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Clown as Incubus (eBook)

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Clown as Incubus
Clown as Incubus eBook Cover, written by Reggie Krell
Clown as Incubus eBook Cover,
written by Reggie Krell
Author(s) Reggie Krell
Publisher Amazon Digital Services
Publication date June 21, 2017
Media type eBook
Length 24 Pages
ASIN B073325H21

For other uses of the word Incubus, see Incubus (disambiguation).

Clown as Incubus is an eBook written by Reggie Krell. In this work one of the characters is an Incubus.


  • Title: Clown as Incubus
  • Author: Reggie Krell
  • Published By: Amazon Digital Services
  • Length: 24 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B073325H21
  • Publishing Date: June 21, 2017

Plot Summary

After leaving home for university, Max begins having out-of-body experiences involving a horrific clown with a tickling fetish that comes to pleasure him during the night. Although he realizes that he's hallucinating, he becomes obsessed with his incubus clown and begins exploring the darkness of his sexuality – desperate to uncover the origin of his fetishes.

But what he finds is the opposite of what he suspects, leading him to a ticklish scenario that is more exciting than he could have ever imagined.

Book Review

The following review was originally published by Tera on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on August 6, 2017

Max finds himself trapped in night terrors about clowns and the incubus which seems to be represented by them. But there is such a thing as being pulled in by one’s own needs and being lost to them as well.

The work is told from the main characters perspective and as such there’s just something odd about their thoughts, the narration and the events of the book. The chapters read like little bursts of story, leaving one wanting in understanding and comprehension at times. Much of this comes from two very odd fetishes by far. That then brings me to my problem with this work. Neither fetish does anything for me, I didn’t find the erotica hot or interesting either. It simply was a means toward an end, and that end didn’t strike me as being that interesting.

The plot is confused, much like the main character and when the latter part of the work comes and everything becomes more confusing, I simply lost my interest in the work and didn’t find my way back in. The story seems to be looking for itself, trying to find something to hold onto and when ti did my reaction was one of indifference to the main character and the events that unfolded.

The work is, as a whole, somewhat confused as to what exactly is the story it wishes to tell. There is, in a way, an incubus, but they aren’t really one overall. The theme of the story is, more than anything, tickling as sexual stimulation and while that’s interesting it doesn’t quite work for me.

Another editing pass would be useful to add some depth to the story, tell more about what is happening as well. There are flaws, mainly in the narrative that need to be addressed overall. Again, the question for me isn’t one about what’s happening to the main character, but why. That’s an important question to ask. The work is too short to really get into some depth about that, which might have helped to keep my interest.

One and a half pitchforks out of five.

I found this work to be difficult to read as whole. Not so much for the character or the events, but the fetishes encountered and my lack of interest in them. There’s little heat as well for a hot flash and the two combined leaves me confused and not interested which is a problem.

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