Succubus: Tödliches Verlangen (eBook)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Succubus: Tödliches Verlangen
Succubus: Tödliches Verlangen eBook Cover, written by Natalie Salkin
Succubus: Tödliches Verlangen eBook Cover, written by Natalie Salkin
Author(s) Natalie Salkin
Language German
Publisher Amazon Digital Services
Publication date May 19, 2015
Media type eBook
Length 34 Pages

Succubus: Tödliches Verlangen is a German language eBook written by Natalie Salkin. In this work the character Anjes is a Succubus.


  • Title: Succubus: Tödliches Verlangen
  • Author: Natalie Salkin
  • Published By: Amazon Digital Services
  • Length: 34 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B00XYPK350
  • Publishing Date: May 19, 2015

Plot Summary

German Language

Anjes ist ein Succubus. Eine Kreatur des Bösen. Sie ist ein ebenso verführerisches, wie gefährliches Raubtier. Ohne Gnade tötet sie ihre Opfer während dem Liebesakt und entzieht ihnen ihre Lebenskraft. Die Seele der Männer bringt sie ihrem Schöpfer, dem Fürsten der Unterwelt. Doch dann gerät sie an einen Engel ohne Flügel und ihre Welt steht Kopf.

English Language

Anjes is a succubus, a creature of evil. A tempting and dangerous predator. Without mercy they kill their victims during sex or, if they are lucky, only deprive them of their vitality. Anjes fulfills her role of bringing the souls of men to the prince of the underworld, but then she encounters an angel without wings, and her world is turned upside down.

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.

External Links