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A Consecrated Heart (eBook)
For other uses of the word Incubus, see Incubus (disambiguation).
A Consecrated Heart is an eBook written by Lyra Evans. In this work one of the characters is an Incubus.
- Title: A Consecrated Heart
- Author: Lyra Evans
- Published By: Amazon Digital Services
- Length: 117 Pages
- Format: eBook
- Publishing Date: July 28, 2019
Plot Summary
Lyle’s favourite place to look for marks is in church. Where better to pinpoint lambs to lead to slaughter? But lately, Lyle’s been getting bored with the sheep, the easy prey, bleating for punishment. It’s just so—routine. But when a new priest is introduced at the start of Lent, Lyle has an opportunity to lure the shepherd instead. He might actually prove his worth by claiming Father Aaron Keyes.
Only the new Father is not quite what Lyle was prepared for, so deeply Good but with such a dark secret. Can Lyle deliver on his word and corrupt Aaron? Or might he find that putting in more effort means he also starts to care? A scary prospect. Because if Lyle doesn’t manage to corrupt Aaron by Easter, well—God only knows what could happen.
Book Review
At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.