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Template:Infobox Chateau Aensland Character/doc

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< Template:Infobox Chateau Aensland Character
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This template can be used to create an infobox for a Chateau Aensland character. The blank form immediately below shows the most commonly used fields, and complete instructions are listed further down the page.


series character
First appearance

Last appearance

Created by

Portrayed by


extra label 1

extra data 1
extra label 2

extra data 2
extra label 3

extra data 3
Full name fullname
Nickname(s) nickname
Aliases alias
Species species
Gender gender
Occupation occupation
Title title
Family family
Spouse(s) spouse
Significant other(s) significant other
Children children
Relatives relatives
Religion religion
Nationality nationality
extra header
extra label 7

extra data 7
extra label 8

extra data 8
extra label 9

extra data 9
{{Infobox character
| name          = 
| series        = 
| image         = 
| caption       = 
| first         = 
| last          = 
| creator       = 
| portrayer     = 
| voice         = 
| lbl1          = 
| data1         = 
| lbl2          = 
| data2         = 
| lbl3          = 
| data3         = 
| nickname      = 
| alias         = 
| species       = 
| gender        = 
| occupation    = 
| title         = 
| family        = 
| spouse        = 
| significantother = 
| children      = 
| relatives     = 
| religion      = 
| nationality   = 
| lbl21         = 
| data21        = 
| lbl22         = 
| data22        = 
| lbl23         = 
| data23        = 
| extra-hdr     = 
| lbl31         = 
| data31        = 
| lbl32         = 
| data32        = 
| lbl33         = 
| data33        = 


All parameters are optional.

Parameter Notes
name Character name to display in top header (default = PAGENAME)
series Name of the fictional world or story in which the character appears
image Image of the character, use |image=[[File:Example.png|frameless|220px|alt=Alt text]]
caption Caption to display below image
first First appearance of the character
last Last appearance of the character
creator Name of the person who invented the character
portrayer Name of the person(s) who portrayed the character
voice Name of the person(s) who voiced the character
info-hdr Text for display in second header (default = Information)
alias Any aliases used by the character
relationships Any significant relationships that are essential to understanding the character
extra-hdr Text for display in third header (default = No third header)
lbl# Label to display in left column where "#" is 1-5, 21-25, or 31-35 for custom fields under the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd headers respectively
data# Text to display in the right column corresponding to the appropriate "lbl#"
tbl-class Overall class for the table (default = infobox)
tbl-style Overall styles for the table (default = width: 20em; text-align: left; font-size: 90%)
lbl-style Style to apply to all cells in the left column
data-style Style to apply to all cells in the right column
sep Separator character(s) to display after each label in the left column
noinfo disable the first "information" header
colour Background color for header bars (default = #DEDEE2)
colour text Text color for header bars (default = #000000)


Erick Karabell
Criminal Minds character
First appearance

April 18, 2004
Last appearance

April 18, 2008
Created by

Agnes Nixon
Portrayed by

Johnny Lioma
Nickname(s) Limmy
Aliases John Limmons
Species Human
Gender Male
Occupation Detective
Title Head Detective
Family Erick Karabell Sr (Father)
Lonna Marcus-Karabell (Mother)
Spouse(s) Lonni Karabell (Wife)
Children Erick Karabell III (Son)
Relatives Oliva Falconeri (Cousin)
Religion Christian
Nationality American
{{Infobox character
| name        = Erick Karabell
| series      = Criminal Minds
| image       = 
| caption     = 
| first       = April 18, 2004
| last        = April 18, 2008
| creator     = Agnes Nixon
| portrayer   = Johnny Lioma
| nickname    = Limmy
| alias       = John Limmons
| species     = Human
| gender      = Male
| occupation  = Detective
| title       = Head Detective
| family      = Erick Karabell Sr (Father)<br> Lonna Marcus-Karabell (Mother)
| spouse      = Lonni Karabell (Wife)
| significantother = 
| children    = Erick Karabell III (Son)
| relatives   = Oliva Falconeri (Cousin)
| religion    = Christian
| nationality = United States|American