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One Girl's Hell (eBook)

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One Girl's Hell
One Girl's Hell eBook Cover, written by FuntimeTales
One Girl's Hell eBook Cover,
written by FuntimeTales
Author(s) FuntimeTales
Publisher Smashwords
Publication date April 30, 2024
Media type eBook
Length 40 Pages
ISBN 9798224618545

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

One Girl's Hell is an eBook written by FuntimeTales. In this work several characters are Succubi.


  • Title: One Girl's Hell
  • Author: FuntimeTales
  • Published By: Smashwords
  • Length: 40 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • IBSN: 9798224618545
  • Publishing Date: April 30, 2024

Plot Summary

After a little mishap during a one night stand, an adventurous girl finds herself in Hell. A pair of succubus demons take it upon themselves to inflict only the best torments.

Book Review

The following review was originally published by Tera on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on October 8, 2024

Sometimes in the height of pleasure, things go very wrong. It was a mistake that she died, but being taken to hell and given to the none too tender mercies of the succubi wasn’t. Her eternal hell is beginning and there will be no escape from what is awaiting her.

The work is mainly a horror story with various kinds of erotica themes with a horror aspect to them mixed in. Very fast paced, the story leaves little time to consider what’s happening before the main character is thrown into the next fate awaiting her. The erotic scenes themselves are very harsh, pain and suffering is core to much of them, which given the story itself isn’t at all a surprise.

As the story unfolds, succubi appear, who are never named, and while they have erotic and sexual natures, they are less creatures of seduction than creatures of sex focused on punishing the main character throughout. For the most part they are a means to an end, a way to push the main character towards the next piece of erotic horror be that tentacles, futa, pain or a myriad of other sexual encounters. As such they tend to remain static in the story, ask the character development of the main character is through them and isn’t about them.

There are points at which the story feels like a teenage slasher horror film and that feeling repeats several times before the climax comes and a last kink in the tale appears. It wasn’t completely unexpected and made a lot of sense with all else that came before. But is also left the work dangling a question bout what happens next that isn’t explored, just hinted at.

That question still makes me wonder about how things ended, if they are as they seem or something else is going on. Perhaps a bit more story to settle the story’s outcome would fill in the part that’s missing for me. If not that, then certainly a follow on story about what came next and the consequences for the main character would be interesting to see where things went to.

Three out of five pitchforks.

I really couldn’t quite find my way into the story, mostly in that the main character just didn’t interest me and the succubi themselves were part of the story and not much else. As a work of erotic horror, the story accomplishes that well and I appriciate that aspect of the storytelling. But I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would and I wish I could have.

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