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A Succubus Gets Her Wings (eBook)

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A Succubus Gets Her Wings
A Succubus Gets Her Wings eBook Cover, written by Madison Raye
A Succubus Gets Her Wings eBook Cover,
written by Madison Raye
Author(s) Madison Raye
Publisher Amazon Digital Services
Publication date July 28, 2022
Media type eBook
Length 47 Pages

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

A Succubus Gets Her Wings is an eBook written by Madison Raye. In this work the character Charlotte can be described as a Succubus.


  • Title: A Succubus Gets Her Wings
  • Author: Madison Raye
  • Published By: Amazon Digital Services
  • Length: 47 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B0B834CTF5
  • Publishing Date: July 28, 2022

Plot Summary

Ella Murphy is forced to head west after her parents immigrate from Ireland, but the wagon train is no place for a young woman who's left to fend for herself. In a land where there is no charity and nothing comes easy; Ella learns quickly to do what she has to in order to survive. Men beware. Ella is no easy prize, if they aren't careful ... they'll be the ones needing charity.

Book Review

The following review was originally published by Tera on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on January 13, 2023

Ella’s life has been nothing but hell from the beginning. An unending list of being used by the evils that humanity darkest side brings. Something good turns dark and Ella falls into a new hell that brings with it Charlotte to lead the way to the revenge she seeks.

Overall, this is a dark and moody work that mainly focuses on Ella, her life, and how things come apart, eventually leading to her falling into the clutches of Charlotte, the succubus of the work. There isn’t a lot of erotica in the telling nor is there really any sense of things becoming better for Ella in any way to speak of. It’s a telling of a soul being damned by circumstances and where that takes them.

What erotica there is doesn’t bring a lot of heat, which again, with the sense of the storytelling, works to show that even that which should be a delight is bitter. This is a story in which sex is a weapon and every character does so in their own way. There’s a feeling of dread in the erotic moments and that deepens the feelings of loss and need which run throughout.

Charlotte, the succubus of the work, is tangentially one. She doesn’t act openly as one, it’s more of a whisper of her real self that latches onto Ella and draws her onwards. Charlotte is very much a being of revenge and evil, the reveal of her past brings that very strongly to the fore. There’s little in the way of seduction in her personality as her own seething hate and need for revenge overcomes all else, she might have been. She is not, however, stereotypical in her actions. She schemes, she plots and persuades Ella to follow in her wake. What makes her, as does the rest of the characters, difficult to care about is the hurt she and they have been through.

Really that’s the core of the story, the exploration of souls being torn apart, making choices based on revenge, and what comes from those decisions. There’s no light, no hope and no means for any of the characters to escape their fates, both defined by their actions and of those around them.

It’s moody and lost often with scattered moments that give one pause and overall, it’s a very dark story from beginning to end. Less a story about succubi than it is a story about evil in all of its forms.

Three pitchforks out of five.

The work closes in a way that wasn’t unexpected, but still leaves a lot to be desired. The scattered threads aren’t quite brought together, the story feels unfinished. It feels like there’s more to be told, which would be interesting. The characters haven’t really had the growth they might have.

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