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In Memoriam: Difference between revisions

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Line 214: Line 214:
*Before the return of memories, Aife was not insane.
*Before the return of memories, Aife was not insane.
*Before the return of memories,  Lauren had disappeared and taken on a new identity as a waitress and changed her hair colour to red.
*Before the return of memories,  Lauren had disappeared and taken on a new identity as a waitress and changed her hair colour to red.
*Before the return of memories, Vex believed that he had been given the position of Morrigan in the original Morrigan's will.
*Before the return of memories, Vex took the title of Morrigan from the previous Morrigan, telling the world that she had died but in fact she was imprisoned within Vex's office.
*Before the return of memories, and afterwards, both Bo and Tamsin's whereabouts are unknown.
*Before the return of memories, and afterwards, both Bo and Tamsin's whereabouts are unknown.
*It appeared that Dyson was no longer on the police force, at least in how he was spoken to by Janet in the doctor's office.
*It appeared that Dyson was no longer on the police force, at least in how he was spoken to by Janet in the doctor's office.
*The Requardo Compass was lost when the Esme Fierce sank off of Madagascar. There appears to be no real world relationship to this event.
*The Requardo Compass was lost when the Esme Fierce sank off of Madagascar. There appears to be no real world relationship to this event.
*An ''Amphisbaena'' in the Lost Girl universe is a kind of snake Far who can grant wishes. There is a real world myth of the Amphisbaena, you can find out more [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphisbaena here.]


Revision as of 21:56, 13 November 2013

Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article
"In Memoriam"
Lost Girl episode
Dyson, Kenzi and Hale
show off their dance moves
Episode no. Season 4
Episode 1
Overall Episode 49
Directed by Paolo Barzman
Written by Emily Andras
Produced by Vanessa Piazza
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Ben Wilkinson
Production Code 401
Original Air Date November 10, 2013 (2013-11-10)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Guest Actors

Paul Amos - Vex
Inga Cadranel - Aife
George Takei - Engelram
Mia Kirshner - Cleo

Episode Chronology
← Previous
"Lost Girl: An Evening
at the Clubhouse
Next →
"Sleeping Beauty School"

Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Reality and memories have been changed while Bo, Tamsin and Lauren are all missing and Kenzi searches for the answers

SuccuWiki Rating: 0.0 (0.0)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

In Memoriam was the first episode of the fourth season of the series, and the forty-ninth overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on November 10th, 2013 at 10 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 4
  • Episode Number: 1 (49th Overall)
  • Episode Title: In Memoriam
  • Directed by: Paolo Barzman
  • Writing credits: Emily Andras
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: November 10th, 2013 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA
  • Number of American Viewers: TBA


A promotional Image of the Season Four cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin, Anna Silk as Bo, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson, Zoie Palmer as Lauren and K.C. Collins as Hale.
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Richard Howland Trick
K.C. Collins Hale
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Paul Amos Vex
Inga Cadranel Aife
Tim Rozon Massimo
George Takei Engelram
Mia Kirshner Cleo
Virna Kim Waitress
Gord Rand Doctor Snook
Sean Dell Whicher
Tamsen McDonough Janet
Courtney Deelen Seamstress
Adam Cassidy Monk

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
Pentagram Rock Nichol Robertson Written by Nichol Robertson
Just For You Courtesy of APM Music
Noches De Vino Tinto Matt Kingsley Written by Matt Kingsley
Plaza De Rambias Matt Kingsley Written by Matt Kingsley
Libertango Written by Astor Plazolla
It’s All Good Honey Matt Kingsley Written by Matt Kingsley


Short Summary

Reality and the memories of both Fae and humans have been altered so that no one remembers Bo ever existing and reality itself seems to have reverted to the 1930s. The reality change also seems to have placed Kenzi in Bo’s place, at least in actions and relationships. Aife hires Kenzi to prove Bo did exist and discovers along with Dyson the memory and reality tampering. Both Tamsin and Lauren are missing, their location and condition both unknown. Kenzi also has made a deal with Massimo to have Fae powers, but Massimo has tricked her and she is not actually Fae. Vex attempts to keep reality as it is, for the power he now has as The Morrigan, but Hale and Dyson oppose him. Kenzi and Dyson find the cause of the reality change and they fix everyone’s memories, but at the moment they do Aife confronts Trick and as the episode ends, she has regained her memories and attacks Trick, meaning to kill him. At the end of the episode, a hint of what the Una Mens are is given and Lauren is seen for an instant as she remembers Bo. As well for an instant Bo is seen somewhere opening her eyes which are completely bright blue.

Detailed Summary

The episode begins with an old 1940's pickup truck driving into some kind of warehouse. After the truck comes to a stop and the driver gets out, Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) drops out from underneath the truck and then runs off to hide behind a forklift in the warehouse where she pauses and says: "Now let's see what all of the fuss is about." Kenzi then watches a pair of men lug a heavy wicker basket through the warehouse before placing it on top of the pickup truck's bed. As Kenzi watches she comments to herself: "Oh this is so Raiders! Here's hoping this ark contains less Nazi face melting goodness." After the two men leave, Kenzi makes her way to the truck and then approaches the wicker basket. As she hovers over it, she whispers to herself: "Oh... The Una Mens." She is then grabbed from behind by one of the two men who places a hand over Kenzi's mouth and says in an almost monotone voice: "Indeed. They are coming and they will be hungry." He then begins to drag Kenzi away from the truck. Kenzi calls him "Zombie Boy" and demands he let her go, but before he can reply, out of the darkness comes Hale's (K.C. Collins) voice. He calls the man Whicher (Sean Dell), and tells him to stop. Whicher replies that Kenzi is claimed and tells Hale that Kenzi has: "dared to defile the Blood Laws She will be delivered by the Una Mens." Kenzi quips that he: "Needs to be delivered to a dentist, you breath smells like the anus of a Yeti." His reply is: "Bold talk from the human who has attacked the place of sanctuary."

The scene then shows Hale with Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried), and Dyson tells Whicher that he is making a mistake and that he should let Kenzi go. Kenzi then says in an angry voice that she is not human and then breaks free of Whicher. After taking a few steps away, she turns back to face Whicher and then thrusts her hands to her side. In the next moment sparks begin to erupt from Kenzi's hands which give her the appearance of having Fae powers. As this happens, neither Hale or Dyson seem to be shocked by this, possibly meaning that they have seen Kenzi do this before. The sparks fly from Kenzi's hands for a time and then she seems to be having some problems controlling what is happening, shaking her hand and looking at Hale and Dyson for a moment before turning towards them both, shaking one hand and blowing on it. Dyson looks at Kenzi a moment, comments that what she did is "cute" and then tells Whicher that Kenzi cannot be the one he is looking for as Kenzi says in a firm voice that she is: "All Fae Baby. Feel the heat." and gives out one more spark of her power. Whicher is confused and unsure asking how it is possible and how he could be mistaken. Before Kenzi can quip too much, Hale stops her and tells Whicher that they will take care of Kenzi. Whicher warns Hale that if he sees Kenzi again: "Her skin will line the Una Mens' holy chamber." Hale then escorts Kenzi from the warehouse with Dyson following a moment behind them, but first pausing to look at the wicker basket and then moving on. Dyson arrives where Hale and Kenzi are, Kenzi telling Hale that she "had him", then telling them both they need to leave. Kenzi protests asking why Dyson couldn't: "Whomp his ass with your massive wolf paws?" Dyson's reply is that he didn't want to: "Miss the show Sparky." Hale tells Kenzi that her temporary powers are not a good idea, but Kenzi reminds Hale that they are necessary as she is a terrorist in the eyes of the Fae at the moment. Hale replies: "What? All you terrorists smell like sunflowers and Chardonnay?" The tree pause uncomfortably for a moment before Dyson tells Hale that he will: "Take Tinkerbelle home." and Hale replies that he will take care of the paperwork as Kenzi walks away. Before he leaves, Dyson tells Hale: "Sunflowers? Nice." and then he leaves as well to follow Kenzi out of the warehouse.

Kenzi and Dyson are next seen at Kenzi's home where Dyson is checking the area for anyone that might be there. Kenzi tells Dyson that no one else is there and his comment is: "Just you, me and the thongs?" Kenzi chuckles as Dyson comments there are a lot of thongs there. Kenzi's answer is: "They are all business thongs" as she appears wearing a kimono. Dyson pauses a moment and then replies: "I don't even want to know what that means." He considers a moment and then adds: "I can see why you need them though, they do fill up the place a bit." Kenzi replies that she isn't lonely if that was what Dyson was asking about, but he insists that he wasn't as Kenzi smiles at him. Dyson then comments: "Why would you be lonely with me here?" Kenzi replies in a soft voice: "That is a very... good... question." Dyson then kisses Kenzi in a way that seems to suggest that they are at least romantically involved with one another which slowly starts to become something more before Dyson breaks the kiss and then swears. When Kenzi asks why he stopped, Dyson explains that he is thinking about Hale and Kenzi replies: "Well, that's very open minded." Dyson replies that he knows that Hale is crazy about Kenzi and he wonders since when he and Kenzi have been so enamoured with each other. Before any answers can be made there is a knock at the door and Kenzi curses thinking that it is "more council douchehats" but Dyson comments that whoever it is smells "a little too pleasant." Kenzi opens the door to reveal Aife (Inga Cadranel) who is dressed formally in black. Kenzi attempts to close the door on her, but Aife puts her foot against the door stopping it from closing completely and asks to: "speak with the talented private investigator. My name is Aife." Kenzi is not impressed and then answers: "I remember you lady. You made Ash who talks like Batman go boom." Aife then touches Kenzi's hand and begins to use her powers on her. As Kenzi begins to swoon she comments: "Ugn. Suede in this weather? You beautiful badass." Dyson then approaches the pair and warns Aife to let Kenzi go. After she does so, Aife claims that she is not there to fight and that she needs help to find her daughter who is named Bo. Bo's name has no effect on either Dyson or Kenzi, Kenzi commenting that: "Kind of dude's name am I right?"

Following the opening credits, Kenzi, Dyson and Aife are seen in a diner talking. Kenzi seems to be surprised that Aife is a Succubus, but Dyson corrects Kenzi saying that Aife "The Succubus who tried to assassinate the Light Fae Elders." Aife rolls her eyes and claims that she was "agitated." When Dyson asks what she is now, her reply is "less agitated" and she claims to have a higher purpose to find the daughter she has lost. When Aife begins to reach across the table towards Kenzi, Dyson intervenes and takes hold of Aife's hand. She comments that she had met Dyson before, but he comments that she "didn't leave much of an impression." Aife brushes Dyson's comment off saying that "no matter what men save around their lady friends they are always impressed." Aife then explains that she was speaking of them both being in Doctor Taft's laboratory together. Dyson look at Aife a moment and then remembers that she was there, but neither of them say anything more about what happened. Kenzi then asks: "So you have a thirty-year old daughter, a grown daughter that no one has ever heard of or seen." Aife admits there are no records or physical proof that she ever gave birth which she notes is one of the things that Succubi can heal the damage from explaining that "A Succubus' body is her weapon so there would be no damage so to speak." Aife then asks Dyson if he would like to see for himself, but he declines and Kenzi also refuses. Aife claims that in her heart she knows she gave birth to a baby girl and that she would have named her after her mother. Aife then shows both Kenzi and Dyson a photograph of Bo and claims that when she found the photo she knew that it was of her daughter. Dyson stares at the photo and comments that Bo is beautiful before Kenzi snatches the photograph from his hands and looks at it commenting: "Yeah if you are into faces and bodies and whatever." Kenzi says she is not interested in taking on the case, and Aife says that she knows that Kenzi is skeptical. She then leans in closer to Dyson and pulls down her lower eyelid to reveal a dark spot in the white part of her eye. Dyson explains to Kenzi that what she has is something called a Requardo Coil which is proof that a Fae's memories have been altered. Aife continues to explain that she wants to know why and that she will pay for the information. When Kenzi hears this, she agrees to take on the case. Dyson's cellphone then rings and he begins to leave. Kenzi asks Dyson why he is going when he has been doing the same thing for a month and found nothing. Dyson explains: "She rescued me." Kenzi attempts to dissuade him, saying that she must be dead. Dyson answers that he survived because he shifted into his wolf and he needs to find her to understand why she drove them both off the cliff. Kenzi tries to have Dyson remain, whispering that he does not want to be left alone with Aife, but in the end Dyson turns to Aife saying: "You're lucky she's taking your case. Kenzi's the best." Moments later Dyson leaves the diner leaving Kenzi alone with Aife. Aife then tells Kenzi she wants to leave as well, noting that it is "Fleet Week" in the city meaning that the Navy has arrived and she wants to go and feed on the sailors. At this point a waitress (Virna Kim) arrives with the bill for lunch looking to be paid. Aife uses her powers to not have to pay the bill. As Kenzi watches this happen, for an instant she sees Bo in Aife's place before the vision returns to normal and the waitress leaves. Kenzi comments that Aife needs: "Some kind of manager" as the scene ends.

Dyson is then seen standing at the top of the cliff that he and Tamsin drove over. He has a flashback of the event, which shows him growling and baring his teeth before the scene of the truck going over the cliff for a moment is shown. Dyson is then shown looking around for a moment, then walking off to begin his search for Tamsin.

The next scene is of Kenzi and Trick (Richard Howland) in Trick's lair beneath the Dal Riata looking at a complex devices that is moving in front of them. Kenzi asks if the device is a new hobby or if it has anything to do with Trick and Stella. Trick claims that nothing happened, but Kenzi asks if he means nothing as in a break up or that Trick got Stella pregnant. Trick yells at Kenzi not to touch the device and then explains that something is "out of step. Someone has been messing with the balance of space and time." Kenzi wonders if it is the new council, and Trick explains that: "The Una Mens are a nearly omniscient council of Fae authority who's sole purpose is to ensure the old laws are followed." As Trick speaks of them, he opens a small box and uses a pair of tongs to lift out what appears to be a large seed and looks at it. When Kenzi asks what the seed is, Trick explains that it is a symbol of the Una Mens and also explains that: "They are descending on our little colony because things have gotten really messy in the last few years." Kenzi comments: "I blame Beaver Fever." Trick then puts the seed away as Kenzi asks if the Una Mens would do something like memory alteration, but Trick tells Kenzi that they would never do something so subtle in nature. Trick then asks Kenzi why she is asking that question and she tells Trick about a new client and that she needs: "a line on a Fae that can cause amnesia." Trick considers a moment and then looks through a card catalog a moment before pulling out a card and handing it to Kenzi, telling her to see Doctor Snook, a Ortenax, a kind of Fish Fae that feeds off memories who moonlights as an "eye doc" and Kenzi calls a : "troutometrist." Kenzi then asks if Trick has heard anything about Lauren. Trick replies: "She tricked Taft after surgery and disobeying the Ash, she abandoned the Light Fae." Kenzi notes that Lauren did save Dyson's life but Trick comments that: "It's always been difficult to figure out what makes Doctor Lewis tick." Kenzi chokes up as she answersL "It's because she's awkward, and formal and shy. The love of her life is dead. Lauren lost Nadia and then had to keep working for the people that killed her. Anyway, she's the only human ally that I've got. Even though I am barely human these days." Trick assures Kenzi that he has people looking for Lauren, but Kenzi scoffs at this calling Trick "Gramps." When she sees the look that Trick is giving her, Kenzi quickly adds: "Trickster... Trick... " and then she makes a half-hearted curtsey and calls Trick "Sir." before she leaves in a hurry, Trick calling after Kenzi to be"careful out there. Evil comes in many faces." Trick then picks up a basket and then sets it upon another one which holds The Wanderer card which Trick is not aware of.

Following a commercial break, Dyson and Kenzi enter the office of Doctor Snook and Dyson asks Janet (Tamsen McDonough), his receptionist if they could see him. She refuses to do so and tells Dyson to leave with Kenzi "before I call the real cops." Kenzi looks at her as does Dyson and they both say "Or?" The next scene is of Janet being pulled into a back room by her ear which Kenzi is tugging on. Dyson and Kenzi then watch Doctor Snook (Gord Rand) speaking to a woman sitting in front of him, her husband nearby. He explains in a calm voice that what she thought she saw her husband doing, cheating on her, really didn't happen. Kenzi scoffs at what he is doing and then Dyson interrupts the Doctor telling him that he messed with the wrong people's memories and they need to talk. After Janet takes the couple away, Snook attempts to leave but both Dyson and Kenzi block his path. Snook then tells them that he: "only does memory extractions, he does not restore them." Then he looks oddly at Kenzi as he says: "Oh but that is some beautiful work." When he is asked what he means, Snook says nothing but Dyson pulls down Kenzi's eyelid to reveal that she too has a Requardo Coil in her eye. After examining Dyson's Requardo Coil, Snook explains that it is not his doing. Kenzi paces around the room as Snook confirms that someone took memories from both Kenzi and Dyson. Dyson comments: "This is disturbing" and Kenzi comments: "Yeah, you're telling me. I could be famous! I could be a Kardashian!" Dyson looks at Kenzi and replies: "You could be shy." Then Dyson asks Snook who would have the power to cause memory loss in both humans and Fae, the answer being "Someone very talented and someone infinitely more powerful than Snook."

The next scene is back at the Dal Riata where Trick explains to Kenzi that: "A memory spell of this magnitude you would need to find and shatter the Requardo Compass." After Kenzi wonders if they can find it on: "eBay? Faeijiji?" Trick explains that the compass was lost off the shores of Madagascar when the Esme Fierce went aground. Trick then continues to explain that he heard of a rumour that someone paid a significant cost to have the ship salvaged. Trick then goes on to explain that a Fae named Engelram, known as The Collector is in possession of the compass. Kenzi comments: "Engelram? Last bash before the Una Mens permanently party poops all over this town Engelram?" When Trick confirms this, Kenzi is devastated noting that Engelram keeps all of his treasures under lock and key. When Trick looks at her in surprise, Kenzi explains that she: "keeps tabs on wealthy Fae dealings. For my science." Kenzi then sends a text to Dyson asking him to try to get a pair of tickets to the party that Engelram is holding, calling it a "shit show." When Trick asks why she isn't thrilled with the idea of attending the party, Kenzi explains that: "Fae? Watching them dance and drink knowing that they beat my kind? That their entire Dark/Light system is hypocritical? No thank you." Kenzi then gathers her things and begins to leave, but Trick asks her if she is forgetting something. Kenzi replies: "We are all forgetting something." Trick then asks Kenzi about his Kingmoor ring. Kenzi then returns to Trick and opens the bag she is carrying, taking out the ring. After Trick asks if she has anything else, Kenzi takes out many items that she was attempting to steal and fence from Trick. After Kenzi finishes, Trick notices the photograph of Bo, picks it up and looks at it. The muscles in his arm begin to clench and then Trick begins to violently shake, seeming to have some kind of seizure. After Trick drops the photograph, he demands that Kenzi tell him everything about her client.

Following another commercial break, Vex (Paul Amos) is seen in his office as the New Morrigan, speaking with a seamstress (Courtney Deelen) and asking how she takes his request for her to make a costume for the new Dark Fae leader and instead seems to be hearing that he wants to look like an "asexual hobo." Vex explains to her that the upcoming ball is the event of the season and Vex's last chance "to get my freak on before the council arrives and puts the moratorium on all of the fun." Vex then uses his powers to demonstrate the kind of fun he is speaking of by forcing the seamstress to place a hot iron against her face. However before he can do so, Dyson barges into the room and yells at Vex to stop what he is doing. Vex regards Dyson, telling him: "You have no authority here Marmaduke." Dyson replies that he sees Vex taking out his "Mommy issues on the hired help." Vex then uses his power to stop Dyson from coming closer, but Dyson reminds Vex that he cannot stop him from shifting into his wolf form and: "Once I'm a wolf, I'm going straight for your throat." Vex replies that he is: "As stubborn as I am well endowed." Vex then lets Dyson go, Dyson then remarking that the photograph of The Morrigan in his office is very nice. Vex comments that he was as surprised as anyone that she had named Vex heir "to the Dark Throne" and it almost brought him to tears but he: "Had to stay strong for Miss Died on the Toilet." Dyson then asks Vex what she would say if she knew that Vex gave his tickets to the Collector's Ball to the Light Fae?" Vex then asks: "Since when have you liked balls?" Dyson tells Vex they need to get something back they lost, but Vex is not at all interested in helping to do so. Dyson then explains that if Vex does not, he might have to tell the Una Mens that Vex "exaggerated the details of young Evony's demise." Vex attempts to be confused by what Dyson is suggesting, but Dyson explains to Vex that he can quite clearly smell Evony, the previous Morrigan "back there in her little cell." Vex insists that Evony died, and Dyson agrees that: "she is rotten alright, but she's not rotting." Dyson taunts Vex, asking if he wasn't man enough to "finish the job." Vex scoffs, telling Dyson he is insane. Dyson notes that while Evony was a worthy foe, and ten times the leader that Vex could ever be, "the good news is if you cough up three tickets to Engelram little shindig and I won't rat you out." Vex then calls his assistant and orders her to give his tickets to Dyson on his way out of the office. Dyson thanks Vex, but tells him that: "I can't guarantee that when I get my memory back I'll let you keep this cushy little job. Or your life." before walking out on Vex. After Dyson leaves, Vex looks at the picture of Evony, telling her to stop being so smug and at the same moment continues to torture the seamstress.

The next scene is of Engelram's party, filled to capacity with dancers and party-goers as Hale and Dyson arrive. Dyson comments "This used to be spirit night." Hale's answer is "I used to be Ash but you don't see me crying... in public." Hale explains to Dyson that every year "one girl gets to meet the elusive Collector" and it isn't because he is rich, it is because Engelram can grant wishes as he is Amphisbaena and as such he will give that one woman her deepest wish. As Dyson looks around, Hale sighs: "I wish my lady would get here."

Kenzi in the meantime is rummaging around her place looking for something to wear to the party. When she becomes frustrated in trying to figure out what she should wear, she calls Lauren and leaves a message in which Kenzi tells Lauren that she knows that their relationship hasn't always been the best, but she could use Lauren's help at the moment and she hopes wherever Lauren is, she is safe and that Lauren will call her back. After Kenzi hangs up, she turns to find Massimo holding a crossbow directly at her. Kenzi asks him: "You better be here to advise on accessories."

Following yet another commercial break,

Questions in this Episode

  • Just how much time has actually passed between the last season and this one? Months? Days? Weeks? It is not clear what it might be.
  • What has each character done in that time frame? Does any of it mean anything to them in the future?
  • Has reality changed as well? The look and feel of the series has a dramatically different look, almost a film noire look to it.
  • Assuming that reality itself has been altered, to what end? Why and how did this happen?
  • Who caused the memory changes?
  • Why did they occur?
  • What happened to Tamsin?
  • Where is Bo?
  • How did Lauren wind up in a cafe as a waitress?
  • Why does Kenzi have 80 thongs anyway?
  • What did Aife do between the last season and this one?
  • Being that Bo not being in "existence" more or less, changed everyone's relationship, actions, and where their lives went, did her not being in that reality, if it is a different one, really make that much of a change to the entire, as it seems, world?
  • Now that they all remember Bo, what happens now? It appeared that reality didn't change when their memories were returned.
  • Vex imprisoned The Morrigan but to what end? He would be well aware of her need for revenge on him if, and or when, she escapes, so why keep her alive? Wouldn't have been safer to kill her?
  • What are the Una Mens? What is their power? Are they responsible for the reality change that seems to have happened?
  • As there is no Ash currently, will there be one? Is it possible that Hale might be the Ash once more?
  • Assuming that Hale does not become The Ash again, what will he do? Will he return to the police force, which appears to have happened in this episode, and thus push Tamsin out of her position as Dyson's partner?
  • What is the deal that Kenzi made with Massimo? How did she get herself into that deal?
  • Where is Bruce?
  • Assuming that Hale and Dyson are aware that Kenzi made a deal with Massimo, why haven't they done something about it?
  • What happened that took Dyson off the police force?

Answers in this Episode

  • From the beginning of the episode, it is obvious that Kenzi has made a deal with Massimo in order to have Far powers, but that deal, whatever it is, did not make Kenzi actually Fae.
  • According to Kenzi's comment at the beginning of the episode, based on Aife's information, Bo is 30 years old.
  • Apparently, according to Aife, Succubi can heal all of the signs of their giving birth so there is no physical evidence of them having done so.
  • Aife confirms in this episode that Bo was named for Aife's mother, Isabeau.
  • The presence of a Requardo Coil, which is a dark patch found in the eye of a Fae, usually in the lower part of their eye is evidence that the Fae's memories have been altered. There appears to be no real world match in either fact or lore to this.
  • Apparently Dyson survived Tamsin's truck going over the cliff by shifting into his wolf form, but has no idea where Tamsin is.
  • According to Aife, the period in time of this episode happens around Fleet Week which is the traditional name given for the event when Naval vessels recently deployed in overseas operations dock in a city for one week.
  • According to Trick: "The Una Mens are a nearly omniscient council of Fae authority who's sole purpose is to ensure the old laws are followed."
  • Also according to Trick, the reason why the Una Mens are coming is that: "things have gotten really messy in the last few years."
  • Trick refers to where they all live as a "little colony."
  • An Ortenax is a kind of Fish Fae that feeds on memories. In myths and legends, The Ortenax was a fish found only in the Euphrates river. It was said that anyone holding a bone of this fish lost their memory.
  • Before the return of memories, Nadia was killed by The Ash and then Lauren was forced to continue to work for The Ash.
  • Before the return of memories, Hale and Dyson were both romantically linked with Kenzi.
  • Before the return of memories, Aife was not insane.
  • Before the return of memories, Lauren had disappeared and taken on a new identity as a waitress and changed her hair colour to red.
  • Before the return of memories, Vex took the title of Morrigan from the previous Morrigan, telling the world that she had died but in fact she was imprisoned within Vex's office.
  • Before the return of memories, and afterwards, both Bo and Tamsin's whereabouts are unknown.
  • It appeared that Dyson was no longer on the police force, at least in how he was spoken to by Janet in the doctor's office.
  • The Requardo Compass was lost when the Esme Fierce sank off of Madagascar. There appears to be no real world relationship to this event.
  • An Amphisbaena in the Lost Girl universe is a kind of snake Far who can grant wishes. There is a real world myth of the Amphisbaena, you can find out more here.


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on November 15th, 2013. You can find that review here. She gave it ??? pitchforks out of 5.

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