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Uploads by Firescorpion121

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
06:17, 4 October 2011 MacheteMuse.jpg (file) 241 KB A picture of my muse, Machete, as drawn by Elycia Thompson. 1
11:18, 3 October 2011 XenaColby-CorsetandSkirt.jpg (file) 883 KB Xena as drawn wearing a corset and tartan skirt by Elycia Thompson when she was named Aphra. 1
11:03, 3 October 2011 XenaColby.jpg (file) 826 KB Xena as drawn being a tease by Elycia Thompson 1
10:54, 3 October 2011 SylvanasAlcindor-1ButtonDress.jpg (file) 394 KB Sylvanas as drawn wearing a single-button dress by Elucia Thompson when she was named Krys. 1
10:48, 3 October 2011 SylvanasAlcindor-BlackLingerie.jpg (file) 175 KB Sylvanas as drawn wearing wearing black lingerie by Elycia Thompson 1
10:24, 3 October 2011 SylvanasAlcindor.jpg (file) 799 KB My character, Sylvanas, as drawn by Elycia Thompson. 1
09:21, 3 October 2011 BathoryLjubicic.jpg (file) 478 KB Bathory as drawn by Elycia Thompson.. 1