On November 27th, 2022, the 8,000th article was added to the SuccuWiki!

User talk:TeraS

From SuccuWiki - The Wiki of the Succubi
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Stuff n stuff and more stuffs...



Check This Out

So like yeah ... In my quest to fufill my Succubus addiction I found this person https://www.twistedhypnosis.com/xcart/the-succubus-c-266-p-1-pr-16221.html I gues she does like adult hypnosis and in one of them plays a succubus that seduces you lol if were to do a page on that one Where would we put it? :D --Helldaemen 06:47, 21 October 2009 (UTC)

Off the top of my head I'm not sure.. Have to ponder that for a bit... Queen of the Succubi

No problem lol

There are much more adult movie pages where that came from !

Spammers are sucky... 1/8/2008

So last night we had 2 spammers from Asia appear and log into the SuccuWiki. They made 2 accounts and then paused for a bit...

I noticed them about an hour after they did so and put their Emails into Google...

And you wouldn't believe the number of sites they have spammed from those two addresses...

Now I don't know if they are automated or real people, so I increased the steps in the sign up procedure with a Captacha and as well a invisible step that will make bots choke.

If this doesn't help, then the next step is going to be to lock down the SuccuWiki completely and force people into requesting an account from me or one of the Admin directly.

Which I don't want to do, but we'll see...


Stuff about Wikis - 19/8/08

There has to be a easier way to enter such things as tables and charts and stuff in MediaWiki... It also bugs me that in order to add functionality to the Wiki you have to write or add code manually and then edit another file to make it work... And I'm not even going to discuss the occasional lack of documentation that some of the extensions have either...


Spamwich - 22/8/08

And another spammer twapped this morning...

Give up guys...

This is my sandbox and you aren't going to be playing in it...


RE: Note for Michael

It's okay. --Michaeldsuarez 19:24, 4 December 2008 (UTC)

Huggles for Michael

Still.. If you want something please ask?



No prob

Infobox storage for later

Testing Page for SuccuWiki Infobox

SuccuWiki Infobox
Main Heading
First set of data
Remove this line (optional)

Happy to help

Anytime, Tera. If I can provide anymore assistance just give me a holler and I'll see what I can do.

In the meantime, I'll see if I can't help out your wiki as an editor as well. ^_^

Arcane (talk) 13:13, 12 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane

Episode List Template Example

I've ported a few listbox templates in my time, and I've noticed for some reason they port over to certain wikis rather poorly and often have to be tweaked to look right. It may take awhile, but I'm going to work on this template for awhile and see if I can't nail down how to make it look right on this wiki, but the good news is that I may have already figured out one or two problems already, but I'll get back to you once I finally get it looking better, so don't be surprised if you see me test editing the page with the problem template in the meantime. Once I'm done, I'll get back to you. Arcane (talk) 20:14, 13 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane
Decided to make you a simpler template to use instead of that clunky one you were using from Wikipedia, as this is far less complicated. You can find it here.
If you like it, copy paste the syntax text of the template to a sandbox page and edit it so it has all the information for those episode lists you need dolled up, then once you're done, you can paste that on the page for List of Lost Girl episodes where needed (you'll probably want to clear the talk page and make sandbox pages for this sort of thing in the future), and you can ditch that Wikipedia template and use mine instead since I tailored it specifically for your needs, and I even threw in some documentation to make it easy to use.
Let me know if you need further help, okay?

Arcane (talk) 22:06, 13 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane

Exercised my bureaucrat rights, discovered error

Since I have bureaucrat level privileges, I handled a pending user request for an account which seemed legit enough.

It seems to have worked well enough, but I got an error message stating something about the plugin for confirming new users was improperly configured.

If you have an email account that allows for "throwaway email addresses", you may wish to create an email address and then try to confirm there is an error by submitting an account request, then trying to confirm the account request to see if the message repeats itself.

Here's a screen shot of the error (click on picture):

I recommend checking the line of the .php file indicated and looking into the problem, just to be on the safe side.

Just looking out for you, hope you don't mind me confirming that account.

Arcane (talk) 03:55, 20 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane

Ah, good to know you're aware of the problem and good to know it's nothing of major concern. I see that template I made for you seems to be working well, glad to see it was useful. If you need anything else, let me know.
Tip - I tested the latest beta of MediaWiki and it's very buggy right now, so I advise against upgrading right now. I'll test it again when it's finally released officially and give you my take on whether an upgrade would be worthwhile, but until then, I would stick with MediaWiki 1.19.2 for the time being.
Arcane (talk) 06:32, 20 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane

Working Extension:Dynamic Article List

I looked into the problem, and the original version is fundamentally broken due to all the changes they made to the way Mediawiki 1.15+ handles the Recent Changes list. Fortunately, I found the following alternative extension:


It has enhanced functionality and offers many of the same features you were looking for in the other plugin. The plugin you wanted to use is based off an outdated fork of the original Dynamic Page List extension, but this should give you most if not all the features you needed/wanted from the original and is stable.

I personally tested it on my localhost wiki setup and can confirm it works fine. It requires some advanced setup options since it has some features you may wish to customize, so you'll want to set it up according to your preferences (see the extension download page for further details).

Hope this helps. Arcane (talk) 00:41, 21 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane

Checked your installed extensions, you seem to have Version 1.5 installed of the Wikimedia variant of the extension. The link I've referred you to is for a third party version that is even more recent and cross compatible, not to mention is much more updated and provides more features and compatibility. Arcane (talk) 07:10, 21 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane

A little something I created I hope you enjoy.

I recently popped by Wikipedia's userbox page and thought it would be really cool if I had a custom userbox to show my appreciation for you letting me be a member of this wiki, so I dolled one up on my user page that shows how much I devote myself to "Lady TeraS - Queen of the Succubi"

Hope you like it. Arcane (talk) 23:55, 22 October 2012 (PDT)Arcane