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Succubus: Erotic Short Story (eBook)

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Erotic Short Story
Succubus: Erotic Short Story eBook Cover, written by Vanessa Salt
Succubus: Erotic Short Story eBook Cover,
written by Vanessa Salt
Author(s) Vanessa Salt
Translator Emma Ericson
Publisher LUST
Publication date December 17, 2019
Media type eBook
Length 22 Pages

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Succubus: Erotic Short Story is an eBook written by Vanessa Salt. In this work one of the characters is a Succubus.


  • Title: Succubus: Erotic Short Story
  • Author: Vanessa Salt
  • Published By: LUST
  • Length: 22 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B08291W3RL
  • Publishing Date: December 17, 2019

Plot Summary

After a spooky night with old friends and an Ouija board, Amir is left alone in his flat. All his friends are married with kids, but he is still alone. Not only abandoned but his woman, Isabelle, also leaves him. He tries to stop thinking about her, but she was so beautiful. They used to make love a couple of times a day, and when they couldn’t, they were both suffering from a burning desire. But when Amir finally allows himself to sink into the land of dreams, she is back, and it feels too good not to be real.

What's a dream, and what is reality? The only thing Amir is sure off is that everything is hot, steamy and much more beautiful than anything he has ever experienced.

Book Review

The following review was originally published by Tera on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on January 17, 2020

A ouija board opens the supernatural world to a man who has lost everything and desires but one thing. But the problem with desire is the price one pays when the wish isn’t what you thought it was.

The work is a mixture of mystery, a bit of horror, and a handful of succubus erotica scenes which combine into a rather odd story about a soul seeking something lost and becoming more lost as a result. While there is a succubus in the story, or at least they seems to be one, she is a means to an end, to get to the climax in many ways, and tease out the horror aspects of the work.

The succubus, who is never named, is more of a spirit of dark desires who entwines themselves around the main character, taking from him and then, in a way, fulfilling their wish. They are very dark in their nature, it’s apparent from the first moment they appear. But they are less a succubus than just a way to make events happen. A shadow with purpose, but otherwise there’s really not a lot in the way of a character to be explored beyond them being desire given form and will.

Two out of five pitchforks.

It’s a very odd story with an even odder ending which I didn’t think worked all that well. More for putting a twist in the story, a bit of shock value, but otherwise it really didn’t make a lot of sense with all else. I didn’t expect a happy ending, and there wasn’t one. It’s just a shame what happened and how odd it felt with the rest of the story being so focused.

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