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Incubus Seduction (eBook II)

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Incubus Seduction
Incubus Seduction eBook Cover, written by Emma Jaye
Incubus Seduction eBook Cover,
written by Emma Jaye
Author(s) Emma Jaye
Series Incubus
Publisher Purindoors Publications
Publication date September 15, 2017
Media type eBook
Length 81 Pages
Followed by Incubus Possession

For other uses of the word Incubus, see Incubus (disambiguation).

Incubus Seduction is an eBook written by Emma Jaye. It is the first work in the Incubus series by this author. In this work the character Finn is an Incubus.


  • Title: Incubus Seduction
  • Author: Emma Jaye
  • Published By: Purindoors Publications
  • Length: 81 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B0758QLBF5
  • Publishing Date: September 15, 2017

Other Works in this Series on SuccuWiki

Plot Summary

Lust is life for an incubus

Judging by the desire radiating from the red-faced mortal in his sex shop, there was yet another fast, forgettable meal coming his way. When his intended snack turned him down, even after he’d massaged his prey’s inhibitions, the demon’s interest piqued.

No ordinary human could resist the lure of an incubus for long, and yet Finn was fighting as if his life depended on it. If what Ezra suspected was true, it did. Finn’s lust was not only life for the demon, it was a ticket to fame and fortune beyond his wildest dreams.

It was time to use his full demonic abilities to bring down his prey, to separate him from his mundane life and relationships, even if it was against supernatural law.

Being propositioned by a mouth-watering stranger was flattering, but a fling would ruin Finn’s carefully planned future. So why couldn’t Finn forget what those sinful, dark eyes promised?

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.

External Links