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Most Soap Satyri find themselves striking a balance between wearing "proper" human attire versus simply hiding their nudity in some quick and easy fashion. A common workaround to the issues they face is to simply hide their nudity using a long nightshirt or trench coat instead of going through the difficulties that human clothing presents; many Soap Satyri turn to this workaround when they are in a hurry or do not anticipate being in public for very long. | Most Soap Satyri find themselves striking a balance between wearing "proper" human attire versus simply hiding their nudity in some quick and easy fashion. A common workaround to the issues they face is to simply hide their nudity using a long nightshirt or trench coat instead of going through the difficulties that human clothing presents; many Soap Satyri turn to this workaround when they are in a hurry or do not anticipate being in public for very long. | ||
None of this should imply that Soap Satyri do not feel any urges towards fashion or other fashion trends; Soap Satyri do have opinions about their body and how it looks while in clothing, they simply do not normally feel any particular hangups about being nude nor any urge to wear clothes; Satyri can appreciate attractive clothing, can easily pick out clothes that makes them look good, but feel significantly more comfortable nude in all but the most specialized of attire. | None of this should imply that Soap Satyri do not feel any urges towards fashion or other fashion trends; Soap Satyri do have opinions about their body and how it looks while in clothing, they simply do not normally feel any particular hangups about being nude nor any urge to wear clothes; Satyri can appreciate attractive clothing, can easily pick out clothes that makes them look good, but feel significantly more comfortable nude than in all but the most specialized of attire. | ||
Outside of clothes, Soap Satyri frequently find some enjoyment in wearing jewelry and other accouterments; many of the underlying urges that would bring a human to wear designer clothing often lead Soap Satyri to wear jewelry instead. This combines quite interestingly with the Soap Satyri's lack of a nudity taboo; a Soap Satyri is just as likely to wear a pendant on a necklace as they are to wear it on a chain hanging off their tail or even a tasteful nipple ring; the Soap Satyri is able to appreciate the beauty in each of these configurations and sees nothing good nor bad about any specific one. | Outside of clothes, Soap Satyri frequently find some enjoyment in wearing jewelry and other accouterments; many of the underlying urges that would bring a human to wear designer clothing often lead Soap Satyri to wear jewelry instead. This combines quite interestingly with the Soap Satyri's lack of a nudity taboo; a Soap Satyri is just as likely to wear a pendant on a necklace as they are to wear it on a chain hanging off their tail or even a tasteful nipple ring; the Soap Satyri is able to appreciate the beauty in each of these configurations and sees nothing good nor bad about any specific one. |
Revision as of 00:03, 24 May 2012
For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation). For other Satyri variants by the artist DPRagan, see Satyri.
General Description
Soap Satyri are a form of modified human in DPRagan's "Magic School" Storyverse. They are the result of an unfortunate victim being transformed into their current form, most often by cursed bodywash or soap.
All Soap Satyri were originally virgin men. When a victim of the cursed "Lillith Brand Bodywash" applies the soap to their skin, it soaks in and begins to melt the human's flesh away, revealing the characteristic rubber pelt of a Satyri. Once this process begins it generally cannot be stopped by any known natural or supernatural force, although in all cases the human's face will remain connected.
This "mask" of flesh will begin to itch horrifically; if the victim gives into the urge to scratch (even momentarily), the remaining skin will fall off, permanently sealing the change. Even if they manage to refrain from scratching, the gender change is permanent -- their bodies merely shift back to a human -- but still female -- form.
Soap Satyri all share similar physical features to each other, leaving them all looking like shiny, rubber skinned succubi. Despite this, all Soap Satyri are human on the inside, and retain human souls and free will.
However, Soap Satyri do have a complication that complicates their lives and partially bypasses their free will -- all Soap Satyri have a form of seemingly intentional brain modification that leaves them unable to feel any form of shame or modesty about their nude bodies. The Soap Satyri's lack of a nudity taboo is infamous in the Magic School setting.
Physical Description
All Soap Satyri are, as a rule, extremely attractive; This is a result of the Succubi influence on the curse that creates them. Soap Satyri invariably lose any excess weight, scars, tattoos, and other such minor imperfections during their change, leaving them in prime beauty and health, although their general individuality and non-cosmetic flaws (such as the need to wear glasses) usually remain. Some Satyri are also age regressed as a result of their change, although this is rare and little is known about it.
Soap Satyri are easily recognized by their skin, which is more like latex than flesh. This rubber pelt is invariably a bright, inhuman color with shades of Crimson Red being the most common tone, although "Cobalt Blue," "Bubblegum," "Jade," "Royal Purple," "Eggshell White" and other variants are also common.
This skin is universally very shiny, as if treated with some form of polish; this is due to a natural form of oil the Satyri secrete instead of sweat. This "polish" also leaves the Satyri's skin feeling somewhat slippery and slick to the touch at all times, although this varies between each Satyri and changes over time.
Outside of the effects of the shine Satyri skin is near monochrome, although some areas such as the areola or lips experience a different coloring, similar to natural human pigmentation.
This color, shine, and "rubberness" extends to the Satyri's hair, which is frequently the same color (albeit a darker shade) as their skin. Satyri hair takes dyes and other hair treatments about as well as human hair; many Satyri bleach and then dye hair various "human" colors in an attempt to fit in better.
A pair of small horns is always found peeking out from the hair, these are invariably a still darker shade of their skintone, and tend towards being fairly straight and about 2 inches long. The occasional rare animal style (ram, goat, etc) can be seen, although they remain purely decorative on all Satyri despite their shapes. These horns regrow over time if removed or damaged.
Outside of this hair and their eyebrows, Satyri are hairless under the neck, the vast majority of Satyri skin lacks any form of hair follicles.
Satyri eyes are slit and catlike, although they retain standard human eyesight (albeit with slightly better night vision). Some rare Soap Satyri gain a black sclera (the "whites of the eyes"), although this this is significantly more common in Lillithians (who always have this effect manifest).
Satyri with a black sclera also gain a slightly golden band around their irises, similar to the effect seen in some hazel eyes. This band reflects light but has no bearing on vision. It is heavily implied that all True Succubi have this black sclera effect as well, although this is not common knowledge in the settings.
Some Satyri, even those without this change, manifest black sclera during periods of extreme distress. It is implied this is a defense mechanism of some kind, and this continues until the source of the agitation is removed or resolved.
Similarly to the eyes, Satyri ears are long and elf-like externally. Internally they are unchanged but the ability to move them and the extra size allow Satyri to pick up more sounds than standard human hearing.
Satyri tongues are split like a viper's, and are roughly as maneuverable and stretchy as a frog's. They appear normal (sans a small notch in the middle) at rest, but a Satyri can stretch their tongues out to a full foot, as well as "smell" the air with the tongue like snakes. Similar "snakelike" changes occur to Saytri teeth, which have much more prominent canines. Despite these changes, Satyri remain as omnivorous as humans.
All Satyri also have unguligrade legs, similar to a Satyr of Greek myth (hence the name) or a Draenei from the popular "World of Warcraft" MMORPG. These legs end in cloven hooves (technically Satyri toenails) and are slightly longer than normal legs, but are folded inward slightly to compensate -- a Satyri's height is relatively unchanged after their transformation. Satyri do require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk after their changes, however after this training they are as mobile as a human.
Satyri universally have a thick tail ending in a heart or triangle shaped spade, this tail is fully prehensile, but remains under the control of the Satyri's subconscious, not conscious, mind. Satyri emotions are easily discerned by the motions and posturing of the tail; the tail also acts as a natural counterbalance, helping the Satyri walk on their new legs.
Some Satyri have wings, although this is exceedingly rare. No Satyri can fly without magical assistance, although this magical assistance is instinctive to most Satyri.
Satyri and Nudity
It's well known (and often joked about) that Soap Satyri have issues remembering to wear clothing after their change, although most people are not aware as to how severe this effect really is. Originally thought to be a quirk of the transformation, it is in reality a form of accidental damage (or malicious modification) to the decision making part of the Satyri brain. This manifests as a complete lack of the ability to associate shame with nudity, or otherwise experience any form of modesty or embarrassment about being nude.
Soap Satyri simply do not -- and can never -- feel any discomfort, awkwardness, or humiliation at being nude. The time and place do not matter -- Soap Satyri feel equally comfortable in the nude around friends or strangers, in private or public, work or home. A Soap Satyri left to her own devices would spend their entire lives in the nude, without feeling the slightest pang of distress about their constant nudity.
This is not a form of exhibitionism nor nudism, rather it is an insideous form of brain damage. In Soap Satyri, the part of the brain that handles decision making, the ventromedial frontal lobe, has a form of scarring that utterly prevents the mental connections required for them to feel any form of modesty, shame, or urgency about covering themselves. Worse, as this is a form of permanent brain damage, Soap Satyri can never gain a taboo about being naked; A Soap Satyri that has been transformed for 20 years feels just as comfortable naked as one that was changed that morning.
Soap Satyri do understand that humanity wears clothing, although this knowledge is academic to the Soap Satyri. They understand it as a form of uninteresting trivia; "Humans wear clothing, and often spend a lot of money on clothing." That is the extent of the Soap Satyri's thoughts on the matter without further effort; at no point does the Soap Satyri make a natural connection that they should wear clothing as well.
With additional thought on the matter, a Soap Satyri can be reminded that humans have a taboo about nudity and hangups about their nude bodies. This is a seperate leap of logic than merely grasping that humans wear clothing; all Soap Satyri know that humans wear clothing, but it takes a bit more thought to remember that they do so because they don't want to be nude. However, much like the knowledge of humanity wearing clothing, this is purely an academic understanding -- Soap Satyri can never feel any particular urge to cover their nude bodies themselves.
Combining the above, Soap Satyri will typically not dress themselves unless given a good reason to do so -- weather (a coat) or safety (an apron) being the main reasons. Merely being nude is no excuse for a Satyri to dress -- the thought literally never enters their mind. However, after a certain amount of training they can be reminded that humanity feels uncomfortable with nudity, and that they are expected to dress when being in polite company with humanity.
This does not immediately result in the Soap Satyri dressing on a daily basis; the Soap Satyri may know academically that humanity wears clothing in public (and expect them to do so as well), but merely knowing this does not result in them gaining any particular urge to do so. As a result, Soap Satyri frequently simply forget about clothing until someone else reminds them; their reaction upon doing so will not be shame, but a "d'oh" moment befitting what they see as a minor faux pas.
Clothing choices can be pragmatic or confused as well -- a Soap Satyri feels no urge to cover themselves, so they do not generally grasp the fundamentals of human fashion. Soap Satyri are just as likely to throw on a long t-shirt or coat (and nothing else) to placate humans as they are to throw on a simple t-shirt and jeans. As they feel no particular urge to hide themselves nor any embarassment about doing so they are likely to pick whatever is most pragmatic for the given situation, and remove it whenever they feel like they are allowed to do so.
This is literally the best a Soap Satyri's friends can hope for -- an academic understanding of modesty and politely wearing clothes when reminded. A Soap Satyri will never actually gain any form of modesty about their bodies nor taboo about being nude, but many can learn to fake it when asked. Worse, depending on the Satyri's personality they may take offense at being forced to imitate humanity in this way -- they don't feel any embarassment, so why should they fake it for the benefit of humanity. As the number of Satyri grow these so called Satyri "Activists" are not an uncommon sight.
Because this is a form of brain damage, traditional treatments such as therapy cannot work. More modern treatments, such as surgery or magical cures, also do not work, because the part of the Satyri's mind is damaged and missing. The fact that this seems to be specifically designed to bypass humanity's free will and any form of treatment is not lost on the more knowledgable occult researchers who are aware of the phenomina.
It is unknown as to why this modification of the Soap Satyri mind comes into play, although several theories exist:
One popular theory is that whatever demonic essence causes the transformation resides in the Satyri's mind at or around that point during the transformation process, causing the damage. There is some evidence for this theory, mostly magical residue in that part of the brain post-change.
Another popular theory is that this change causes Satyri to inadvertently tempt mankind, increasing the ambient level of lust in the world and making the Succubi's jobs easier.
Still another theory is that the Satyri's appearance heralds the return of other magical races such as Elves, Fae, and Were-creatures, none of which are traditionally viewed as having similar cultural nudity taboos as humanity.
Satyri Fashion
Soap Satyri tend to have a somewhat "pragmatic" feeling towards fashion. They never feel any urge to cover their bodies, so any clothing they do wear is almost always for the benefit of the humans in their lives -- and more specifically, to avoid drawing even more attention to themselves.
Typically a Soap Satyri's choice in clothing is similar to the clothing they wore before they were changed -- masculine or gender neutral casual wear, such as t-shirts and jeans. Despite feminine clothing being significantly more practical for a Soap Satyri's unique body structure, almost no Soap Satyri switches to women's clothing without some outside factor; the most common factor is the advice of a therapist or friend pushing them to do so.
A Soap Satyri's legs and tail make wearing standard lower body clothing difficult. The tail can easily be worked around by avoiding undergarments and cutting slits in pants for the tail to stick through, but the Satyri's legs are significantly longer, and their hooves somewhat wider, than a standard human's leg and foot. Any pants a Satyri wishes to wear need to be extra large to accommodate these factors, with the legs needing to be around a third longer than a standard human pair of pants. A far easier solution is to simply cut off the jeans at the knee, wearing them as a form of shorts or capri pants.
In addition, Soap Satyri must also take into account the unique properties of their flesh. The Satyri "polish" that all Soap Satyri skin is coated in tends to soak into any tight clothing, affecting it much like sweat or oil. Even if this factor is bypassed somehow Satyri skin is more sensitive to the touch and rubber like -- without the polish making their skin slick, Soap Satyri skin rapidly -- and painfully -- chafes when rubbed constantly by tight clothing. Undergarments and tight jeans are the biggest offenders here, Soap Satyri quickly learn to hate these forms of clothing.
To bypass all these problems, clothing designed specifically for Satyris is available, usually online or in specialty boutiques. These clothes have special accommodations for the Satyri's unique body -- they tend to be very light, have pre-designed holes for the Satyri's tail, and have an inner lining to prevent the Satyri's polish from being rubbed off or soaking into the material. However, these clothes are typically so rare and expensive that most Soap Satyri simply make do with modified human clothing instead.
Most Soap Satyri find themselves striking a balance between wearing "proper" human attire versus simply hiding their nudity in some quick and easy fashion. A common workaround to the issues they face is to simply hide their nudity using a long nightshirt or trench coat instead of going through the difficulties that human clothing presents; many Soap Satyri turn to this workaround when they are in a hurry or do not anticipate being in public for very long.
None of this should imply that Soap Satyri do not feel any urges towards fashion or other fashion trends; Soap Satyri do have opinions about their body and how it looks while in clothing, they simply do not normally feel any particular hangups about being nude nor any urge to wear clothes; Satyri can appreciate attractive clothing, can easily pick out clothes that makes them look good, but feel significantly more comfortable nude than in all but the most specialized of attire.
Outside of clothes, Soap Satyri frequently find some enjoyment in wearing jewelry and other accouterments; many of the underlying urges that would bring a human to wear designer clothing often lead Soap Satyri to wear jewelry instead. This combines quite interestingly with the Soap Satyri's lack of a nudity taboo; a Soap Satyri is just as likely to wear a pendant on a necklace as they are to wear it on a chain hanging off their tail or even a tasteful nipple ring; the Soap Satyri is able to appreciate the beauty in each of these configurations and sees nothing good nor bad about any specific one.