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Lachlan's Gambit

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The official logo for the Showcase TV Series Lost Girl

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Lachlan's Gambit was the twentieth episode of the second season of the series, and the thirty-third overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on March 18th, 2012 at 9 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 2
  • Episode Number: 20 (33rd Overall)
  • Episode Title: Lachlan's Gambit
  • Directed by: Steve DiMarco
  • Writing credits: Steve Cochrane
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: March 18th, 2012 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA


A promotional image of the Season Two cast of Lost Girl from the official website at lostgirlseries.com From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, K.C. Collins as Detective Hale, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson, Anna Silk as Bo, Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, and Zoie Palmer as Lauren

Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Richard Howland Trick
K.C. Collins Detective Hale
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Vincent Walsh Lachlan (The Ash)
Lina Roessler Ciara
Raoul Trujillo The Garuda
Greg Bryk Cleasby
Martin Julien Alastor
Glenn Cross Berserker #2
Vincent Rother Berserker #3
Jack Sansome Lachlan's Guard


Short Summary

Trick tells Bo about some odd events that are happening to animals in the city and that they are hiding because The Garuda is coming soon, but Trick has no idea where The Garuda is. Trick is attacked by a gang of Berserkers, sent by The Garuda, but they are repelled by Bo, Hale and Ciara. Trick figures out there is a mole in their midst and learns through the mole where The Garuda might be. Dyson returns from being away and explains that the Wolf spirit told him that he will kill The Garuda, but in truth it didn't explain exactly what he must do except in a riddle. Dyson tells Bo he must do this in order to have his love for her returned to him. The Ash calls Trick to a meeting where he tells Trick that his blood could stop what is happening and demands that he use it to write a new future, but Bo and Dyson manage to stop him from doing so. Ciara comes to Dyson and asks for one more night with him before the battle begins and he agrees, during which he learns from Ciara some truths about himself that he wasn't aware of. Bo returns to Lauren in the aftermath of killing Nadia and finds that Lauren is very cold as a result of what Bo did. Bo and Lauren talk finally, Lauren asking Bo if she can spend the night with her, Lauren telling Bo that she wants to leave the Fae forever, and Bo tells Lauren that she will support her. Trick meets with Hale and tells him that no matter the cost, he must bring Bo back to him alive after the coming battle is over. Bo, Dyson, Hale, Kenzi and Ciara go to confront The Garuda, but find themselves captured instead. The Garuda then taunts them all before striking Ciara down. Dyson sacrifices himself to allow the others to escape, falling to The Garuda's Beserkers. While this happens, The Garuda attacks The Ash and kills him while Trick watches, but Trick manages to force him away when The Garuda attempts to kill Trick. When Bo and Hale arrive, they learn that although The Ash is dead, his venom was taken by Lauren and they have a slim advantage now. Kenzi does not escape with Hale and Bo, and Bo searches for Kenzi. She finds that Kenzi went back to save Dyson. Dyson is alive, but close to death and Bo finally accepts that she is the one to face The Garuda for the lives of her friends and everyone else.

Detailed Summary

The episode begins with Bo (Anna Silk) arriving at Trick's (Richard Howland ) home in the Dal Riata. Trick tells Bo of several events involving animals in the city that concern him. An entire team of horses electrocuted themselves, bats flying out of their cave in the middle of the day, and every snake at the local zoo has vanished. Trick explains that the snakes are hiding because they can sense that The Garuda is close by and that it is only a matter of time before it strikes. As they pause for a moment in their conversation, part of the floor disappears and a Fae crawls out of the floor. Bo, thinking that it is attacking Trick, draws her knife and defends Trick, but he tells Bo that everything is alright. Bo asks: "This thing with all of the lovely smells is a friend of yours?" Trick tells Bo that he wouldn't call this person a friend as such, but nonetheless he needs to speak to him alone. After Trick adds that this person works for him, Bo releases the intruder and tells Trick that she will be waiting in the bar. After Bo leaves, Trick asks: "What news mole?" The mole claims that The Garuda is nowhere to be found, but Trick does not believe him and says that he must be lying. The mole tells Trick that he isn't lying because he has a debt to the Blood King that he must repay. Trick presses the point that he needs to know where The Garuda is so that Trick can attack first. Trick then forces the mole to leave by blowing a whistle that repels the mole back underground again.

Trick enters the bar moments later to find Bo waiting there. There is a loud noise outside of the Dal Riata and immediately afterwards a trio of men enter. They look around the bar and then one of them picks up a chair and asks Trick if it is of good quality before breaking it into pieces over the back of a customer in the bar and then, holding one of the pieces in his hand tells Trick that it is "crap." The man then tells Bo in response to a question that they are there to "fetch" someone, and then he points at Trick. Bo moves to defend Trick and from the shadows Ciara (Lina Roessler) moves to help Bo. Hale then appears and tells the intruders that "At this way station there is a three ass-whooping minimum." Trick then announces that anyone that does not want to join the fight should leave and several customers do so before the fight begins in earnest. Bo battles in hand to hand combat with one, Ciara is attacked by another, but she uses her powers to shift away from him and then thrusts a blade into her opponent's eye. Hale uses his Siren voice to disable the third attacker, but is then knocked out before Bo uses a part of the broken chair that Trick gives her to take out the leader of the attackers herself.

After the opening credits, Bo is giving Hale an ice pack for his injuries as Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) arrives. Kenzi asks what happened and Trick explains that they had been attacked by Berserkers, who and minions of The Garuda. Kenzi tries to comfort Hale, but only manages to have him scream in pain when she touches Hale's chin and cheek.

Questions in this Episode

  • Are all of the actions of the animals that Trick noted actually caused by Lachlan? While Trick assumed that the actions were caused by The Garuda, Lachlan admitted that he was responsible for at least the disappearance of the snakes from the zoo. Could all of the events be his attempt to fool Trick into doing something rash?
  • How many Berserkers are in The Garuda's employ?

Answers in this Episode



For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.

Season One Episodes

Episode 1: It's a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World
Episode 2: Where There's a Will, There's a Fae
Episode 3: Oh Kappa, My Kappa
Episode 4: Faetal Attraction
Episode 5: Dead Lucky
Episode 6: Food for Thought
Episode 7: ArachnoFaebia
Episode 8: Vexed
Episode 9: Fae Day
Episode 10: The Mourning After
Episode 11: Faetal Justice
Episode 12: (Dis)Members Only
Episode 13: Blood Lines

Season Two Episodes

Episode 1: Something Wicked This Fae Comes
Episode 2: I Fought the Fae (And the Fae Won)
Episode 3: Scream a Little Dream
Episode 4: Mirror, Mirror
Episode 5: BrotherFae of the Wolves
Episode 6: It's Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away
Episode 7: Fae Gone Wild
Episode 8: Death Didn't Become Him
Episode 9: Original Skin
Episode 10: Raging Fae
Episode 11: Can't See the Fae-Rest
Episode 12: Masks
Episode 13: Barometz. Trick. Pressure.
Episode 14: Midnight Lamp
Episode 15: Table for Fae
Episode 16: School's Out
Episode 17: The Girl Who Fae'd With Fire
Episode 18: Fae-nted Love
Episode 19: Truth and Consequences
Episode 20: Lachlan's Gambit
Episode 21: Into the Dark
Episode 22: Flesh and Blood


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on Friday, March 23rd, 2012. You can find that review here. She gave it ? pitchforks out of 5.

External Links