania XIV. But on that same day I bought a highly interesting book that will shock the rockings outta ya. Please note I acquired these two items in a yard sale that was magical and sorta uncommon if you count food items as a selling profit within a yard sale. I'm beginning to believe why some critics call hospitals,"The Gateway To Hellena" and that the workers aren't your lovely angels, their your deathly frenemies that will poke poke your fluids for secretive world-bending means. Why? If you read a classic medical thriller book by author Robin Cook named Godplayer (hint...hint)and wonder why freaky things are happening in hospitals nowadays,this book will scare the fluids out of your pants or pantees for them batwomen. Here's what can be found on the back cover of this classic medical thriller book by author Robin Cook. "Nerve-Wracking Hospital Horrors." -Chicago Sun-Times Working with her husband, a respected cardiac surgeon, at Boston Memorial is a dream come true for Dr. Cassandra Kingsley. Until a series of mysterious deaths rocks the preeminent hospital-and Cassandra's most frightening suspicions are realized...Only Robin Cook could portray with such terrifying brilliance what happens when the one place dedicated to saving lives starts taking them... "A tissue-tingling thriller... keeps you poised on the sleek points of steel pins and flashing hypodermic needles." -Detroit News Dr.Robin Cook, a graduate of Columbia Medical School, finished his postgraduate medical training at Harvard. He is the author of Vector, Toxin, Chromosome 6, Contagion, and numerous other bestselling novels. To me the prologue chapter is frightening at best if read in the nighttime hours! The heading for my topic for this post is quirky yet maybe a bit true if my facts are right. I was at the Gamestop video game store looking to buy some cool video games for my Nintendo Gamecube. I bought Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs. New Generation which is a cel-shaded anime wrestling video game. I was thinking about purchasing Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, however, for some strange reason, something goddess-like was drawing me into the "New" PSP Video Games Section. My first thought was to look for a new copy of Class of Heroes made by the Atlus video game company since the trailer video looked interesting on the Gamestop website. Yet, a eye-catching video game title that goes by the name of Disgaea Infinite grabbed me like a girl bat outta hell. I looked on the back cover and saw that this video game has some very unique features about it. For starters, you the video game player CONTROLS THE ACTUALLY STORY!!!!!!!!! Time Travel is the key element of this video game, but so is Body Possessing and Mind Control but not in the norm way. Some video gaming websites say that Disgaea Infinite is only for Hardcore Fans of the series, and it is quite a rare video game all in itself. So I bought it too and got more Nintendo video games like Metroid Prime and BloodRayne although there was a big strange mark on the front cover of my BloodRayne video game....hmmmm? The first video game I played was Ultimate Muscle. What struck me as odd onto playing this was this video game slogan: "Friendship is like the mighty redwood. When it is bonded together, it is practically invincible. But it must go through many harsh seasons to get there!" In that Girl Zodiac book that I own I, remember something in it talking about friendship dilemmas and how to handle them. It said every friendship has those tricky, sticky situations that pop up when you least expect(or want!) them. Its a good read chapter, and it is helping me with the creation of my fictional Succubi-Mages too!?!?!? On that day I was watching the local news and saw a story that depicted a real-life time travel mystery. Ya'll probably seen it on Youtube or heard small talk about it but boy, 1992 cellphone man in 1928 California? Well they say friendship is like the test of Time so it could probably happen. I think my baddy mistress is a Frenchwoman because I got a very rare French-Chinese Astrology book called Chinese Astrology: Plain and Simple by Suzanne White. Most of the time, you would not want to cross paths with a French Madam Dragonlady for she will serve YOU up a many meal of DOOM and they are not the kid friendly, Puff the Magic Dragon types either. It is a really funny and well likable book to own, and kinda follows the same humor found in the Disgaea videogames but with new twists in the zodiac market. Another book to check out is Mind & Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia Of The Mysterious And Unexplained by Francis X. King. It is like information pertaining to a pre-Disgaea Infinite and October 31st all bonded together to form the ultimate zodiac tagteam!!!!!!!!!! Don't be a Laharl like that French Dragonlady was to Suzanne White, and don't hurt any females feelings or they will put a bad mother curse upon ye olde soul! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's talk of mine.
U.S. of A Noblemen And Nobleladies Condemns Circulation Of The Country Reading Books! Perhaps The Great Ancient Ones Foreseen This Like A Woman's Scorn! Call In The L.L.N.S. Dragons!!!!!!!!!!
Allie Allie Oxzenfree! Boy and Girls, this post from the one and only Twinkling Arousal is going to be a suzie, not doozy of a weird and strange post. I overheard on the "regular" CNN cable network television program yesterday morning that, the super-rich people class of the U.S. of A. is forcing our new elected government officials to disinegrate our paper and print books, magazines, newspapers, and get this family talk/secret admirer letters we exchange to the local U.S. of A Post Office. Now I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's and good golly great molly there, sure must be a insidious organization that rivals The Alliester organazation here in our Milky Way Solar System. I'm beginning to believe that this new incarnation of the infamous anime/trading card/videogame series is just a small focus front to lure little kids, and young adults like me, the Virgo-geek to value a card over your family, friends, and soul; although getting mad like a hellish woman's scorn to merge with that card is the hottie pretzzie if you can keep your sanity in the due process of a wild and scary Turbo Duel!!!!!!! Could there be a shadowy elite group of societies that wants to warp the whims of humans,angels,fallen angels,nymphs,ghost cats, evil Japanese video gaming female fatalles,etc to resurrect a being so ruthless that, even the said resurrected ruthless being of whoaey bad nature can't remember the REAL DETAILS of his or perhaps hers LOLLIPOPISH PLANS TO EVER RULE the ordinary and super-extraordinary. Damn, and I can't even remember the exact hi-score video gaming points I acquired on the exact very first video game, console or handheld, I've ever played in my entire life! To catch my drift, the succubi and inccubi that don't denounce Christianity might on their own choice read a book called, Dark Secrets Of The New Age: Satan's or perhaps Satanna's Plan for a One World Religion by author Texe Marrs. The book cover looked pretty interesting and although its quite ancient in terms of years, it totally outdo Reefer Madness in every form and style. When you really think about it, the super-rich absolutely doesn't care if our reading material gets embroiled into a super-hyper-BA-volcano crater, and we Virgos, Scorpios, and other "reading" people signs of the zodiac say, "Oh My God! Is this the endtheth of our free creations of burning laugh out louds! Maybe Helena is going to get her revenge against the health goddess by hiring evil people to create more Kindle E-Books to arecken our imaginations into the depths of hell!" Regular books, etc will never go out like the JFK assassination conspiracy theory and perhaps my secret baddy mistress should put Helena in the world of the worst video game ever, which would be Magic Pengel: The Quest For Color, for the Playstation 2 Video Game System. Its overly too cute for its own good, doodles are your living unoriginal "pet fighters", and what kind of school does these video game characters go to in that video game? O.K. TeraS here are some nice book reads that should heat you up for a good several weeks or so it may be... Heiress for Hire by Erin McCarthy its quite devilish funny and oddly weird in fashion sense, and speaking of fashion sense, read Chic on a Shoestring by Annette Swanberg & Leigh Charlton for this book greatly immortalized women's fashion sense many years ago and it is giggly with wild getters._. And lastly a book named Speaking of Divorce: How to Talk with your Kids and Help Them Cope by Roberta(that's a legendary girl acara Neopets name!!!!!!!!!!)Beyer & Kent Winchester it may be a children's book but its a sure like to ball with exciting extreme knowledgeable one for the ages. Until then have a nice and lovely aki magical day!
U.S. of A Noblemen And Nobleladies Condemns Circulation Of The Country Reading Books! Perhaps The Great Ancient Ones Foreseen This Like A Woman's Scorn! Call In The L.L.N.S. Dragons!!!!!!!!!!
Allie Allie Oxzenfree! Boy and Girls, this post from the one and only Twinkling Arousal is going to be a suzie, not doozy of a weird and strange post. I overheard on the "regular" CNN cable network television program yesterday morning that, the super-rich people class of the U.S. of A. is forcing our new elected government officials to disinegrate our paper and print books, magazines, newspapers, and get this family talk/secret admirer letters we exchange to the local U.S. of A Post Office. Now I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's and good golly great molly there, sure must be a insidious organization that rivals The Alliester organazation here in our Milky Way Solar System. I'm beginning to believe that this new incarnation of the infamous anime/trading card/videogame series is just a small focus front to lure little kids, and young adults like me, the Virgo-geek to value a card over your family, friends, and soul; although getting mad like a hellish woman's scorn to merge with that card is the hottie pretzzie if you can keep your sanity in the due process of a wild and scary Turbo Duel!!!!!!! Could there be a shadowy elite group of societies that wants to warp the whims of humans,angels,fallen angels,nymphs,ghost cats, evil Japanese video gaming female fatalles,etc to resurrect a being so ruthless that, even the said resurrected ruthless being of whoaey bad nature can't remember the REAL DETAILS of his or perhaps hers LOLLIPOPISH PLANS TO EVER RULE the ordinary and super-extraordinary. Damn, and I can't even remember the exact hi-score video gaming points I acquired on the exact very first video game, console or handheld, I've ever played in my entire life! To catch my drift, the succubi and inccubi that don't denounce Christianity might on their own choice read a book called, Dark Secrets Of The New Age: Satan's or perhaps Satanna's Plan for a One World Religion by author Texe Marrs. The book cover looked pretty interesting and although its quite ancient in terms of years, it totally outdo Reefer Madness in every form and style. When you really think about it, the super-rich absolutely doesn't care if our reading material gets embroiled into a super-hyper-BA-volcano crater, and we Virgos, Scorpios, and other "reading" people signs of the zodiac say, "Oh My God! Is this the endtheth of our free creations of burning laugh out louds! Maybe Helena is going to get her revenge against the health goddess by hiring evil people to create more Kindle E-Books to arecken our imaginations into the depths of hell!" Regular books, etc will never go out like the JFK assassination conspiracy theory and perhaps my secret baddy mistress should put Helena in the world of the worst video game ever, which would be Magic Pengel: The Quest For Color, for the Playstation 2 Video Game System. Its overly too cute for its own good, doodles are your living unoriginal "pet fighters", and what kind of school does these video game characters go to in that video game? O.K. TeraS here are some nice book reads that should heat you up for a good several weeks or so it may be... Heiress for Hire by Erin McCarthy its quite devilish funny and oddly weird in fashion sense, and speaking of fashion sense, read Chic on a Shoestring by Annette Swanberg & Leigh Charlton for this book greatly immortalized women's fashion sense many years ago and it is giggly with wild getters._. And lastly a book named Speaking of Divorce: How to Talk with your Kids and Help Them Cope by Roberta(that's a legendary girl acara Neopets name!!!!!!!!!!)Beyer & Kent Winchester it may be a children's book but its a sure like to ball with exciting extreme knowledgeable one for the ages. Until then have a nice and lovely aki magical day!