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Thaumatology 101

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Thaumatology 101 eBook Cover, written by Niall Teasdale.

Thaumatology 101 is an eBook written by Niall Teasdale. It is the first book in the Thaumatology series by this author. In this series, the character Lily Carpenter is a half-succubus and a friend to the main character of the series Ceridwyn Brent.


  • Title: Thaumatology 101
  • Author: Niall Teasdale
  • Published By: Smashwords
  • Length: 137 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • Publishing Date: October 1, 2011

Other Works in this series on SuccuWiki

Plot Summary

Ceridwyn Brent had a fairly easy life, kept safe from the supernatural dangers of the world around her by the enchantments her parents placed on her when she was a baby. Then her parents died in a car accident leaving their daughter a well-protected nervous wreck, afraid of travel and especially cars, and unwilling to leave the house. Then she met Lily Carpenter, a half-succubus trying to get her life back on track and they helped each other back to something like a normal life. As normal as it gets when your house looks like the Munsters were the chief designers and your housekeeper is an enigmatic fairy.

It was Lily who persuaded Ceri to apply for the job as research assistant to Doctor Cheryl Tennant, lead researcher in quantum thaumatology at the London Metropolitan University. Doctor Tennant is locked in a battle with a better funded team at Cambridge to discover the fundamental particle of magic, the Null Thaumiton. Everyone knows the race has been heating up with both sides close to a result, but there was no way Ceri could have expected sabotage and murder to be involved in an academic contest.

Soon Ceri and Lily are in the middle of an academic war, surrounded by wizards, werewolves, and demons, and in the meantime there’s still that elusive particle to uncover.

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has purchased this work and will review it as soon as possible.

External Links