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Lilith (World of Darkness)

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For other uses of the name Lillth, see Lilith (disambiguation).

Lilith is the first wife of Adam and mother of all demons in the fictional setting called the World of Darkness, created by White Wolf Game Studio.

Symbol of Lilith in WoW. LilithSymbol.jpg

The so-called Dark Mother was exiled from Eden before the creation of Eve, she was the first to taste the fruits of the tree of knowledge. Using her knowledge she created her own gardens, hoping to imitate Eden; she failed in her imitations and still longed for the paradise from which she had been exiled. While in the Land of Nod she encounters another exile, Caine and offers him shelter. She awakens the power in him and is betrayed by Caine for her efforts, who, after leaving her, returns with his descendants to destroy her garden and slaughter her children.

Worshiped by the Bahari & Lilitu, Lilith is said to impart her secrets to those who imitate her, choosing to challenge the established order and explore the limits of their own sensations.

See also



Justin Achilli et al., Vampire: The Masquerade (Revised Edition) (White Wolf Game Studio, 1998, ISBN 1-56504-249-2)

Phil Brucato, Rachelle Udell, Revelations of the Dark Mother (White Wolf Game Studio, 1998, ISBN 1-56504-237-9)

Celia S. Friedman,The Erciyes Fragments (White Wolf Game Studio, 1998, ISBN 1-56504-297-2)

Andrew Greenberg, The Book of Nod (White Wolf Game Studio, 1994, ISBN 1-56504-078-3)

Justin Achilli et al., Guide to the Sabbat (White Wolf Game Studio, 1999, ISBN 1565040422