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Dates from Hell Anthology

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Dates from Hell Anthology
Dates from Hell Anthology eBook Cover, written by Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, and Lori Handelan
Dates from Hell Anthology eBook Cover, written by Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, and Lori Handelan
Author(s) Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, and Lori Handelan
Publisher Avon Books
Publication date March 28, 2006 Mass Market Paperback & Hardcover
October 13, 2009 eBook
Media type eBook
Length 404 Pages
ISBN 978-0060854096

For other uses of the word Incubus, see Incubus (disambiguation).

Dates from Hell is an anthology novel written by Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, and Lori Handelan. One of these stories has an Incubus as a main character in it.


  • Title: Dates from Hell Anthology
  • Author: Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, and Lori Handelan
  • Published By: Avon Books & HarperCollins
  • Length: 404 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B000OVLK3G
  • ISBN-10: 006085409X Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN-13: 978-0060854096 Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN-10: 0739467182 Hardcover
  • ISBN-13: 978-0739467183 Hardcover
  • Publishing Date: March 28, 2006 Mass Market Paperback
    October 13, 2009 eBook

Plot Summary

We've all been on bad dates, nightmare dates, dreadful experiences that turned out to be uniquely memorable in the very worst way. But at least our partners for these detestable evenings were more or less . . . human!

Now Kim Harrison, Lynsay Sands, Kelley Armstrong, and Lori Handeland -- four of the very best writers currently exploring the dangerous seduction of the supernatural -- offer up dating disasters (and unexpected delights) of a completely different sort: dark, wicked, paranormally sensual assignations with werewolves, demon lovers, and the romantically challenged undead. Sexy, witty, chilling, and altogether remarkable, here is proof positive that some love matches are made someplace other than heaven.

Book Review

The following review is from the Amazon.com book listing in the External Links below:

  • 5 out of 5 stars
  • Excellent anthology!
  • Reviewed On: March 31, 2006
  • Reviewed By: Deborah Wiley

What a great anthology! Every story held my interest. Kim Harrison's Undead in the Garden of Good and Evil is actually a prequel to her novel, Dead Witch Walking, although the story is about Ivy Tamwood rather than Rachel Morgan. Ivy wants to advance in Inderland Security (I.S.) but her supervisor, Art, is holding her back. Ivy is a living vampire whereas Art is a dead vampire and Art wants sex and blood in exchange for a positive evaluation. Ivy finds her way out from under Art when she discovers he is using his position to cover up a crime; Art finds a banshee tear at a homicide scene but Ivy learns that the banshee has been dead for 3 years and thus the tear has no power and was actually in the evidence room. The story is intriguing and ends with Ivy getting an intern- the intern is not named but is presumably Rachel Morgan.

The Claire Switch Project by Lynsay Sands is humorous despite some fairly predictable scenes. Claire Beckett and Kyle Lockhart are working together on a molecular destabilizer when another scientist, John Heathcliffe, decides to speed up the human trials by zapping Claire with the ray. No side effects are noticed until Kyle leaves Claire at home with his sister, Jill (her best friend from high school), and Claire realizes she can look at a picture of anyone and morph into that person. Jill has just been dumped by her boyfriend who is now going to their high school reunion with the bane of Jill and Claire's high school years, Magda. Jill convinces Claire to go as her date in the guise of movie star, Brad Cruise, only Kyle also invites her as his date to the reunion. Claire attempts to shift between both dates and the results are what one would expect- and yet it worked as I found myself laughing out loud.

I haven't read anything by Kelley Armstrong before (a mistake I definitely plan to correct!) but her entry, Chaotic was my favorite one in the anthology. In "Chaotic", Hope is half-demon with the ability to sense chaos (i.e. trouble of a supernatural sort). While stuck on a blind date her mother set her up on, she runs into jewel thief/werewolf, Marsten. She contacts Tristan Robard, her employer through the interracial council, who tells her to keep Marsten until he arrives. However, things get interesting then as Hope realizes she has been deceived all along.

The final story is Lori Handeland's Dead Man Dating in which literary agent, Kit Morelli, finds herself being pursued by a demon/incubus. What starts as a harmless blind date turns into a nightmare as Satan's latest demon creation tries to have sex with her to maintain his power. She is rescued by rogue demon hunter, Chavez, and together they have to figure out how to keep her alive.

Overall, this was an excellent anthology. Highly recommended!

External Links