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The Realm

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Revision as of 06:53, 15 May 2008 by TeraS (talk | contribs)
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The Realm is the home of the Collective Succubi, a non-traditional offshoot of Succubi in general.

For further information on them, please see the SuccuWiki entry, Succubi (Collective).

This entry is incomplete.

A summary description

The following is a overall description of the Realm as written by TeraS:

The realm of the Succubi was not all that different from a typical city on the edge of a large lake. There were small and large structures throughout the lands. The occasional structure reached into the sky like a sinuous body stretching itself tall and proudly to reveal the beauty and fire within...

There were the usual places for beings to meet and greet. There where the places to learn and teach. There was green space for all to enjoy, the air was clean and the race as a whole was content with their existence...

The lake however. That was something special.

It was a large placid lake at the edge of the domain. It stretched out for miles from the shoreline that the city of the Succubi shared with it. The edges of the lake disappeared into mists and fogs that allowed no one to see or pass through. The waters were as smooth as a sheet of glass except for certain rare occasions....

On the other side of The Realm, the city pushed towards a series of silver grey snow capped mountains that rise into the skies far above, again disappearing into the same mists that marked the border of the lake...

It was odd when you looked over it all... There were touches of ancient worlds and modern marvels... A mix of ideas and thoughts all bundled together in patterns that didn't seem to make a lot of sense at first...

But when you considered that all that lived, loved, and learned there were finding their own way...

Perhaps it did...

Physical Dimensions

The Realm is of an irregular shape. The total area is approximately 5,000 square kilometers split three quarters land mass and one quarter the lake.

Names of Important Places