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Incubi: Sleeping Demons (eBook)
For other uses of the word Incubus, see Incubus (disambiguation).
Incubi: Sleeping Demons is an eBook written by Kristina Licht. It is the first work in the Incubi-Reihe series by this author. In this work several characters are Incubi.
- Title: Incubi: Sleeping Demons
- Author: Kristina Licht
- Published By: Amazon Digital Services
- Length: 278 Pages
- Format: eBook
- Publishing Date: February 2, 2019
Other Works in this Series on SuccuWiki
Plot Summary
Wie in jedem Club, in jeder Gemeinschaft, haben auch wir Regeln. Einen Kodex, an den wir uns halten, um die Anzahl der Toten in einem überschaubaren Rahmen zu halten. Wir jagen im Dunkeln. Wir jagen im Rudel. Wir jagen nie zum Spaß. Wir entwickeln keine Gefühle für unsere Beute. Und wenn – falls – jemand doch stirbt: dann verhalten wir uns gefälligst professionell. Wer wir sind? Wir sind Monster, böse Geister, Dämonen. Incubi werden wir genannt. Doch als dieses Mädchen trotz aller Vorsicht in unseren Armen stirbt, geraten auf einmal all unsere Regeln ins Wanken.
English Translation of Plot Summary
As in every community, we have rules. A code we stick to to keep the death toll manageable. We hunt in the dark. We hunt as a pack. We never hunt for fun. We do not have feelings for our prey. And if - if - somebody dies: then we behave professionally. Who we are? We are monsters, evil spirits, demons. We are called Incubi. But when a girl dies despite all caution in our arms, suddenly all our rules are shaken to the core.
Book Review
At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.