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== Book Review ==
== Book Review ==
''At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.''
''The following review was originally published by Tera on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on [http://www.succubus.net/blog/2015/07/12/a-review-of-fatal-seduction-and-fatal-seduction-2-by-sierra-lee/ July 12, 2015]''
Two stories set in a town where supernatural beings live, humanity knows they are there, and what happens when the two meet in some strange circumstances. Who are the monsters and who are not isn’t the question for, in some way, everyone is.
This review combines both works in that, as a whole, the themes and characters are really the same and the two works read as two chapters in a longer story. That in itself isn’t a bad thing, but as such there is a bit of an expected outcome when reading the second and knowing what happened in the first work. It also is very clear that the main characters in both works really don’t change from one story to the next as well.
Lina, the succubus of the series, really only has her eyes as the telltale sign that she is a succubus as a whole. She is sex incarnate, obviously, appears as such, and there is no question that she is a succubus, even though that point is driven home by other characters in both works. In some ways she is interesting, and there are a lot of questions not answered as to how she came to be where she is, why she is connected with another character, and how that relationship works in the first place.
But her personality borders on being stereotypical through both works and even when the twist in each story comes through that isn’t enough to move her character from being focused on a singular purpose which is quite obvious from the first moment she appears considering that, again, other characters keep talking about it. It is the unspoken and unexplained parts of her character that attract me, but that is never played off well enough to manage something from it. There are hints, the occasional flash of a story that would be really interesting to know, but none of that comes out in the works because it isn’t the point.
The work focuses on the erotica, which revolves around Lina for obvious reasons. There is some good heat in a little bit of succubus mind control, a few flashes of her being very succubus-like and taking her sexual partners to the edge and beyond. There is even a moment where she seems to have a heart and even a soul for a moment as well. But then her real character comes out, the twist in the story appears and the foreshadowed ending comes rapidly. It becomes very hard to actually like Lina, or the other main character in the series, because they are too aloof, too scheming and too self-focused on themselves that all else is a game, a scenario to be played out, and the collateral damage is seen as just being part of the game.
The thing about that is, for me, it takes the heat out of the story very quickly and replaces it with a lot of questions that are not delved into at all. The story isn’t quite what it seemed to be from the beginning and it’s really quite well done overall when the twist comes in and the truth comes out. But when the truth appears… it isn’t all that it needs to be. I’m not really sure what the story is when the ending arrives.
The works tend to be more focused on the erotica, what Lina does, what happens to those around her, over the why of the story. It is explained, only in passing why each of these encounters happened, but it’s a bit thin for me overall. Being that these are short, hot flashes, I’m not expecting to know everything, far from that, but I was expecting a point to the story that held me more than it did.
I also was hoping for some character growth along the way, even between the two works themselves, but that didn’t happen as well. Lina is the same in both works and her “partner” is as well. To know why things happen, why they are, and how this all started would have been nice. But it is all about the erotica, the twist in the end and the rest is vague whispers of thought that left me wanting.
I’ll give both works three out of five pitchforks.
More story, more about Lina and her “partner” would have been a good place to start. Along with that, making Lina more than a stereotypical succubus with a singular purpose might have been nice as well.

== External Links ==
== External Links ==
*[http://www.amazon.com/Fatal-Seduction-2-Sierra-Lee-ebook/dp/B011EM4440/ This work in Kindle Format at Amazon.com]
*[http://www.amazon.com/Fatal-Seduction-2-Sierra-Lee-ebook/dp/B011EM4440/ This work in Kindle Format at Amazon.com]