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Insatiable (eBook II)

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Insatiable eBook Cover, written by R. Woods
Insatiable eBook Cover,
written by R. Woods
Author(s) R. Woods
Publisher Amazon Digital Services
Publication date September 3, 2023
Media type eBook
Length 90 Pages
ISBN 9798223384922

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Insatiable is an eBook written by R. Woods. In this work the character Nova is a Succubus.


  • Title: Insatiable
  • Author: R. Woods
  • Published By: Amazon Digital Services & Smashwords
  • Length: 90 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • IBSN: 9798223384922
  • Publishing Date: September 3, 2023

Plot Summary

Orion really wasn't in the mood to hit the bars. The crowds, the loud music, the patrons that became idiots after too much drink... he wasn't feeling it tonight. Then, he saw Nova. The effect Nova's gaze had on him was surprising. His skin suddenly prickled with heat. His cock immediately stirred. His body tuned out all other stimuli supplied by the club, his senses attuning themselves to her. Damn.

He'd never reacted so strongly to a female before. There’d been plenty of women he’d been attracted to, but this wasn't just attraction. This was more intense.

When he put his hand out to shake Nova's, their eyes met as their palms clasped. Hers widened with what looked like surprise. Or maybe heightened awareness. She covered the look quickly, but since he was watching her so closely, he noticed it. And he liked it. He liked it a helluva lot. \ Nova was surprised when intense desire flooded her within seconds of meeting Orion. She couldn't believe it! She'd met her mate! She'd known she would have a strong response to her mate when she found him - upon reaching adolescence, Succubi were taught in school about their own bodies, sex, and what to expect with their mates - but she hadn't realized just how strong her response to her mate would be.

She thought Orion looked human, but there were quite a few species that looked human - like her own species. There were also other species that could make themselves look human, thanks to shape-shifting abilities. She didn't think he was a Succubus, like her. She usually sensed a fellow Succubus.

She didn't think it was a good idea to just come out and tell Orion they were mates when they'd just met - some males of different species were put off by commitment. She'd gathered humans were one of those. And right now, her best guess was that Orion was human.

She'd have to find out what species he was for certain, and if he knew anything about Succubi and their mating ways. She'd have to approach a romantic relationship with him at a pace he was comfortable with, not the pace of a Succubus/Succubus mating.

And she'd have to do all this while fighting the insane lust he triggered in her.

Piece of cake? Not so much.

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.

External Links