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Fae-nted Love

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The official logo for the Showcase TV Series Lost Girl

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Fae-nted Love was the eighteenth episode of the second season of the series, and the thirty-first overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on March 4th, 2012 at 9 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 2
  • Episode Number: 18 (31st Overall)
  • Episode Title: Fae-nted Love
  • Directed by: Michael DeCarlo
  • Writing credits: Shelley Scarrow
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: March 4th, 2012 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA


A promotional image of the Season Two cast of Lost Girl from the official website at lostgirlseries.com From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, K.C. Collins as Detective Hale, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson, Anna Silk as Bo, Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, and Zoie Palmer as Lauren

Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Richard Howland Trick
Anthony Lemke Ryan Lambert
Vincent Walsh Lochlyn
Oliver Becker Archer
Richard Clarkin Brother Douglas
James Cade Tryst
Robin Brule Carla
Kathy Laskey Tulip
Kris Siddiqi Delivery Man
Jay T. Schramek Singing Man
Merwin Mondesir Guard
Rick Braggins Dougalitte
Isabelle Kiraly Assistant


Short Summary

Bo is still with Ryan as the episode begins. Bo feeds from Ryan after she is injured and then afterwards tries once more to leave him. However, Ryan sends her gifts, singing telegrams and other things to sway her which Kenzi takes notice of. Kenzi's friend Tryst returns and asks for help in trying to figure out why his grandmother has changed her will to give everything to a strange church. Bo and Kenzi investigate and discover the leader of the church is a Fae called an Addonc, who splashes Bo with water making her lose her memory completely. Bo, now not knowing she is a succubus, or who she is, meets Ryan and he tells her that they are madly in love with each other and asks her to marry him, and she agrees to do so. Ryan then pushes Bo into a marriage ceremony as Kenzi and Trick try to get a cure to her. They succeed in doing so, and Bo takes the cure and regains her memories. Trick also discovers why Ryan is infatuated with Bo and removes Bo's hold over him. Ryan and Bo finally end their relationship after the Addonc is stopped, each going on their own way, Ryan promising not to see Bo again. Dyson is called in by The Ash to investigate a Fae prisoner that is connected to the deaths of many Fae. Dyson interrogates him, but finds himself giving up as much informations about himself as he is getting in return. Dyson's life and reason for living are questioned and he cannot find a reason to live. His truth is given to him that Dyson cannot live without love, and he is told to kill himself. But Dyson overcomes him, and obtains an admission of his guilt for the deaths of the Fae. Afterwards, Dyson leaves town on a motorcycle for places unknown. Kenzi confronts Bo about lying to her about Ryan and they reconcile their relationship. Bo confronts Trick about what he knows and demands that when the battle with The Garuda is over, she wants real answers from him about her past and about Trick, who seems to know everything about her.

Detailed Summary

The episode begins with Bo (Anna Silk) on her knees in her home. She is bloodied and is holding a blade which is soaked in blood as well. Gasping in pain, Bo turns on her phone and looks at a list of names on it for a moment trying to decide who she can call. Finally she chooses someone and calls them. Soon after, Ryan (Anthony Lemke) arrives and Bo tears away at his clothing so that they can have sex and she can heal from her wounds which appear to be severe. Bo explains that she was attacked by an UnderFae that had been trying to kill her, but she defeated it. She then tells Ryan: "Sex. Now." and in the next moment the two are in bed together. Bo is still bleeding as they do, and Ryan is covered with Bo's blood. At one point, Bo rakes her nails over Ryan's back leaving long deep gashes in it before she feeds on him. As the pair continue to have sex together, blood from Bo's wrist drips into and around the gashes that she had drawn on Ryan's body. Bo feeds almost ravenously on Ryan and she begins to heal slowly.

The scene then shifts to a home somewhere else in the city where two people are standing in the kitchen together. The woman is angry that she allowed a man into her home and calls him a "religious freak." He tells her that he is not there on behalf of religion, but for her faith. She tells him that she has no faith in anything and tells him to leave. The man tells her that all of her neighbours have become followers of some kind, but does not explain what exactly. She refuses and tells him to leave, but, instead he places his hand in a sink full of water which makes it start to glow and bubble. When the woman looks closer at what is happening, he thrusts her head into the sink as if to drown her in it.

After the opening credits, Bo has finished healing and she is in the process of throwing Ryan out. Bo tells Ryan that she is well aware that he doesn't like to stay around after they have sex, but Ryan asks if they might spend some time "spooning" together which Bo has problems believing he is serious about. She thanks him for his "paramedic impression" and once again tells him that they are over, but then also admits that she is getting tired of saying that all the time to him. Ryan then asks once again if they can spoon together, but Bo pushes him out the door, Ryan telling Bo as the door closes that he would like to stay and just cuddle.

The scene shifts to Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) as he arrives for a meeting with The Ash (Vincent Walsh) who has an assignment for him. The Ash tells Dyson that there is a prisoner in the Ash's Dungeons who's name is Archer (Oliver Becker) and is an UnderFae. The Ash wants Dyson to interrogate Archer to find out if he is responsible for the deaths of several Fae which were ruled as being suicides, but the Ash does not believe they were. One of the Ash's guards had been guarding Archer earlier in the day and was then found dead after jumping twenty stories to his death. The Ash believes that Archer is responsible in some way for the deaths and desires Dyson to obtain a confession from Archer. Dyson agrees, but before he leaves, The Ash tells him that he has not told Archer anything about Dyson and it would be best to keep things so.

Bo in the meantime is looking threw several boxes of what are obviously gifts as a delivery man brings more of them to her. Bo tells him that she never ordered any of them, but he tells her that she has an admirer by the name of Ryan Lambert and asks Bo to sign for the delivery which she does with some frustration. As he leaves, a singing telegram arrives and the song is a plea for Bo to return to Ryan for he loves her. Bo forces him out the door and shuts it behind her, leaning against it. The door then opens revealing Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) who asks why there is a man crying outside. Bo brushes it off saying that the man was lost. Bo asks Kenzi what's going on and Kenzi tells Bo that she is being stalked. Kenzi begins to explain that she is being stalked by an artist named Tryst (James Cade) that she once knew a long time ago and that Bo met in the episode It's Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away, but stopped when Tryst pounds no the front door and calls out for Kenzi to let him in. Kenzi pleads with Bo to send Tryst on his way, but she opens the door and allows him in. He explains to Bo and Kenzi that his grandmother has been acting strangely for some reason and has changed her will and given all of her possessions to a church that is located in a strip mall. He begs Kenzi for help, which she refuses to do, but when Kenzi starts looking into all of the gifts that have arrived, Bo agrees to help Tryst in order to get Kenzi's mind off them. The only problem is that they will not be paid for this case by Tryst. Kenzi asks where all of the stuff came from, but Bo tells Kenzi that all of it is going back. However, Kenzi has found a pair of boots she likes and refuses to allow Bo to return them.

Dyson in the meantime, has arrived in the Ash's Dungeons. After passing by several guards and opening several doors, Dyson finally comes face to face with Archer who is inside of a cell, Dyson standing outside of it. Dyson calls out to Archer to reveal himself, but the answer Dyson receives is "how did the Ash know that I wanted a visit from a wolf that is trying to pretend he is still a police officer." Dyson asks if he is supposed to be impressed, and Archer tells Dyson that he can smell the gun oil he used on his weapon that morning, but Syson is not carrying it. Dyson comments that Archer is observant, and Archer claims it is on of his talents. Archer then asks Dyson to come closer as she could use the companionship, but Dyson tells Archer that he is not there to be his friend to which Archer just smiles.

Bo and Kenzi arrive at a shopping mall to find a "strip mall church" which Kenzi derisively calls "sexy." The pair enter the church to find a service underway, a speaker talking about "the love of Brother Douglas" to the assembled masses, the speaker being Brother Douglas (Richard Clarkin), who is the same person seen at the beginning of the episode. The people who are listening to him seem to be enthralled by him. He places his hands into a small bowl and the water begins to boil and glow as it had done before in the episode. Bo tells Kenzi to watch what's going on as Bo goes to the church's office to see what she can find there. As she does so, Brother sprays the water upon the masses, which glows for a moment on their skin before vanishing. Bo enters the office and discovers that the church represents "The Order of Dougallerian Sodality" as she rifles through paperwork and searches for clues. As Kenzi continues to wait for Bo to return, the woman from the beginning of the episode approaches Kenzi and says hello to her and introduces herself as Carla (Robin Brule). Carl's attitude seems to have completely changed from the beginning of the episode in that she seems more innocent and cares about people which she didn't before, going as far as offering to share cookies with Kenzi who tries to refuse her, but is dragged towards a table with cookies on it. As this happens, Bo continues to find more and more evidence about what is going on. Kenzi is forced to take a cookie, but sees Brother Douglas walking towards the office. Bo is confronted by him as to what she is doing, but Bo tells him that she can see that he is a cheat and a liar among other things. In response, Brother Douglas causes the water he is carrying to boil and glow once more before throwing it onto Bo, the water glowing where it falls on her skin. Bo seems confused and stunned as Kenzi enters the office taking Brother Douglas' attention away from Bo for a moment. When Bo runs away in terror and Douglas turns around to follow her, Kenzi knocks him unconscious. Kenzi asks Bo if she is okay, but Bo does not recognize her and tells Kenzi to stay away from her as she runs away. Rushing outside, Kenzi finds Bo's car still where they parked it, but Bo is nowhere to be seen.

Returning from commercial, Dyson is interrogating Archer. The problem Dyson is having is that Archer doesn't answer Dyson's questions, but instead asks his own of Dyson which begin to chip away at who Dyson is, what he is, and what his life is worth. Every question that Dyson asks is turned back upon him which leads to Dyson revealing more about himself than he learns from Archer. Dyson is asked if he feels invincible, which he doesn't among other questions. Archer tells Dyson that the guard he had been talking to had a sad little life and that they talked about that and the "death must have come as a relief." When Dyson tells Archer that the guard had a family, Archer thinks that it is surprising that a "lone wolf thinks that family is important." Dyson is taunted by Archer as he tells of the guard being alone after his wife left him among other facts that continue to chip away at Dyson's self esteem. As Archer continues to talk, his eyes seem to snap like shutters as he suggests things to Dyson.

Kenzi has made her way to the Dal Riata where she approaches Trick (Richard Howland) for help. In a panic she explains what happened to Bo, but Trick tries to calm her down asking Kenzi to "use as much English as you can." Kenzi explains that she and Bo were investigating what they thought was a human scam in a fake church when Bo was splashed by water and she lost her memory. Trick tells Kenzi that he thinks that a Fae called an Addonc is most likely responsible. Trick explains that they are a Water Fae that soak their victims in water and erase their memories. Kenzi asks if it is like shaking an Etch-A-Sketch, and Trick agrees that it is. It makes the victim more child-like and innocent, and they imprint on the first person that is kind to them. Trick gathers his jacket and leaves with Kenzi to try and find out what happened exactly and to find a cure for Bo's condition before she has to feed as she will not remember that she is a Succubus and may well kill someone as a result. Kenzi is worried that Bo might "have a NBA team and then a WNBA team as dessert."

Bo in the meantime is wondering the streets confused and alone as Ryan pulls up in a car and greets her, but Bo does not recognize Ryan at all and tries to run away from him. When Bo tells Ryan that he is the second person to call her "Bo" Ryan tells her that it is her name. Bo tells him that she does not know him, and Ryan gives her his name. He tells her that he has been looking all over the city for her and that he can prove that he knows her. Ryan tells Bo that the bracelet she is wearing he gave to her and that it has a number written on the inside of it and gives that number as: REL12342 which Bo confirms.

Kenzi and Trick arrive at Brother Douglas' church to find Brother Douglas there who accuses Kenzi of assaulting him. Trick intervenes by telling Douglas that if he calls the police, then they will send Fae police and Trick will have to tell them that Douglas is a criminal Addonc. Douglas confronts Trick asking who he is, and Trick's answer is that he is a someone that knows what trickery Douglas is capable of. Douglas attempts to act innocent, but Trick demands to know what happened to Bo. Douglas answers that he does not know as Bo did not return to him and he could "wash out her filthy mouth and put her in a modest blouse." Kenzi is angered by this and Trick stops Kenzi from attacking Douglas for what he said, telling Douglas that they are watching him as they leave.

Bo is still with Ryan, and is still without her memories. She is looking off into the distance asRyan approaches her, smells her and then offers Bo a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. Bo tells him that he didn't need to do so, but Ryan tells her that he cares about her and so he had to. Bo explains that she still cannot remember anything, but has a moment that she recalls getting wet and wonders if it had been raining. Bo then tells Ryan that she is so very cold and Ryan embraces her in an awkward hug for a few moments. Bo is sorry that she can't remember him, but appreciates Ryan's help nonetheless. They stare at each other for a moment and then they share a very chaste kiss which slowly begins to become less so, Bo dropping her hot chic before she draws away in a panic saying that it is wrong and that they could do something that wouldn't be right, including "S-E-X." This seems to convince Ryan that Bo has no memory of who she is or anything else and he tells Bo that she is his girlfriend and that they are both in love with each other. Ryan then gets down on one knee and offers Bo a wedding ring and asks for her hand in marriage, the two of them standing underneath a billboard showing a diamond ring ad with a bride and groom on it. Ryan tells Bo that he want and needs to be with her forever before taking the ring from its case, tossing the case away and putting the ring on Bo's finger. Bo looks at the ring on her finger and then something odd happens to her eyes before she agrees to marry Ryan.

Returning from another commercial, Ryan carries Bo into what he calls the honeymoon suite calling her Mrs. Lambert as he does so, the place turning out to be the home of a wealthy industrialist that Ryan has "borrowed." They talk about the flight they took on Ryan's airplane, Bo calling the time she was flying the plane the most terrifying in her life, Ryan telling Bo that she has no idea now much she has forgotten which makes Bo ask if she will ever remember any of it again. Ryan brushes that aside saying that they should make new memories instead as Ryan lays down beside her in bed, but Bo leaves him almost immediately. Bo says that she is not officially his wife, and Ryan tells her that they can make it official in fifteen minutes. Bo demands a wedding dress in ivory with all of the accessories that every bride wants to be, she tells Ryan, really pretty. Ryan tells her that she couldn't be any prettier and he would marry her if she was "wearing hip waders and a space helmet." Bo tells Ryan he can wear that if he wants to, but she wants a dress.

Kenzi is in a panic over Bo and wonders if Bo has hitched a ride out of town and joined a strip club, but Trick tells Kenzi that Bo is not living in Show Girls. Kenzi tells Trick that she always thinks of the worst case scenario. Kenzi asks Trick if there is a cure, and Trick tells Kenzi that if Bo has sex with someone she might be healed as a result. Kenzi prays for "random banging." Another option is that the effects could wear off as Fae are less susceptible to the effects than a human is. However, the most certain cure is to have Bo drink the waters of the River Mnemosyne which are very rare and incredibly expensive. Kenzi asks what they are supposed to do? "Hold a telethon?" But Trick tells Kenzi that Addnocs keep a small supply on hand for emergencies and the two leave for Brother Douglas' church once more to find the cure they need.

As this happens, Bo is being shown dresses by a dressmaker and her assistant to choose from. Bo is asked questions about her style, how she met Ryan and other small talk, but cannot answer any of the questions she is asked by them. At one point, Bo looks into the eyes of the assistant and seems to put her under a trance, but it is broken by the dressmaker and the assistant goes back to her job once more. Bo is asked if anyone will be coming to the wedding, friends or anything else, and Bo has a vague memory of Kenzi, but it is fleeting as are her memories of Dyson and her other friends. Bo is then attracted once more to the assistant who falls under Bo's spell once more, but is interrupted again. As this happens, Ryan is outside of the room and hears all of this before making a phone call and asking for a list of all water Fae in the immediate area.

Dyson is still interrogating Archer, posing questions to him, but not getting answers. Instead more and more about Dyson's situation is picked apart by Archer placing more and more doubt into Dyson's mind. Archer tells Dyson that killing oneself is the only release from pain, but Dyson tells Archer that doing so is the greatest cowardice of all. Archer then asks if Dyson is an honourable man, but Dyson does not answer the question.

Meanwhile, Trick and Kenzi have returned to the church and are searching for the cure. Kenzi asks how they will know the cure and Trick tells her that the water smells like: "lilies with an undertone of sewage." Kenzi leaves Trick to that search and she looks around the rest of the office for any other clues that might be there. It takes Trick little time to find what they want and Kenzi finds an address and a number which Trick tells Kenzi they need to ask Hale about.

Bo is getting ready for the marriage ceremony as Ryan comes into the room. Bo tells him that she cannot go through with the ceremony because her memories are returning and she isn't sure that marrying him is the right thing to do. Ryan tries to get Bo to stop and listen to him, but Bo then tells Ryan that she had feelings for the dressmaker's assistant and that isn't the wedding night that one hopes for. Ryan is crushed by her admission, but then injects Bo with a device and she falls unconscious.

Returning from another commercial, Trick watches as Kenzi checks her phone for a text from Hale that tells her that the information refers to an airplane that flew "to the falls" earlier that day. Initially, Kenzi and Trick assume that the plane must belong to Brother Douglas, but Kenzi soon finds out that it belongs to Ryan. Kenzi and Trick are both confused by this as they had both assumed that Bo and Ryan were not seeing each other again. Hale also sends them information on where Ryan, and most likely, where Bo are in the falls as well. The pair then leave for the falls to save Bo.

Ryan in the meantime meets with Brother Douglas and hands him an envelope of money in order to have something done. The next scene shows Bo sitting in a bathtub, tied and gagged. Ryan realizes that Douglas was the one to wipe Bo's memories before, but it doesn't bother him calling it the best thing that had ever happened to Bo. Ryan then tells Douglas to wipe Bo's memories again and to "make it last." Douglas then causes the water Bo is sitting in to boil and glow before dunking her completely under it.

Dyson continues to speak with Archer in his cell. He brings up another Fae that had died by the use of poison, and Archer claims that her life was worthless and she took an overdose of pills to end her life. Then Archer holds up Dyson's cell phone and asks if Kenzi was the one to break his heart as she had called many times and also wonders if Trick is the name of a prostitute that Dyson knows. Archer tells Dyson that they must not be important to him as he doesn't return their calls, but Dyson's answer is that he is working. Archer then plays on Dyson's feelings wondering if they might be dying and his not calling them back might mean they do pass away. Dyson is torn by Archer's words, but says nothing as Archer continues to pick away at Dyson's self esteem telling Dyson that he loves no one and that Dyson is "a poor pathetic animal" which gets a reaction from Dyson who throws Archer against the cell bars and holds a gun to Archer's throat. But in spite of this, Archer seems unconcerned about Dyson's threat and continues to taunt him.

Back at the falls, Bo is walking down the aisle towards Ryan who waits for her and Brother Douglas who will preside over their wedding. Bo is wearing a white bridal dress and carrying a bouquet. As they prepare for the ceremony, Trick and Kenzi arrive and are told that the event is happening in the "Hummingbird Room." Kenzi suggests that the best thing is a quicky marriage followed by a quirky divorce, but Trick explains that in Fae society, divorce is not allowed for the first thousand years of marriage. Kenzi is shocked by this news, but Trick shrugs and replies: "What? Like it's so wrong to expect people to give it a real shot?" and then he hurries after Kenzi who is running towards the ceremony to stop it. Brother Douglas begins the ceremony, which is a Fae marriage ceremony and not a human one. The words are: "Here before the moon and stars and great gods..." But Trick and Kenzi arrive at that point and Kenzi interrupts the ceremony. However, Ryan offers one million dollars to Douglas to continue no matter what happens. Trick declares an objection, but Douglas ignores him and continues the ceremony by saying the words: "You are combined as husband and wife. Now kiss and love with great joy." Ryan and Bo then kiss each other before Ryan turns to Trick and Kenzi to present "Mrs. Ryan Lambert."

Back from another commercial, Ryan and Bo are still holding hands, Bo seeming to be happy about what has happened. Kenzi panics and begs Trick to find a loophole they can use to stop the ceremony and Trick tells Kenzi that Bo isn't wearing a ring yet and she has to in order for the marriage to be sealed. Kenzi then attacks Ryan pulling him away from Bo as Trick approaches Bo and tells Douglas to leave, which Douglas does. Kenzi tells Ryan that Bo is hers, but Ryan's answer is that "pets can't marry their owners" which results in Kenzi throwing flowers and other items at Ryan. As that fight continues, Trick speaks to Bo and asks her to drink the bottle of water he brought with him to cure her. Bo is unsure, but Trick promises Bo that it is okay, and tells Bo that: "It will make you feel better Love. It will make this all better." Bo smiles, drinks the water, and then her memories return and she recognizes Trick. Kenzi continues to throw things at Ryan, but then he approaches her and demands she give him the ring back. Bo sees this and crosses the room before knocking Ryan out cold with a serving tray. Bo asks "who was the water guy" and Trick explains that he is an Addnoc, Kenzi adding "total brainwashing." Bo thanks both of them for their help before Kenzi tells Bo that the puffy marshmallow dress she is wearing really looks good on her. Bo cannot understand why Ryan would want to marry her as they don't really like each other, but she also admits that she called him to heal herself to Kenzi's shock. Trick listens to all of this and then says that it's become clear to him what is going on, asking for candles, some cloth and Kenzi's help.

Dyson is struggling with his emotions as Archer continues to pull Dyson's reasons for living from him. He tells Dyson that he pretends to be a man, but Dyson counters that he is a man and a wolf. Archer tells Dyson that he belongs in neither world which Dyson denies, and Archer tells Dyson that he just doesn't like hearing the truth about himself. Dyson places his gun against Archer's neck again but again Archer doesn't seem to care and just tells Dyson that life without love is unbearable and he should end it to save his friends the pain of betrayal. Archer tells Dyson that he is a failure as a man and as a wolf, but Dyson tells Archer that he is still a wolf. Dyson then realizes what Archer is doing and asks Archer if he did the same thing to the Fae that killed themselves. Archer claims that he only holds up a mirror to the ugly truth, and is doing the same with Dyson. Dyson tells Archer that he is empty and alone and the only joy he has is when he drags real Fae into his world. Archer yells that he is a real Fae, but Dyson tells Archer he isn't and that Archer prays on the weakness of his masters. That if he can rise above them for a moment that it will not make him a sad abomination. Archer then tells Dyson that he has killed dozens of Fae like Dyson and he is better than Dyson is. Dyson then leaves the cell, but as he does, tells Archer that what he just said sounded like a confession to him. Archer tells Dyson that he hasn't worn and that Dyson is only prolonging the inevitable and that when Dyson takes his life, Archer will win. Dyson ignores Archer and continues to leave, but Archer calls out to Dyson that he is still in Dyson's mind.

Trick has gathered the things he needs and asks Kenzi to cut into Ryan's wrist. Kenzi cannot understand why she has to be the one involved, but Trick tells her it doesn't matter why before also telling her that she might become faint. Trick then leads Kenzi through the following incantation: "With harm to none, thy will be done. The wrist I cleave and the other leave. Thou cannot harm him Bo." Both Bo and Kenzi are confused and in the next moment Kenzi faints as Ryan wakes up again. Ryan seems to be back to normal saying that he needs a whisky and a beer and a side of strippers after complimenting Bo on her dress. Ryan asks if Kenzi will be okay and Trick answers that Kenzi will be. Ryan asks what happened and Bo tells Ryan that it was an Addnoc that harmed her, but she doesn't know what effected Ryan. He thinks about this a moment and then blames it on being with a Huldra the night before named Sonia who he was with when Bo called Ryan for help. He tells Bo that Sonia has been known to "melt" portions of other Fae's minds for revenge. At this point, Trick, who seemed to be keeping to true reason to himself agrees with Ryan as Kenzi awakes again. Ryan offers Kenzi his hand to stand up, but she slaps it away. Ryan then offers his hand to Bo, who accepts it. Ryan then suggests that they use his plane to return to Brother Douglas and give him a beating together, which Bo agrees to for old time's sake.

Back at Brother Douglas' church he is explaining to the assembled masses that a "generous" donation is going to allow him to move the church to the Turks and Caicos Islands and that they must quickly pack up and leave. However, Bo and Ryan interrupt him and then Ryan demands his money back, but Douglas refuses to do so. Ryan then places a device on the floor and it begins to spray Mnemosyne into the air. Bo then confronts Douglas and feeds on him, but only for a moment. Douglas then pulls back and tells Bo that "he broke the mold when he made you." Bo is unimpressed and then tosses him to the side telling him to stay where he is while she calls The Ash. Ryan congratulates Bo

Questions in this Episode

  • How is it that with all of the times Bo has fed on others to heal herself, that she hasn't turned others into her "thralls" like she did with Ryan?
  • We are told that Archer is an UnderFae, but what kind he is, we are not told.
  • Is it assumed that Addonc are Dark Fae, but are there Light Fae versions as well?

Answers in this Episode

  • It appears that Bo can heal major injuries to herself by feeding, including loss of blood and severe cuts and lacerations. It can be assumed that broken bones and other more serious injures will heal as quickly if she feeds.
  • Tryst previously appeared in the episode It's Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away as someone from Kenzi's past that is an artist and was infatuated with her.
  • Addonc are Water Fae that soak their victims in water and erase their memories. It makes the victim more child-like and innocent, and they imprint on the first person that is kind to them.
  • It is not known what real world myth an Addonc relates to, if any.
  • The cure for the effects of a Addonc is to drink the waters of the River Mnemosyne which are very rare and incredibly expensive. They also smell like lilies with an undertone of sewage.
  • Assuming that "the falls" that everyone is talking about is Niagara Falls, this sets the series in Toronto or at least Ontario once more.
  • In Fae society, divorce is not allowed for the first thousand years of marriage.


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.

Season One Episodes

Episode 1: It's a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World
Episode 2: Where There's a Will, There's a Fae
Episode 3: Oh Kappa, My Kappa
Episode 4: Faetal Attraction
Episode 5: Dead Lucky
Episode 6: Food for Thought
Episode 7: ArachnoFaebia
Episode 8: Vexed
Episode 9: Fae Day
Episode 10: The Mourning After
Episode 11: Faetal Justice
Episode 12: (Dis)Members Only
Episode 13: Blood Lines

Season Two Episodes

Episode 1: Something Wicked This Fae Comes
Episode 2: I Fought the Fae (And the Fae Won)
Episode 3: Scream a Little Dream
Episode 4: Mirror, Mirror
Episode 5: BrotherFae of the Wolves
Episode 6: It's Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away
Episode 7: Fae Gone Wild
Episode 8: Death Didn't Become Him
Episode 9: Original Skin
Episode 10: Raging Fae
Episode 11: Can't See the Fae-Rest
Episode 12: Masks
Episode 13: Barometz. Trick. Pressure.
Episode 14: Midnight Lamp
Episode 15: Table for Fae
Episode 16: School's Out
Episode 17: The Girl Who Fae'd With Fire
Episode 18: Fae-nted Love
Episode 19: Truth and Consequences
Episode 20: Lachlan's Gambit
Episode 21: Into the Dark
Episode 22: Flesh and Blood


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on Friday, March 9th, 2012. You can find that review here. She gave it ? pitchforks out of 5.

External Links