On November 27th, 2022, the 8,000th article was added to the SuccuWiki!

Page Generator

From SuccuWiki - The Wiki of the Succubi
Revision as of 07:50, 3 December 2014 by TeraS (talk | contribs)
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This is the SuccuWiki page generator! Instead of having to insert templates and basic section headings by hand, you can simply use this box to create pre-loaded pages with the layout already set up, so all you really need to do is add content!

<createbox> buttonlabel=Create Basic Page preload=Template:SuccuWiki Basic Page </createbox>

<createbox> buttonlabel=Create Book Page preload=Template:SuccuWiki Book Page </createbox>

<createbox> buttonlabel=Create Lost Girl Episode Page preload=Template:Lost Girl Episode Page Template </createbox>

<createbox> buttonlabel=Create Figurine Page preload=Template:Figurine Template </createbox>

<createbox> buttonlabel=Create Film Page preload=Template:SuccuWiki Film Page </createbox>

<createbox> buttonlabel=Realm Character preload=Template:Realm Character Template </createbox>