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Succubus (Warcraft Warlock Pet)

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Warlock Pet/Minion Succubus
Warcraft character
Succubus New.png
Warlock Pet/Minion Succubus
First appearance Warcraft
First game Word of Warcraft
Fictional profile
A demonic pet available to the warlock at Level 20 after completing a series of quests

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Succubi in the World of Warcraft role playing game are a type of demonic pet available to the warlock at Level 20 after completing a series of quests.

She does melee range physical and shadow damage with her whip, can cast Lesser Invisibility on herself and can cast the Seduction crowd-control spell.


The Succubus is the third demonic minion available to the warlock, summoned through the Summon Succubus ability, available at Level 20.

The succubus deals melee range physical and shadow damage with her whip, can cast Lesser Invisibility on herself, and most iconically of all uses Seduction to crowd-control humanoid targets.

The succubus can deal more damage than an Imp and can continue to attack if she runs out of mana, but cannot take as much damage as a Voidwalker. The Succubus also cannot hold aggro as well as the Voidwalker. Her armor would be rated as "Medium" compared to the Voidwalker.

Acquiring a Succubus

The sequence of quests is quite different for Alliance and Horde warlocks, but the first quest in either one, obtainable from the warlock trainers in the major cities, is called Devourer of Souls. Blood elf warlocks should visit Alamma in Silvermoon City for an optional breadcrumb quest.

Alliance warlocks have only a 3-step sequence, but during the course of it they must travel to The Barrens, which is Horde territory; one must get there either through Ashenvale (the safest approach), Dustwallow Marsh, or via boat from Stranglethorn Vale to Ratchet. Horde warlocks have a longer 8-step quest sequence that takes them from the Barrens to Stonetalon Mountains and back.

Another Horde version of the quest, from the warlock trainer in the Undercity, has only three steps - a shorter sequence from Undercity to Silverpine Forest and Wetlands. At the end, as usual, the warlock must defeat the Succubus in battle to earn the right to summon her.


The succubus possesses four varied abilities. In addition to her melee attack, she can inflict Shadow damage with Lash of Pain. With Seduction, she can take one humanoid out of combat. The last two abilities, Soothing Kiss and Lesser Invisibility focus on avoiding combat. Her Master Demonologist effect is to increase damage, and her Demonic Sacrifice effect is to increase Shadow damage.

Spell Minimum
Avoidance (Passive) Passive Reduces the damage your summoned demon takes from
non-player area of effect attacks by an additional 90%
Lash of Pain 20 An instant attack that lashes the target, causing X Shadow damage
Lesser Invisibility 32 Gives the Succubus Lesser Invisibility for up to 5 min
This spell can only be used out of combat
Seduction 26 Seduces the target, preventing all actions for up to 15 sec
Any damage caused will remove the effect
Only works against Humanoids


The succubus is particularly useful on enemies of a lower level than the warlock due to her higher damage output than the voidwalker. Additionally, using a combination of Siphon Life and Drain Life, a warlock can tank weaker mobs by simply draining health to stay alive while the succubus does damage.

Because of her Seduction power, the succubus is probably the most useful pet for a warlock in most PvP situations. Her Lesser Invisibility power is also very useful; opponents will underestimate a warlock whom they believe not to have a pet out.

Soothing Kiss is only useful in group situations in which there is a real possibility that the succubus may steal aggro from the tank. It is also useful when "Drain Tanking" in order to keep aggro off of the succubus while you drain life to stay alive and keep aggro. Used at any other time, it is a waste of her mana. Also, it is completely ineffective against players in PvP. In most cases it is best to turn off auto-cast on Soothing Kiss.

The Improved Succubus talent increases the damage done by Lash of Pain, the amount by which Soothing Kiss reduces threat levels, and the duration of Seduction and Lesser Invisibility.

A warlock with the Master Demonologist talent and a succubus out gets a bonus to all damage done (by both the warlock and the succubus). Using Demonic Sacrifice on a succubus will amplify the warlock's shadow damage. Also Soul Link can add 5% to the warlock's overall damage (melee and spells). Therefore, with Soul Link active, there is little reason to sacrifice the Succubus, as doing so would lower your Fire damage, and would lose you the benefits of having a pet out.

Succubus Stats

The following is an incomplete list of all the Succubus Stats through its levels, taken from a Human Warlock player. As of Patch 2.0.1, you have to turn off all Buffs and take off all items, because now pets stats get bonuses from player stats. Patch 2.0.5 pets do not have Weapon Skill and Defense anymore.

Level Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Power Damage Armor
20 42 35 67 31 49 64 29 - 39 563
21 44 36 80 53 39 68 29 - 40 604
22 46 36 84 54 41 72 31 - 42 628
23 47 38 89 56 42 74 32 - 43 652
24 49 39 93 57 43 78 33 - 45 675
25 50 40 97 60 44 80 34 - 47 699
26 52 41 101 62 46 84 36 - 48 721
27 53 42 105 63 47 86 37 - 50 745
28 55 43 110 65 48 90 38 - 52 768
29 57 44 114 67 49 94 40 - 54 791
30 57 46 118 69 51 94 41 - 56 815
31 59 47 123 71 52 98 42 - 57 838
32 60 47 127 73 53 100 43 - 59 862
33 62 49 131 74 54 104 44 - 60 884
34 63 50 135 76 56 106 46 - 62 908
35 ? ? ? ? ? ? 47 - 69 950
36 ? ? ? ? ? ? 49 - 72 990
37 ? ? ? ? ? ? 50 - 75 1038
38 70 55 139 ? 91 120 53 - 78 1095
39 ? ? ? ? ? ? 55 - 81 1163
40 ? ? ? ? ? ? 59 - 84 1244
41 ? ? ? ? ? ? 62 - 87 1338
42 81 59 156 70 67 142 66 - 89 1448
43 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
44 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
45 96 64 ? ? 72 ? ? 1738
46 98 65 173 77 73 176 ? 1773
47 100 66 177 78 75 180 ? 1808
48 102 68 181 80 76 184 ? 1843
49 104 69 186 82 78 188 ? 1878
50 107 71 190 84 80 194 94-124 1912
51 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
52 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
53 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
54 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
55 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
56 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
57 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
58 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
59 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
60 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
61 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
62 133 36 279 124 102 246 229-319 4340
63 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
64 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
65 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
66 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
67 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
68 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
69 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
70 153 108 280 133 122 286 121-162 4293
71 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
72 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
73 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
74 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
75 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
76 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
77 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
78 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
79 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
80 314 90 328 150 209 608 461-635 9706


  • Succubi have a rather notorious idle animation set. She will either pose, admire her nails, or on occasion spank her butt and let out an erotic squealed "Oooooh!".
  • The unique swimming animation for a succubus is, perhaps non-surprisingly, a form of breastroke.
  • When you make /flirt or /kiss emote Succubi will love you, causing hearts to appear over your head and hers. This effect has a cooldown and is not reflected in the combat log but will disrupt invisibility until it can be recast.


  • Voiceovers when summoned:
  • "Now what?!"
  • "Couldn't resist, could you?"
  • "Hmmm, you're in trouble now."
  • "Don't touch what you can't afford."
  • Voiceovers when ordered to attack:
  • "Let's have some fun."
  • "Being bad never felt so good."
  • "Let's get this party started."
  • "Now you're talking."
  • Voiceovers when ordered to cast a spell:
  • "Quid Pro Quo."
  • "As the master wishes."
  • "You got it."
  • "Say please."
  • Voiceovers when dismissed:
  • "Next time I'll be the master."
  • "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
  • "Try not to miss me too much."
  • "I hope it was good for you."
  • Funny voiceover:
  • "First we'll start with a little fire. Am I bugging you, I'm not touching you, am I bugging you, I'm not touching you. There - now you're hot, and bothered."

Patch Changes

  • Patch 4.0.1:
  • Ability removed: Soothing Kiss
  • Ability added: Whiplash
  • Patch 1.7.0:
  • Succubus pets will be smarter about when to use Seduction.
  • Succubus pets can now autocast Lesser Invisibility.

Glyph of Succubus

This item was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.1.

Glyph Major Glyph
Classes Warlock
Requires Level 26
Use Increases the duration of your Succubus' Seduction by 3 sec
Level 31
Sells For 1 (each)
Buyout Price 2 (each)
Added Wrath of the Lich King
Sold By
Name Mail Armor Vendor
Location Ironforge (4), Durotar (3), Eversong Woods (3), Teldrassil (3), Azuremyst Isle (2),
Dun Morogh (2), Elwynn Forest (2), Orgrimmar (2), Silvermoon City (2), Stormwind City (2),
Thunder Bluff (2), Bloodmyst Isle, Darnassus, Ghostlands, Mulgore, Silverpine Forest,
The Barrens, The Exodar, Tirisfal Glades and Westfall
React A H
Stock Infinite
Stack 1
Cost 4
Can be Placed In
Pack of Endless Pockets Level 75
Source: Pack of Endless Pockets, Leatherworking
Type: Inscription Bag
Scribe's Satchel Level 15
Source: Vendors
Type: Inscription Bag
Taught By
Name Role Level Location React Type
Adelene Sunlance Grand Master Inscription Trainer 69 Borean Tundra H Humanoid
Booker Kells Grand Master Inscription Trainer 71 Howling Fjord H Humanoid
Michael Schwan Master Inscription Trainer 60 Hellfire Peninsula A Humanoid
Mindri Dinkles Grand Master Inscription Trainer 71 Howling Fjord A Humanoid
Neferatti Master Inscription Trainer 60 Hellfire Peninsula H Humanoid
Professor Pallin Grand Master Inscription Trainer 75 Dalaran A H Humanoid
Tink Brightbolt Grand Master Inscription Trainer 71 Borean Tundra A Humanoid

See Also

External Links