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==Questions in this Episode==
==Questions in this Episode==
*How did Hades manage to get Tamsin out of the window in her room? It wasn't exactly the largest thing, Tamsin must have struggled with him at some point as well.
*As Vex survived the attack, if unable to talk, will he be talking in the finale or not? If he can, how is that going to be accomplished? Vex has never been seen to have a rapid healing ability.
*Being that Tamsin described her child as feeling like an eel inside of her, does this mean the child isn't fully human?
*Why was Kenzi carrying around Bo's horseshoe? Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense for Bo to keep it with her?
*Interestingly, Bo continued to delay and make plans throughout the episode, only really being focused when she was in possession of the horseshoe.
*As of this episode, the favour that Kenzi owes Evony has not been repaid. Is it ever going to be or is this one of those plot lines that will remain forever dangling?
*It's not clear what good it would have done for Evony to hold Lou Ann. What possibly use could she be in hurting, harming, or killing Bo?

==Answers in this Episode==
==Answers in this Episode==

Revision as of 18:49, 21 October 2015

Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
"Let Them Burn"
Lost Girl episode
Hades gloats as Bo sits upon her throne
Episode no. Season 5
Episode 15
Overall Episode 76
Directed by Mairzee Almas
Written by Sandra Chwialkowska
Produced by Wendy Grean
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Ben Wilkinson
Production Code 515
Original Air Date October 18, 2015 (2015-10-18)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Guest Actors

Ksenia Solo - Kenzi
Rachel Skarsten - Tamsin
Paul Amos - Vex
Emmanuelle Vaugier - Evony
Eric Roberts - Hades
Luke Bilyk - Mark
Marie Ward - Lou Ann

Episode Chronology
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"Follow the Yellow Trick Road"
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Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Bo discovers the truth about the Pyrippus and then makes a choice which endangers her Family and plays into Hades' hands

SuccuWiki Rating: 0.0 (0.0)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Let Them Burn was the fifteenth episode of the fifth season of the series, and the seventy-sixth overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on October 18, 2015 at 9 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 5
  • Episode Number: 15 (76th Overall)
  • Episode Title: Let Them Burn
  • Directed by: Mairzee Almas
  • Writing credits: Sandra Chwialkowska
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: October 18, 2015 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: Not Released
  • Number of American Viewers: Not Released


A promotional Image of the Season Five cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Anna Silk as Bo, Zoie Palmer as Lauren, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson and Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Rachel Skarsten Tamsin
Paul Amos Vex
Emmanuelle Vaugier Evony
Eric Roberts Hades
Luke Bilyk Mark
Marlaina Andre Cynthia
Marie Ward Lou Ann
Sam Malkin Dark Fae Elder #1
Shakura S-Aida Dark Fae Elder #2
Jon De Leon Dark Fae Elder #3
Anthony Sherwood Light Fae Elder #1
Dalal Badr Light Fae Elder #2
Brenda Kamino Light Fae Elder #3

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
Downtown Whitehorse Written by Luke Doucet
Romance Courtesy of APM Music
String Quartet in G Major 2nd Movement Courtesy of APM Music


Short Summary

Kenzi and Bo find Vex critically injured and Tamsin missing. Vex survives, but cannot speak as his vocal cords were damaged. Kenzi suggests that all of Hades' victims were all connected to Bo and they need to learn more about Bo’s past and then Vex gives them a message that Bo’s midwife is alive and they need to see Evony to learn more. Bo and Kenzi learn that Evony has Bo’s midwife and she is working for Evony at a Fae horse ranch. Bo and Kenzi go to the horse ranch and Lou Ann confirms that Trick was the one that rescued her. When Bo talks about the Pyrippus, Lou Ann takes Bo and Kenzi to a stallion on the ranch. Bo calms the stallion, then discovers that the horseshoe does not fit. Bo then realizes that Hades is trying to control and make her submit in the same way that Lou Ann was trying to control the stallion. When Bo realizes this, she makes the connection that she is the Pyrippus. Bo then decides to face Hades, to give him what he wants from her, that of Bo surrendering to him, submitting to him.

Hades has imprisoned Tamsin, treating her in the same way that he did Aife, mentally abusing her and forcing Tamsin to resist him, but Hades tells Tamsin that she will not be able to stop him from taking Tamsin’s baby from her. Hades also clipped Tamsin’s wings. Bo goes to Hades, and finds Tamsin there, imprisoned. Bo tells Hades she came to him because she wanted to and that he should release Tamsin, however Hades reveals that Valkyrie die in childbirth and that is the fate of Tamsin. Bo then tells Hades she will side with him, but Hades demands that Bo kill her remaining friends to prove that she is his.

Dyson and Mark return to the Dal Riata, Dyson intending to call the most powerful Fae in the world together, but only calling the Light Fae, not the Dark. The Light Fae and the Dark Fae that appear confront each other, not trusting one another. Mark and Dyson come to blows over Mark’s decision to call both sides, Mark calling Dyson a coward. Mark has his first shift, becoming a black panther. Dyson then tells Mark to choose Light or Dark, Mark refusing to do so. Dyson then takes control of the situation, demanding that all Fae work together, revealing that Trick was the Blood King. The two sides agree to work together, to band against Hades.

Bo pours gasoline over her home, then calls her friends there who are trapped in the fire that she has set to the approval of Hades. Hades shows Bo a throne, having her take her place there as the episode ends.

Detailed Summary

The episode opens with a recap of the previous episode including: Bo being seen in her coma while Lauren and Dyson comment that Bo's mind couldn't accept the trauma of finding Trick and Aife dead in Hades' condominium. Tamsin telling Lauren that she is having a baby, followed by Lauren telling Dyson that he did not fail Trick, but Dyson only seeing his failure. Kenzi is then seen shaking Bo, trying to make her come out of her coma followed by Bo whispering "He's gone. Trick's really gone." Hades is then seen slitting Vex's throat, telling him to give Bo a message from him, Vex then falling to the floor, clutching his throat and convulsing.

The episode begins with a trail of fire along pavement that is then shown to lead towards Bo's home which is on fire. Kenzi (Ksenia Solo), Lauren (Zoie Palmer), Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) and Mark (Luke Bilyk) are then seen inside of the building, surrounded by the fire and trapped. As the group stands in the middle of the room they are in, the ceiling begins to collapse around them, making the situation worse. Dyson calls out: "Where's Bo?", Kenzi yelling: "She's supposed to be here!" then calling out for Bo. Lauren offers that Bo must be upstairs and the group rush towards the stairway, finding it full of fire, the walls and ceiling slowly collapsing. Kenzi cries: "I'm not leaving without her!" and attempts to rush up the stairs, but Dyson stops her, telling Kenzi it is far too dangerous. Mark calls out that they need to leave, but the exits have all either collapsed, are full of fire, or otherwise impassable. Kenzi whispers: "What the hell?" looks at the fire and then adds: "He did this." Lauren tells Kenzi: "We're completely trapped." Kenzi tells the others: "Jack did this!" The scene then shifts back outside, the camera moving slowly backwards until Bo (Anna Silk) is seen standing at the foot of the fire trail leading to her home, watching the fires and saying nothing.

Following the opening credits, we return, twentty-hout hours earlier to find Kenzi in Bo's home, trying to cook and setting off the fire detector. As Kenzi rushes to take what she was cooking out of the toaster oven, she calls out: "Bo? You're off carbs right?" then using a broom to try to move the smoke away from the fire detector, before using the broom to smash it and turn it off. Kenzi tells Bo: "You just got out of a coma. You should be on a liquid diet anyway." Bo then enters the room, thanking Kenzi, but adding: "You don't have to stick around." Kenzi is shocked and tells Bo: "Dude? Are you kidding me? You just lost Trick and Aife." Bo replies: "And Jack's not going to stop. But I don't want to drag you into this. You left for a very good reason." Kenzi pointedly tells Bo: "I came back for a very good reason. I went to Spain to get away from the Fae, not from my bestie." Bo and Kenzi look at each other, then Kenzi continues: "Besides, this crack shack will always be home." Kenzi then asks Bo what she is planning and Bo replies that she doesn't know but she does know it involves the Pyrippus. Bo continues: "Mythology says it is Hades' Hell Horse and I just have to find it." Kenzi tells Bo: "We gotta find it." Kenzi rests her head on Bo's shoulder a moment, then tells Bo she is going to check on Tamsin, commenting: "See if preggo wants some Eggo." Bo continues to look at some artwork of the Pyrippus as Kenzi leaves the room.

Kenzi is then seen walking up the stairs to Tamsin's room, covering her face with a towel and calling out: "Hey Tamsin! Better not see any stretch marks dude, you know how baby bumps freak me out Alien-styles." When Kenzi lowers the towel, she finds Vex (Paul Amos) laying on the floor in a pool of blood, one hand clutching his throat and unresponsive. As Kenzi presses the towel on Vex's wound, she cries out for Bo and tells Vex: "Okay. Hang on, hang on buddy, hang on." Bo races upstairs and after seeing what has happened to Vex makes a phone call, but as she waits for it to be answered, Bo looks out the open window in the room and whispers: "Oh Tamsin."

The scene then moves to a room elsewhere, where Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) is being held in a similar cage as Hades used when he held Aife prisoner, a baby's crib being shown outside of the cage, empty. As Tamsin sits on the floor, leaning against one corner of the cage, Hades (Eric Roberts) enters the room and asks: "So... How are we doing this morning?" Tamsin does not look at him as she growls: "Knock me up, lock me up, and now you want to chat?" Hades idly comments: "Oh baby, you look tired. Have you been having trouble sleeping?" Tamsin continues to refuse to look at Hades, answering: "What do you think?" Hades continues: "I think you need to take care of yourself. You're about to become a momma. Which means you need to learn to put the baby's needs ahead of your own." Tamsin then looks at Hades, answering: "So you can raise it to be a demon child? If this baby grows up to be anything like Bo, you're out of luck. Raising her to be your 'agent of darkness' didn't really pan out did it?" Hades shrugs this off, telling Tamsin: "Well, that's why I chose a different breed for the mother. Someone that can better serve my needs." Tamsin looks away and whispers: "I think I'm going to throw up." Hades taunts: "Morning sickness, huh?" Tamsin growls: "General disgust." Hades ignores this, continuing: "Well. if it's alright with you, I'd like to do a biophysical profile, check the amniotic fluid, make sure everything is okay with my baby." Tamsin stares at Hades, then pulls herself off the floor and warns him: "Last time I checked, this was my body so don't, for one second, think this baby is yours." Hades is nonplussed and replies: "Ah... That's the spunk I love." Hades then walks away, Tamsin on the edge of tears, she then kicking the bars of her cage in anger.

Lauren (Zoie Palmer), Bo and Kenzi are then seen talking about Vex as he lays in Lauren's clinic, Lauren explaining: "His vocal cords were severed, but his arteries weren't cut, it's the only reason he's still alive." Bo rushes up to Vex, demanding to know if Hades had attacked him, Kenzi asking Vex if he knows where Tamsin is. Dyson then appears and asks Vex if Hades took Tamsin. Lauren interrupts them, reminding them all that Vex cannot speak before handing Vex a small writing pad and a marker to write with. When Bo asks who attacked him, Vex writes: "Guess." Kenzi sighs: "Guess that means Jack." Dyson comments that Hades must have Tamsin then as well before Bo adds: "She's all alone with him just like my mother was. Who knows what he's done to her." Dyson then turns away, intent on confronting Hades, but Bo reminds Dyson they tried attacking Hades directly and it failed. Dyson insists they cannot leave Tamsin with Hades and Bo tries to make Dyson understand that: "You can't just walk in there, that's how people get killed. We have to be smart." Dyson considers this and then agrees with Bo, turning away as he adds: "But I can't just sit here." As Dyson leaves, Vex attempts to use his powers to make Lauren give him more painkillers, but after Lauren tells Vex he can't "just have it happen", Vex releases her and Lauren increases the dosage that Vex is getting through his IV, commenting: "Turning me into an enabler." Kenzi then shows Bo the horseshoe she had received from Zeus and asks Bo if it is the answer. Bo explains: "I don't know what Jack's planning, but I think it has something to do with the Pyrippus and I think that horseshoe can control it." Kenzi suggests: "What you do say we go get this crazy horse?" Bo replies: "We need to come up with a plan." Kenzi then muses: "Okay. Trick, Aife, Vex, Tamsin. All of Jack's victims have one thing in common. All roads lead to Bo." Bo seems not to hear what Kenzi is saying, continuing to comment: "Whatever he is planning... Whatever was his end game, he's been planning it from the moment I was born." Lauren wonders: "If that's true, then who else would know? Who was there at your birth?" Kenzi ponders: "Aife. The nurse..." Bo sighs: "Everyone with answers is dead." Vex then writes on his pad: "Midwife alive" Bo is shocked, asking how Vex could know that and the next message reads: "Ask Evony"

The scene then moves to an upper class home where a doorman opens the main doors to allow both Kenzi and Bo to enter. Kenzi looks around and comments: "This is where Evony lives now? Damn girl." As they walk the hallway, Bo tells Kenzi: "Just so you know, she's really sick. She might not look like her Morrigan self." Kenzi snaps her fingers: "Her Karma's a bitch disease. Got it." Kenzi is then served a drink by a maid, who Kenzi thanks, but Bo kindly refuses. After taking a sip, Kenzi comments: "Fresh mimosas. Respect." then adds: "Her butler has a butler." Off in the distance, Evony's voice is heard: "I would like to thank the Board of Directors who toiled so hard to put together this fundraiser." Bo and Kenzi enter the room where Evony (Emmanuelle Vaugier) is speaking to see an assembled group of women there. Evony continues to speak, calling out several individual's names before ending with her thanks for the success of the gathering and adding: "Your support is crucial for finding a cure for this disease." Bo and Kenzi stare at Evony, amazed at how she appears to be, not seeming to be obviously suffering from her curse, Kenzi commenting: "She doesn't look all that sick to me." Bo answering: "No kidding." Evony then notes Bo and Kenzi there and introduces Bo and Kenzi as "special guests", adding they are just in time for High Tea. Bo comments to Kenzi: "Tamsin is missing. I don't exactly have an appetite." Kenzi reminds Bo they need answers and: "It looks like we're going to have to high tea to get them."

After the first commercial break, we return to find

Questions in this Episode

  • How did Hades manage to get Tamsin out of the window in her room? It wasn't exactly the largest thing, Tamsin must have struggled with him at some point as well.
  • As Vex survived the attack, if unable to talk, will he be talking in the finale or not? If he can, how is that going to be accomplished? Vex has never been seen to have a rapid healing ability.
  • Being that Tamsin described her child as feeling like an eel inside of her, does this mean the child isn't fully human?
  • Why was Kenzi carrying around Bo's horseshoe? Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense for Bo to keep it with her?
  • Interestingly, Bo continued to delay and make plans throughout the episode, only really being focused when she was in possession of the horseshoe.
  • As of this episode, the favour that Kenzi owes Evony has not been repaid. Is it ever going to be or is this one of those plot lines that will remain forever dangling?
  • It's not clear what good it would have done for Evony to hold Lou Ann. What possibly use could she be in hurting, harming, or killing Bo?

Answers in this Episode


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on October 23, 2015. You can find that review here. She gave it ??? pitchforks out of 5.

External Links