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Legend of the Silver Skeleton

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Legend of the Silver Skeleton
Title Page for the D&D Module
Legend of the Silver Skeleton
Code Online Module
Rules required 3.5 Edition Dungeons and Dragons
Character levels 6th Level Characters
Authors Bart Carroll
Todd Clayton
Mark A. Jindra
Robert Wiese
First published October 17, 2006
Pages 22 Pages

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Legend of the Silver Skeleton was an online Dungeons and Dragons role playing game module that was written by Bart Carroll, Todd Clayton, Mark A. Jindra, and Robert Wiese and was first published in 2006. The module was created as a result of the first Creature Competition on the Wizards of the Coast website in which the winning being would have an adventure created with them in a major role. The winning creature was the Succubus Paladin Eludecia and this module was created as a result.

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