Offerings To the Incubus (eBook)

For other uses of the word Incubus, see Incubus (disambiguation).

Offerings To the Incubus
Offerings To the Incubus eBook Cover, written by Lula Lewis
Offerings To the Incubus eBook Cover,
written by Lula Lewis
Author(s) Lula Lewis
Series Taken By the Incubus
Publisher Amazon Digital Services
Publication date October 7, 2014
Media type eBook
Length 16 Pages
Preceded by Ravished By the Incubus
Followed by Taken By the Incubus: the Complete Series

Offerings To the Incubus is an eBook written by Lula Lewis. It is the fourth work in the Taken By the Incubus series by this author. In this work one of the characters is an Incubus.


  • Title: Ravished By the Incubus
  • Author: Lula Lewis
  • Published By: Amazon Digital Services
  • Length: 16 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B00O9LYV0Q
  • Publishing Date: October 7, 2014

Other Works in this Series on SuccuWiki

Plot Summary

With the exorcism thwarted and the incubus saved, it's time to celebrate. And Kara has just the right idea...something neither she nor the incubus has ever experienced...

Kara and her spectral lover have successfully avoided the exorcism planned by Kara's husband Brant by enticing the priest and spiritual medium into their own carnal games. Now Kara wants to celebrate and has just the right idea...

Kara isn't the first to live in the incubus's house and become its lover. There were two women who lived there before her. Thanks to her neighbor she finds a way to get in contact with them and invite them over. Jackie and Lorraine are more than willing to attend her little party, what with all the fond memories they have of the house and the amorous spirit that lives within its walls.

Kara offers up herself and the incubus's past lovers in a single night of group fun that no one will ever forget.

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.

External Links