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Those Who Wander
Lost Girl Series Article | |
![]() Episode Article | |
Lost Girl Series Articles | |
Lost Girl Series Characters | |
Lost Girl Series Episodes |
"Those Who Wander" | |||
Lost Girl episode | |||
![]() The Wanderer Card after Bo's disappearance | |||
Episode no. |
Season 3 Episode 13 Overall Episode 48 | ||
Directed by | Ron Murphy | ||
Written by | Emily Andras | ||
Produced by | Wanda Chaffey | ||
Featured Music | See Section Below | ||
Cinematography by | David Greene | ||
Editing by | Paul Day | ||
Production Code | 313 | ||
Original Air Date | April 14, 2013 | ||
Length | 60 minutes (runtime) | ||
Guest Actors | |||
Rachel Skarsten - Tamsin | |||
Episode Chronology | |||
| |||
Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes The Wanderer makes himself known and many lives hang in the balance SuccuWiki Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).
Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.
For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.
Those Who Wander was the thirteenth episode and season finale of the third season of the series, and the forty-eighth overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on April 14th, 2013 at 9 PM Eastern time.
Production Data
- Series: Lost Girl
- Season: 3
- Episode Number: 13 (48th Overall)
- Episode Title: Those Who Wander
- Directed by: Ron Murphy
- Writing credits: Emily Andras
- Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
- Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
- Country of Origin: Canada
- Originally Aired on: April 14th, 2013 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
- Number of Canadian Viewers: 269,000[1]
- Number of American Viewers: 1.21 million[2]
Actor / Actress | Role |
Anna Silk | Bo |
Kristen Holden-Ried | Dyson |
Ksenia Solo | Kenzi |
Richard Howland | Trick |
K.C. Collins | Hale / The Ash |
Zoie Palmer | Lauren |
Rachel Skarsten | Tamsin |
Emmanuelle Vaugier | The Morrigan |
Inga Cadranel | Aife |
Paul Amos | Vex |
Deborah Odell | Stella Nashira |
Shawn Doyle | Doctor Isaac Taft |
Tim Rozon | Massimo |
Rob Archer | Bruce |
Allison Dawn Doiron | Amanda |
Sidney Leeder | Kasey |
Julie Brar | Suneetha |
Dimitri Pavlakos | Blackwater Type 1 |
George Tchortov | Blackwater Type 2 |
Dale Saams | Blackwater Type 3 |
Chris Violette | Cell Guard #1 |
Craig Burnatowski | Cell Guard #2 |
Music in this Episode
Song Title | Artist | Notes |
Night In Ibiza | Courtesy of APM Music | |
Slippin' And Slidin' | Courtesy of APM Music | |
The Wanderer | Dion | Written by Ernest Maresca |
Short Summary
Kenzi is held by the Morrigan but escapes with Bruce, the henchman, and goes in search of the Druid to become Fae so that she can help Bo. Dr. Isaac Taft is going to use Dyson’s stem cells to turn himself into a Wolf-Shifter and Lauren agrees to perform the transplant if he lets Bo go, unharmed. Bo is put in a cell with Tamsin where she sees Aife who gives hints about Bo's father. Bo and Tamsin subdue Taft's guards and free the imprisoned Fae. Lauren performs the operation on Dyson and Taft but vanishes, her whereabouts unknown. Aife is stabbed by Taft when she moves to protect Bo. Bo is forced to leave Aife behind when Tamsin tells Bo they must leave. Dyson hunts Taft and reveals Lauren did not inject his stem cells into Taft but had instead made him a human/cabbit hybrid with stem cells from a Cabbit Fae prisoner, he then kills Taft. Hale rescues Trick and he leaves with Stella for Scotland as Vex takes out the Morrigan for Hale. Bo and Tamsin battle when the Rune Glass does not work as Tamsin expected, Tamsin eventually sides with Bo against The Wanderer. Bo leaves for the Dal Riata and Tamsin collects Dyson. They encounter The Wanderer and Tasmin reveals him to be Bo's father before trying to run him down. This fails and they crash Tamsin's truck, their fate unknown. Bo arrives at the Dal Riata and encounters The Wanderer who spirits her away to places unknown, the only evidence of this happening is a single Wanderer card left behind, now with two silhouettes on it, one being Bo's.
Detailed Summary
The episode begins with Bo (Anna Silk) still outside of the compound where Dyson and Lauren are held. Bo attacks the guard who shot Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) and eventually draws Chi from him in order to try and heal Tamsin from her wounds. However, when Bo attempts to give the Chi to Tamsin, her body rejects it and the Chi flows back to the guard where it came from. Bo tries to get information on where Dyson is from the guard, but he falls unconscious. Bo then returns to Tamsin and tries to get her to respond once more, but fails. Bo then calls out to Dyson that she "could really use your help and I hope you are okay." Inside the compound, Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) remains within his cell and calls out to Aife (Inga Cadranel) if she knows a way out of the prison they are in. Aife answers in a confused voice: "It's called death and its coming for you." The scene then shifts to the other cells where other Fae are seen, some missing parts of their bodies or otherwise gravely injured.
After the opening credits, Bo has returned to her home with Tasmin who remains unconscious. Bo contacted two of the Kitsune who had worked with Tamsin in the past, Amanda (Allison Dawn Doiron) and Kasey (Sidney Leeder) in an attempt to save her, but they are more interested in themselves. Bo grabs the two by the hair and drags them over to Tamsin where Amanda tells Bo that Tamsin is close to death and the bullet wound she has suffered has nothing to do with her condition. They explain that the fact that Tamsin is losing her hair tells then that she is: "Close to the end of her life cycle." But the fact that Tamsin has split-ends seems to disgust them more. Bo asks if there is a way to stop Tamsin's death, but she is told: "This is the way of the Valkyrie. To live. To serve. To expire. Over and over again." When mention is made of who Tamsin is involved with the Kitsune describe them as being "Voldemort bad" and "as old as time." When asked what his name is, they tell Bo they do not know, nor do they want to know and, for the first time, seem frightened and very serious about this. One of the Kitsune then offers to take the bullet out of Tamsin and Bo asks in surprise if she is a doctor. The answer is: "No, but I've been pre-med for twenty years. I love college!" Kasey asks if they have: "time for a make-over" and is told that: "it's a horizontal laceration. Oooof course we do!" As the two Kitsune start to work on Tamsin, Bo walks away and dials her phone mumbling to herself of: "A shit-storm of Fae proportions."
Bo calls Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) and is surprised when she answers the phone. When asked if she is alright, Kenzi tells Bo that she is: "Keeping it realzes with my peeps in tent city." Bo is surprised by this, not believing that Kenzi is in the sewers where she had been before Kenzi met Bo. She asks Bo if she has found Dyson and Bo tells her that they found Dyson, but have not rescued him. Bo asks again if Kenzi is alright and she tells Bo that she had to leave the Dal Riata when The Morrigan "shifted into total psycho-drive and wow has she ever gotten chubs!" It is then seen that Kenzi is being held in mid-air by Bruce (Rob Archer) as The Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier) stands nearby. Kenzi then quickly hangs up on Bo before anything more is said between them, The Morrigan looking unpleased with Kenzi.
Back at Bo's place, Tamsin awakes to see Amanda and Kasey hovering over her and comments: "I knew I was a goner, I didn't expect to wake up in slut heaven." Amanda giggles: "OMGG. The G is for extra glitter." Tamsin tells them that she's impressed by their stitches and Kasey adds that Tamsin "barely looks like like you are dying." Tamsin is angered by this and demands to know what they have told Bo, but Bo enters the room and asks the two Kitsune to leave. As they do so, they ask if they can: "rifle through your drawers slash trying on your underwear!" before running upstairs. Tamsin apologizes, but Bo tells her: "Well, they'll be out of luck. I don't wear underwear." Tamsin comments: "Good to know." Bo then tells Tamsin that the Kitsune did her makeover to: "Pretty Woman before she met Richard Gere" and then hands Tamsin a mirror to see what happened. As Tamsin works at getting rid of the makeup, Bo asks Tamsin for help in getting Dyson out of the compound, but Tamsin is not for the idea as she believes the place is too heavily guarded and they have no chance. Bo then asks if they collected the guards into one place "could you cast doubt on all of them?" Tamsin is unimpressed and tells Bo: "There was a time when I could lay waste to an entire army. Now if i go full Valkyrie I'll pass out. Sucks to get old." Bo tells Tamsin that she is sorry and Tamsin replies: "You should be. You never got to see me in my prime. I could settle a battle with the blink of an eye. Before I got weak and started slumming it as a mercenary." Bo then asks: "Fell in with the wrong guy?" When Tamin looks surprised, Bo continues: "Or so the movie version would go." Tamsin then tells Bo that if she wants her to help, they will have to go see someone named Massimo who "can juice me. Druids are good like that." Bo answers that she "always wanted to meet the Druid" and Tamsin tells her "This should be fun then."
Meanwhile Kenzi is still in the clutches of The Morrigan and Bruce. Kenzi looks at her phone and tells The Morrigan: "Now. Let me check my very packed social calendar umm... nope! Not scheduled to take any more of your guff. No matter how chouette your shoes are." The Morrigan thanks Kenzi and adds that she uses them to "crush rodents." Kenzi responds that she isn't afraid of death, but she is "open to other alternatives." The Morrigan tells Kenzi that: "Snapping your poorly constructed human body wouldn't be much of a challenge. I've seen better constructed dorm bookcases." Bruce then forces Kenzi to sit in a chair as The Morrigan tells Kenzi that she is more interested in someone that "The Light hold dear to their hearts." Kenzi guesses Dyson or Lauren, but is told "No swizzle-spine. I meant Trick. Your beloved Blood King. Is dead."
After a commercial break, at Isaac's compound, Dyson again tries to communicate with Aife who remains confused and unsure about what is happening around her. She keeps asking Dyson: "Is my daughter okay? She's my daughter see? Bo's my daughter... Bo's my daughter." Then she sings a odd rhyme: "Dark, Light, Wrong, Right, Skip to my loo... Darlin." before giggling to herself quietly. She then tells Dyson: "Most couldn't handle the pain. But I could. Again." Dyson calls out to Aife trying to find out what Isaac wants with the Fae he has imprisoned and Aife tells him: "At first he wanted... me? He'd been watching me. Tracking me. He thought me powerful. The most powerful. Then he saw me defeated. Broken after Bo and I fought. Still he picked me up and he brought me..." As Aife tells this story, flashbacks are seen from the episode Blood Lines before Dyson interrupts her asking what Isaac did to her. Aife does not answer, but instead says: "Always with the questions. What's the ultimate type of Fae Succubus? Who is the strongest? But I never told him. I never told him it's my Bo. My daughter. I told him it was you. I saw it in her eyes that night. You gave up your wolf to save her." Dyson answers that he did, not admitting that he gave up his love for Bo to Aife. Aife continues: "I did too. I gave up the wolf to save my girl. Because we love her... We love her..." Dyson says nothing, but just watches Aife fade away into insanity once more.
Lauren (Zoie Palmer) meanwhile is tending to Suneetha (Julie Brar) the Fae that was in the cell she was placed into by Isaac. She asks Lauren if she thinks her husband, who was bar-tending at the Dal Riata, survived. Suneetha tells Lauren that she is a Cabbit and has 38 children, hoping that she will live long enough to see them again. Lauren promises Suneetha that she will, but Issac (Shawn Doyle) appears and tells Lauren that she "shouldn't make promises you cannot keep and you shouldn't get attached to the lab rats." Lauren shoots back that she "knows better than to take advice from a sociopath." Isaac then claims that he placed Lauren in the cell for her own good, but now he needs her. Lauren demands surgical tools in ten minutes to save Suneetha and then she will do as Issac asks. Isaac tells Lauren he will "see what I can do" and leaves.
Elsewhere in the city, Tamsin and Bo meet with Massimo (Tim Rozon) who greets them: "Well, well. Spider and the fly." He tells Tasmin that she "looks like ash" before leering at Bo adding "and you look good enough to eat." When Tamsin asks for her "pick-me-up" Massimo toys with her before Bo snatches it from his hands saying that she will hold onto it: "Just in case." Bo then walks away to try calling Trick and as she does so, Massimo asks Tamsin if she is: "losing her edge." Tamsin warns him: "The last person that said that lost their hand." Massimo coldly replies: "But not by you" referring to what happened to Acacia in the episode Delinquents. Tamsin says nothing and Massimo apologizes adding that he loved Acacia as well. Tamsin coldly answers: "Love will get you killed." Massimo then continues: "As much as I would love to watch all of this go to hell, I have a date with a cabin up north" and then hands Tamsin the Rune Glass. She asks if it will work on Bo and his answer is: "measure it three times. Cut it once." Tamsin warns Massimo: "He won't measure" and they look at each other for a time before he walks away and Bo returns. Tamsin asks if Bo had any luck and Bo answers: "Sure. I still have you."
Lauren demands that Isaac release his captives, but he tells Lauren a story instead. He reveals that when he and his brother were children, they were camping in a tree house and a Wendigo attacked them, killing his brother by severing his head from his body, but Isaac was blamed for his brother's death and sent to an asylum. Lauren tells Isaac that Wendigo can be very territorial when provoked, but he insists they did nothing to the Fae. He then tells Lauren that eventually he found a Wendigo and made it suffer before killing it. He tries to convince Lauren that he did not enjoy doing so, but also that he discovered a new race of being in the process, the Fae. He insists that his plans are "all about evolution." Lauren warns Isaac that the Fae will find him and "they will take more than your head." Isaac taunts Lauren that she should leave and tell them, but adds he expects that they will not take her back and he is her only protection now. Lauren is shocked and asks how long Isaac has know that she has worked for the Fae. He tells Lauren: "Long enough to know you are the only one that can help me. You are the only one that can help the human race to ascend." Lauren tells Isaac he is insane, but he continues to explain that the reason Lauren is in the compound is to: "extract the stem cells from the strongest Fae I can find and implant them..." Lauren realizes what he wants and finishes the sentence: "into you. A cross-breed. You want to become Fae." Isaac smiles: "And I am going to use Dyson's DNA to do it."
After another commercial break, Bo and Tamsin approach Isaac's compound. Tamsin is unsure about what is about to happen, but Bo warns her: "Don't pussy out on me." A guard sees them approach and moments later all of the guards surround the two of them. Bo attempts to convince them that she and Tamsin are lost, Bo overacting and Tamsin not really caring to try to do so. The guards seem to be aware that Bo and Tamsin are Fae and take them inside the compound.
The Morrigan in the meantime has Kenzi tied to a chair and tells Kenzi that she is: "quite the comedian." Kenzi tells her: "But not a terrorist. Those should be extinct Fae elders in the banquet room might have bought your hysterical anti-human rhetoric, but Bo won't." The Morrigan gloats: "Bo isn't here. And Trick's dead. And Dyson's probably a shag carpet by now." When Kenzi suggests that Hale will oppose her, The Morrigan reveals that Hale: "Hale's gone sweetie. Pissed his leather panties while he begged for his life. He left you like the coward he is." Kenzi asks: "Is this your end game? Torture the human for info on what?" The Morrigan reveals that she has questions about Bo's lineage that she wants answers to. Kenzi is confused as The Morrigan reveals that she has: "Tried bribery, a Mesmer, a parasite." Kenzi suggests that she could have tried not being "such a bitch" which angers The Morrigan and she picks up a stun gun which arcs menacingly. She approaches Kenzi and only says Bo's name which makes Kenzi reply rapidly: "What? Broke up with Lauren? Can now super-suck a crowd and enjoys watching online cat videos? You might as well torture away honey because I'm not telling you squat." The Morrigan seems stunned as she asks: "Bo can feed off multiple Chi at the same time?" Kenzi is quiet a moment and then taunts The Morrigan with: "I doubt Bo could hoover deep enough to remove those crow's feet." The Morrigan then attempts to use the weapon on Kenzi, but it sputters out and dies which angers her further to the point where she presses the device against Bruce's arm and injures him. Bruce suggests that Trick's home might be warded, and The Morrigan repeats what Bruce suggests, Bruce bowing to her adding that she is "so wise." The Morrigan then claims that she has what she wanted and tells Bruce to take Kenzi somewhere and "end her once and for all" as she leaves, Bruce watching her do so, an angry look in his eyes.
Bo has been separated from Tamsin and is brought to Isaac who gloats over her being there asking "How's it hanging?" Bo answers: "Judging from your pants, high and to the left." Isaac then tells Bo that she is the latest addition to his collection, but she tells him that she is there for Dyson and "no mad scientist can stop me." Lauren then appears and asks: "How about a sane one?" When Bo runs over to embrace her, Lauren turns away slightly and raises a hand to stop Bo. Lauren notes that Bo came for Dyson and she knew Bo would, but Bo tells Lauren that she traced the number on Lauren's phone and she insists that she can save both Dyson and Lauren. Isaac then interrupts telling Bo that Lauren is his partner. Bo asks Lauren what is going on and she tells Bo: "The Fae have ruined my life. They have cursed my girlfriend, they have held me prisoner, sometimes literally. And all the while my brain... my talents... Don't you see? This is a chance for me to do something meaningful. To save my kind." Bo does not believe what Lauren is saying, thinking that Lauren has been brainwashed. Lauren tells Bo: "Maybe that was our problem. Did you know my name isn't Lauren?" Bo is not shaken by this and tells Lauren: "Whoever you are. I know you and I love you." Lauren replies: "And I loved you." She then turns to Isaac and tells him that she will do as he asked, provided that he releases Bo unharmed." Bo asks what Lauren is talking about, but Lauren does not answer her as Isaac asks why Lauren has changed her mind. Lauren explains: "The Fae will never let me live out there, and here I have a chance to transform humanity and take out the one man that has stood in my way." Bo asks who, and Lauren answers: "Dyson. I can't save you both. Just like you couldn't love us both. Goodbye." and then walks away from Bo, who stands there in shock before being taken away to a cell by the guard. As she leaves, Bo calls Isaac a monster, but he replies: "Oh no. Not yet. I can't wait until you see me afterwards Succubus. I think you'll find me very familiar."
The next scene has Isaac gloating over Dyson as he lays strapped to a table. He tells Dyson that he is the strongest creature he has even encountered. Dyson tells Isaac he can do what he wants with him, but asks that he let the other Fae go. Isaac comments: "That's so noble. I hope it doesn't rub off on me." When Dyson tries to break free of the table, Isaac adds: "I hope that temper doesn't rub off on me either." Isaac continues to gloat, overjoyed that he will have all that Dyson is when the operation is completed. Isaac then leaves Dyson and walks to where Lauren is preparing for surgery. He tells her: "I do like the wolf you know. It would be nice if he survives." Lauren coldly answers: "I wouldn't bet on it."
Another commercial break and we return to see Bo and Tamsin in a cell together. Tamsin tells Bo: "It feels bad in here. I've lived with death and whatever lived in here begged for it." Bo tells Tamsin: "Well hold it together because you are all that I have left." Then, from across the hallway, Aife calls out: "Bo? Bo? Sweetheart?" Bo turns at the sound of Aife's voice and answers in a shocked voice: "Mom?" Aife goes into a panic ranting: "No! It can't be! I gave them nothing! I gave them the wolf!" Tamsin asks: "Want to introduce me?" and Bo explains: "Tamsin... This is Aife... My mom." Aife continues to panic, calling out: "They pitted Fae against Fae. Made us feed off each other. Bo... My daughter... Bo. Kepe her from the evil." Bo tries to tell Aife that it is alright, but Aife continues: "No! It's not okay! You have to leave! If your father was here he would kill them all! And then resurrect them and kill them again!" Bo can only whisper: "My father" before Aife continues: "They want powerful? They fear us? If he were here... If he were here... He would never allow this to happen..." Aife then rubs her hands over her stomach while Bo bangs her hand against the cell door and demands: "What has this to do with my father?" But Aife does not respond and drops to the cell floor, quiet once more. Tamsin tells Bo that she is sorry, but Bo replies: "I don't need your pity. If these asshole want a fight. Let's give them one." Tamsin tells Bo to juice her. Bo grabs Tamsin by the hair and bares her neck. Tamsin asks what Bo is doing ans she replies: "You really need to learn to share" before plunging the device Massimo gave them to restore Tamsin's power into Tamsin's neck and then taking Chi from Tamsin as she does so as Bo takes Tamsin's Chi, her eyes turn a bright blue and remain so as the two begin to fight in the cell.
In the operating room, both Dyson and Isaac are laying on operating tables with Lauren standing over Dyson. Dyson asks Lauren why she is doing this and she tells him: "Because I have injected you with six doses of anesthetic." Dyson asks Lauren not to do the surgery, but Lauren turns away, asks Isaac if he is ready and then begins the procedure by extracting bone marrow from Dyson. causing him to scream in pain as she does so.
Elsewhere, Bruce says: "I'm sorry. It has to be done. I have to end this." Kenzi is tending to Bruce's injury and tells him: "Better! Better! But don't apologize! Be firm! Tell her you expect full severance." Bruce shakes his head and explains: "The Morrigan is going to severance my heart from my chest if I actually try to quit." Kenzi finishes bandaging Bruce up and he thanks her for being kind to him, explaining that he "hates the sight of blood." Kenzi expresses thanks to Trick's "anti-violence-in-the-lair- thing-ama-protect-ums" for protecting her, but Bruce explains that she should thank her hips. Kenzi looks at Bruce and says: "Bruce! I said we could be friends!" Bruce then explains that she needs to look in her pocket. Doing so, Kenzi discovers what Hale placed in her pocket in the previous episode. Kenzi is confused but Bruce explains: "You know? From the poem? To Clan Zamora, a gift bestowed. Immune to evil deed, to blow. For he who carries sacred twig, Immortality shall cling." Kenzi is amazed, and Bruce explains that he has a "Phd in Medieval Fae Verse." Bruce adds that the "stick" as Kenzi calls it, is the stick of Zemora but what is really weird is that it is passed from father to son in the clan. Kenzi realizes that Hale gave her the gift to protect herself over his own life and comes close to tears.
Bo and Tamsin battle in their cells which draws all of the guards to see what is happening. One of the guards opens the cell and both Bo and Tamsin step into the hallway. Bo comments: "Your move Valkyrie" and Tamsin uses her powers to freeze all of the guards in the area while Bo's eyes glow as all of the guards are commanded by Tamsin to be unconscious before Tamsin falls to the floor drained from the effort she had to make. Before she also falls unconscious, she tells Bo: "If you find Dyson, he has my Wilco bootleg." When Bo takes her hand away from Tamsin, more of her hair falls away meaning that she is closer to the end of her life than before. Bo then uses a pass card from one of the guards to unlock all of the cells and free the Fae, including Aife. Suneetha calls out to Bo: "Bless you child, you really are the Chosen One." Bo then takes Aife by the hand, leaving Tamsin behind and when Aife asks where they are going, Bo tells her: "Anywhere but here."
Bo and Aife then arrive in Isaac's office to find the surgery finished and Isaac seeming different. Isaac asks: "Who let my pets loose?" As a guard moves to take hold of Bo, Isaac waves him away saying that Bo will be his first test of his new powers as one of the Fae. Bo is shocked when Isaac moves at faster than human speed to arm himself and Isaac declares himself "reborn" before telling Bo that he needs to get past her. When Bo tells Isaac he will have to get past her first, Isaac shouts "Awesome!" and then moves to attack Bo. However, as he strikes with the blade he holds, Aife steps in front of Bo and takes the knife blow instead. Moments after Aife falls to the floor, Bo holding her, Dyson barges into the room and kills the guard before turning his attention to Isaac who rushes out of the room. Bo tells Dyson: "Whatever he is needs to die" and Dyson rushes out of the room in pursuit of Isaac, Bo holding Aife in her arms and calling out "Mama?"
Back from commerical, Bo holds Aife asking if she can hear her. Aife whispers: "Of course I can Isabeau." You know that was my mother's name?" Bo answers that she knows and that Trick told her everything. Aife tells Bo to look out for "him" but Bo is confused about who Aife means, whether she means Trick, Isaac or Bo's father. Tamsin enters the room and tells Bo that they have to leave while they can. Bo refuses saying that she left her mother once before and all of this happened. Tamsin tells Bo that Aife held out long enough to protect her and that Bo cannot let that be in vein. Suneetha then enters the room and promises Bo that she will look after Aife. Bo thanks her and then she and Tamsin leave the room. Moments after they do, Aife opens her eyes, takes hold of Suneetha by the neck and then begins to feed on her Chi, this image being the last one of Aife in the episode.
Tamsin and Bo arrive in the operating room where Tamsin tells Bo that: "It's time to go." Bo asks: "Where might that be?" Tamsin replies: "Wherever he wants you." Bo reveals that she knew that Tamsin would betray her and Tamsin congratulates her: "You're smart. I've always liked that about you" as the two begin to circle each other slowly. Tamsin tells Bo: "You should have learned from The Dawning. Trust your instincts." Bo refuses to go with Tamsin and in response Tamsin reveals that she has the Rune Glass to Bo and then throws it at Bo's feet where it shatters and the contents spray over Bo. Tamsin is perplexed noting: "I've never known the Druid mix to be a dud before." Bo taunts Tamsin with: Maybe he fudged the recipe." Tamsin tells Bo: "Or maybe you don't love and trust the way you claim." Bo tells Tamsin that it isn't about her, it's about Tamsin and Bo reveals that "the taste on your lips, the feelings of doubt... kind of sucks." Tamsin tells Bo: "I'll just have to take you down old school. I'm stronger and older." Bo answers: "All I just heard was old." Tamsin taunts Bo with "Baby Fae." Bo responds: "Dead woman." Then the two attack each other.
Elsewhere, Trick (Richard Howland) still is in the trunk of a car that he was thrown into at the end of the previous episode. He mumbles to himself: "The Blood King bested by a car trunk. Not on my watch." Then there is the sound of footsteps outside and then Hale (K.C. Collins) opens the trunk telling Trick: "No need to go Wrath of the Titans old man" and helps Trick out of the trunk of the car.
Bo and Tamsin continue to battle, their fight being fairly even between the two of them, either really gaining the upper hand in the fight. Tamsin tries to use her powers to make Bo give up, but Bo resists her. Then Bo draws Chi from Tamsin, but she breaks away before Bo can take enough to remove Tamsin as a threat. After throwing each other into various pieces of equipment, Bo finally takes the upper hand in the fight and forces Tamsin to the floor, then straddles her. Bo's eyes turn completely blue and an evil smile passes over her face for an instant before she returns to normal and simply says: "No." Tamsin demands that Bo kill her, but Bo refuses and tells Tamsin that she doesn't want to continue the fight either. However, Tamsin draws a weapon and holds it against Bo's throat. Bo tells Tamsin she has a choice, Tamsin tells Bo that she is already dead. Bo insists that Tamsin is: "More alive that anyone i have ever met." Tamsin pauses in confusion and reveals that she doesn't know what to do. Bo whispers to her: "Fight" and then Tamsin lowers the weapon to the floor. Bo tries to tell Tamsin that it will be okay, but Tamsin tells Bo: "No... I've cursed us both. You have no idea. He's going to come after us." Bo takes hold of Tamsin and forcefully tells her: "We need to get the team back together. Regroup. Somewhere safe." Tamsin whispers: "Safe? Okay. I'm going to get Dyson." Bo tells Tamsin that she will find Kenzi. When Tamsin asks about Lauren, Bo's answer is: "I don't know where they took her." Tamsin admits to Bo: "You're not like anyone I've ever met in my life. In any of my many lifetimes." The two look at each other for a long drawn out moment and then Tamsin runs off with Bo going in the other direction, telling Tamsin to meet her at the Dal Riata.
Hale and Trick are standing together and Hale tells Trick: "My piece of business as the acting Ash was protecting the Blood King from the clutches of the Dark." Trick questions this, but Hale explains: "Turns out that politics wasn't my thing" as a car pulls up beside them. When Trick turns around, he sees Stella (Deborah Odell) in the car to his surprise. Hale explains that since Stella has to leave for Scotland, it would be a good place for Trick to "hide out until this battle is won." Trick and Hale shake hands, Trick telling Hale: "You were wrong. You would have made a great Ash." Hale smiles and walks away saying: "Later. I have to see about a girl." Trick asks about The Morrigan and Hale tells Trick not to worry about her as he "has a guy on the inside" as he dials his phone.
In The Morrigan's lair, Vex (Paul Amos) answers his phone with: "Her royal highness is ready for delivery, provided you are clear on what I get for playing my part Hale." Vex then is seen to use his powers to pull The Morrigan into view, who is tied up and gagged before making her leap backwards onto a bed. Vex continues to talk to Hale and says that whatever deal Hale is offering is "acceptable" and they will "hash it out over a nice cup of tea Hale" before hanging up the phone. Vex then gloats as he threatens The Morrigan with the weapon she tried to use on Kenzi with: "It's like my birthday, La Shoshain and the St. Valentine's Day massacre all rolled into one!"
Dyson is chasing after Isaac through a field when Isaac suddenly stops and tells Dyson that he cannot kill him, but Dyson answers: "I'm pretty sure I can." Isaac tells Dyosn that they are "connected. We're bothers." Dyson then reveals that Lauren tricked Isaac and did not use Dyson's DNA but instead used Suneetha's DNA which was that of a Cabbit. Isaac does not believe this, but when Dyson tells him: "Fae do not usually eat Fae, but in this case I'll make an exception" he tries to save his life by offering Dyson money in exchange for his life. Instead Dyson gives him a short head start and then begins to chase him down again, transforming into his wolf form as he does so. The last image of Isaac is that of him running in panic into the forest, Dyson closing in on him.
After another commercial, Kenzi and Bruce are walking together in the street. Kenzi warns Bruce to look out for surprise attacks, but he tells Kenzi: "I don't do stealth Kenzi." She tries to convince him that she will be alright and that he has to look after himself because of what The Morrigan will do when she finds out that he helped her. Bruce explains: "The Morrigan declared you an enemy of the Realm. I'm not leaving your side till you're safe. You're tough Kenzi, but you're human." Kenzi answers: "Not for long." Kenzi then tells Bruce: "I met someone. He said he could make me Fae. And I think I am going to take him up on it." Bruce tells Kenzi that it's a bad idea and when Kenzi says that the person is Massimo, bruce becomes very upset about this telling Kenzi: "Massimo the Druid? Really bad idea." Kenzi insists her friends need her to "nut up and do the rescuing for once. And I can't when I'm... this." Bruce insists that he will not let Kenzi meet with Massimo alone, but Kenzi tells Bruce: "Well, it's a long walk." Bruce smiles and then uses a car remote as he tells her: "Who's walking?" Kenzi turns around to see a sports car in black which Bruce explains is: "The Morrigan's new toy. And you get to drive." Kenzi is overwhelmed and whispers: "I love you." Bruce replies: "I love you too Kenzi" but Kenzi tells Bruce she was talking to the car and Bruce mumbles to himself: "Darn." Once they are in the car, Bruce asks Kenzi: "Just try to keep it on the road." Kenzi puts on a pair of dark sunglasses, starts the car and answers: "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." The last image of Kenzi and Bruce in the episode are the two of them racing off in the sports car, destination unknown.
Dyson steps out of the woods, his hands bloodied to find Tamsin waiting for him in her truck. She tells him to get in and they start to drive off, but before they do, Dyson removes something from his teeth and throws it out the window. As Tamsin drives, Dyson comments that she looks "pretty rough." Tamsin tells Dyson he should have seen the other guy. Tamsin tells Dyson: "I'm too stubborn. Should have expired years ago. Now there is nowhere to run." Dyson tells her: "Whatever it is, we'll get through it together." A moment later and the song "The Wanderer" begins to play on Tamsin's truck radio. Tamsin comments: "That song." Dyson recognizes it and adds: "I heard it during Bo's Dawning." As they round a bend in the road, a figure in black stands in the middle of the road ahead, his back to the two of them as they approach. Tamsin says in a quiet voice: "That's Bo's father.", referring to The Wanderer himself who appears to be a man dressed exactly as the man in the Wander card image. Dyson is shocked by this revelation, but before he can ask any questions, Tamsin says: "We all have to make choices" and accelerates with the intention of ramming Bo's father with her truck. Dyson asks what she is doing and Tamsin tells Dyson: "We all got to die someday." Dyson yells at Tamsin to slow down or stop, but she does not and there is a glinpse of a man in black holding a cane and dressed in old style clothing who turns into black smoke just as Tamsin's truck reaches him. Tamsin then loses control and it careens over a cliff before landing on its roof. The final image of Tamsin and Dyson being the truck upside down and smoking, its wheels still spinning.
The final scene of the episode begins with Bo entering the Dal Riata and calling out for Kenzi and Trick, but neither answers her. Bo tries to make a phone call but the doors to the Dal Riata slam shut and the radio begins to play the song "The Wanderer" but at the point in the song where the words: "But they don't even know my name" are said, the record seems to skip over them over and over again. Bo calls out in anger: "You're right. I don't. But when I figure it out, you are in serious shit." As Bo says this, a card falls through the air in front of her and when she picks it up, it is the Tarot card of The Wanderer that has been seen many times in the series. Bo asks: "Cards and parlour tricks? Got anything else?" Then every piece of glass in the room explodes and Bo ducks to avoid the worst of the things flying through the air. As she kneels on the floor, dark black smoke rolls over and around Bo before crawling up her body and covering her completely. When the smoke vanishes, Bo is no longer to be seen and the Tarot card drops through the air once more.
The final image in the episode is a view of the tarot card on the glass and debris covered floor. It is the Wanderer card again, but this time it shows the image of The Wanderer and a silhouette of Bo as well on it as the episode and season comes to a close.
Questions in this Episode
- How long does Tamsin have to live if she is at the end of her current life cycle? How many has she been through? Does she remember all of them? How does she die and how is she reborn?
- How does the Druid "juice" Tamsin? What is in the injection she takes? What does she owe him for it?
- Where is the cabin that Massimo goes to?
- Why does no one know The Wanderer's name?
- How exactly does it work for Isaac to be given the stem cells of a Fae and almost instantly become one? This isn't biologically possible and more importantly, it has been noted in the series that there are no such things as Fae-human crossbreeds. Fae mating with humans results in normal human children and not Fae. As such the theme of this episode breaks the universe rules as they have been explained so far.
- Kenzi owes The Morrigan a favour. So why didn't The Morrigan use it? Why after questioning Kenzi did she intend to have her killed? This open plot thread should have been used and it never was.
- Why was The Morrigan so intent in finding out who Bo's parents were? Why was she so frightened in knowing that Bo could take Chi from many beings at the same time? Does she know who The Wanderer is?
- Suneetha called Bo "The Chosen One" what does this mean?
- After being attacked by Isaac, Aife fed from Suneetha. It is unclear if Aife killed her. It is also not known where Aife went after healing herself. It is also unclear if Aife was in fact insane or pretending to be.
- So why didn't Trick escape the car trunk he was in? There would have been a release from the inside, it is standard equipment in all modern cars and even if he didn't have one, the latch would be plainly visible and he could have picked it open.
- Where has Lauren gone at the end of the episode? Why? Is she being held or has she taken over Isaac's goal from him?
- Is it possible that Lauren injected herself with the stem cells from Dyson and has become Fae and a wolf-shifter?
- Was Vex seemingly losing his powers all part of a set up that Hale had been working on to get rid of The Morrigan as a threat?
- What deal will Kenzi make with Massimo and what kind of Fae will she become?
- Will Bruce become Kenzi's friend in the series now that The Morrigan is seemingly out of the picture?
- With Vex likely taking over for The Morrigan, what does that mean for the Fae?
- Will Hale retake the position of Ash with The Morrigan out of the way?
- Where has Bo been taken?
- What powers does Bo's father have? What kind of Fae is he?
- Can he control Bo or influence her? To what purpose?
Answers in this Episode
- The fact that Tamsin has been losing her hair is an indication for a Valkyrie that they are coming to the end of their life cycle.
- The life of a Valkyrie is described as: "To live. To serve. To expire. Over and over again."
- The Kitsunes Amanda and Kasey were last seen in the episode The Kenzi Scale. Amanda has been pre-med for over twenty years.
- Bruce has been seen in the series in the episodes ConFaegion and Hail, Hale working for The Morrigan.
- Bruce has a Phd in Medieval Fae Verse.
- Bruce seems to be in love or at least smitten with Kenzi.
- Apparently Bo does not wear underwear.
- In the past, Tamsin could "lay waste to an entire army" but now has weakened tremendously, needing a potion from a Druid to get her energy back.
- Accoding to Aife, Isaac was the one that carried her away at the end of the First Season finale Blood Lines. At the time of the episode, who carried Aife's body away was unclear and in shadows. It is possible however that this is not really what happened as Aife has lied in the past about many things.
- Aife claims that Bo is the strongest Fae there is. Whether this is true or not has not been seen.
- Massimo tells Tamsin that he is leaving the city for a "cabin up north."
- According to Isaac, what started him on his quest was that one of the Fae, a Wendigo, attacked him and his brother when they were young. His brother was killed, his head severed from his body and Isaac was blamed for what happened. After spending years imprisoned, he was released and then discovered the existence of the Fae, eventually killing a Wendigo. His thoughts then turned to becoming Fae and this became his reason for living. The Wendigo is a creature appearing in the legends of the Algonquian peoples. It is thought of variously as a malevolent cannibalistic spirit that could possess humans or a monster that humans could physically transform into. You can find out more about the legend of the Wendigo here.
- It appears that Lauren has resigned herself not to be able to return to the Fae because of her involvement with Isaac.
- Issac's plan was to inject himself with the stem cells of the strongest Fae there is and thus become a cross-breed of Fae and human.
- It appears that The Morrigan's only purpose has been to discover who Bo's parents are. What she means to do with that information is unclear.
- Hale gave Kenzi at the end of the previous episode the Twig of Zamora which give protection from all harm and evil to whomever has possession of it. This was the gift that Hale's father gave to Dyson to pass onto Hale in the previous episode and which protected Hale from The Morrigan's attack as well.
- The last image of Aife in the episode is of her feeding on Suneetha and taking her Chi to apparently heal herself. It is not shown what happens afterwards as the scene ends in the middle of Aife feeding.
- Lauren's location is unknown at the end of the episode.
- Trick has left for Scotland with Stella to get out of the way of the coming battle.
- Vex has returned to the city, if he ever left, and has his powers back.
- Vex has captured The Morrigan and plans to deliver her to Hale in exchange for a reward which is likely that he will take over the Dark Fae in The Morrigan's place.
- Hale remains at large, seemingly pulling the strings of plans that he has set into action.
- Isaac was not given Dyson's DNA and at the end of the episode was killed by Dyson.
- Kenzi at the end of the episode is with Bruce in The Morrigan's sports car driving off in search of Massimo, Kenzi planning to become Fae by making a deal with him.
- The Wanderer, identified as Bo's father, dressed in a similar fashion to the image which is seen in the Wanderer card which has appeared in many episodes during the third season.
- The fate of Tamsin and Dyson is not known at the end of this episode, the two of them driving off a cliff after encountering The Wanderer and Tamsin losing control of her truck.
- Bo's fate is not known, save that she has been spirited away in a black cloud by The Wanderer, leaving a modified Tarot card behind which shows silhouettes of Bo and The Wanderer on it.
For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.
Episode Review on Succubus.Net
Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on Friday, April 19th, 2013. You can find that review here. She gave it 3.6 pitchforks out of 5.
External Links
- The Official site of the series Lost Girl
- Official Season Three website at Showcase.ca
- Those Who Wander at the IMDb