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Satyri/Lillithian Satyri

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An example of a Satyri as drawn by the artist DPRagan.

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation). For other Satyri variants by the artist DPRagan, see Satyri.

General Description

Lillithian Satyri are the other, lesser known type of Satyri. These are Satyri that have been actively transformed by a "mother" Succubus, not unlike how a Vampire can turn a Human victim into a thrall. Aside from the typical physical attributes all Satyri have, Lillithians all universally have black sclera (the "whites of the eyes"), which is related to their defining quirk: Lillithian souls contain a fragment of a Succubus soul inside them, which means they share the same hunger for yang essence as their "mother." This hunger comes with Succubus instincts, which push them towards more and more outrageous (and more succubus-like) behavior between feedings, in a cycle commonly called the "Nude/Lewd/Food" cycle for the 3 behaviors they push the Lillithian into taking.

This feeding must take the form of sexual acts with a male partner -- the more sexual, the more yang essence they can extract. While this is extremely pleasurable for both partners, a true Succubus can go further, ripping out the very essence of what makes a man spiritually male -- and plugging the resultant hole with a fragment of her own essence. The result is an extremely painful process that permanently leaves the victim a newborn Lillithian Satyri.

Unlike Soap Satyri, Lillithians are technically partially supernatural (one common term for them in occult circles is "Demi-Succubi"), and do have to worry about the state of their mortal soul. With sufficient sin, their Succubus soul can displace their Human soul outright, turning them permanently into a Succubus. Lillithians can gauge how much danger they are in by the color of their irises, the more yellow, the more sin they are holding in their souls and thus the more danger they are in of turning. These "Fallen" Lillithians, now newborn Succubi, invariably seek out new and interesting men to feed upon, no doubt turning at least a few of them into Lillithians themselves, which suggests that the entire Lillithian Succubi process is actually a form of Succubus reproduction.

Unlike normal Soap Satyri all Lillithian Satyri have at least some talent with shapeshifting magic. While they cannot hide their more obvious attributes (they're always fantastically attractive women and usually can't help but look like Satyri), they can (and do) abuse these powers in the pursuit of seducing (and feeding on) men. A Lillithian Satyri who loses control and instinctively feeds will also instinctively randomize their appearance, covering their tracks fairly well.

Physical Description

All Lillithians are, as a rule, as attractive as their Succubi "mothers." Lillithians invariably lose any excess weight, scars, tattoos, and other such minor imperfections during their change, leaving them with nearly supernatural beauty and health, although their general individuality and non-cosmetic flaws (such as the need to wear glasses) usually remain. Lillithians universally end up in the prime of life after their change, their bodies being physically regressed to the mid twenties, where they typically stay at for their entire lives.

Lillithians are easily recognized by their skin, which is more like latex than flesh. This rubber pelt is invariably a bright, inhuman color with shades of Crimson Red being the most common tone, although "Cobalt Blue," "Bubblegum," "Jade," "Royal Purple," "Eggshell White" and other variants are also common.

This skin is universally very shiny, as if treated with some form of polish; this is due to a natural form of oil the Satyri secrete instead of sweat. This "polish" also leaves the Satyri's skin feeling somewhat slippery and slick to the touch at all times, although this varies between each Satyri and changes over time.

Outside of the effects of the shine Satyri skin is near monochrome, although some areas such as the areola or lips experience a different coloring, similar to natural human pigmentation.

This color, shine, and "rubberness" extends to the Satyri's hair, which is frequently the same color (albeit a darker shade) as their skin. Satyri hair takes dyes and other hair treatments about as well as human hair; many Satyri bleach and then dye hair various "human" colors in an attempt to fit in better.

A pair of small horns is always found peeking out from the hair, these are invariably a still darker shade of their skintone, and tend towards being fairly straight and about 2 inches long. The occasional rare animal style (ram, goat, etc) can be seen, although they remain purely decorative on all Satyri despite their shapes. These horns regrow over time if removed or damaged.

Outside of this hair and their eyebrows, Satyri are hairless under the neck, the vast majority of Satyri skin lacks any form of hair follicles.

Lillithian eyes are slit and catlike, with black sclera (the so called "whites of their eyes"), although despite this they retain human eyesight, although with better night vision. Almost all Lillithians have a golden band around their irises, with at least some yellow in said irises; this band reflects light but has no effect on vision. This yellow tint to their irises grows and changes as the Lillithian ages; unbeknownst to most Lillithians, this is a "soul gague" -- as the Lillithian commits sins and damns themselves, the amount of yellow rises. By the time their irises fully change to yellow, they have fallen into true daemonhood, turning into Succubi.

Similarly to the eyes, Satyri ears are long and elf-like externally. Internally they are unchanged but the ability to move them and the extra size allow Satyri to pick up more sounds than standard human hearing.

Satyri tongues are split like a viper's, and are roughly as maneuverable and stretchy as a frog's. They appear normal (sans a small notch in the middle) at rest, but a Satyri can stretch their tongues out to a full foot, as well as "smell" the air with the tongue like snakes. Similar "snakelike" changes occur to Saytri teeth, which have much more prominent canines. Despite these changes, Satyri remain as omnivorous as humans.

All Satyri also have unguligrade legs, similar to a Satyr of Greek myth (hence the name) or a Draenei from the popular "World of Warcraft" MMORPG. These legs end in cloven hooves (technically Satyri toenails) and are slightly longer than normal legs, but are folded inward slightly to compensate -- a Satyri's height is relatively unchanged after their transformation. Satyri do require physical therapy to re-learn how to walk after their changes, however after this training they are as mobile as a human.

Satyri universally have a thick tail ending in a heart or triangle shaped spade, this tail is fully prehensile, but remains under the control of the Satyri's subconscious, not conscious, mind. Satyri emotions are easily discerned by the motions and posturing of the tail; the tail also acts as a natural counterbalance, helping the Satyri walk on their new legs.

Some Lillithians, particularly those who have "fallen" to full demonhood, have wings, although this is exceedingly rare. No Satyri can fly without magical assistance, although this magical assistance is instinctive to fallen Satyri.

All Lillithains have the potential to learn how to use shape changing transformation magic upon themselves, although they generally require lots of practice or study to use this ability regularly. While they cannot change their bodies back to being male, they can, after learning how, take nearly any female or female-like appearance they desire.

Lillithian Satyri Instincts

The magical creation process of a Lillithian involves a "mother" Succubus consuming the human victim's masculine energy outright, rather than their more typical "nibbling" on said essence, leaving it with the ability to regrow. While this would typically be fatal, if a Succubus chooses to do so, she can stem the spiritual wound with a fragment of her own essence, or soul. This will save the human victim's life, although many would argue they would rather have been left to "bleed out" spiritually instead.

While this process will save the human's life, it will also invariably result in the human waking up several hours or days later as a Lillithian Satyri. Worse, the Lillithian Satyri will quickly learn that they have gained new, powerful instincts with the new fragment of a Succubi soul that resides in their own soul. These instincts -- the instincts of a true Succubus, will follow them for the rest of eternity, influencing their behavior at all times.

These urges grow constantly in severity and strength the longer a Lillithian goes without male "essence", a nebulous form of spiritual energy that all true succubi require to live -- the same essence that, having been ripped out of their souls, resulted in their transformation into a Lillithian.

Feeding on male "essence" is exclusively only possible via sexual contact with members of the opposite sex -- the more sexual, the more nourishing they find the act. While minor sexual contact such as kissing or heavy petting can be a nice snack, it is hardly nourishing -- only actual sexual acts can fully nourish a Lillithian's need for essence. As they are constantly burning up this essence as a food source, they consistently need to replenish it, meaning they must feed off of (read: have sex with) a man roughly every one to two weeks.

Unfortunately, it takes longer than that for a human male to regenerate this essence, meaning that they cannot feed off the same man twice in a row. What this means in all practicality is that Lillithians are forced to constantly find new random sex partners to survive.

It is utterly impossible for a Lillithian to practice monogamy in any realistic fashion, nor is it possible for a Lillithian to avoid somewhat regular sexual contact with random men -- they literally need to in order to live. Lillithian Satyri that fancy themselves as asexual, monogamous, or "neo-heterosexual" (so called lesbian Lillithians) get this distressing aspect of their new lives added onto any other despair they may be feeling after their change.

As a mixed blessing, their instincts are very helpful in helping them feed, allowing them to sense appropriate men and subconsciously guiding their powers to extract essence in a relatively safe manner. Unfortunately, instincts that help a Lillithian feed are directly opposed to letting a Lillithian live a normal, human life. As these instincts become more powerful and harder to ignore the longer a Lillithian goes without feeding, the Lillithian's ability to fit in with normal human society diminishes greatly.

The cycle of the Satyri is known coloqueally as the Nude/Lewd/Food cycle due to the behaviors it forces Lillithians to partake in:

The first week since the Satyri last filled herself on Essence is the Nude Week. Over the first week the Satyri slowly becomes more and more annoyed by the act of wearing clothing. It starts off as an uncomfortable and "wrong" feeling when first putting clothing on, but grows into a feeling of burning pain whenever they wear clothes as the week goes on. By the end of the week the Satyri feels stifled and overhwelmed by even the lightest clothing, with a feeling not unlike a sunburn constantly harrassing them wherever their clothing touches their skin.

Around the end of this week the first willpower break of the Lillithian occurs -- their will snaps, and their body disrobes themselves without their permission. From this point forward they are unable to bring themselves to dress or otherwise cover their body, their instinctive need to be nude overpowers all conscious thought. Most Satyri fall apart before reaching this point, partially due to it requiring more effort to dress than remain dressed -- most Satyri only discover they are at this point in their cycles when they go to dress and simply can't.

The second week starts the Lewd Week. Towards the end of the previous week they have felt a steadily growing sexual arousal, their bodies telling them that they are hungry for essence. Over the course of this week this arousal grows and begins to affect the Satyri's behavior. Poses and word choices become increasingly lewd without the Satyri's knowledge, if a Lillithian can think of a more sexualized way to do something at this time they will do so. The Satyri remains unaware of any such lewd motions they make at this time, however if they are made aware they can resist acting in this way.

This urge grows in strength as the week progresses, until the end of the week when it reaches a crecendo. By this point the Satyri has their second major willpower break -- the lose the ability to stop acting lewd. They become a somewhat passive observer in their bodies, able to dictate general terms ("Go to town," "Pick up that book," etc) but unable to resist the urge to titillate any and all onlookers while doing so. When not actively doing anything, their bodies strike out on their own, acting as sexual as the Lillithian's subconscious can think of. Most Satyri at this point in their cycles try to minimize their contact with others, with limited success.

The third week is the Food Week. By this point the Satyri has been helplessly nude for over a week, with painful bouts of arousal for that entire time. For the past few days this arousal combined with instinctive help has led to the Satyri acting wonton with everyone and anyone they encounter. As the third week goes on, the Satyri loses the battle against these instincts outright - the lewd behavior migrates to outright sexual propositioning of anyone and everyone.

Initially the Satyri can resist this urge, correcting and apologizing for themselves afterwards, but this quickly leads to the third and final breakdown in willpower, the so called "Frenzy Point" -- the Satyri becomes a completely passive observer in their bodies, watching as they preoposition man after man until they successfully feed. The instincts activate two important abilities that the Lillithians have innately -- the Satyri can "sense" any men nearby that have essence available to safely feed on, and the Satyri's innate shapeshifting ability subconsciously kicks in. Any Satyri that reaches this point usually does so anonymously.

After feeding the urges their instincts force upon them go back to a manageable level, although no single man can fully sate a Lillithian's hunger, meaning that after feeding a Lillithian could be at nearly any point along their cycle. It is far more likely that a post-"frenzy point" Lillithian will still be trapped somewhere during the early to mid part of the Lewd Week, meaning they are mere days away from another frenzy. The only way to completely sate their hunger is to voluntarily find sexual partners to feed off of without being forced to by instinct, it is only by doing so that they can climb out of the later weeks of their cycles and gain a precious few days of relative peace and normalcy.

It is no accident that the only way for a Lillithian to "break free" and go back to a normal life is to feed regularly under their own power, intentionally choosing to act like a succubus in order to prevent being forced to act even more like one.

Unfortunately for Lillithians, there is literally no way out of this cycle. As they now have part of a Succubus soul inside them they are constantly burning up Yang essence and thus are trapped in the cycle for their entire lives. Tragically, around the end of the fourth week without feeding the Lillithian will literally starve to death, their bodies running out of the Yang Essence their succubus soul requires to function. This requires some form of external influence -- no Human, Satyri, nor even Succubus can resist the urge to feed this long. By this point any and all Succubi (and Lillithians, to an extent) in the area can sense the growing despair of the Lillithian. In addition the Lillithian's natural shapeshifting abilities make restraining them in this way somewhat difficult, making instances of this sort are extremely rare. Anyone trying to torture or misguidedly trying to "help" a Lillithian by simply restraining them and refusing to let them feed will find themselves quickly having to answer to her "sisters" -- or god forbid, her "Mother" who will not be amused.

A post-transformation Lillithian Satyri's life is a constant, losing battle against this incessant and growing need to act like stereotypical Succubus -- rejecting clothing, acting increasingly lewd at all times, and feeding off of (read: having sex with) any men they can get their hands on. Invariably, Lillithians gain a not undeserved reputation for being (or at least, acting like) a Succubus in all but name due to this cycle. Unfortunately, most people do not differentiate between Lillithians and Soap Satyri (indeed, most do not know there are two types), meaning all Satyri gain these reputations.