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The Rape of Lilith: The Degradation of the Dark Mother

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The Rape of Lilith: The Degradation of the Dark Mother
The Rape of Lilith: The Degradation of the Dark Mother Book Cover, written by Nathan Brown
The Rape of Lilith: The Degradation of the Dark Mother Book Cover, written by Nathan Brown
Author(s) Nathan Brown
Publisher VDM Verlag Dr. Müller
Publication date December 4, 2009
Media type Paperback
Length 104 Pages
ISBN 978-3639214925

For other uses of the name Lilith, see Lilith (disambiguation).

The Rape of Lilith: The Degradation of the Dark Mother is a book written by Nathan Brown. The work investigates the myth of Lilith and how it has changed over the centuries.


  • Title: The Rape of Lilith: The Degradation of the Dark Mother
  • Author: Nathan Brown
  • Published By: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller
  • Length: 104 Pages
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN-10: 3639214927
  • ISBN-13: 978-3639214925
  • Publishing Date: December 4, 2009

Plot Summary

Lilith. This female figure has remained a part of Middle and Near Eastern religious mythology for roughly 5,000 years. Though she has existed in myths for thousands of years, the question of Lilith?s true origins remains a mystery.

The solution to the enigma surrounding the ?birth? of Lilith may suggest that her name at one point referenced a widely worshipped creator goddess. However, her divinity has been continually diminished by the myths of male-dominated cultures with more developed written languages. Lilith?s fall has been long and far: from creator goddess to destroyer goddess, from deity to human, and from human to succubus-like demon.

The terrifying Lilith of modern religious perception may be little more than a diminished and tainted shadow of the original creator goddess worshipped by such prehistoric Mesopotamian groups as the lost civilizations of Al- Ubaid and Çatalhöyük. Embodying both womb and tomb, the Dark Mother is as lovely as she is terrifying. Lilith screams to us from the shadows, demanding we either open our eyes to her ... or have them ripped out.

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available.

External Links