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In Roman Catholic Christianity, purgatory, is a "final purification" of souls after death. | In Roman Catholic Christianity, purgatory, is a "final purification" of souls after death. | ||
Revision as of 15:05, 11 January 2008
In Roman Catholic Christianity, purgatory, is a "final purification" of souls after death.
Some religions have similar beliefs, if not about soul purification, which some of them explicitly deny, at least about the possibility of an improvement in the soul's spiritual situation following death. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes in the possibility of a change of situation for the souls of the dead through the prayers of the living and the offering of the Divine Liturgy,[1] and many Orthodox, especially among ascetics, hope and pray for a general apocatastasis[2]A similar belief in at least the possibility of a final salvation for all is held by Mormonism[3] and other groups both within and outside Christianity. Judaism shares with the Roman Catholic Church the idea of after-death purification[4] and may even use the word "purgatory" to present its understanding of the meaning of Gehenna.[5]
The word "purgatory" is also used, in a non-specific sense, to mean any place or condition of suffering or torment, especially one that is temporary.[6]
Purgatory in Roman Catholicism
Roman Catholicism is the only major Christian denomination that teaches the specific doctrine of purgatory as a "place or condition" experienced by some souls after death.
Heaven and Hell
According to Catholic belief, immediately after death, a person undergoes judgment in which the soul's eternal destiny is specified. Some are eternally united with God in what is called Heaven, often envisioned as a paradise of eternal joy. Conversely, others are destined for Hell, a state of eternal separation from God often envisioned as a fiery place of punishment.[7]
Purgatory's role
Flowchart of purgatory and its role in the Roman Catholic concept of the afterlifeIn addition to accepting the states of heaven and hell, Roman Catholicism envisages a third state before being admitted to heaven. According to Roman Catholic doctrine, some souls are not sufficiently free from sin and its consequences to enter the state of heaven immediately, nor are they so sinful as to be destined for hell either.[8] Such souls, ultimately destined to be united with God in heaven, must first endure purgatory - a state of purification.[9] In purgatory, souls "achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven."[10]
Roman Catholics make a distinction between two types of sin.[11] Mortal sin is a "grave violation of God's law" that "turns man away from God",[12] and if it is not redeemed by repentance and God's forgiveness, it causes exclusion from Christ's kingdom and the eternal death of hell.[13]
In contrast, venial sin (meaning "forgivable" sin) "does not set us in direct opposition to the will and friendship of God"[14] and, although still "constituting a moral disorder",[15] does not deprive the sinner of friendship with God, and consequently the eternal happiness of heaven.[16]
According to Roman Catholicism, pardon of sins and purification can occur during life - for example, in the Sacrament of Baptism[17] and the Sacrament of Penance.[18] However, if this purification is not achieved in life, venial sins can still be purified after death.[19] The specific name given to this purification of sin after death is "purgatory".[20]
Pain and Fire
Purgatory is a cleansing that involves painful punishment, associated with the idea of fire such as is associated with the idea of hell.[21] Centuries before the date some scholars give for the "birth" of the idea of purgatory, St. Augustine described the fires of cleansing as more painful than anything a man can suffer in this life,[22] and Pope Gregory I similarly wrote. St. Bonaventure also stated that this punishment by fire is more severe than any punishment which comes to men in this life.[23]
The Anima Sola, often interpreted as a "lone soul" in a fiery purgatoryMost theologians of the past have held that the fire is in some sense a material fire, though of a nature different from ordinary fire, but the opinion of other theologians who interpret the Scriptural term "fire" metaphorically has not been condemned by the Church[24] and may now be the more common view. The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of a "cleansing fire".[25] and quotes the expression "purgatorius ignis" (purifying fire) used by Pope Gregory the Great. It speaks of the temporal punishment for sin, even in this life, as a matter of "sufferings and trials of all kinds".[26] It describes purgatory as a necessary purification from "an unhealthy attachment to creatures", a purification that "frees one from what is called the 'temporal punishment' of sin", a punishment that "must not be conceived of as a kind of vengeance inflicted by God from without, but as following from the very nature of sin."[27]
Prayer for the dead and Indulgences
Catacomb inscriptions include prayers for the dead.[28]The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the fate of those in purgatory can be affected by the actions of the living.[29]
In the same context there is mention of the practice of indulgences. An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven.[30] Indulgences may be obtained for oneself, or on behalf of Christians who have died.[31]
Prayers for the dead and indulgences have been envisioned as decreasing the "duration" of time the dead would spend in purgatory. Traditionally, most indulgences were measured in term of days, "quarantines" (i.e. 40-day periods as for Lent), or years, meaning that they were equivalent to that length of canonical penance on the part of a living Christian.[32] When the imposition of such canonical penances of a determinate duration fell into desuetude these expressions were sometimes popularly misinterpreted as reduction of that much time of a soul's stay in purgatory.[33] (The concept of time, like that of space, is of doubtful applicability to souls in purgatory.) In Pope Paul VI's revision of the rules concerning indulgences, these expressions were dropped, and replaced by the expression "partial indulgence", indicating that the person who gained such an indulgence for a pious action is granted, "in addition to the remission of temporal punishment acquired by the action itself, an equal remission of punishment through the intervention of the Church"[34]
Historically, the practice of granting indulgences, and the widespread[35] associated abuses, which led to them being seen as increasingly bound up with money, with criticisms being directed against the "sale" of indulgences, were a source of controversy that was the immediate occasion of the Protestant Reformation in Germany and Switzerland.[36]
Dante gazes at purgatory (shown as a mountain) in this 16th century painting.
[edit] Purgatory as a physical place
In antiquity, both heaven and hell were regarded as physical places existing within the physical universe. Heaven for example, was traditionally believed to be associated with the sky, and to exist "above". Hell as often believed to be "below", located within the center of the Earth. Similarly, purgatory is sometimes considered to be a physical place located within space. For example, in Dante's 14th century work The Divine Comedy, purgatory is depicted as a mountain in the southern hemisphere. Today, practically all religions reject the notion of heaven, hell, or purgatory being physical locations. Pope John Paul II declared "the term ('purgatory') does not indicate a place, but a condition of existence".[37]
Roman Catholic statements
The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, first published in 2005, is a summary in dialog form of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It deals with purgatory in the following exchange:[38]
210. What is purgatory?
Purgatory is the state of those who die in God’s friendship, assured of their eternal salvation, but who still have need of purification to enter into the happiness of heaven. 211. How can we help the souls being purified in purgatory? Because of the communion of saints, the faithful who are still pilgrims on earth are able to help the souls in purgatory by offering prayers in suffrage for them, especially the Eucharistic sacrifice. They also help them by almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance. These two questions and answers summarize information in sections 1020-1032[39] and 1054[40] of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, published in 1992, which also speaks of purgatory in sections 1472 and 1473[41]
More authoritative statements are those of the Council of Trent in 1563[42] and the Council of Florence in 1439.[43]
Eastern Catholic Churches
The Roman Catholic Church is made up of 23 distinct Churches. The Latin Church is by far the most populous and influential-- its members make up approximately 98% of the Roman Catholic Church. The remaining 22 churches are known collectively as the Eastern Catholic Churches. Historically, most of the Eastern Catholic Churches were, at some point in history, separate entities that later united with the Latin Church.
The Eastern Catholic Churches are full and equal members of the Roman Catholic Church, are under the leadership of the Pope, and officially accept all the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church (including those involving purgatory). However, there are differences between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church in numerous matters of ceremony, tradition, and terminology. For example, while the priests in the Latin Church take vows of celibacy, married men are eligible to join the priesthood in most Eastern Catholic Churches.
One of the differences between the Latin Church and some of the Eastern Catholic Churches concerns views about aspects of purgatory. The Eastern Catholic Churches of Greek tradition do not, in general, use the word "purgatory", but they do agree that there is a "final purification" for souls destined for heaven, and that prayers can help the dead who are in that state of "final purification". In general, neither the members of the Latin Church nor the members of these Eastern Catholic Churches regard these differences as major points of dispute, but instead see the differences more as minor nuances and differences of tradition. For example, a treaty that formalized the admission of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church into the full communion of the Roman Catholic Church explicitly states: "We shall not debate about purgatory, but we entrust ourselves to the teaching of the Holy Church",[44] implying, in the opinion of a theologian of that Church, that both sides can agree to disagree on the specifics of what the West calls "purgatory", while there is full agreement on the essentials.[45] There is no disagreement about any aspect whatever of the doctrine of purgatory between the other Eastern Catholic Churches, such as the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, and the Latin Church.
Eastern Orthodox Church
Christians generally reject the Roman Catholic understanding of purgatory. [46] They do, however, pray for the dead, and they accept that those prayers can affect the state of the souls of the deceased.
Eastern Orthodox teaching is that, while all undergo a Particular Judgment immediately after death, neither the just nor the wicked attain the final state of bliss or punishment before the last day,[47] with some exceptions for righteous souls like the Theotokos (Blessed Virgin Mary), "who was borne by the angels directly to heaven".[48]
Eastern Orthodox theology does not generally describe the situation of the dead as involving suffering or fire, although it nevertheless describes it as a "direful condition".[49] The souls of the righteous dead are in light and rest, with a foretaste of eternal happiness; but the souls of the wicked are in a state the reverse of this. Among the latter, such souls as have departed with faith, but "without having had time to bring forth fruits worthy of repentance..., may be aided towards the attainment of a blessed resurrection [at the end of time] by prayers offered in their behalf, especially those offered in union with the oblation of the bloodless sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ, and by works of mercy done in faith for their memory."[50]
The state in which souls undergo this experience is often referred to as "Hades".[51]
The Orthodox Confession of Peter Mogila (1596-1646), adopted, in a Greek translation by Meletius Syrigos, by the 1642 Council of Jassy, in Romania, professes that "many are freed from the prison of hell ... through the good works of the living and the Church's prayers for them, most of all through the unbloody sacrifice, which is offered on certain days for all the living and the dead" (question 64); and (under the heading "How must one consider the purgatorial fire?") "the Church rightly performs for them the unbloody sacrifice and prayers, but they do not cleanse themselves by suffering something. But, the Church never maintained that which pertains to the fanciful stories of some concerning the souls of their dead, who have not done penance and are punished, as it were, in streams, springs and swamps" (question 66).".[52]
The Eastern Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem, held in 1672, declared that "the souls of those that have fallen asleep are either at rest or in torment, according to what each hath wrought" (an enjoyment or condemnation that will be complete only after the resurrection of the dead); but the souls of some "depart into Hades, and there endure the punishment due to the sins they have committed. But they are aware of their future release from there, and are delivered by the Supreme Goodness, through the prayers of the Priests, and the good works which the relatives of each do for their Departed; especially the unbloody Sacrifice benefiting the most; which each offers particularly for his relatives that have fallen asleep, and which the Catholic and Apostolic Church offers daily for all alike. Of course, it is understood that we do not know the time of their release. We know and believe that there is deliverance for such from their direful condition, and that before the common resurrection and judgment, but when we know not."[53]
Some Orthodox believe in a controversial theory of "Aerial Toll-Houses" for the souls of the dead. According to this theory, which is rejected by other Orthodox, "following a person's death the soul leaves the body and is escorted to God by angels. During this journey the soul passes through an aerial realm which is ruled by demons. The soul encounters these demons at various points referred to as 'toll-houses' where the demons then attempt to accuse it of sin and, if possible, drag the soul into hell."[54]
In general, Protestant churches do not accept the doctrine of purgatory. One of Protestantism's central tenets is Sola scriptura, a Latin phrase which translates to "Scripture alone". Protestants believe that the Bible alone is the basis for valid Christian doctrine and, since the Judeo-Protestant canon contains no overt, explicit discussion of purgatory, Protestants reject it as an unbiblical belief.[55]
Another tenet of Protestantism is Sola fide-- "By faith alone". While Catholicism regards both good works and faith as being essential to salvation, Protestants believe faith alone is sufficient to achieve salvation and that good works are merely evidence of that faith. Salvation is generally seen as discrete event which takes place during one's lifetime. Instead of distinguishing between mortal and venial sins, Protestants believe that one's faith or state of salvation dictates one's place in the afterlife. Those who have been saved by God are destined for heaven, while those have not been saved will be excluded from heaven. Accordingly, they reject the notion of any provisional or temporary state or place, such as purgatory.
Accordingly, Martin Luther believed that it was of no avail to pray for the dead.[56] However, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession states: "Epiphanius testifies that Aerius held that prayers for the dead are useless. With this he finds fault. Neither do we favor Aerius" (emphasis added).[57]
Some Protestants hold that a person enters into the fullness of its bliss or torment only after the resurrection of the body, and that the soul in that intermediate state is conscious and aware of the fate in store for it.[58] Others have held that souls in the intermediate state between death and resurrection are without consciousness, a state known as soul sleep.[59]
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds that, in the spirit world, where the human spirit goes after death, those who chose to follow Jesus Christ during earthly life will be at peace and those who chose not to follow him and did not repent will be unhappy, and all will have the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ and to repent.[60] After the resurrection, even those who repented only after death will be admitted to heaven, though only to the lowest of the three kingdoms or degrees of glory.[61] They receive this glory only after they have themselves paid for their sins and suffered for their transgressions.[62]. Mormon belief in the possibility of repenting after death is radically opposed to the belief that a person's attitude to God is fixed at death (see Particular judgment), resulting either in a definitive lack of communion with God and consequent inacapacity for eternal life, or in an equally definitive communion with God that, if not purified of attachment to creatures before death, must undergo that purification or purgatory afterwards.[63]
Judaism and Islam
In Judaism, Gehenna is a place of purification where, according to some traditions, most sinners spend up to a year before release.[64]
In Islam also, Jahannam may be a temporary place of punishment for some, eternal for others.[65]
1 Orthodox Confession of Faith, questions 64-66.
2 Olivier Clément, L'Église orthodoxe. Presses Universitaries de France, 2006, Section 3, IV
3 See, for instance, LDS Life After Death
4 Jewish Encyclopedia: Gehenna
5 Gehinnom
6 Collins English Dictionary
7 "Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, 'eternal fire'" (IV Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1035). 8 Cf. CCC 1030-1032
9 CCC 1030-1032
10 CCC 1054
11 CCC 1854
12 CCC 1855
13 CCC 1861
14 CCC 1863
15 CCC 1875
16 CCC 1863
17 CCC 1263
18 CCC 1468
19 CCC 1030
20 CCC 1031
21 Catholic Encyclopedia on Purgatory
22 Catholic Encyclopedia on Purgatory
23 Catholic Encyclopedia on Purgatory
24 Catholic Encyclopedia on "poena sensus"
25 CCC 1031
26 CCC 1473. In his 2007 encyclical Spe salvi, Pope Benedict XVI applies to the purgation of souls after death the words of Paul the Apostle in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 about some being "saved, but only as through fire"; in the encounter with Christ after death, Christ's "gaze, the touch of his heart heals us through an undeniably painful transformation 'as through fire'. But it is a blessed pain, in which the holy power of his love sears through us like a flame, enabling us to become totally ourselves and thus totally of God" (Spe salvi, 46-47).
27 CCC 1472
28 Cabrol and Leclercq, Monumenta Ecclesiæ Liturgica. Volume I: Reliquiæ Liturgicæ Vetustissimæ (Paris, 1900-2) pp. ci-cvi, cxxxix.
29 CCC 1032
30 CCC 1471
31 CCC 1479
32 [1]
33 [2]
34 Pope Paul VI, Apostolic Constitution on Indulgences, norm 5
35 Section "Abuses" in Catholic Encyclopedia: Purgatory
36 Catholic Encyclopedia: Reformation
37 Audience of 4 August 1999
38 Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 210-211
39 Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 1020-1032
40 Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 1054
41 Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 1472-1473
42 Decree concerning Purgatory
43 Denzinger 1304 - old numbering 693
44 Treaty of Brest, Article 5
45 Doctrine
46 Cross, F. L., ed. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005
47 John Meyondorff, Byzantine Theology (London: Mowbrays, 1974) pp. 220-221. "At death man's body goes to the earth from which it was taken, and the soul, being immortal, goes to God, who gave it. The souls of men, being conscious and exercising all their faculties immediately after death, are judged by God. This judgment following man's death we call the Particular Judgment. The final reward of men, however, we believe will take place at the time of the General Judgment. During the time between the Particular and the General Judgment, which is called the Intermediate State, the souls of men have foretaste of their blessing or punishment" (The Orthodox Faith).
48 Michael Azkoul, What Are the Differences Between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism?
49 Confession of Dositheus, Decree 18
50 Catechism of St. Philaret of Moscow, 372 and 376; Constas H. Demetry, Catechism of the Eastern Orthodox Church p. 37; John Meyondorff, Byzantine Theology (London: Mowbrays, 1974) p. 96; cf. "The Orthodox party ... remarked that the words quoted from the book of Maccabees, and our Saviour's words, can only prove that some sins will be forgiven after death" (OrthodoxInfo.com, The Orthodox Response to the Latin Doctrine of Purgatory)
51 What Are the Differences Between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism?; Constas H. Demetry, Catechism of the Eastern Orthodox Church p. 37
52 Orthodox Confession of Faith, questions 64-66.
53 Confession of Dositheus, Decree 18
54 Death and the Toll House Contraversy
55 The same argument has been used by, for instance, Nontrinitarianism 56 Question 201 of Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation (Concordia Publishing House, 1991 edition) answers the question "For whom should we pray?" as follows: "We should pray for ourselves and for all other people, even for our enemies, but not for the souls of the dead" (The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
57 Apology XXIV, 96
58 John Calvin wrote: "As long as (our spirit) is in the body it exerts its own powers; but when it quits this prison-house it returns to God, whose presence it meanwhile enjoys, while it rests in the hope of a blessed Resurrection. This rest is its paradise. On the other hand, the spirit of the reprobate, while it waits for the dreadful judgment, is tortured by that anticipation" (Psychopannychia by John Calvin) 59 Martin Luther, contending against the doctrine of purgatory, spoke of the souls of the dead as quite asleep, but this notion of unconscious soul sleep is not included in the Lutheran Confessions and Lutheran theologians generally reject it. (See Soul Sleep – Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.)
60 LDS Life After Death
61 Heaven and Eternal Reward
62 Mormon Degrees of Glory, lines 81-86. Any of the degrees of glory comes at a price. Either Christ pays this price or the individual pays. Those who did not repent while alive must pay the price for themselves. The glory they receive depends on whether they had the opportunity to accept Christ and repent while alive: those who did not have this chance while alive but lived honorable lives will receive greater glory than honorable men who knowingly rejected Christ while alive (Mormon Degrees of Glory).
63 "Every sin, even venial, entails an unhealthy attachment to creatures, which must be purified either here on earth, or after death in the state called Purgatory. This purification frees one from what is called the 'temporal punishment' of sin" (CCC 1472).) Purification or cleansing from sin gives the capacity of eternal life, privation of which is what the Catechism of the Catholic Church calls the "eternal punishment" of sin. In the Catholic view, that cleansing from sin must be obtained before death. The other cleansing, that from attachment to creatures, is what the Catholic Church calls the "temporal punishment" of sin.
64 "There are three categories of men; the wholly pious and the arch-sinners are not purified, but only those between these two classes" (Jewish Encyclopedia: Gehenna); cf. Gehinnom
65 Gardet, L. "Jahannam," Encyclopedia of Islam.