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Talk:The Wanderer
The information on this talk page will be moved to a new article on Bo's Father in the near future.
It can be assumed however that Aife, his wife would know his name, but she has not revealed it by the end of the Third Season.
At some point in the past, Aife became his wife. However, it is entirely possible that he is the Dark Fae that Aife referred to as holding her captive and torturing her.[1] This brings up the question of Bo's birth as from what Aife has said, she did not love Bo's father and stole Bo away from him. It is possible that he planned for Bo's birth and her gaining her powers as a longer term plan to become the ruler of the Fae, with Aife and Bo at his side, assisting him to rule.
The next appearance was in The Ceremony. The first hint of his existence was when the song the Wanderer was played to Bo and Dyson when they first arrived in the Temple for Bo's Dawning. During this, Bo witnessed her father holding her in his arms and singing a song to her.[2] His face is never seen, but his voice is and he seems to care about Bo greatly in the vision that is seen. After his departure, Aife is shown killing Bo's guardian and then stealing Bo away saying that he would never have Bo as well. At the end of the episode, another hint about The Wanderer is given when Trick examines a old drawing of a mythical creature which looks something like a Pegasus rearing up while drawing something, likely Chi, from a group of either Fae or humans. As this is shown, the song "The Wanderer" plays which seems to connect the two.
He did not appear physically in the episode Adventures In Fae-bysitting, but his presence was apparent. In some manner he was involved with the events of the episode through a Carousel which was located in a park. When Bo involved herself with a coven of human witches, her father's presence is known. Bo's Father possesses one of the witches and tells Bo that her power is beyond her own comprehension, and that soon the two of them would rule together. Bo's Father then killed the two witches, leaving Bo alone and confused over what she had learned.
His appearance in Hail, Hale was only a fleeting glimpse of the old drawing that Trick had examined at the end of The Ceremony which Trick took with him when he was fleeing the Dal Riata after The Morrigan's actions against humans.
Tamsin was hired by him to locate Bo and return her. She found Bo but then found she did not wish to complete her mission as she was well aware of what happened to those that were taken to The Wanderer.[3] At this refusal, Tamsin was visited by Acacia, a friend and mentor of her who reminded her of the mission she needed to complete. When Tamsin refused again, Acacia was killed and her hand delivered to Tamsin as a warning.
As much as this seemed to match with Aife's statements, according to the memories that Bo saw during her Dawning, he seemed to care for Bo to some extent.[4] telling her guardian that should Bo need anything to call him and as well being seen in Bo's memories singing to her. Whether this was Bo's real memories or fantasy is not clear and does bring to question however Aife's statements about how she was treated.
Powers and Abilities
- Resurrection- As mentioned by Aife[5]
Information revealed in the series
- He can, according to Aife resurrect others.
- Tamsin had been working for him to find Bo and return Bo. However Tamsin did not complete this assignment.
- ↑ See the episode Blood Lines
- ↑ *The lullaby song is the Baloo Baleerie, a Scottish lullaby song that is thought to date back to the 11th or 12th century, because of the combination of Pagan (the malevolent fairies) and Christian (the angels) beliefs in the lyrics. You can read the entire lyrics and more here.
- ↑ See Tamsin's comments about this in Delinquents
- ↑ See the episode The Ceremony
- ↑ As seen in the episode Those Who Wander