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Revision as of 12:24, 4 December 2008 by Michaeldsuarez (talk | contribs) (→‎RE: Note for Michael: new section)
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Stuff n stuff and more stuffs...



Spammers are sucky... 1/8/2008

So last night we had 2 spammers from Asia appear and log into the SuccuWiki. They made 2 accounts and then paused for a bit...

I noticed them about an hour after they did so and put their Emails into Google...

And you wouldn't believe the number of sites they have spammed from those two addresses...

Now I don't know if they are automated or real people, so I increased the steps in the sign up procedure with a Captacha and as well a invisible step that will make bots choke.

If this doesn't help, then the next step is going to be to lock down the SuccuWiki completely and force people into requesting an account from me or one of the Admin directly.

Which I don't want to do, but we'll see...


Stuff about Wikis - 19/8/08

There has to be a easier way to enter such things as tables and charts and stuff in MediaWiki... It also bugs me that in order to add functionality to the Wiki you have to write or add code manually and then edit another file to make it work... And I'm not even going to discuss the occasional lack of documentation that some of the extensions have either...


Spamwich - 22/8/08

And another spammer twapped this morning...

Give up guys...

This is my sandbox and you aren't going to be playing in it...


RE: Note for Michael

It's okay. --Michaeldsuarez 19:24, 4 December 2008 (UTC)