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In Biblical tradition, an archdemon is a spiritual entity, prominent in the infernal hierarchy.[citation needed] Essentially, an archdemon is the counterpart of an archangel. Archdemons are described as the leaders of demonic hosts, just as archangels lead choirs of angels.
In the Occult tradition, there is controversy regarding which demons should be classed as archdemons. During different ages, some demons were historically 'promoted' to archdemons, others were completely forgotten, and new ones were created. In ancient Jewish lore, pagan gods of neighbouring cultures were classed as extremely pernicious in order to protect Jews from worshiping them; therefore, Baal and Astarte were among the worst enemies of God. During the middle ages these characterizations were no longer important, but still persisted. New ones emerged, mostly revolving around Satan and the Antichrist.
In the Occult tradition, the stub, also referred to as Penta/Pentagram, is the "doorway" for the Demon of the given tradition through which it will enter this world if given a right Sacrifice. It is also said to fuel the wearer/user with the power of the Satanic host/superior.
The origin is not well known, but the most common theory is that the stub is a flawed David's star, which is a sacred symbol in Judaism, the oldest of 3 monotheistic religions ( Judaism, Christianity, Islam ). Probably most counter-religions/cults to them were using that symbol ever since. David's star has 6 points, while the stub has only 5, which makes it a "powerful" symbol, yet opposite to the "good" symbol, making it "evil".
Stub is also known to have writings around it and/or next to the points of the star.
In Christian occult tradition stub is usually placed up-side down, but that is not necessary.