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Glynis Lilithborne

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Glynis Lilithborne, also known as Glynis King-Denver, is a supporting character in the Chateau Aensland saga. Possessing an exceptionally strong mind but a weak body, Glynis cannot participate in the sexual activities that her sisters partake in, except in her head, where she has created an ideal dream world for herself. Anyone can visit this world by looking her in the eyes. She can also communicate telepathically with ease, even while sleeping.

While her body seems to be irreparably damaged, Danny has hope that she will recover one day.

Her flower is the buttercup and her flavor is coconut.

more later


  • Glynis and Melissa are blood sisters, but they have forgotten this.
  • Glynis was inspired by the Smashing Pumpkins song "Glynis", written for someone who died of AIDS.