On November 6th, 2024, the 9,000th article was added to the SuccuWiki!


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The following article has been added to the SuccuWiki for the sake of completeness with the entry Aliisza

Kael is a half-drow; son of the Alu-Fiend Aliisza and drow wizard Pharaun Mizzrym. He is also friends with the fallen deva Tauran, his mentor. It is believed that he is a fighter or divine champion of Torm rather than a paladin due to the fact he calls on the ability of Divine Wrath but exhibits no healing abilities.


Kael appears as a drow would, only taller and slightly more muscular. He has ebony skin and red eyes the shade of garnet.


Kael's personality is usually that of a calm, silent, and dedicated servant of the House of the Triad. His "quarter-demon" heritage will sometimes overcome him when challenged or mocked, leading him to showing a sort of tempered rage.

Magic Items

  • Holy Greatsword
  • Winged Boots - Enables flight
  • Pharaun Mizzrym's ring - Enables wearer to identify magical dweomers
  • Masterwork plate armor

Novels in which Kael appears on SuccuWiki

External Links