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Lost Girl Series Article | |
![]() Episode Article | |
Lost Girl Series Articles | |
Lost Girl Series Characters | |
Lost Girl Series Episodes |
"Vexed" | |||
Lost Girl episode | |||
![]() Lauren about to reveal the reason why she spent the night with Bo | |||
Episode no. |
Season 1 Episode 8 Overall Episode 8 | ||
Directed by | John Fawcett | ||
Written by | Michelle Lovretta | ||
Produced by | Wanda Chaffey | ||
Featured Music | See Section Below | ||
Cinematography by | David Greene | ||
Editing by | Brett Sullivan | ||
Production Code | 108 | ||
Original Air Date | November 7, 2010 | ||
Length | 60 minutes (runtime) | ||
Guest Actors | |||
Episode Chronology | |||
| |||
Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes Bo gets a possible lead on her mother from a vampire. That lead takes her to an inmate on death row named Lou Ann. SuccuWiki Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).
Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.
For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.
Vexed was the eighth episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on November 7th, 2010 at 9 PM Eastern time. It should be noted that this was in fact the first episode filmed for the series and served as the pilot as presented to Showcase television upon which the green light for the series was given.[1]
Production Data
- Series: Lost Girl
- Season: 1
- Episode Number: 8
- Episode Title: Vexed
- Directed by: John Fawcett
- Writing credits: Michelle Lovretta
- Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
- Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
- Country of Origin: Canada
- Originally Aired on: November 7th, 2010 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
- Number of Canadian Viewers: Not Released
- Number of American Viewers: 1.21 million[2]
Actor / Actress | Role |
Anna Silk | Bo |
Kristen Holden-Ried | Dyson |
Ksenia Solo | Kenzi |
Richard Howland | Trick |
Zoie Palmer | Lauren |
Clé Bennett | The Ash |
Brandi Ward | Lou Ann |
Aron Tager | Mayer |
Paul Amos | Vex |
Jeffrey R. Smith | Siegfried |
Cheryl Quiacos | The Morragh |
Robert Thomas | Prison Guard |
Sarah Robichaud | Police Officer |
Music in this Episode
Song Title | Artist | Notes |
Sour Cherry | The Kills | Written by Alison Mosshart, Jamie Hince |
Habanera from Carmen | A Man Da Band | Written by Georges Bizet Arranged by Alex Andresen |
The Warning | Neverending White Lights | Vocals by Jonathan Bates Written by Daniel Victor |
High Speed China | The Music People | From China Moods |
Valley Of The Gun | Shelter With Thieves | Written by Matt Johnson, Mike Johnson, Lloyd Smith |
Madman | Clara Klein | Written by Clara Klein |
Dragonfly | The Music People | From China Moods |
War Machine | Crooked Valentine | Written by Lindsay Robins, Greg Johnston, Tino Zolfo |
Thas Paso | Tim Tickner | Written by Tim Tickner |
Short Summary
Bo's freelance work earns her a lead on someone who might know something about her mother... but the trail ends at Lou Ann, a death row inmate who claims not to know anything at all. Desperate to prove otherwise, and increasingly convinced Lou Ann is innocent, Bo uses all her Fae connections to try and bust her out of jail. When she has to admit defeat, Bo's goal switches to one of personal vengeance: to find Vex, the Fae that framed Lou Ann, and make him pay.
Detailed Summary
The episode begins with Bo (Anna Silk) in an elevator in obvious pain. We switch between watching her trying to get somewhere in a building with Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) taking punches at a workout bag. Eventually he walks to the front door of what we assume is his apartment, opens it, and finds Bo bloody and obviously injured standing there. Initially he tells her to go away, but after some persuasion from Bo, he relents and lets her in. What follows in a rather steamy sex scene between the two that is just this side of being violent, if not animalistic in nature. Afterwards, Bo gets dressed again while she and Dyson talk about why she was hurt, she was on a job for her detective agency, how she is healing better, Bo thanks Lauren for that. Dyson comments that Lauren will never love Bo, to which Bo replies that it isn’t about love. Dyson tells Bo as she leaves that this will be the very last time he helps her to heal, that she needs to learn that for her own good. Bo just smiles and leaves the apartment moments later.
We then switch to an exterior view of a building, there is a light snowfall so we can assume that it is winter. Bo and Kenzi (Ksenia Solo), approach it, open a locked door and go inside. They look around the building, commenting on Dyson’s attitude, the fact that Bo needs to choose a side, which she replies that she hates choosing teams. They are looking to meet someone there and come to find that person hanging from the ceiling quite dead.
Coming back from the opening credits, Bo and Kenzi approach the dead man and discover that he isn’t dead. He’s a vampire and very much alive. After he releases himself from the noose, Bo gives him a bag she is carrying which contains blood. In trade for that, Bo is expecting the vampire to give her information she is seeking on her past. The vampire, Siegfried (Jeffrey R. Smith) taunts Bo with the promise that he has found Bo’s mother. He gives her a newspaper article clipping of a woman that is described as a “Baby Killer” in exchange for the 20 blood bags that Bo gave him.
The next scene is Lauren (Zoie Palmer) examining Bo in her lab. Bo tries to make small talk with Lauren, noting that she likes the necklace that Lauren is wearing and other such small talk. Their discussion turns to Bo and her sexual contact with humans, she says that she isn’t in a hurry and wants to take that slowly, Lauren seems to agree with that idea, and asks who Bo is sexually active with. Bo replies Dyson to which Lauren seems if not uncomfortable with, she might be disappointed with. Lauren also notes that as Bo’s Doctor, she would be happier if she picked someone “less travelled.”
We then see Bo and Kenzi attempting to get into a prison to see the woman that Siegfried suggested they ask questions of. They do so with some fake IDs and the use of Bo’s powers on a guard that was not going to let the pair in. They do get in and meet Lou Ann (Brandi Ward), who is facing the death penalty for her crimes. Bo first comment upon seeing her face to face is that Lou Ann is Fae. The next questions are asking Lou Ann to tell Bo about her mother. Lou Ann calls Bo, The Foundling when she realizes who Bo is. Lou Ann does tell Bo that she only knows rumours about her and nothing else. Bo continues to press her trying to get something useful but fails. Bo then leaves with Kenzi to find Siegfried and find out why he lied to them as Bo suspects that something is going on.
Siegfried in the meanwhile is at his home cooking when he finds himself face to face with another Fae named Vex (Paul Amos). Vex then uses his powers to force Siegfried to place his hand in a garbage disposer and eventually kill himself in a gruesome manner. While that power is not exactly explained, it is quite clear that Vex is a Dark Fae of some status and power level. That power seems to be a mix of mind and body control over others in his presence, with which he makes them do whatever he wishes them to do.
We then see Dyson at the crime scene investigating Siegfried’s death. Bo appears and Dyson grills her on what she knew about Siegfried and why she was in contact with him. Finding out that it was part of Bo’s ongoing search for her mother only serves to disappoint him. Bo tries to get some information out of him and discovers that Lou Ann is a Dark Fae. She then asks for more information on Lou Ann and as well what happened to Siegfried. We find out that Lou Ann killed her children and that Siegfried’s heart was cut out of him as part of his murder. After a bit of further looking at the records, they discover that Siegfried didn’t defend himself or otherwise resisted what was happening.
Bo returns to Lou Ann and tells her that she knows that Lou Ann didn’t do the crime. Someone, a Fae most likely, made her do it and she is covering it up for some reason. Lou Ann then tells of her life and her mistakes in it, one of those being that she loved a human in spite of the rules that told her she was not allowed to. She also reveals that the children were killed in response to Lou Ann’s attempt to walk away from the Dark Fae and choose humanity, much like Bo is trying to do. Bo tries to reassure her by suggesting that she will talk to Lauren and through her The Ash for help in saving Lou Ann.
Lauren takes Bo to see The Ash (Clé Bennett) at his home. The first question he asks of Bo is if she has decided on a side to take. Bo replies that she wants help in saving Lou Ann. He refuses noting that it is a Dark Fae matter. Bo leaves, disgusted in The Ash’s attitude, leaving Lauren behind with him. The Ash tells Lauren to leave and she rushes after Bo to tell her that she is dealing with dangerous things and should stop before it is too late. Bo replies that if the Light will not help her, then she will use her Dark contacts.
Bo next visits Mayer (Aron Tager) with the hope that the favour he owes her can be used to figure out what is going on. Mayer tries to tell Bo to drop this case, to walk away from it because nothing good will come of it. He also tells her that all Fae whether Light or Dark must respect one important rule. That being to keep their existence secret from the humans. After further discussion about Bo not choosing a side she finally gets Mayer to agree to look into who is actually behind the murders.
Bo returns home to find Kenzi playing a video game called Robot Hookers. She leaves Kenzi telling her that she is going to take a long bath. While Bo is in the bathroom she is attacked by a Fae called a Morragh (Cheryl Quiacos), who tries to kill her, but fails when Bo drives a stake through the Morragh’s body and then electrocutes them.
Next we see Dyson and Bo together, Dyson tells her that is was not a sanctioned attempt on her life as she would not have survived such an attack. Bo is less than comforted by that information and is less than thrilled when Dyson tells her that she most choose a side to stay alive. Dyson suggests that she stay with him that night, she refuses because she sees it as pitying her.
Bo then goes to the Fae Bar to see Trick (Richard Howland) and try to get some real answers about what is going on. Trick seems shocked to know that she was attacked by a Morragh and takes her to his office for a talk. While this is going on, Lauren has been summoned by The Ash who tells her to somehow take control of Bo by whatever means is necessary, including using her friendship with Bo to do so. The Ash tells Lauren that the Fae responsible is named Vex and that he is not prepared to allow Bo to kill Vex as that would start a war between the Light and Dark Fae. When Lauren tells him that nothing has worked, he suggests that she use more intimate means to keep Bo on a leash.
Trick tells Bo some things that she didn’t know before. One of those being that The Ash owns Lauren and that is why Lauren carries a pendant with a particular mark always. Bo continues to ask question of Trick, one of them being that she wishes there was a book that listed all of the Fae. When Trick produces such a book, Bo comments with a smile tha she also wants a pony. Looking through the book, Bo learns about the Morragh, which apparently feeds on rage. As she does so, she reveals that she feeds on Chi or the human lifeforce. Trick explains that what she does is basically what all Fae do in various ways and means throughout time. Trick then gives her a weapon to use in her fight called a Siracon. Trick explains that the weapon is from the “old times”, that it is deadly to all Fae and that it will protect the user from corruption. Bo picks it up and it attaches itself to her right hand, a long blade extending from it as it does so.
We then see Lauren meeting Bo at the apartment, Lauren commenting that Lou Ann had dropped her appeal and that she thought that Bo wouldn’t want to be alone. Lauren tries to understand why Bo is still trying to save Lou Ann. Bo explains that before she found out she was Fae, she had hope that she could live a normal life. Lou Ann wanted that as well, but she lost her chance. If Bo cannot help Lou Ann, what chance does Bo have of living a normal life? And who would want to live it with her? When Bo attempts to leave, Lauren becomes intimate with her, the scene turning into a lovely soft romance between the two of them. Eventually the pleasures shared end and Bo returns her thoughts to finding the person responsible for what is happening to Lou Ann. Lauren tries to stop her and lets slip that she knows that a Fae named Vex is responsible. Bo then puts the pieces together and realizes that the only reason that Lauren shared a bed with her was because The Ash ordered her to do so, thus turning Bo against Lauren because of what she had done in the name of The Ash. Bo then leaves in disgust with Lauren.
Bo then returns to Mayer and calls in the debt he owes her (from the episode Dead Lucky) to find out where Vex is. He relents and gives her the information, but tells Bo that Vex is a favourite of the Dark Elders and she doesn’t want that trouble. Bo takes the information and then leaves.
What follows next is a series of intercuts between Bo’s preparations to kill Vex and the preparations to kill Lou Ann. As part of the scenes with Lou Ann, we also see that Trick is there at the execution as a witness to the event. The execution proceeds and we see Lou Ann killed by lethal injection. The last image is of Bo, armed to the teeth and going after Vex.
We find Vex in a strip club waiting for Bo to appear. She arrives and he taunts her for a time before taking control of her body and making her aim a knife at her stomach. She fights him as best she can, all the while Vex continues to taunt and play with her seeming in the knowledge that she cannot resist his control. Meanwhile, at the Fae Bar, Dyson is playing pool with Kenzi when Lauren arrives, tells him that Bo is going after Vex and where that is. We also learn that Vex is a Fae called a Mesmer. He leaves with Kenzi accompanying him.
Bo is on the floor, the knife she is holding slowly cutting into her stomach. Vex, being overconfident, approaches closer and, to his surprise, Bo uses the Siracon to break his control over her and hurls him away. He still tries to take the upper hand by continuing to taunt Bo about cheating, but she ignores that, placing the Siracon to his throat ready to kill him. He attempts to save himself by offering her information on her mother, to which Bo attempts to get that from him. At that moment Dyson and Kenzi arrive, Dyson pulls Bo from Vex and tells him to leave. Vex does so after a final taunt to Bo. Bo does not want him to escape and tries to follow but it blocked by Dyson. Overwhelmed by emotion, Bo takes the Siracon to Dyson’s throat but relents when Dyson tells her that he cares about her and that Vex knows nothing about her and that no one else does. Bo yells at Dyson as he leaves that someone has to know. Kenzi takes hold of Bo and tells her that they should go home.
The episode ends in the prison morgue with Lou Ann in a body bag. The bag suddenly begins to move and then Lou Ann breaks out of it very much alive, and waiting there for her is Trick who tells her that they need to talk.
Questions in this Episode
- Vex was described as being a Mesmer. That kind of Fae was not clearly defined, but we can assume that he has some type of mind control ability. But that seemed to more in the physical sense rather than the mental one. Further information on this would be interesting to round out the character more.
- Bo was described by Lou Ann as The Foundling. This has been the only time she has been referred to as such in the series. Is this going to become a common thing or is it a one time event?
- What kind of Fae is Lou Ann? It was never explained.
- Lou Ann appears to be the midwife that was referred to in the episode Where There's a Will, There's a Fae. We still do not know what she is hiding from being known.
- How did Bo know that Lou Ann was a Fae? Bo has never shown the ability to differentiate between humans and Fae before in the series.
- The Ash seems to be playing Bo off Lauren and Dyson off them both. For what purpose would removing Lauren's attachment to Bo make Bo want to join the Light Fae?
- It is noted that Lauren is owned by The Ash. Now that her relationship with Bo has ended, so it appears, will she break from The Ash? Will Bo return to her for help still? If she does, will there be a reconciliation?
- Bo apparently claimed the favor she was owed by Mayer from the episode Dead Lucky. Does this complete his arc or will he return?
- The Morragh is not clearly connected with any myth. It was noted that it feeds on rage but little else. What exactly is it?
- The Book of Fae returns in this episode and we see a bit more of it. It is unlikely that all Fae are in one tomb, so how many are there?
- Bo now apparently has control of the Siracon, a weapon from the old times of the Fae that has the power to destroy any Fae and protect the owner from corruption. What will Bo owe to Trick for it? We have seen Bo using a similar, but not exactly so, blade at the end of Dead Lucky. So is it the same weapon? And might it be like the Witchblade and have some control over Bo?
- Bo's focus in this episode was over her mother. Will this continue?
- We have a fair amount of information on the Light Fae leadership in this episode. Will we get more on the Dark Fae?
- Just who is Trick? He must have a great deal of power in the Fae world to appear in the prison before and after the execution.
For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.
- ↑ See interview with series creator Michelle Lovretta on the Showcase Showcast podcast at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheShowcaseShowcast
- ↑ http://blastr.com/2012/03/person-of-interest-hits-h.php
Episode Review on Succubus.Net
Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on Friday, November 12th, 2010. You can find that review here. She gave it 4.5 pitchforks out of 5.
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