On November 27th, 2022, the 8,000th article was added to the SuccuWiki!


From SuccuWiki - The Wiki of the Succubi
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Order Level HP ST MA VI LU
Conversation Investigation Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak Frail
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
{{{Skill1}}} {{{Cost1}}} {{{Effect1}}} {{{Level1}}}
{{{Skill2}}} {{{Cost2}}} {{{Effect2}}} {{{Level2}}}

Using this template

Please use this table for Persona 4 Personas.

The table for "List of Skills" may list 25 skills at maximum. Copy the coding of
"|Skill1= |Cost1= |Effect1= |Level1="
and switch the numbers to "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" or "7" etc. when applicable.

If a persona is exclusive to Persona 4 Golden, put anything into the input "|P4G= " and it will only add the category for Golden.




