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The Widowed Beauty's Naughty Rite (eBook)

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The Widowed Beauty's Naughty Rite
The Widowed Beauty's Naughty Rite eBook Cover, written by Reed James
The Widowed Beauty's Naughty Rite
eBook Cover, written by Reed James
Author(s) Reed James
Series The Incubus Grows His Harem
Publisher Naughty Ladies Publications
Publication date July 30, 2024
Media type eBook
Length 35 Pages
Preceded by The Incubus Grows His Harem Collection 4
Followed by The Naughty Witch & the Widow Submit

For other uses of the word Incubus, see Incubus (disambiguation).

The Widowed Beauty's Naughty Rites is an eBook written by Reed James. It is the thirteenth work in the Incubus Grows His Harem series by this author. In this work the character Ethan is an Incubus.


  • Title: The Widowed Beauty's Naughty Rite
  • Author: Reed James
  • Published By: Naughty Ladies Publications
  • Length: 35 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • Publishing Date: July 30, 2024

Other Works in this Series on SuccuWiki

Plot Summary

The widowed beauty has a naughty rite to perform on the hunky incubus!

Mrs. Dunn, an Arabic widow, has to exorcise the incubus from Ethan. The busty widow believes it's the only way. After luring him to her house, she begins the rite to free him.

But can she resist the handsome incubus's manly charms?

After all, Mrs. Dunn is a lonely and ripe widow! It has been years since her husband's death, and the busty MILF feels stirrings she has long suppressed. Can she control her desire for the hunky incubus and exorcise the demon from his soul?

Or will the gorgeous widow surrender to her wanton desires for the hunky incubus?

Book Review

At the time of this article's entry in the SuccuWiki, no review was available. Tera has this work on her reading list and will review it shortly.

External Links