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User talk:Twinkling Arousal

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Welcome and hello!

Just wanted to say hi and I hope that you find things that interest you here.. If you do manage some writing, I'd love to see it, you could join the forum if you like for that, and if you do manage to have ideas for the SuccuWiki articles, please do post them!

TeraS 15:43, 25 August 2010 (UTC)

Response Howl Back To: TeraS Shining Up By: Twinkling Arousal

Hey TeraS, thank you for the nice welcoming comment for letting me join this lovable spooky sexy magical website!!!!!!!! I've browsed through some of the devilish "scoops" on this site and I'm astonished to see a wealth of bad battys influenced by Saturn's evil rings. Just to understand me in my Virgo-ish birthsign terminology, in astrology they say Saturn is the slow planet, and that it influences by the planet of Saturn are selfishness and deceit, and ironically the only fictional character that I, know who fits that magical profile isssssss.... Angelica Pickles from the classic Rugrats cartoon. There should be more characters in fiction like her even, in the paranormal book genre markets because one can never get, enough humor from a GOOD villianess who shouts "I WANT MY REPTAR BAR!!!!", when 10/31/???? gets spoiled by her adversaries Tommy, Chuckie, Phil&Lil, and Suzie.On my very first post on this SuccuWiki website I, made a small typographical error about my fabled succubus "Digimon" trading card of some sorts. I posted down that I have an Pixiemon succubus digimon card. I realized my mistake a little later after I posted my silly but true all the way message and meant to say I have a Rosemon succubus digimon card that is a heavenly/hellish rare trading card. At the bottom of that card it says she is a Pixie-Mega Level Digimon, and for a female darkness sexy digimon creature that, has got to be steamy hots. Although I've heard from various anime websites that Digimons like demons doesn't have a specific gender like male or female and can be either male or female when around human beings whose spirits resonates with the Digimon's agendas of world salvation or chaotic damnation. I'll take up your offer on posting messages on the SuccuWiki articles in the coming days ahead. In that Abaddon novel by Bob Larson the succubus goddess Lilith made several appearances that were scary GOOD that got me saying "What's This?!?! A confounded romantic confession of parallel chaos?". Before I leave for the day TeraS I wonder if succubi could transform into super demon dragons forms called Letterlust Novas Dragons by, altering the color of their bat wings on the spot when sucking the life force out of their male victim's sexual intercourse. I think I remember seeing something similar to that on a Johnny Quest new adventures cartoon years ago. Well, have a tempting cool day TeraS and may the twinkling arousal of the succubi open the path to Set Connect(a succubus terminology for enduring many niceys with dangerous spicyies.).

The Succubus Prophecy of Cha-Dammdees

Good sexy evening fellow succubi and inccubi! Sorry to post a new message so late in the evening of the date of August 26, 2010 in the U.S. of A. I've been copying down the forum rules of Succubus.net just about the latter half of the afternoon in my journal, I keep to hold any strange and interesting information about mythology, books, and other such creepy good facts that twinks an arousal to those, who has a flinging flying interest in those subjects. Just like my headline says I'm thinking of writing a story on Succubus.net to see if I have the style, humor, and Hi-C Boos as in scary silly suspense to start, my Virgo-ish career as a well made paranormal book writer. I'm not giving all the details unless of course our queen of this website named, the lovable hot riser TeraS has the powers of the Oracle,Matrix Mode can see my works before I post them on this website, I'll just say that the setting of my succubus story takes place in a modern fictional version of my vision of Beverly Hills, Calliefornia. Why? Because I lovvvvvve going shopping in supermalls with moolah on hand, and exploring to see new discoveries is the heart of life and death. And yes, I'm naming California differently because to me or perhaps others who dig it as cool, it represents the strength and mystery of some, super-secret succubus queen who made some geeky geeks believe in themselves, plus she has two other sisters by blood-relation who rocked that, state back years and years ago. About that life and death comment above, I have this really scary and I hate to say this, TOO beyond true astrology book in my book collection that "is the one one one". By know, anyone reading my other posts should have guessed I'm a male Virgo, young adult, and yes I am single looking for a girlfriend sometime in the yonder yonder future. In this astrology book I was reading up on my love matches for my sign which are Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus. You're probably analyzing that my first amateur story has something to do with the zodiac, in some ways it is and with the elements of "Twist of Fate" I will try to keep my readers guessing to the very end. The love match I pick for now anyways is an adventurous Scorpio female, being either succubus young adult woman or a nymph young adult woman, or just plain human young adult woman. They say Scorpios are the negativity of all the zodiac yet, some small few of them use their bad behavior for the forces of good and greater deeds for mankind, and probably demon/nymph kinds too! What I read in this book which I'm not giving out the name of the author and book title because, I want fellow succubi and inccubi to search out this legendary astrology book for themselves, is that a typical female Scorpio is like a revenge-obsession cheerleader who's charming, a sponge-soaker for details, and can make any person pronounce macaroni and cheese in 1,000,000 different languages. Her favorite video game would be a gem from said Calliefornia. And no she is not a cheerleader in my story, however she once tried it out and flunked, but a couple years later this young adult girl loss on the team became spicy treats in the forerun of my story!?!? Plus the info says that Scorpios are the embodiment of Death and Rebirth like the mystical phoenix of Egyptian and Chinese legends. Well I gotta get me some shut-eye for the night, but a really good book to read at night-time is called Smart vs. Pretty by Valerie Frankel. Its feminine and cocky, but boy its a whale of a tale. Virgos and Scorpios approved. Have good sweet and sexy dreams tonight out of sight. (chuckles).