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The Naughty Succubus Part 6: Revelations (eBook)

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The Naughty Succubus Part 6: Revelations
The Naughty Succubus Part 6: Revelations eBook Cover, written by Becca Lusk
The Naughty Succubus Part 6: Revelations eBook Cover, written by Becca Lusk
Author(s) Becca Lusk
Series The Naughty Succubus
Publisher Sinful Selections
Publication date June 13, 2016
Media type eBook
Length 49 Pages
Preceded by The Naughty Succubus Part 5: Clarity
Followed by The Naughty Succubus Part 7: Recollections

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

The Naughty Succubus Part 6: Revelations is an eBook written by Becca Lusk. It is the sixth work in the Naughty Succubus series by this author. In this work the characters Krys, Calandra and Mitria are Succubi and Tera, the Queen of the Succubi makes an appearance as well.


  • Title: The Naughty Succubus Part 6: Revelations
  • Author: Becca Lusk
  • Published By: Sinful Selections
  • Length: 49 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • Publishing Date: June 13, 2016

Other Works in this Series on SuccuWiki

Plot Summary

Meet Trip Taylor. Until one week ago, he had been a pretty average New Yorker. He worked on Wall Street. He lived in a condo. All the things that one associates with normalcy. Until he met a woman on a train who ended up changing his entire world. All of a sudden he started having memories that he can't place. Demonic visitors start dropping in on him at all time, seducing him and calling him Gabriel. Normal human beings start treating him like a supernatural being without realizing why.

Yup, Trip finds out that he's actually an angel. Not just any angel mind you. Oh no. Not Trip. He's actually a reincarnated angel that's in the middle of an epic battle between Good, Evil, and Chaos that could end up destroying the entire multiverse we live in. Oh, and toss in the fact that his girlfriend is a demonic succubus and you'll see why Trip will tell himself to never, ever take a train again in his life.

Come join celebrated author, Becca Lusk, as we dive into a world where we redefine the world 'sinful'. Where debauchery to us is just a regular Monday morning to others. A world of angels, of demons, and everyone else in between. A world of naughty succubi...

Book Review

The following review was originally published by Tera on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on June 28, 2016

Krys has a real problem. She’s seen her love in the hands of another. She cannot help but feel that all is lost. But the past echoes the present and the truth will be heard, whether it is acceptable or not. Sometimes a simple truth is the real answer, but that can only be when one is willing to listen.

In this work, there is a hint about why everything came to be as it was, and will be. A certain Queen of the Succubi makes herself known, and along the way she does as she is want to do. Teaching a lesson to those that seemingly have forgotten some basic truths.

Tera makes herself fully known and I have to say that I liked how much the author managed to instil many of her character quirks and traits as a whole. There are a few little bits that are a little off, but overall it’s quite lovely to see how another author sees the Succubi Queen, her beliefs and her power.

The thing that I dearly liked was that Krys has the same opinion as Tera when it comes to taking souls and lives. Why would you do it? What’s the point? This was something that seemed fairly obvious about Krys at the beginning of the series and that is she isn’t what she is expected to be. It’s something that the angels and devils around her can’t quite deal with, and it made me smile.

There is a lot of internal conflict, but as well, there are touches of humour and laughter in the words, many of which come from Krys herself. If I didn’t know better, I would think that she was Tera’s child in many ways, all things considered. Along with Krys, another succubus character, Mitria, appears. She’s her own personality and she isn’t quite like the other succubi that have appeared in the series so far. She’s interesting, if a bit brash and “young” overall. But she is a talented succubus. Considering she is one of Tera’s that made every bit of sense.

The erotica fades out a bit in this work, only really being in one scene. That’s perfectly fine as there is so much else going on storywise that needs to be explored. While not all of the questions are answered, there’s enough told that much of the preceding series makes a lot more sense. Along the way, Trick comes fully into the work, knowing who he is, and that revelation is rather well done as a whole.

I liked the plot, the story and the characters. But with all of the good, the editing still needs some effort. I feel like at times the dialogue is a little “off”, the narrative needs some focus. A bit more time spent in telling more of the story, making it more involved, more clear, I think would push things to where I feel like they want to be, but can’t quite get there.

Three and a half of out five pitchforks.

Really the one thing that I wish for is that the author edits her work more than she has been. The story is very good, I love how things are playing out, but sometimes the writing needs that little polish and flare to make it all that I know this can be.

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