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Template:Infobox mythical creature

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Revision as of 08:07, 19 February 2014 by TeraS (talk | contribs)
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Copy the code shown below, and paste it into the article you would like the above Infobox to appear in.

{{Infobox mythical creature
|name = Name of creature
|AKA           = Also known as
|image         = Image filename
|image_size    = Image size in pixels
|caption       = Image description
|Mythology     = Mythological background
|Grouping      = Typically Cryptid or Legendary creature or Urban legend
|Sub_Grouping  = The generic category of creature (e.g. Lake monster, Fairy, Spirit, Dragon)
|Related       = Other beings on SuccuWiki that connect to this being
|Country       = Country of origin
|Region        = Region of origin (if a specific country is not applicable)
|Habitat       = Habitat of creature
|First_Reported = First reported sighting
|Last_Reported  = Last reported sighting
|Similar_creatures = Similar mythical creatures