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Sister of Pain

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Sister of Pain
World of Warcraft character
Sister of Pain in World of Warcraft
First appearance World of Warcraft
First game World of Warcraft
Fictional profile
Level 72 Elite Succubi that can be found
in Black Temple

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Sister of Pain are Level 72 Elite succubi in World of Warcraft that can be found in Black Temple.


Pain is inevitable, but the suffering is optional.

—Black Temple (40), World of Warcraft Trading Card Game

Sister of Pain are Level 72 Elite succubi that can be found in Black Temple. They are brutal and unforgiving when it comes to bringing pain to their enemies, they can be found soul linked with the Sister of Pleasure.


Sister of Pain
Name Sister of Pain
Gender Female
Race Succubus (Demon)
Level 72 Elite Succubus
Health 206,605
Mana 33,090
Wealth 1 Gold
6 Silver
95 Copper
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Den of Mortal Delights, Black Temple


Name Effects
Lash of Pain Lashes an enemy, inflicting Shadow damage
Painful Rage Increases the caster's attack speed by 25%
and the Physical damage it deals by 20% for 2 min
Shadow Word Pain Speaks a word of powerful darkness causing
891 to 1009 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 18 seconds
Shared Bonds The life force of the target and caster are linked,
sharing damage equally between each other
Shell of Pain Causes 2500 Shadow damage when attacked and
reflects spells back to their casters


Name ILvl Req. Source Type Percent
A Gnome Effigy 1 Pickpocketed Junk 48
Strong Junkbox 60 Pickpocketed Other (Miscellaneous) 41
Mag'har Grainbread 55 55 Drop, Vendor,
Food & Drink 14
Super Healing Potion 65 55 Crafted, Drop, Quest,
Vendor, Pickpocketed
Potion 3

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