Enchant and Release: One Day At A Time: Monday (eBook)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Enchant & Release: One Day At A Time: Monday
Enchant & Release: One Day At A Time: Monday Cover, written by Imogene More
Enchant & Release: One Day At A Time: Monday eBook Cover, written by
Imogene More
Author(s) Imogene More
Series Enchant & Release
Publisher imagine more
Publication date March 16, 2015
Media type eBook
Length 33 Pages
Followed by Nightcap: Strawberry Flavored Shifter

Enchant & Release: One Day At A Time: Monday is an eBook written by Imogene More. It is the first work in the Enchant & Release series by this author. In this work one of the characters is a Succubus.


  • Title: Enchant and Release: One Day At A Time: Monday
  • Author: Imogene More
  • Published By: imagine more
  • Length: 33 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B00UT0FW9U
  • Publishing Date: March 16, 2015

Other Works in this Series on SuccuWiki

Plot Summary

In a world shared between oblivious humans and the non-Sapien creatures retired to myth, keeping secrets comes easy. Coming clean is a process undertaken one day at a time…

Introverted, routine-loving Betty enjoys a life split between work at the clinic as a physical therapist, and weekly meetings of the local chapter of Catch & Release. Structure, and the program, have kept Betty from a fall back into the reckless behavior of her past life. Besides occasionally calling for takeout, she has everything she needs without ever leaving her comfort zone. Betty’s kept her work at the clinic and work in the program separate for years. Outside the assumed anonymity of meetings, her secrets are all her own. Until her sponsor decides it’s about time for a change…

Cocky and frustratingly vague C. Lincoln is a wolf-shifter with his own past to reconcile, not that it seems to sour his quest for a good time. When he crosses paths with uptight Betty, the womanizing charmer thinks he’s up for the challenge. He has no idea what he’s in for.

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.

External Links