On November 6th, 2024, the 9,000th article was added to the SuccuWiki!
Succubus (Neverwinter Nights)
For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).
This is a character in the Neverwinter Nights RPG game.
With perfect builds and flawless skin, Succubi are the most comely of demons. They live to tempt mortal men into crimes of passion.
- Race=Outsider
- Alignment=Chaotic evil
- AC=20
- HP=33
- AB=+7/+2
- Damage=1d3+1 / 1d3+1 piercing-slashing damage / special (creature weapon)
- HD=6
- CR=7
- STR=13
- DEX=13
- CON=13
- INT=16
- WIS=14
- CHA=20
- FORT=6
- Reflex=6
- Will=7
- Skills=concentration, hide, listen (exceptionally high), move silently, search, spot (exceptionally high)
- Feats=darkvision, dodge, mobility, weapon proficiency (creature)
Special attacks
The third creature weapon causes a single level drain on-hit.
Special abilities
- Spells
- 3 x charm monster (caster level|CL 12)
- 3 x clairaudience/clairvoyance (CL 12)
- 3 x darkness (CL 12)
- 3 x doom (CL 12)
- Monster abilities
- 1 x summon tanarri
Special defenses
- Damage reduction: 20/+2
- Damage resistance: acid damage 20 / -
- Damage resistance: cold damage 20 / -
- Damage resistance: fire damage 20 / -
- Immunity: electrical damage 100%
- Immunity: poison
- Spell resistance: 12
Special abilities
A succubus has 20/+2 damage reduction, and 20/- acid, cold, and fire damage resistance, as well as 100% immunity to electrical damage. In addition, this creature is immune to poison and has a spell resistance of 12.
A succubus' slam attack drains a single level on-hit. This creature can cast a number of spells as spell-like abilities (cannot be countered or interrupted) with a caster level of 12. These abilities are charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, darkness, and doom, each usable three times per day. In addition, this creature can summon tanarri once per day.