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For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Satyri are a form of Succubi created by online artist DPRagan, who's works can be found on Deviantart.com.

An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist DPRagan


A form of transformed human, Satyri are half human, half succubus. Created via a cursed object being used on a virgin male (a popular item being shampoo), Satyri are almost universally female after the change. Whether transformed by Lilith Brand Soap or kidnapped and drained/transformed by a sadistic demon, these humans, now demi-demoness girls have to live with the result.

They are characterized by a lack of nudity taboo (although this can be regained, with training), almost universally being female, and shiny, latex-like skin of inhuman color.

After their transformation, the new Satyri seek out other victims to continue the transmission of their curse in most cases.

The Artist's description of Satyri

The following is a slightly cleaned up explanation of Satyri as written by the artist DPRagan and posted on his Deviantart page here.

Race Summary

  • Race: Latex Skinned Demi-Succubus
  • Type: Mortal


The internal organs of Satyri are identical to those a human if only slightly tougher. The skin of the Demi-Succubus bears a strong biological resemblance to that of natural latex. The hide covers nearly the entire body, with the only exception of where it meets the hooves, at which point it sometimes becomes scaly. Satyri have no whites in their eyes, there is only a dark shade that seems to absorb most light. The irises vary in shade from the human normal color range to exotic colors. However, all have to some degree yellow near their slit pupils. Satyri have smallish to medium sized horns and they regenerate if broken or sawed off. Demi-Succubae have a three to four foot long fully prehensile tail capable of grasping objects with their spade shaped tip. The tails have clusters of "knot-like" neurons that can cause it to behave erratically at times, usually in a manner that is annoying to the owner, however this can be controlled with practice.

Satyri legs are comparable to humans, and identical to the point of the kneecaps. Below that point, the calves and bones of the lower legs are half the size of a human's and unguligraded, with long foot bones that end in cloven hooves. The mouth of the Demi-Succubus has several diffrences from that of a human. Both the upper and lower canines are elongated and pointed. Demi-Succubus tongues while appearing normal, other then a short slit along the last quarter inch of the tip, are actually elastic like a frog's, but with more control and are able to taste the air similarly to that of a snake's.


Demi-Succubae are still mortal in that they are living breathing creatures that eat food just like the rest of us. They do have special physical dietary needs that can be taken care of in their home "pocket" realm. They still possess Agency or free will, and their finale fates are determined by their actions. The yellow of their eyes gives them a good indication of their position on the path towards becoming demonic in nature. The more yellow seen indicates the worse off they are, and how likely they are to cross over into being a True demon. No one knows what happens if the yellow disappears, but there is speculation, ranging from returning to being a normal human to transforming into an angel, or possibly nothing.

Other interesting info

Demi-Succubae don't really sweat. The shininess on their latex skins is produced by the skins excreting oils to keep the latex shiny. But that has little to do with temprature regulation of their bodies. (That being less than 2%.) They displace heat through their spade shapped tailfin (5%), and their horns and ears (10%). This can make them a little on the warm side, so the rest is absorbed into their "Mana" pool. (At least that is what the author is going with at the moment.)

The Process

The transformation process starts with a True Succubus choosing a virgin male of generally upright moral standing. Changing someone who is already doing evil is redundant to them. She then forces sexual activity with him in her realm. She can even take over his peripherial nervous system to make him preform for her if needed. She draws the yang energy out while replacing it with a part of her dark essence.

Then the transformation goes through several stages:

  • The boy first transforms into a girl, and then morphs into a Satyri or Latex Demi_Succubea. Throughout most of the transformation, the male is likely unconcious from pain and pleasure, mostly pain.
  • He wakes up now a girl, and no longer human, but still alive and mortal.
  • She finds that now she is Hetrosexual in her new gender. She might still like females, but the sexual drives are no longer there.
  • The new Satyri has all the memories and personality of her former life, otherwise it wouldn't be delicious torture on the part of the True Succubus that began the transformation.

Explanation of Satyri Eyes and their color changes

Satyri eyes really are windows into their souls. That is why they are worried about the amount of yellow in their eyes. It is, in its most simplest form, a "Sin Gauge" for them. Normal feeding, even if the guy they feen upon ends up a girl, won't do anything. Sins of higher order, such as murder, rape, theft, blasphemy, turning another boy into a succubus, will cause the narrow band of yellow in their eyes to expand. Once the eyes are completely yellow, they become full demons and cannot be saved. If they should die before that, then they are judged as any other mortal. If they somehow make the yellow band dissappear...no one knows, they might become human again of become a demi-cherribi or Living angel?

Latex Demi-Inncubae

Latex Demi-Inncubae are made in a similar process involving virgin females being simialry tainted by a Parent Incubae.

Satyri Offspring

When a Male and Female Satyri have intercourse, there is a slightly higher then average chance of producing a satyri offspring. The offspring are born having the physical traits of a Satyri except that they don't gain the starter yellow ring in their eyes until age 8, and they don't have to start feeding until they sexual maturity.

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