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Demi-Succubae don't really sweat. The shininess on their latex skins is produced by the skins excreting oils to keep the latex shiny. But that has little to do with temprature regulation of their bodies. (That being less than  2%.) They displace heat through their spade shapped tailfin (5%), and their horns and ears (10%). This can make them a little on the warm side, so the rest is absorbed into their "Mana" pool. (At least that is what the author is going with at the moment.)
Demi-Succubae don't really sweat. The shininess on their latex skins is produced by the skins excreting oils to keep the latex shiny. But that has little to do with temprature regulation of their bodies. (That being less than  2%.) They displace heat through their spade shapped tailfin (5%), and their horns and ears (10%). This can make them a little on the warm side, so the rest is absorbed into their "Mana" pool. (At least that is what the author is going with at the moment.)

====Satyri and Nudity====
It's well known that Satyri have issues remembering to wear clothing after their change, but it's only recently it was discovered just how severe this effect really is.  Recent MRI scans of Satyri reveal that the portion of the brain responsible for the nudity taboo are quite literally missing from post-transformation Satyri brains -- neurosurgeons liken the damage to "a part of the brain that has been electrocuted and scarred over."
What this means is three fold -- First, and most importantly, outside of protection from the elements and other non-modesty related concerns, Satyri literally cannot comprehend the need to wear clothing or otherwise cover their bodies.  They feel absolutely no urge to do so, can literally not understand why they should, and are absolutely baffled as to why other people are offended, titillated, or shocked when they are nude.
Second, because this is a permanent form of what is effectively brain damage, this can ''never'' change -- no Satyri ''ever'' feels any urge to cover up or dress themselves no matter how long it has been since their transformation, nor do they ever grasp why normal humans find this point of view unusual; the very concept is permanently, utterly alien to them.
Finally, and perhaps worst of all, because this part of their psyche is "scarred over", they can never "re-learn" or retain any form of modesty -- A Satyri must be constantly reminded to wear clothing or they will quickly forget about it, seeing it as pointless; every time the concept that their nudity is offensive, shocking, or erotic is brought up it is just as incomprehensible to them as the first time.
Satyri can get into the habit of wearing clothing; this is mostly in response to being stopped / arrested / annoyed by others who react poorly to their nudity.  It is more appropriate to say that with time, Satyri can ''learn when it's ok to be naked'' rather than ''learn to wear clothing''.
It is unknown as to why this particular modification of the Satyri mind comes into play; one theory is that whatever essence causes the Satyri transformation hides out in the Satyri mind around where humans conceive of body shame and nudity (burning it out as it processes the transformation); another theory is that by enforcing a latent sexuality on the Satyri (as while Satyri do not find anything titillating about their walking around nude, ''others'' certainly do) they are making it easier for Succubi to perform their duties; still another theory is that the arrival of the Satyri heralds the return of other magical creatures such as Elves, Were-creatures and Fae, the majority of which do not share humanity's somewhat "extreme" views on casual nudity.

===The Process===
===The Process===

Revision as of 12:42, 18 October 2011

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Satyri are a form of Succubi created by online artist DPRagan, who's works can be found on Deviantart.com.

An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist DPRagan.

Initially, the Satryi were created as an independent character type that DPRagan drew, but he has also created a universe called the Magic School Universe in which these beings are somewhat more well defined.

General Description

A form of transformed human, Satyri are half human, half succubus. Created via a cursed object being used on a virgin male (a popular item being shampoo), Satyri are almost universally female after the change. Whether transformed by Lilith Brand Soap or kidnapped and drained/transformed by a sadistic demon, these humans, now demi-demoness girls have to live with the result.

They are characterized by a lack of nudity taboo (although this can be regained, with training), almost universally being female, and shiny, latex-like skin of inhuman color.

After their transformation, the new Satyri seek out other victims to continue the transmission of their curse in most cases.

The Artist's Original description of Satyri

The following is a slightly cleaned up explanation of Satyri as written by the artist DPRagan and posted on his Deviantart page[1]

Race Summary

  • Race: Latex Skinned Demi-Succubus
  • Type: Mortal


The internal organs of Satyri are identical to those a human if only slightly tougher. The skin of the Demi-Succubus bears a strong biological resemblance to that of natural latex. The hide covers nearly the entire body, with the only exception of where it meets the hooves, at which point it sometimes becomes scaly. Satyri have no whites in their eyes, there is only a dark shade that seems to absorb most light. The irises vary in shade from the human normal color range to exotic colors. However, all have to some degree yellow near their slit pupils. Satyri have smallish to medium sized horns and they regenerate if broken or sawed off. Demi-Succubae have a three to four foot long fully prehensile tail capable of grasping objects with their spade shaped tip. The tails have clusters of "knot-like" neurons that can cause it to behave erratically at times, usually in a manner that is annoying to the owner, however this can be controlled with practice.

Satyri legs are comparable to humans, and identical to the point of the kneecaps. Below that point, the calves and bones of the lower legs are half the size of a human's and unguligraded, with long foot bones that end in cloven hooves. The mouth of the Demi-Succubus has several diffrences from that of a human. Both the upper and lower canines are elongated and pointed. Demi-Succubus tongues while appearing normal, other then a short slit along the last quarter inch of the tip, are actually elastic like a frog's, but with more control and are able to taste the air similarly to that of a snake's.


Demi-Succubae are still mortal in that they are living breathing creatures that eat food just like the rest of us. They do have special physical dietary needs that can be taken care of in their home "pocket" realm. They still possess Agency or free will, and their finale fates are determined by their actions. The yellow of their eyes gives them a good indication of their position on the path towards becoming demonic in nature. The more yellow seen indicates the worse off they are, and how likely they are to cross over into being a True demon. No one knows what happens if the yellow disappears, but there is speculation, ranging from returning to being a normal human to transforming into an angel, or possibly nothing.

Other interesting info

Demi-Succubae don't really sweat. The shininess on their latex skins is produced by the skins excreting oils to keep the latex shiny. But that has little to do with temprature regulation of their bodies. (That being less than 2%.) They displace heat through their spade shapped tailfin (5%), and their horns and ears (10%). This can make them a little on the warm side, so the rest is absorbed into their "Mana" pool. (At least that is what the author is going with at the moment.)

Satyri and Nudity

It's well known that Satyri have issues remembering to wear clothing after their change, but it's only recently it was discovered just how severe this effect really is. Recent MRI scans of Satyri reveal that the portion of the brain responsible for the nudity taboo are quite literally missing from post-transformation Satyri brains -- neurosurgeons liken the damage to "a part of the brain that has been electrocuted and scarred over."

What this means is three fold -- First, and most importantly, outside of protection from the elements and other non-modesty related concerns, Satyri literally cannot comprehend the need to wear clothing or otherwise cover their bodies. They feel absolutely no urge to do so, can literally not understand why they should, and are absolutely baffled as to why other people are offended, titillated, or shocked when they are nude.

Second, because this is a permanent form of what is effectively brain damage, this can never change -- no Satyri ever feels any urge to cover up or dress themselves no matter how long it has been since their transformation, nor do they ever grasp why normal humans find this point of view unusual; the very concept is permanently, utterly alien to them.

Finally, and perhaps worst of all, because this part of their psyche is "scarred over", they can never "re-learn" or retain any form of modesty -- A Satyri must be constantly reminded to wear clothing or they will quickly forget about it, seeing it as pointless; every time the concept that their nudity is offensive, shocking, or erotic is brought up it is just as incomprehensible to them as the first time.

Satyri can get into the habit of wearing clothing; this is mostly in response to being stopped / arrested / annoyed by others who react poorly to their nudity. It is more appropriate to say that with time, Satyri can learn when it's ok to be naked rather than learn to wear clothing.

It is unknown as to why this particular modification of the Satyri mind comes into play; one theory is that whatever essence causes the Satyri transformation hides out in the Satyri mind around where humans conceive of body shame and nudity (burning it out as it processes the transformation); another theory is that by enforcing a latent sexuality on the Satyri (as while Satyri do not find anything titillating about their walking around nude, others certainly do) they are making it easier for Succubi to perform their duties; still another theory is that the arrival of the Satyri heralds the return of other magical creatures such as Elves, Were-creatures and Fae, the majority of which do not share humanity's somewhat "extreme" views on casual nudity.

The Process

The transformation process starts with a True Succubus choosing a virgin male of generally upright moral standing. Changing someone who is already doing evil is redundant to them. She then forces sexual activity with him in her realm. She can even take over his peripherial nervous system to make him preform for her if needed. She draws the yang energy out while replacing it with a part of her dark essence.

Then the transformation goes through several stages:

  • The boy first transforms into a girl, and then morphs into a Satyri or Latex Demi_Succubea. Throughout most of the transformation, the male is likely unconcious from pain and pleasure, mostly pain.
  • He wakes up now a girl, and no longer human, but still alive and mortal.
  • She finds that now she is Hetrosexual in her new gender. She might still like females, but the sexual drives are no longer there.
  • The new Satyri has all the memories and personality of her former life, otherwise it wouldn't be delicious torture on the part of the True Succubus that began the transformation.

Explanation of Satyri Eyes and their color changes

Satyri eyes really are windows into their souls. That is why they are worried about the amount of yellow in their eyes. It is, in its most simplest form, a "Sin Gauge" for them. Normal feeding, even if the guy they feen upon ends up a girl, won't do anything. Sins of higher order, such as murder, rape, theft, blasphemy, turning another boy into a succubus, will cause the narrow band of yellow in their eyes to expand. Once the eyes are completely yellow, they become full demons and cannot be saved. If they should die before that, then they are judged as any other mortal. If they somehow make the yellow band dissappear...no one knows, they might become human again of become a demi-cherribi or Living angel?

Latex Demi-Inncubae

Latex Demi-Inncubae are made in a similar process involving virgin females being simialry tainted by a Parent Incubae.

Satyri Offspring

When a Male and Female Satyri have intercourse, there is a slightly higher then average chance of producing a satyri offspring. The offspring are born having the physical traits of a Satyri except that they don't gain the starter yellow ring in their eyes until age 8, and they don't have to start feeding until they reach sexual maturity.

Magic School Universe

In August of 2009, DPRagan posted an FAQ on a setting he called the Magic School Universe.[2] That outline is reproduced here for completeness with the Satyri.

General Concept

Early in the 21st Century, quantum physics experimented with feedback techniques. This lead to the discovery that humans with the proper training could manipulate reality to a small degree. Unfortunately while studying it under controlled conditions, environmental terrorists, through a sympathetic researcher, used the research to create quantum-viruses. These viruses came to be called called Q1T1 through Q1T8, or collectively known by slang names such as "Cat Scratch Fever" or "Neko-jin Syndrome".

The release of the viruses into the general population opened a Pandora's box. Once "Magic" re-entered human culture, people found that manipulating reality became easier and easier as belief that magic didn't exist quickly eroded. Magic, as Quantum Manipulation, as it is more popularly called, is now quantified as part of Quantum Physics.

Some churches condemned the usage outright, others embraced it, but for most of the faiths the jury is still out. However, as irresponsible magic users and crimes involving magic rose, more and more churches leaned toward condemnation of it except for other certain disciplines that seemed to mirror the kabalaah and theurgy or Monk-like feats.

Magical Phenotypes

  • Endo-Magic: Magic that involves strengthening the human body in some way, either that of themselves or others. These skills seem to be much like the classic classes such as the Monk or Bard. 90% of Endomages are Male, Female Endomages seem to gravitate towards Dance as an expression of their magic or seem naturals at shape shifting.

Endomages can use Exo-magic but it requires more concentration and power usage, and feels like trying to use their off-hand to write.

  • Exo-Magic: Magic that involves the projection or manipulation of forces, matter or energy outside the human body. These skills are what most think of when Magic is mentioned. 90% of Exomages are Female. Males who are Exomages talents seem to run more toward combat magic.

Exomages can use Endomagic but it requires more concentration and power and feels like hot and cold flashes.

  • Meso-Magic: It is rare that mages are proficient in both, but either through natural talent or practice some mages can utilize both styles. 3% of all mages are Mesomages, this breaks down to 2% female and 1% male. Many Mesomages suffer from QHS/MSS

Known Syndromes and Curses=

Quantum Hypersensitivity Syndrome (QHS): More Commonly called Magical Sensitivity Syndrome or MSS, Humans with this syndrome are especially sensitive to the fluctuations, in the local Quantum fields aka Mana.

Symptoms include:

  • Glowing and hyperactivity during times of cresting levels of mana
  • Lethargy and even depression during waning levels of mana
  • Sympathetic reactions to nearby spells
  • Headaches and Body aches
  • Sudden Mana Discharge

Most suffers of QHS/MSS are Mesomages, some "non-mages" have also been known to suffer from the syndrome. Current theory is that they might be more in denial of their hidden talents then true non-mages.

Cat Scratch Fever: This Cursed Virus was originally created to take useless (in they eyes of the group) "Humans" and transform them physically into endangered cats thereby making infected humans less of a burden to mother Earth.

Indeed the first generation of the virus did just that, luckily for humanity it was only capable of infecting 0.1% of the population, which ironically included 100% of the research staff that created it.

Once it got loose both the virus and the curse quickly "mutated" gathering in domestic felines, leaving more human features and increasing the infection rate to 5% of the human population. It is now rare that someone devolves to full animal from the curse.

Symptoms Include:

  • Body fur long/short
  • Feline like feet
  • Semi-prehensile tail
  • Feline ears
  • Whiskers
  • Slight snout
  • Extra mammary glands (rare)
  • Twice yearly "heat/rut"
  • Transgender shift (more common in males then females)
  • Claustrophobic-Feral-mental regression (Extreme cases cause a partial or full devolve into a feline body type)

"Lilith Brand Body-wash:" First sold door to door then later using a glamor to make it appear as a brand name body-wash. This "soap" seems to effect human male virgins the most, followed by in rarity female virgins and very rare cases non-virgins. Authorities are trying to track down the person or persons responsible for this terror wave.

Once unwittingly (usually) applied, the user's human skin begins to dissolve and slough off, this process is painless and some users don't even notice, some have even been known to have an erotic reaction to it and begin pulling it off believing that it is a hallucination.

The exception to this is the face, the skin there does not automatically slough off, however it does become increasingly irritated and people have to show great mental self control not to rip the facial skin off.

Under the skin is a rubbery hide, with Red is most common followed by Green, Blue, Violet, Pink, and Egg-White in the effected population

The user almost universally change genders (99.5% M2F) gains a fully prehensile tail and Unguligrade cloven hoofed feet.

Satyri, as the suffers of the transformation are called, have physically "forked" tongues. Much like a pit viper, although with elasticity of a frogs, the tongue is semi-prehensile. At rest, the tongue looks much like a normal human tongue only with a slight notch at the tip, it can however stretch to a length of a foot (30.48 cm). Satyri are omnivorous, with they same dental alignment of normal humans, with the notable exception of their upper and lower canines being more prominent.

95% of Satyri seem to have normal human eyes (with feline slit pupils) but some rare ones seem to have "black" sclera's and a small band of gold along the split pupil black sclera eyes are also reflective.

It has been noted in Medical communities that extreme biological stress (Starvation or massive injuries) can cause Temporary Umbral Sclera to develop. Usually this fades once the stimulus that cause the condition has been corrected, During this time sexual encounters are discouraged without both parties consulting a SRS Specialist.

Satyri have elf like ears, while their hearing is the same level as that of a baseline humans, their ability to move their ears more easily and their enlarged pinna allow for picking up sounds that most humans would miss.

All Satyries have at least vestigial horns with the average being about an inch and a half to three inches long, and the largest horns usually resembling a ram, goat or cows with the rare gazelle in both shape and size. Larger horns occur more in the rarer male satyries.

It should be noted that Satyri have off reactions to holy items; Most items cause them to become sexually aroused, with Holy Water demonstrating the most interesting effect in that it literally dissolves their clothing, usually underwear first!

It should be noted that Satyri with permanent umbral sclera tend to have an alergic reaction to the quantum elements behind holy symbols and Holy water.

Magic Primer

All actual "magic" is an act of will, however to keep the person who cut you off in traffic from being splattered against a hill by a mage's unfocused will, people are taught to use spells.

It sounds archaic, or something like summoning a demon. (That is also possible and illegal, using one to commit a crime carries the same penalty as a terrorist act.) In actuality it's a mnemonic/trigger/emergency stop system. This allows one to shape the spell as needed.

Scientists have pushed for Latin to be the language of Quantum Manipulation due to it's status as a dead language, surprisingly, those who follow the more...paganistic paths, agreed. They have already been doing so as well for some time. The reason for Latin? Someone who uses common words and phrases for a mnemonic will find that the mere act of talking casts wild spells.

Certain sub parts or objects in a spell are assigned a Latin word with an action often ending up as a phrase. By practicing each word while practicing that part it becomes fixed into the mind. Stringing the words together creates a more complex "Quantum Program" as the process is called in scientific circles.

Speaking or singing works best for quantum manipulation, while a person could do it in their mind, things can get garbled as stray thoughts cross.


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